Being His Mate (Luke Hemmings)

By _cluelessgirl_

20.9K 559 114

I try to push him off me but it's useless as he doesn't even budge. I give a groan as I feel the tears begin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

2K 55 9
By _cluelessgirl_

Alex POV

"Okay!" I said turning towards Christy and Paola. "Time to go home!"

Small groans and complaints came out of their mouths. I don't get why they are complaining though. They just saw them.


I can still remember what happened when we arrived. The way Luke pressed me up against the wall. The way he kept looking at me. The way he said that I was "his." What was he even talking about when he said that. I mean I barely know the guy, much less, I have never met him in person until now. But what could he have meant when he said that.

Have I seen him before?

Have I talked to him before?

Or worse, mabey he is one of those creepy stalkers that rape people like me?

I shake my head lightly and let out a small chuckle.

I'm going way over my head. I thought. At least I won't see him EVER again.


He said something about me seeing him again AFTER the concert.......

I feel my body tense up and my eyes widen with realization.

"I'll see you after the show."

His words repeat in my mind. 6 simple words have me cringing in fear. This is ridicolous. I thought, There is no way that he can find me with a bunch of people here. Besides he wouldn't be too dumb to be seen by the fangirls..... Right?

I look around the arena noticing that people are still here. If I wan't to leave we better go now.

"-at thrust. Oh my gosh. He should just hump me now." Christy says while fanning herself.

"Okay." I say cutting throught their conversation. " We had a lot of fun today and I want to go to bed. Soo... Le go." I say pushing them frantically towards the exit.

I keep looking around my sorroundings making sure they don't POP out of anywhere.

We reach the exit and begin to make our way outside. Opening the door a cold whilst of wind rushes through. I immediately tighten my grip on my sweater trying to keep warm.

"Ugh! It is so cold!" Christy whines.

"Shush! We are almost to the car." I say.

Christy huffs and begins to make a conversation with Paola about the concert. "Omg! Calum's ass was so beautiful. Christy gushes.

I roll my eyes at their conversation. Typical fangirls.

I begin to put my hand on the handle eager to get in, in order to feel the warmth when suddenly I hear footsteps.

"HEY!" someone yells.

We turn around to see someone with curly hair running towards us.

Christy and Paola both gasp. Christy points a finger at the man." Y-y-y-you're umm." I stare at both girls in shock. Why are they stuttering?

A low chuckle interrupts my thoughts. I turn my attention towards the man that is now in front of us. He has brown curly hair, and beautiful green eyes. He also has a few tatoos scattered around his arms. But the thing that stood out to me the most was his dimples. And let me tell you. They.Looked.Adorable.

A clearing of a throat brought me out of the trance. I look at his eyes and notice that he is staring at me. A blush creeps through my cheek and I look away.

"Omg! YOU ARE HARRY STYLES" Paola screams.

I snap my head towards her not really proccesing what she said.

"Indeed I am." Harry replies.

I narrow my eyes at Harry trying to understand what the crap he is doing here talking to us. Then realization hits me like a firetruck.

Harry Styles is part of one direction.

One direction is on tour right now.

Their opening act is 5sos.

One of the members including Luke Hemmings. The man that said I was "His."

So that can only mean one thing....

Harry is here to kidnap me in order to take me to Luke.

Holy SH-

"I'm sorry but your'e wasting our time. We need to get home." I say beggining to put my hand on the handle again.

"WHAT!" Chirsty and Paola yell.

They both run towards me and give me a "Are-you-kidding-me" look.

"This is Harry Styles! We can't just leave!" Christy whispers harshly.

"Yeah. Besides this might be our only chance of meeting a celebrity." Paola says while nodding.

"Look. I'm sorry but we can't stay we have to get home before mom starts to worry." I say.


"No. I am the adult here and I make the choices so what I say is final." I say with authority in my voice.

They both sigh with defeated looks. I feel bad for doing that to them but I don't want to see Luke. No way in hell will I ever go back to him. You will have to drag me in order for me to see him.

"Excuse me love."

I snap out of my thoughts and give Harry a frusturated look.

"What." I snap.

"I was just going to say that you guys have been choosen to come and meet us backstage."

At his words, Christy and Paola begin to shriek and jump around. I slightly cringe at their rucus.

"OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!" Paola repeats.

"Alex! CAN WE PLEASE GO!!!! PLEASE!!!! IT'S FOR FREE!!!" Christy yells.

"No. Like I said before, we need to get home before mom starts to worry." I say giving them expectants looks.

"But it will only take about 10 minutes!" Harry blurts. "Come on! This offer doesn't come around to just anyone. Consider yourself lucky." I frown at his words but then glance at my sister. She is giving me the puppy dog eyes that she used on me when we were little.

I glance back at Harry only to see him with an eyebrow raised. I take a deep breath, send a quick prayer to god to make sure I am safe, and mumble a yes.

Christy and Paola begin to shriek and jump around while Harry gives me a satisfied smile.

"But only for ten minutes." I say looking at the girls. " And I mean it" I finish glancing at Harry.

The girls nod their heads and Harry gives a small laugh.

"Well then, follow me ladies." Harry said and he began to lead us back into the arena.

I look at both my sister and Paola and notice that they have a wide smile accross their faces. I then feel a bit of warmth knowing that they get to finally meet their idols. I give small sigh and notice that harry keeps glancing back at us in order to make sure we are still there.

Why does he keep doing that? I wonder.




I'm going to see Luke.


I nervously chew on my lip as we made our way backstage. I can't believe that I fell for his "Act." I literally want to rip my hair out right now.

"I'll see you after the show."

His words come rushing back into my mind. He said after the show and I'm pretty sure it's after the show

"Okay." Harry said motioning to the door in front of us. "The boys should be in here." He opened it for the girls and they filed in with anticipation, but I stayed behind. "Aren't you going in?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah. I don't really feel good. So I'll just stay out here." I said motioning to the hallway.

"Okay. Suit yourself." Harry said shrugging and slipping through the doors.

I sat down against the wall and began to casually look at instagram. I noticed that most of my friends had posted pictures of the concert. Some were pictures of them in their outfits but most of the pics were of the boys. I noticed a video of the concert and, me being the curious one, I clicked play.

Screams filled the sound on my phone. The person holding the camera wads moving alot so it was abit of a blur. But once it was focused, I noticed that it was Harry. He seemed to be singing his part but then he began to twerk. I chuckled slightly at his stupidity.

"OMG! HARRY! I WANT UR ASS ON MY FACE!" The person on my phone yelled.

I slapped a hand over my hand trying to contain my laughter.

I can't believe she said that. OMG!

A few minutes passed before I finally compossed myself. Ah! My friends are......dysfunctional. I continue to look at my feed when a yawn escapes my mouth. I shake my head slightly trying to get rid of my tiredness.

I look at the time and notice that its 11:30. Wow. It's been a long day. I then begin to think of todays events. When suddenly, a loud grumbling sound interrupts my thoughts.

I look down at my stomach and chuckle. Guess I'm hungry. I begin to get up of my sitting position. I then stretch my muscles. There are a few pops here and there but it felt good.

All of a sudden, I'm pinned against the wall. I let out a small gasp once I see who it is.

Luke fucking Hemmings.

I look into his blue piercing eyes and let out a small groan. Ugh why does this happen to me. Why?!?!

"What do you want?!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Nice to see you to." Luke replies with a smirk.

I let out a huff of annoyance and look away. But I guess I did the wrong action, because his smirk only grows wider.

"Can you let me go." I say as politely as I can.

"Nope" He says popping the "p"

I scowl at him. This little bastard is such a little shit head. Why won't he just give up?!

He lets out a small chuckle and says, "I said I'll see you after the show remember?"

"And I said not likely, remember?" I said mocking him.

His eyes then narrow at me and I feel my body being pushed against more harder into the wall. Does he not know that he's hurting me?

As if sensing what I said his grip loosens. Strong enough to keep me in place but not enough to hurt me.

I hear him give a small sigh. "Why are making this difficult?" He asks.

I scoff and shake my head slightly. "Really?! You're asking why I'M making this difficult. It's not everyday someone says I'm "his.""

"That's cuz' you ARE mine!" He yells.

I flinch at his tone of voice. Noticing my flinch his face immediately softens. He gives a frusturated sigh.

After a few awkward moments I finally say, "You're right."

His head snaps in my direction so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplashed. "I'm right about what?"

"I am yours." I say.

A smile spreads across his face. "You finally get it." He says and he lets go of the hold.

"Yep." I say nodding my head. I then put my arms around his neck. Luke looks at me shocked. I raise my eyebrow at him awaiting his reaction. Soon a smirk grows on his face. In effect, he puts his arms around my waist.

I stare at his blue eyes. They seem to be-happy. I feel his body start to slowly lean against me.

Oh Lord. What am I doing?

Right when our lips are a few inches apart I divert his lips and go to his ear.

"You're an asshole." I whisper.

Luke stares at me in shock but before he can even react I kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He lets out a small groan. I widen my eyes shocked at what I just did. Did I just do that? Holy crap that was awesome.

Luke lets out another groan. "Oh you're so going to get it." Luke whispers.

I let out a small shriek as his hands go after my legs. I jump over his body and begin to run. I don't know where I'm going but I know that I don't want to be with him.

"ALEX!" Luke yells.

I don't look back, I just continue to run. I go past people giving me weird and curious looks. I run past a few directors talking about something. I run past a woman holding a cup of coffee. She lets out a small scream as coffee runs down her shirt. "Sorry!" I yell past my shoulder.

I don't wait for her response and I keep running. "Alex! What's the point in running if I'm just going to catch you?!" Luke yells.

I shake my head at his words. Boys.

I take a sharp left turn and go against the corner. "Alex!" Luke yells running past me.

I let out a small breath of relief.


I can finally catch my breath. Not wanting to go back into the hallway I continue down the pathway I'm in. I then notice food on a table. At that precise moment my belly lets out a loud noise. I hesitate in going to the food table. But I give a small shrug and quickly make my way to the table.

Oh my lordy.

My mouth waters at the food in front of me. There are a bunch of food on this table. How can I just choose one? I pick up a muffin and bite into it. I let out a pleasent groan. This is so good.

Not really paying attention to my sorroundings a hand is placed on my shoulder and I'm forced to face the person. He lets out a small chuckle and says, "Hungry?"

I take a step back. I'm so stupid. I can't believe I'm in front of him again. This is not my day.

Luke then takes a step forward and I take a step back. He takes another step forward and I back then- you get the jiz.

He lets out a frusturated sigh and says, " Stop getting away from me!"

"No way buddy." I say shaking my head.

His hand suddenly reaches for me but I dodge it. He frowns at me and lunges towards me. I dodge him again and go aorund him. I run around the table trying to get away from him.

He keeps trying to reach me but everytime he does I dodge at the right moment. Luke stops on the other side of the table and I on the other. I'm panting heavily while Luke doesn't even have a sweat on him.

What the fuck?

"Alex...." Luke says in a warning tone.

"Luke...." I say in the same tone he used.

He scowls at me and I smile. Luke then gives a deep sigh. Then a smirk grows on his face.

Wait what-

I never got to finish because he suddenly lunges at me. Panic rises at my chest and I do the first thing I can think of.

I throw my muffin at his face.

He gapes at me in shock. "Did you just throw me a muffin?"

"Mabey?" I say in more of a question.

Why the fuck did I throw a muffin. Out of all the things I threw a muffin.

He lets out a small chuckle. The crap is he laughing about. I'm such a mess. Why a muffin. Oh cheese.

Noticing my inner battle with my thoughts, Luke reaches for my hand. Snapping out of my thoughts I dodge him again.

"ALEX!" He yells. His hands curl into fists and his eyes turn black. Oh fuck....

Without wanting to see what he does next I run again. I run pasts people giving me curious looks. I run pasts directors talking. I run past- you get the jiz.


I make the mistake of looking behind my shoulder. Luke seems to be pushing people trying to reach me. He notices me looking and looks right into my eyes. He narrows his eyes and mouths "you are dead."

I widen my eyes and continue to run. A door comes to view and me, trying to get away, go towards the door. I knock on the door repeatedly. "Open the door!" I yell. I continue to knock on the door when suddenly it's ripped open.


A boy with black almost-curly hair and brown eyes stare at me with anger. Gosh, he looks cute.

"U-um Hi?" I stutter.

He gives an exasperated sigh," Look, fans are suppose to wait over there." He says pointing to a group of girls, "So go over there and we will be out shortly." He begins to close the door but I put my hand on it.

"Wait! I was just gonna hide in here....." I say trailing off.

"Well, fans aren't allowed here........ but I can let you pass." He says with a smirk.

I widen my eyes with horror. This little perv. Right as I was about to say something I am interrupted by a loud yell.


I look over my shoulder and notice Luke running towards us. Oh shit..... I look back at Calum and he has a grin plastered on his face. I widen my eyes and visibly gulp.

"Y-y-you know what? I-umm, FORGOT my sweater!" I say pointing down a hallway. "So I'm just going to go...." I say trailing off.

Before I can take a step, a hand grabs my shoulder. I flinch at the hand and come face-to-face with Calum. Fuck.....

"LET GO!" I yell.

He simply shakes his head with a smirk on his face. This little turd. I look back over my shoulder only to see Luke a few steps away from us. I viciously wriggle on Calum's grip desperately wanting to get away.

Luke abruptly stops in front of me. I look at his features, expecting him to be panting, or catching his breath-but no. What the hell?! I would be panting like crap if I was him.

"Thank you Calum" Luke says giving Calum a smile.

I glare at Luke fed up with him. I then feel a sense of tingles on my arm. I look down and notice Luke's hand on it. I look back at Luke giving him a scowl.

"Let's go" He says.

I then feel myself being lurched forward. I look back at Calum only to see him with a smirk. I give him a glare, only to see his smirk widen. Frusturated with him, I give him the finger. He then starts to laugh loud.

Ugh. It's all his fault that I'm here in Luke's grip.


Why doesn't he just leave me alone? I just wanna go home and be on my comfortable bed. But nooooo. This is all my mom's fault. She made me go to this stupid concert. Forcing me to go with my sister-.


Holy crap!

I am such a bad babysitter. I can't believe I left her with them. I am such a bad sister. I need to go get her.

I start to wriggle in Luke's grip trying to get away. Luke narrows his eyes at me but I continue my wriggling.

"You aren't going to get away again." Luke says with a blank expression.

I ignore his comment and continue to trash around. I have to get my sister. After a few more moments of wriggling, Luke gives a deep sigh and I feel myself being lifted off the ground.

What is he doing?!?!

I give a small scream as I am placed over his shoulder like a bag of sack potatoes. "REALLY?!" I ask.

"Well you wouldn't stop wriggling." He says in a monotone voice.

I begin to hit his back demanding him to put me down. He kept saying no and soon he wouldn't even respond.

I let out a huff and look around my sorroundings. We are currently down a hallway with people giving me a few curious glances. I give them a small wave and smile. In return, they give a small laugh.

"Enjoying it up there?" Luke asks.

"Yeah. It's wonderful." I reply in a monotone voice.

He gives a small chuckle and says, "Well your arse is a good view."

I let out a small gasp and scowl at him. That little perv.

"As much as the view of your arse is good, I still won't forgive you for running away. As they say you must receive consequences for the trouble you caused." He says trying to sound serious but failing miserably.

I let out a small groan but a few words linger in my mind:




So what do ya'll think of this chapter.

I am a little surprised that I wrote so much seeing as my othert chapters are short. (Sorry about that) But in this chapter I had my creativity flowing and yeah. I guess you can say that I was in the zone or whatever.

Anyways I hope ya'll love this chapter as much as I had fun writing it.

Love yall


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