That Pretty Fake Smile

By Iam_Riu_

14.9K 796 195

"Cyrus, let's build a snowman together on Christmas" ... "Cyrus, Will you visit my... More

|1|-A big day
|2|-Just enemies
|3|-'Family' Dinner
|5|-Long Drive
|6|-Weeks passed
|7|-Talk over tea
|12|-He is trying
|13|-Best friends
|17|-Date ruined
|19|-Long slumber
|20|-He is awake
|21|-Wrong Person
|22|- brat
|24|-Heart says
|26|-I love you
|27|-I am sorry
|28|-Give me a chance
|30| Date
|31| Jail
|32| More than ily
|33| Truth or Drink
|34| Intimacy
|36| proposal?
|37| meet up
|38| Zayn
|39| Zack
|40| Thomas
|41| leaving

|35| Weird

209 12 1
By Iam_Riu_

Cyrus's POV
I feel heavy weight on my waist. What the hell is that? And why does my pillow feel so hard? I punched my pillow two times to soften it and heard a groan. What? Did my pillow just groan? I yawned and half opened my eyes. Chest? I was sleeping on someone's chest. I looked up and saw Zayn sleeping peacefully. The sunlight coming from the window was making his body and face shine. He looks breathtaking.

Ohh, it's just Zayn. I closed my eyes again and buried my face in his chest again.

Wait- what?! My eyes shot open.

Why are we cuddling?! He has his one arm under my head and other on my waist, while I am face to face with his chest. Why isn't he wearing a shirt? Why am I on his bed? My cheeks were red as beetroot. I was totally freaking out then memories of last night rush in my head.

He gave me a blowjob.....

A loud gasp escaped my mouth . I quickly got up and ran in the bathroom. I took off my shirt and pants. My whole body was covered with hickeys. My neck, chest, inner thighs. How am I going to hide these red marks on my neck?

But.... Wow, we did it last night. Too bad I fell asleep early and we couldn't do more. Ahhhhh! It was amazing!! Everything was magical. Just remember last night is making me blush. The way his lips kissed every part of my body, the way he was looking at me last night like I am some kind of art piece, the way his hands traveled on my body. That sparkling feeling is still running through my body. Everything was magical.

"Ugh.. My head hurts" I turned around and looked at him

He didn't notice that I was also here yet. He looked up at me and his eyes widened. I expected him to say something but he just kept staring at me with a blank face. I smiled and waved awkwardly.


"What are you doing here? A-and why are you naked in my bathroom? Is the guest room's bathroom tap not working?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He kept his eyes on floor, not once he looked up.

"You don't remember?" I asked sadly

Last night was so beautiful. He said so many sweet and possessive things. It was so special to me. I will never forget it and he doesn't even remember.

"Last night? No? Why? W-wait, why are you covered in hickeys?" he asked staring at my neck. He looks stunned.

"You gave them, you piece of shit. Last night. You really don't remember?!" I asked angrily

"I-i.. I?" he asked, looking surprised

"Yes, you" I replied glaring at him

I was hoping of continuing what we left unfinished last night but he doesn't even remember. Asshole.

His face went from shock to terrified. He opened his mouth to say something but instead he ran toward the toilet seat and started puking in.

What the hell?

I go behind him, scared. Is he okay? What happened suddenly? I held his hair back and rubbed his back.

"You okay?" I asked once he stopped

"W-we had sex last night" he mumbled under his breath looking scared and gagged.

"calm down Zayn. It's okay"

What happened to him suddenly. He is scaring me. Is he okay? Why does he look so terrified?

Once he stopped puking, I gave him tissue paper and he cleaned his mouth with shaky hands.

"Are you okay now?" I asked

"No... I am not. We had sex last night. I.. We.. I just.. " he trailed off

"you regret what happened last night?" I asked quietly

"No I don't regret what happened. It's... I don't know how to explain it... I am sorry I am freaking out. I am sorry for hurting you by behaving like this. It's just..." he starts breathing heavily

"hey, hey, it's okay. Don't panic. Everything is okay. We didn't have sex. It was just a blowjob. It's okay. Just breathe babe. Just breathe" I hugged him and continue to rub his back

"Yeah, I am okay" he mumbles more to himself

After few deep breaths when he calmed down, I took him back to room. We sat on bed and ready to have the conversation.

"So....." I trailed off waiting for him to explain why he freaked out so much

"So....." he copied me

I am not even sure anymore if he is doing this purposely or is really dumb but he knows how to get on my nerves.

"Explain why you freaked out bastard" I snapped

"Ohh" that's all he said before going silent again

I patiently waited for him to say something but when even after 5 minutes he didn't say anything keep playing with the hem of his shirt, I get annoyed.

"Zayn" I said, keeping my calm

"huh?" he moved his graze from floor to my eyes

I waited for him to say but he keeps staring at me.

It's okay. Keep calm. Don't get angry. Keep calm. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

"Zayn, I asked something" I said, urging him to say something

"Hmm, by the way what do you want for breakfast. Pancakes?" he asked innocently, trying to change the topic

"why did you freak out?" I asked sternly

"I.. I want to eat ice cream for breakfast. I will ask danny to bring some. Which flavor do you like?" he asked, fidgeting with his fingers

Okay. Enough. I smacked his head. He let out a slam ouch and hold his head in his hand.

"My head is still not healed completely dumbass. Don't hit there" he said and groaned afterward

"Ohh shit. I am sorry. I totally forgot about the accident" I genuinely apologized

"It's fine. Do you like vanilla? That's my favorite" he said

"O God! You are so annoying" I exclaimed

"Hehe, thanks for the compliment" he grinned widely at me

I looked down at lips and flashbacks came rushing in my mind. They felt soft and amazing pressed against mine and he sure know how to use that tongue well. The way his tongue was tangled with mine, the way it swirled around mine. His soft lips were leaving sensual kisses on every part of my body. Just thinking about last night is giving me a boner.
I wish I would have stayed up a little longer and he had fuc-

"Cyrus" he called my name and waved his hand in front of my face which broke my inappropriate thoughts.

"I am going to take a shower. You should go too" he said, getting up

"Wait-" I got up too, as he turned toward me I grab him by neck and pulled his face closer to mine "-good morning kiss" I connected our lips together

He was hesitant at first but then kissed me back. I was just thinking of a sweet soft kiss but he grabbed my waist pulled me closer to him and kissed me more aggressively.

Now when I feel his naked body against mine, I remembered we both are wearing nothing else except trunks. I could feel every part of his body. Every part, I repeat. I slid my hands down from his neck to the border of his boxers. He grabbed my hands and suddenly pulled away.

"I have to go to company. I should take a shower now otherwise I will be late" he let out a nervous laugh and run inside the bathroom.

"Don't think I will forget. We are going to have the conversation soon" I shouted from outside

I looked down at my dick, who was giving me a standing ovation and sighed. How could he leave him like this? At least have some mercy on this poor guy down there.


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