Love Don't Change..Odell Beck...

By melaninX_

1.2M 34.3K 13.6K

Danielle has been through hell and back with relationships after finally leaving her ex fiance who was always... More

A|N .
Yass boo Yass
Sequel Posted


18.9K 558 161
By melaninX_

Odell POV

The next morning was dreadful..I only slept for an hour. I was way too worried about my Babygirl. I walked into the dining room where the cops had all these laptops and wires set up trying to track shit down. Jarvis wasn't here and Dani was still asleep so I was alone...well besides the cops and I don't wanna talk to they asses unless it's about my daughter being okay!

"Y'all find anything yet?" I asked leaning on the wall.

"Nothing yet.." The detective sighed.

I shook my head and walked away, I needed to talk to Jarvis..but he wasn't even here. I sat next to Danielle and laid my head on her.

"Where's Jarvis?" She mumbled.

"I don't even know." I shrugged.

She kissed my forehead. "She'll be okay..we will get her back I promise ."

Hailey POV

I was in a dark room...I couldn't see anything. I wanted to go home! I miss my daddy and Dani..I walked over to the door and started banging.

"LET ME OUT!!!!!" I screamed.
"I WANNA GO HOME!!!!" I kicked the door multiple times.

The door swung open and somebody slapped me really hard.


He threw me over his shoulder and carried me down a hallway...

"I wanna go home!! I want my daddy!!!" I started kicking and screaming.

"Fuck ya punk ass daddy!!" He smacked me in my mouth.

We walked in a room full of people, they were either counting money, playing around with white powder and just walking around.

"You must be Hailey...wassup lady bug.." The guy picked me up.

"I WANNA GO HOME!!!" I started screaming and kicking.

He placed his hand over my mouth and started yelling at me.

"Shut the fuck up! had ya little you going back where you 'pose to be."

"Tykena!! Take her upstairs, get her dressed..." He handed me to a girl with red hair.

She carried me out the room and took me up a staircase. She sat me down in a chair and started doing my hair.

"You have pretty hair." She smiled at me.

"I want my daddy.." I said.

"Too bad...he's not here."

"You're mean!" I yelled.

She grabbed me by my arm and glared at me.

"That's all life is...just full of mean people and sorrow.."

"Don't touch me!!" I scratched her hand and jumped up from the chair. I started running to the door.


I ran out the room as fast as I could, I felt a hand grab my shirt and it ripped so I kept running until she caught me and picked me up.

"You can't run from me babygirl..."she grabbed me by my arm. .

I spit on her face and slapped her before jumping out her grip and running again. This time I ran down the stairs and felt somebody snatch me up and cover my face and mouth. The person pulled me into a dark corner.

"Shhhh....don't say nothing." I realized it was the guy from earlier.

I heard people running around along with woman screaming and loud bangs that sounded like gun shots. He placed tape over my mouth and carried me around but checked around the corners before walking. We walked out the house and threw me in the backseat of a black van. He got in the drivers seat and started up the van. I started to kick and tried to yell and scream but the tape was covering my mouth. I heard loud gun shots being shot at the back of the van making me cry even worse. He drove faster but the gun shots were still following behind us. Eventually the gun shots stopped..we drove around a bit longer and soon he started yelling.

"SHIT!! I gotta get gas...look at me..I'm going in the store don't you move! If I come back and you not here Imma find you and beat the shit outta you." He got out the van I watched him walk inside

I started to move my hands faster hoping the tape would loosen up...once my hands became free I started to untape my legs and mouth...I don't care what he says! I had to get home. I got out the van and took off running as far as my little legs could take me. I kept running but I bumped into a tall figure and fell

"I'm sorry." I got up and kept running and running.

Bystander's POV

Once the little girl took off running I kinda shook it off, she seemed pretty young...too young to be running off by herself. I went back inside the cafe and sat at a table.. I started watching the news and my heart dropped.

"5 year old Hailey Dell Jones was abducted from her fathers home yesterday afternoon." The news reporter said.

They showed a picture of the little girl and I realized it was little girl I just bumped into. I pulled my phone out and dialed 911.

Dispatch: 911 what's you're emergency.

Me: I wanna report some information on the missing little girl Hailey.

Dispatch: Thank God, what's you're name and where are you?

Me: My name is Thomas and I'm at Starbucks on Ewing Street. She ran towards the mall.

Dispatch: alright thank you so much, we've got officers on the look out now..

Odell POV

"What the fuck you mean they got away!?!?!?" I heard Jarvis yell while on the phone. "Ight me back!" He hung up and slammed his fist on the table.

"What happened!?" I asked.

"Charlie sent some niggas up here to New York so they could search for babygirl, They had him! They was so close to getting him and he got away!!!. They think he took Hailey with him." I sighed.

"But they got the license plate number and they gon track the van." Jarvis added.

I nodded my head and went to the kitchen where My mom and Jarvis's mom were cooking. The police left earlier and said they'd keep looking but it wasn't much they could do anymore. I just said fuck it and let them go ..I was getting my Babygirl back one way or another.

"You hungry?" My mom asked.

"No." I said. "I can't eat."

"Will you at least try, you need to eat something Odell.." My mom put a plate full of food in front of me.

"Mama I don't feel like eating, just wrap it up. I'll eat later." I shrugged.

Danielle and Jarvis walked in the kitchen and sat at the table with me.

"I guess y'all not eating either.." Ms. Rhonda asked Jarvis and Dani.

"Dani needs to eat and so does my little man." I gave her a side smile and held her hand.

"Mmhh...that's if it's even yours" I heard my mom mumble.

"Ma...Don't start" I said.

"What!?!? I'm just saying. Dani you're a very sweet girl, no offense but y'all haven't even been together long how's that gonna look a few years from now you telling my son that the baby isn't even his!"

"You know what Heather, you know I love you're son! I would never ever do something like that to hi-" Danielle was cut off by my mom.

"We all know you're only with Odell for the money!!!" My mom retorted.

Jarvis and Ms. Rhonda were about to say something but the phone started to ring and everybody got quiet.. I looked at it an it popped up a the police department.

Me: Hello..

??: Mr. Beckham, this is detective Hatchet...We've received numerous calls about you're daughter . They've spotted her running past Starbucks, the mall, chic-fil-a, Walmart... Plenty of places. We have dozens of police in the area searching for her.

I hung the phone up and raced to grabbed my keys..

"They spotted Hailey a few miles from here! Jarvis come with me! Y'all stay here just in case." I ran out the front door.

We got in Jarvis's car and I sped through the town once we reached the spots they had spotted her at I started to slow down. Shit they wasn't lying when they said it was dozens of officers in the area! It was a cop on damn near every corner and street. I rode all over the place searching for my Babygirl but 30 minutes later every single cop car started speeding as if they were in a hurry...

"Where you going?" Jarvis asked as I headed in the same direction.

"I got a feeling they going to Hailey.." I started following the cops.

20 minutes later we pulled in front of a large White of the cops got out his car and walked up to the front door..he knocked a few times and and older woman opened the door. She stepped aside and my Babygirl Hailey came into view. I got out the car and raced to her. The cops tried to push me back but I rushed through all three of them and ran up to the porch.

"DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed

I picked her up into my arms and hugged her tightly...I didn't wanna let go of my babygirl..EVER.

"You're daughter ran at least 5 miles to this woman's house..." The officer said.

"I had to get away ..I was so scared " she laid her head on my shoulder

"Did they hurt you?" I asked her.

"I got hit a few times...but I'm okay." She said in a low voice.

Jarvis took Hailey to the car while I talked to the woman who took Hailey in when she ran here. Believe it or not I was having doubts about wether or not I would see my little girl again...I walked into livingroom of the woman's house.

"Thank you for helping me get my little girl back."

"It's no problem.. thank god I decided to take today off work because I wouldn't have been here. I'll keep you and you're family in my prayers." She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you.." I hugged her.

I walked out the house and went back to my's been 2 long and terrible days but I had my Babygirl back home, I was happy. As were driving home Jarvis was on his phone talking to the guy Charlie I guess.

"He got the nigga who took he got people watching Skull" he whispered..

I nodded my head and within a few minutes we were pulling up at home. Hailey had fell asleep on the way home so I carried her inside. We walked in and the house was full of yelling and screaming.

"Who's yelling." Hailey mumbled.

"Don't worry bout it Babygirl." I kissed her forehead.

I laid her on the couch and placed a blanket on her body...Jarvis went ahead to see why Dani was yelling and screaming. before I walked into the kitchen behind him I saw how swollen and bruised the side of her face was..I kissed her cheek and made my way to the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on!?!?" I yelled.

"You're girlfriend is disrespectful and rude!" My mom said.

"You basically just called my daughter a gold digger! How did you expect her to react!" Ms.Rhonda defended Danielle.

"I didn't call her a gold digger, all I said was "girls like her only want one thing and that's money." But i wasn't lying, why else would she get pregnant so early in the relationship!" My mom said back to them.

"Obviously because they forgot to use a condom !" Jarvis butted in.

"I'm gonna be honest. I tolerate you, my son likes you a lot but I don' my eyes you're a gold digger, you don't want my son for him all you want is his money, not only is she a gold digger but honestly I think she's been doing my son wrong and she's been cheating on him with numerous guys! .."

"Mom that's enough." I clenched my teeth.

"How else would she get a part in a music video without doing something! Why would she go to lunch with another guy, why else would she get so shocked and upset when she first found out she was pregnant!! Just think about it.You need a DNA test.."

It grew quiet and nobody spoke..Danielle looked at me for me to say something and I wanted to but for some reason I couldn't.

"You believe her don't you." Danielle stared at me with teary eyes.

"Mom just stop! Cut it out!" I shook my head and went back to the Livingroom to check on mom followed me.

"So you really in love with that girl!?" I ignored her..she was starting to irritate me.

"Mom Just drop it!" I rolled my eyes.

"No!! I wanna know! What is it that you see in this girl!?!?" She folded her arms.

"..she's been there for me, she's the only person I've ever really trusted enough to tell about my past and she's been there ever since! She cares about me, she's never lied not cheated on me and after some of the shit I've done to her she still here! Any other chick woulda left my ass the minute some shit turned bad! Not only that but mama she's been there for Hailey too! She has a beautiful personality, Shes ambitious and she's my future wife! Get over it! I love her and I'm not gonna let you ruin this, with some stupid thought that the baby isn't mine!! ."

"Okay...well don't call me when you sitting here heart broken because she left you or cheated on you!!! I'm leaving.." She went upstairs to pack her stuff I guess.

"And you're mad for what ma!?".

"She doesn't care about you Odell!! Don't you see that!!!" She yelled at me.

"How would you know!?!?"I folded my arms.

"Does she know about you're PTSD!?! I bet the moment you tell her she's gonna run off and think you crazy!"

"She already knows and trust me when I say she was more understanding about it then you ever were!!!" She didn't speak she just put her head down. "For years you told me that if I told anyone about it, it would scare people off, you even said it would keep me out the I never told anybody, I never even took my meds. Then I meet Danielle and I fall in love with'll never understand how hard it was for me to explain it to her because I thought she was gonna leave me! But she didn't..she stayed here with me and she's still here. So next time don't assume shit 'cause when you do, you make an ass outta ya self!" She stood there and stared at me for a second...she rolled her eyes and stormed off up the stairs

"You don't wanna meet you're granddaughter??" I asked.

"No." She said angrily.

I rolled my eyes and picked Hailey up into my arms. I sat on the couch and lightly rocked back and forth as I held her. Her face was swollen pretty bad and you could see a handprint.. Her shirt was ripped on the side as if somebody tried to grab her while she was running. I couldn't help but smile, my babygirl was a true soldier!

"Daddy..I'm hungry.." She mumbled. "Can I have a pop tart?"

"You don't want any real food like gumbo or something?" I suggested.

"No..I'm fine.." She shook her head.

I carried her into the kitchen and sat her on the counter, while I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed her a pop tart...

"Hey Babygirl!" Danielle hugged her."I missed you so much!" She kissed her forehead.

"I missed you too..who's this?" Hailey pointed to Ms.Rhonda.

"That's me and Jarvis's mom Rhonda" dani introduced them..

Hailey got to know Ms.Rhonda and they hit it off pretty well, my mom walked out the front door and didn't even speak, I guess I really pissed her off! All I did was tell the truth, I don't see why she all of a sudden wanna switch up on Dani, just a couple months ago she was calling her and asking her to hang out and shit!!!...Danielle took Hailey upstairs to give her a bath and change her clothes.

"You finally got ya little girl back." Jarvis said as we sat on the back patio.

"'s a blessing but did Charlie ever get Skull.."

I knew he had something to do with Hailey being kidnapped I don't care what anybody says Not Enough Evidence my ass!!! I know it was him.

"Yeah, they already got his boys...they suppose to be handling him ASAP." Jarvis informed.

"Good..I want his ass gone, forever."

"He will be..just wait on it...why you ain't never tell me O'.." Jarvis said.

"Tell you what?" I asked with a sigh.

"About ya my brother Odell, we never keep shit from eachother. It wouldn't have changed anything with us, you still my nigga no matter what."

"I know...but at that time I was stuck in the mindset that it would scare people off..." I shrugged.

"I knew you longer than Danielle's ugly ass ! You coulda told me first." He laughed.

Me and Jarvis sat and talked for a while longer until it started getting a little colder outside, It was the beginning of Fall so of course it was getting cold anyway. I went in the kitchen to heat up some left over gumbo that Ms. Rhonda had cooked.

"Odell can I talk to you for a minute.." I heard Ms. Rhonda say.

"Yeah sure.." I nodded.

"I just wanna say Thank You for defending my daughter the way you did. Even though we rarely talked for some years, Jarvis always told me about the guys she was with and they were assholes from what I've heard! They didn't give a shit about her...but you, you're different I can tell you love her and I wouldn't want her to be with anybody else..." She smiled at me.

Honestly I was pretty surprised, usually the mom doesn't like me but the dad does...I hugged Ms.Rhonda and smiled at her. She told me goodnight and left the kitchen. After eating I headed upstairs to our room and Danielle was laying in bed scrolling through her phone. I laid next to her and kissed her lips.

"What you doing babe?" I laid my head on her chest.

"Lurking on Instagram." She laughed. "...I heard you and you're mom.."

"Yeah...she pissed with me now. She even left." I rolled my eyes..

"I don't know why she hates me! Just a few months ago we were cool."

"Well I don't hate you..I love you and my opinion is the only one that counts." I kissed her deeply.

"I love you too baby..." She kissed me again.

Kissing Danielle was addicting. I could never get tired of it, I trailed my kissed down to her neck and I started to kiss and suck on her spot. She moan softly in my ear and rubbed her hands on my arms. I slid my hand up under her shirt and caressed her nipple lightly. She put her hands down my shorts and took my member into her hands.

"You really tryna start something you can't finish." I whispered in her ear.

She laughed a little and started to stroke my member at a steady pace making me groan in pleasure. It was a knock on our bedroom door making me stop. I got up from the bed and started walking to the door.

"Odell...I'll get the go fix yourself." Danielle said making me look down at the big ass bulge in my shorts.

"Oh shit." I laughed.

Danielle POV

I laughed to myself and got out of bed, I opened the door and saw Hailey holding her teddy bear looking as if she wanted to cry her eyes out.

"I'm scared..can I sleep in here.."

"Yeah, come on Babygirl." I picked her up.

I laid her in bed next to me and turned spongebob on for her. She snuggled up close to me and started watching tv. I heard the shower come on so I figured it's be awhile before he came to bed. It didn't take Hailey long to go to sleep surprisingly...I gave her some ice and medicine earlier for the swelling on her face, so it kinda went down but it wasn't as bad as it was earlier.

"I'll sleep in the chair." Odell said once he noticed how Hailey's body was in a wild sleeping position taking up most of the bed.

He went in the closet, grabbed a blanket and sat in the recliner chair we had in out room.

"Goodnight Odell." I whispered loud enough for him to hear me.

"Goodnight Danielle." He smiled.

-few days later-
It's been a few days since everything with Hailey happened. My mom and Jarvis stayed around for a few more days and today they were heading home. I was really gonna miss them both...

"Do you have to go uncle Jarvis?" Hailey whined.

"Yeah, but maybe you can come visit me in Miami." Jarvis suggested.

"Or you could just stay here!" She said sighing.

"I wish it was that simple babygirl but I'll call you and every chance I get, I promise. Make sure you be good, okay." He hugged her.

"I will..bye uncle Jarvis." She hugged him and smiled. "Bye grandma Rhonda." She hugged my mom.

"Bye babygirl..I'll see you again soon, make sure you call me all the time!" My mom smiled and kissed Hailey's forehead.

My mom was heading back to Virginia and Jarvis was heading back to Florida..I hugged them both and told them goodbye, I didn't want them to leave...especially my mom. Ever since we grew close it's like I miss her more and more when I'm not with her. Once they had got in the Taxi and left for the airport, Odell went inside and finished getting ready for his team pictures today.

"Daddy, can I go with you?" Hailey asked.

"...yeah, you can come princess, you can be my assistant today." He smiled at her.

"YAY!!!! I have the perfect outfit!!!" She ran out the room.

I smiled and turned back to the mirror, today would be the first time that the team meets Hailey. I was pretty tired and today I was having some really bad migraines but I didn't bring it up to Odell. If I told him I wasn't feeling good, he would cancel everything for the day or even the week!!! Just to take care of me and I don't want him doing that. I scheduled a last minute doctors appointment before I go to class so I could see if my doctor could help me out with my morning sickness.

"Baby, you know my next game is in Pittsburg against the steelers. You wanna come?" He asked.

He doesn't even want us home alone at all, he vowed that he would never let anything happen too us..I knew I didn't exactly have a choice so I just lightly nodded my head, any sudden moves would make my head hurt worse.

"Yeah baby, that sounds good."

"Good..." He kissed my cheek.

"I'm reaadddyyy!" Hailey walked in wearing a cute blue skirt with flats and a white cami top with a blue button down blazer, she looked so adorable.

"Awee Hailey you look so adorable!" I smiled at her.

She looked just like a little mini assistant.

"Please no pictures...I know I'm fabulous." She was so confident just like her father.

"Girl sit down somewhere ." Odell laughed.

"Can you move faster daddy we gotta go! We're late." She pointed to her watch.

"Okay! Okay! I'm bossy." Odell kissed my forehead." I love you, I'll see you later."

"Bye Mama Dani.." Hailey kissed my cheek.

Yeah, Hailey also started calling me Mama Dani. I don't know where it came from...I just woke up one day and she was calling me Mama Dani, I don't mind's just pretty surprising how it just started out of nowhere. I needed my UGG boots and I couldn't find them so I went to the closet. I looked at the shelf and noticed my UGG box was stuck in the middle of a bunch of other boxes...I reached up at the top and sorta grabbed ahold of the box. I felt like I was playing a game of Jenga or some shit. BOOM!!! Once I pulled the UGG box out like 8 other shoe boxes fell along with it. A loud bang made me let out a high pitched scream. The bang didn't sound too normal...I brushed it off and started to put the shoe boxes back on the shelf. I picked up another box and saw a large hole in the side..I opened the box out of curiosity and my mouth fell wide open....a loaded gun was laying right in the box, at that moment I realized what that loud bang was. The gun went off when all those boxes fell off the shelf. I could feel the hot tears coming along.. As I stared at the box with the loaded gun in it.

"Hey baby, I forgot my helmet ...what's wrong." I heard Odell say as he walked into out closet behind me.

I turned around with the box still in my hands and let out a sigh.

"What the fuck are you keeping a loaded gun in the house for?" I said as my hands trembled.

Odell didn't say anything he just sighed and put his head down.

Okay so there goes the next chapter!!!! I'm super excited to start the next chapter and publish it! PLEASE COMMENT !!!!!!

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