tales from Belwood: early day...

By crystal_pro_2024

1.8K 69 0

with summer having come to an end, and ben having his biggest battle yet, he will have to adjust to life back... More

Episode 1: back to Bellwood.
Episode 2 - first day.
Episode 3 - paying a little visit.
Episode 4 - animo's new Evo
Episode 5 - A talk.
episode 6 - trying to fit in.
Episode 7 - the evo in the classroom.
Episode 8 - checkup.
Episode 9 - battle by the beach.
Episode 10 - providence
Chapter 11 - a history lesson.
Chapter 12 - a charming experience.
Episode 13 - camping in the woods.
Episode 14 - the fastest racer.
Episode 15 - a Xingo to far.
Episode 16 - Evos around the world.
Episode 17 - chase through Bellwood.
Episode 18 - nobody will talk about the weather.
Episode 19 - one last dance.
Episode 20 - escape from Abysus.
episode 21 - new roommate
Episode 22 - adventures in adrenaland.
Episode 23 - student film.
Episode 24 - the nemesis of nemeses
Episode 25 - heroes unite (again)
Episode 26 - trouble in Hong Kong part 1: the old gang.
Episode 27 - trouble in Hong Kong part 2: a decibel to high.
Episode 28 - snowed in.
Episode 29 - providence check in.
Episode 31 - a muddy reception
Episode 32 - Movie night
Episode 33 - wishing to be home alone
Episode 34 - trip to MT rushmore
Episode 35 - forever hunted
Episode 36 - into the T.A.P
Episode 37 - what lies beneath.
Episode 38 - preperations.
Episode 39 - a plan in action.
Episode 40 - downtime
Episode 41 - trapped in providence.
Episode 42 - the werewolf.
Episode 43 - what's up with the watch.
Episode 44 - dimensional disruption part 1: when the bens attack.
Episode 45 - dimensional disruption part 2: breached.
Episode 46 - the trouble in Abysus
Episode 47 - starting to assemble an army.
Episode 48 - basic training.
Episode 49 - let me out.
Episode 50 - expanding the force.
Episode 51 - let's not Forgetie about this.
Episode 52 - the history of the nanite event.
Episode 53 - double agent.
Episode 54 - bringing everything to an end.

Episode 30 - breached

24 0 0
By crystal_pro_2024

With another snow day coming to a close. The group look outside to see the snow fading. Ben immediately rushes out and looks through his active playlist. Trying to find the right alien to have fun in all the snow with. He eventually changes into Cannonbolt, and he jumps into the snow with everybody not far behind him.

Rex: how can you roll so fast in snow?

Ben: I've had practice up in the north pole.

Circe: you know, I've stopped questioning everything you've done over the summer.

Gwen: yeah, we did do a lot for 3 months' worth of a summer.

Ben continues to roll through the snow as he creates a path for the group, going all the way to the skate park where they find it empty. Or rather missing.

Rex: now I could be wrong, I have only been here for like 3 months, but wasn't there a skate park here before?

Ben: it looks like it's been ripped out.

Gwen: you don't think some Evo did this to this place do you?

Circe: providence would be all over this if it was some kind of Evo. What about an alien?

Ben: well, we haven't really heard much about those plumbers.

Gwen: we can investigate it later. Let's head out to the hills in the park. I'm sure we could get some sledding going.

They head over to the park to find parts of it missing as ben times out a return to normal.

Ben: you could at least pretend that you have a consistent time limit.

Gwen: ok, this is becoming a patter. What's the likely hood that even the school is missing?

Rex: I don't know but we should really head over there then.

He creates his rex ride and the four of them get on, rex struggling to keep it above the ground, but they arrive at the school to see a giant red breach over it as it's swallowed.

Circe: where are you breach?

She's swallowed by a breach as breach reviles herself. Rex builds his B.F.S and the omnitrix shoots it's self-up and ben smacks down on it and he transforms into Diamondhead. Armoring up.

Ben: what have you done with her?

He charges at breach forming a giant diamond blade as his blade is cut off with a breach with the rest of his body being sent through a different breach. Rex being next and last.

When Circe wakes up, she's surrounded by floating buildings, and she was resting on a small chunk of floating land.

Circe: where am I?

She tried to walk around and as she jumped from the small patch of land, she found herself attached to the side of the building.

Circe: the gravity here seems to be way off. I wonder if I can...

She walks to one of the other faces of the building and she stuck to it. However, she heard a voice coming from all around her. Almost hearing it many times, each just a second apart.

Voice: you know where you are. You've been here before.

Meanwhile rex has woke up and found himself in the missing skatepark, attached to the wall of the half pipe. He builds his boogie pack, and he tries to fly away only for him to get into the air and find many different pieces of land and buildings filling the horizon and he felt himself get disorientated as he quickly landed on a hill.

Rex: ok this is weird.

Voice: look at you, the last hope to humanity.

Rex: who's there?

He builds his smack hands and looks around as breach leaves, going to the only person left.

Finally, ben wakes up, still as omni-kix diamond head and he wakes up on a small crystal platform of his own creation.

Ben: what is this place?

He finds much of the same as the others and immediately jumps around from building to building.

Ben: this is just like the null void. Did she send me to the null void? If she did how am I supposed to get out of here.

He jumps onto a building and runs to one of its other faces. He clung himself to the wall using spikes he formed in the heels of his feet and he switches to omni-naught diamond head and he tries to fly away, finding out the hard way this this place was disorientating and flying was a no go.

Voice: aw, look at the little hero who can't even save himself.

He turns around to find breach behind him and as he turned around to catch onto her, he spots in his helmet that the gravity in this place was all out of watch and that this wasn't earth anymore.

Ben: all right breach, where did you take me?

Breach: somewhere fun, for me. You're all just dolls in my doll house. A place to put all of my shiny things.

Ben: you think I'm some shiny thing for you to play with?

He looks at his exposed diamonds and back at her.

Ben: I bet this place is keeping me stuck as diamond head, isn't it?

Breach: I don't know how that watch of yours work, but if it is then it's all the better. Especially since you think you're a big hero when you're nothing more child with a fancy watch.

Ben: I've heard this all before. What do you plan on doing?

Breach: look around you hero, how do you plan on getting out of this one? You fancy suit doesn't work here. And your watch is breaking on you again.

She exits through a breach and reapers next to Circe where Circe tries screeching at her, breach opening up a breach and the screech is sent back to Circe who is knocked over.

Breach: are you happy? You've left your cause and you've left your family behind.

Circe: you aren't my family.

Breach: but we are. I'm the one who showed van Kleiss that you could be useful in our endeavor to let Evo's run freely.

Circe: he wants to rule over them, you want to toy with everybody.

Breach: and you're any different?

Circe: I want to be able to live side by side with the humans. I knew we can.

Breach: not all of us are like you and him. Not all of us can just blend in with them.

Circe: I know, and I want to change that for the better.

Breach: so, do we.

Circe: get out of here breach before I do something we'll both regret.

Breach: have fun here. I know I'm having fun.

She then breaches over to rex, him feeling a chill crawl up his back.

Rex: so, you've decided to come back?

Breach: you think your humanities only hope for a cure to the Evo outbreak, but you know you aren't.

Rex: what are you talking about?

Breach: you can't cure them all.

Rex: I know, but I can try

Breach: but for how long?

Rex finally spots her, and he forms his slam cannon as it eats part of the ground, he shoots it at breach who just smiles and jumps out of the way as it crashes into the building she was standing on.

Finally, she returns to the real world where she finds Noah had joined Gwen as they had gotten into glitch and they were driving around, hoping to find breach. Breach appeared in front of them and created and infinite stretch of road that they were driving across.

Glitch: I am sorry Gwen, but it appears that something is wrong with the road.

Gwen: no, it's what we've been looking for.

Noah: where are they breach?

Breach: how do you plan on making me talk?

Noah: you know she has a good point. What where we planning on doing?

Gwen: I didn't even think we were going to find her.

However, as they deliberate on what to do, Kevin jumps in as quadsmack and he holds her four arms back. Breach tried to open up a breach, but without access to her arms she isn't able to make one big enough to slip out of.

Kevin: now you're going to bring them back or I'm going to change into hot shot and burn you to a crisp.

Gwen: isn't that a little harsh?

Kevin: please remind me where your cousin is?

Breach smirks as she opens breaches and the three fall out of it. Kevin still holding onto breach as breach formed a breach on top of his antitrix and it falls through the breach.

Breach: if I close this breach, you'll never get your precious watch back.

Kevin reluctantly let's go of her and she breaches back to abysys leaving Kevin on top of the building as he changes back to normal, looking at his antitrix and holding it tightly.

Gwen: are you guys, ok?

Ben: she tried to mess with us.

Rex: she tried to get in our heads.

Circe: and I think she wasn't sent by van Kleiss to do it. I think she just wanted to mess with us. Something to help her pass the time.

Ben: well, consider me creeped out.

Gwen: are you still diamond head, or did you change into him at some point?

Ben: oh yeah, I never did time out while we were in there. How long where we in there anyway?

Noah: according to Gwen, 20 minutes.

Ben: the original time limit was 10 minutes on this thing.

Gwen: maybe it froze your time limited while you were in there.

He times out and Kevin joins the group.

Gwen: didn't expect Kevin to jump in at the last moment to save you guys though.

Ben: Kevin saved us?

Circe: you give him to little credit.

Kevin: I have my own reasons.

Rex: and those are...?

Kevin: I don't have to tell you shorty.

Noah: yeah, whatever. So, did you find out what happened to the skatepark?

Rex: she took it, and a lot of other things. There in some weird space where gravity was just weird.

Ben: it kind of felt like the null void.

Gwen: didn't you say the null void was a pocket dimension?

Ben: a prison pocket dimension.

Gwen: then I bet that she has a pocket dimension that only she can access.

Rex: how can nanites let her do that?

Circe: so, she can open up breaches and that's fine, but using them to get to a pocket dimension is weird?

Noah: you know what, I just want to enjoy the winter vacation. How about we just go and have a snowball fight or something. What do you say Kevin?

He looks over at Kevin who has started walking off.

Circe: we'll catch up guys.

She walks off to catch up to Kevin who had walked behind a building as he looked at his antitrix. She walked next to him and just stood there.

Circe: what's up Kevin?

Kevin: I've got nothing to say.

Circe: I know that look, because I've had that look. Something's comes up and it's bothering you.

Kevin sighed as he sat down on the dirty floor of the back ally, they were in.

Kevin: I saw him.

Circe: your old boss?

Kevin: yeah, I saw forever knight. I thought I had ditched him in that time tunnel but now I know that his helmet made it out of the that tunnel, and it was looking for a host. And then he talked to me through the reflection in Gwen's house. He's back and he's found me and...

Circe: you don't know what to do, do you?

Kevin: I know that if he does show up, I'm going to take him down, but I won't be the only one he's after.

Circe: you should tell the others, if we help you...

Kevin: I don't want your help. Or their help.

Circe: what if it just stays between you and me. You've got to have someone to watch your back.

Kevin: you're not going to stop pestering me about it till I say yes, are you?

Circe: no, I'll stop pestering you. I'd just go and pester the others about it. That enough of a deciding factor for you?

Kevin: all right, you can help. But if we're doing this, we're going to need his helmet.

Circe: well, I might have a way of getting it undetected. Phill and everybody else are going to be at this wedding in two days. Do you think that'll give you enough time to get his helmet?

Kevin: that should work perfectly.

Circe: let me know when you get it, and we'll figure out what to do with it from there.

Kevin nods as she forms a snowball and throws it at him.

Circe: now come on, let's go and enjoy the snow.

Kevin responds by turning into undertow and creating a snowball from his green slime and he shot it at Circe, and she responds by throwing another at him as they met with the others for a super powered snowball fight.

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