I'm still Badass

By wolfandphoenix

269K 6.7K 584

After walking into a diner, Gabriel once again find his mate. But there is a problem, Sam remembers nothing o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

8.6K 138 86
By wolfandphoenix

Being nearly the same strength as his Alpha, John had to pin Gabriel to the floor as two warriors dragged the traitor away. Had John not stopped him, Gabriel would have ripped off her head. But she needed to stand a fair trial for her actions, but this also needed to involve the high council as her actions breached their laws. Had Gabriel acted on his anger and killed her, he would be answerable to the high council. 

"Gabriel, you need to calm down," John yelled out to him as Gabriel continued to fight against John. Everyone gathered began to disperse as John motioned for a few warriors to help move Gabriel to his office, where John could deal with this privately. The three struggled to control the Alpha, shouting to let him deal with the situation. Once they finally got him into the office, the two warriors left the office, leaving the two alone. John walked over to Gabriel's desk, grabbed a whiskey bottle, and poured two drams into two crystal glasses. He kept one for himself and handed one to Gabriel. John took a sip while watching Gabriel throw the golden liquid down his neck before walking over and pouring another glass. 

"Why can't I do this right?" Gabriel asked John, "She always gets in harm's way whenever she is near me." 

"Gab, I know you don't want to hear this, but maybe you letting her go after all of this is the best thing for her," John told him as Gabriel growled deeply. 

"She is my mate, and I will not let her go." 

"Gabriel, she is human now." John explained, "She does not fall under pack law. Even if she was your mate, she is not now." Gabriel sank into his chair with a deep hurtful sigh, knowing John was right. If Sam wanted to leave, there was nothing he could do; humans are not held under pack law like a wolve is. 

"Have you informed the high council?" Gab asked, trying to move the subject from the thought of Sam leaving. 

"I called them on our way here, informing them of our possible traitor," John explained, taking the seat on the other side of the desk. "They will be here by morning. We have to decide what we will do about Sam until then."

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked, slightly confused.

"What I mean is," John said as he took another sip of his dram. "How are we getting her back." 


Sam's eyes flickered open as the small trickle of sunlight shone directly into her eyes. The damp smelling air filled her lungs with unwanted moisture, making it harder to breathe with her cracked ribs. Water dripping every second echoed through the stone room she was kept in as Sam was still tied to the chair. Her back was now adorned with many fresh wounds, but they did not cause her any pain. Her body was now nearly numb to it. 

Sam swallowed deeply with a dry mouth, her lips starting to crack. It has now been, what Sam believes to be, nearly 24 hours since the men took her. They had not given her any food or water, and the last thing she drank was beer, so she was thirsty for water. 

"Hello, sleeping beauty. You finally decided to wake up." A nasty high-pitched voice spoke from the other side of the room. "Just in time; I hope you can help satisfy my itch." His croaky voice spat at Sam as he reached over and petted her head. Sam flicked her head violently to fling his hand off her. 

"I am not a mutt." Sam hissed at him. 

"Oh, I know you are not." He smiled a crooked smile as he knelt more to her face level. He grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled her head backwards. He took his small pocket blade and placed it onto the skin of her neck next to her jugular. "This would not be as nearly satisfying if you were." He said as he dragged the blade gently against her skin down to her collar bone, where he pressed into her flesh. Red liquid oozed out from behind the blade as Sam hissed in pain but refused to make a noise to give him the pleasure. 

"Oh, come on now," The man said as he moved the bloody blade to her lips and parted them before dropping his hand down to where her vocal cords roughly sit. Instead of using his knife, he pressed his fingers into her vocal cords with a smile. "I wanna hear your sweet little voice scream." He laughed before repositioning the blade in his hand and slicing it over the top of her shoulder. But her torturer did not heat this blade, so her blood seeped out of her fresh wound. It trickled out and down her arm, back and front body. Tears began to form in her eyes as she let out a painful wail. This gave her torture a small amount of amusement. 

"There it is!" He laughed as he jumped up. He walked over to the table where a few weapons sat. He picked up a hip flask and turned back to Sam. He opened the bottle and took a drink as he walked around the back of Sam. "Speaking off, we haven't given you any water, have we?" 

"You must be thirsty. Here have a drink." He muttered as he poured the liquid in the flask onto her back. The wounds quickly began to burn with an indescribable feeling of pain. It was almost like someone had set gasoline on fire against her skin. This was what caused Sam to scream bloody murder. This was all he needed to keep going. 

He wanted more. 

And he was going to do whatever he could to get what he wanted. It was like a sadistic game he enjoyed playing, and Sam was nothing but a toy to him.

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