The Second Flash And The Wind...

By eddies19

22.3K 391 63

Naruto is a boy that possesses the Nine Tail Fox making the young boy known as a jinchuriki. He was looked do... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.

Chapter 7.

1.4K 21 2
By eddies19

1 hour later.

Hidden Sand Village gates.

After traveling through the desert in the Land Of Wind, Naruto and the others finally made it to the gates of the Hidden Sand Village. They get themselves checked in and walk through the main entrance gates and are now officially in the Village Hidden In The Sand.

Hidden Sand Village Streets.

Naruto is astonished of the Hidden Sand Village how it's so different compared to the Hidden Leaf Village and how he's read on the Hidden Sand Village during when he was at the library and when he was doing his research on the Land Of Wind when he was preparing for the trip to the Hidden Sand and now he sees the Hidden Sand Village in person with his own eyes. He sees many buildings in the village that's are so different compared to the building back at home in the hidden leaf and the environment surroundings in the village, as the village itself lies in a fortified valley behind cliffs of rock, with passage in and out of the village restricted to a single cleft between two cliff faces, making the area very hard to attack from the ground. The buildings inside seem to be made of clay or stucco, which would help to keep the buildings cool. "Intriguing isn't Naruto." "Yes. It's amazing grandpa, it's so different compared to back at home. I've read about the hidden sand village when I went to the library to read and learn about it in preparation for the trip and right now here I am in the hidden sand village." Hiruzen and the others smiling for Naruto being fascinated about the hidden sand village.

Naruto and the others walk through the busy streets of the hidden sand village, Naruto minding his surroundings, people waiving at him and saying hello to him, he was unsure at first but he reminded himself that this isn't the hidden leaf village where he would get beaten up or harassed by the villagers, he waives back and says hello back to the villagers and keeps walking, he then sees some children running through the streets playing with each other and hanging out, Naruto becomes sad at the sight and some tear drops roll down his eyes. As he wished for so long to have friends, back at the leaf village none of the children wanted to play with Naruto because their parents would tell them to stay away from him. The children would tell him to go away or call him names, as it breaks his heart that besides the villagers being mean to him even the children could be mean to him as well.

Jiraiya notices this and goes to cheer up his godson, "Naruto don't look so sad you'll make some friends here, have patience you will make friends I guarantee it." Naruto then wipes away his tear and smiles after his godfather cheered him up, "Your right I will make some friends here in the sand village it'll just take some time but it will happen eventually I just need to be patient and not be so sad." "That's the spirit Naruto." Jiraiya smiles and they keep walking. While walking through the busy streets of the hidden sand Naruto turns to grandfather figure "Hey gramps." "What is it Naruto?" "When will the negotiations meeting begin with the Kazekage?" "The meeting will start in one hour, why do you ask Naruto?" Hiruzen being curious why Naruto asked. "I wanted to explore more of the hidden sand and maybe if I still have enough time before the negotiations meeting, maybe head over to the sand villages library and find some interesting stuff to read before the meeting starts." "Alright Naruto you can go on ahead then but be very careful and don't be late for the meeting alright." Don't worry grandpa, I'll be careful and I won't be late for the meeting." Naruto smiling and then runs off and starts running up on the wall and getting to the rooftop and starts jumping from rooftop to rooftop, performing perfect cartwheels, front flips and back flips. The villagers, sand shinobi and other children watching in awe at Naruto's age just being six years old making perfect jumps and cartwheels and for having chakra to be able go up the walls. 

Hiruzen sighs "Naruto unlocking his chakra at an early age and for him to always jumping and cartwheels, front flips and back flips from rooftop to rooftop and him tree climbing and climbing up canyons during our journey makes me feel like he's sending me to an early grave." Kakashi then replies "Well for Naruto he always has a mind of his own lord hokage." Jiraiya chuckling and smiling "Well for what I know Kakashi, Naruto is a very unpredictable ninja and that's what I see from my own godson."

Naruto keeps running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop performing cartwheels, front flips and back flips. "Kurama, the hidden sand is very different compared to the hidden leaf back at home." He spoke to Kurama in his mind, "It's been awhile since I've seen the land of wind and the hidden sand back when I was sealed inside your mother and I must say its quite different." Naruto then starts sliding down the rooftops and starts running on the walls and jumping from wall to wall and then jumps down making a perfect landing. "Well that was some workout, since I didn't use resistance seals." "It's a good idea for a workout like that. You need to get used to running without resistance seals and be able to control your own speed Naruto. Because if you don't control your speed, you could accidentally speed past the place you want to go to." Naruto nodding his head in agreement with Kurama. Naruto walking through the sand villages streets to find the library, after walking a bit through the streets he finds the library and he walks in.

Hidden Sand Village Library.

When Naruto walks in the library he sees that the library is very different compared to the hidden leaf's library. Back at home when Naruto would be at the leaf's library nobody wanted to sit with him and none of the librarians wanted to help him or answer any questions he had on which section and which shelf he can find certain books he's looking for to read so he had to go on his own to find the books himself and find somewhere to sit and read the books. Naruto starts walking around the library to look for the books he wants to read. Naruto finds the books and goes over to a desk to start reading.

He reads on some wind style techniques that the hidden sand uses when they use swords or the war fans or other wind style Justus that don't require a weapon, after reading the book he was now thinking about getting a war fan. The question he asks himself is where can he even get one plus he if he's going to use it he needs to learn the basics of it, maybe his parents close friend Karura can give him some pointers about the war fan.

The next book he read was on the puppet master jutsu. Besides the hidden sand being known for their wind style jutsu techniques they were also know for their puppet master jutsu techniques when they use puppets as weapons. They create chakra threads to control the puppets they use and their puppets would have weapons and traps attached to them that they use and the puppet users can disguise their puppets as them incase their enemies were to attack them leading the puppet users to have their enemies into their trap to kill or subdue them. 

The famed puppeteer's of the puppet master jutsu was Chiyo, she was a member of the Hidden Sand Village's council as she was the leader of the hidden sand's puppet brigade unit and also a medical ninja. She was very knowledgeable when it comes to handling poison's and used her skills often in the Second Great Ninja War,  only to be countered numerous times by Tsunade Senju of "The Legendary Sannin" medical expertise.  This caused Chiyo to hold a grudge against Tsunade, who she came to call her ""slug girl" or "The Slug Queen" as Tsunade had a summoning contract with the slugs. 

During the war, she also fought Hanzo and his salamander numerous times, learning how frequently it can use its venom and eventually developing an antidote against it. Chiyo had a hatred for Sakumo Hatake aka "The White Fang Of The Hidden Leaf" as her son and her daughter in law were killed by Sakumo during a mission they had from the hidden sand during the second great ninja war and wanted to avenge her son and daughter in law by killing Sakumo herself, but she wouldn't get her revenge on Sakumo as she heard of his death when he committed suicide.

Her grandson Sasori was orphaned when his parents died during the war, as chiyo raised her grandson and taught him the puppet master technique. Chiyo would later watch Sasori create his first puppets that would resemble his own parents. This was meant to fill the void of his parents dying. While still a child, Sasori became very instrumental in the development of puppets and poisons for the village, regularly filling orders from Chiyo herself. As Chiyo watched Sasori continue to immerse himself in puppets, Chiyo became increasingly concerned for her grandson. However, she instead chose to remain indifferent, focusing most of her attention on helping the village. One day, Komushi, a young shinobi and one of Sasori's only friends, was badly injured during a mission, costing him his right arm. Demonstrating a new style of puppet ninjutsu, Sasori replaced Komushi's arm with a fully movable puppet arm as a prosthetic limb, coated with Sasori's newest poison. Later, Komushi died from accidentally ingesting that poison.  As Chiyo's concerns continued to grow, she began noticing a pattern with Sasori and decided to investigate. To her horror, she discovered that Sasori had taken Komushi's corpse and turned it into a human puppet.

Naruto became horrified at what Sasori did to his own friend by turning him into a human puppet. "Why would Sasori do that to his own friend Kurama?" Naruto talking to Kurama in his mind "I'm not sure Naruto but from what you've read so far right now it seems he has darkness in his heart with this pattern that he put himself in."  Later, to Chiyo's dismay, Sasori left the Hidden Sand Village and abandoned his parent puppets, showing that he gave up on them.  Naruto was surprised that savory left the hidden sand and also gave up on his parents puppets the very first puppets he created. After reading on Chiyo, Naruto flips through the pages of the puppet master technique book to find information on what a human puppet is. Naruto then finds the pages contains information on the human puppets and starts to read. 

A human puppet is a puppet made from a dead body of a shinobi. To use the human puppet, the puppeteer must first start by removing the internal organs of a certain person and preserving their corpse to prevent decomposition, as well as making several other modifications to it, the puppeteer with the human puppet can create a powerful type of puppet. For human puppets, these puppets are different from normal ones, as they retain the use of chakra and kekki genkai that their human host once had. Also while a human puppet retains inherent abilities of an individual, their skills ultimately pale in comparison to when they were alive. Naruto was disturbed by the facts of the human puppet, "So if a puppeteer uses a human puppet and is able to have that same puppet uses its chakra and kekki genkai that it once had when the human host was alive, so that means it could have it use the Justus and kekki genkai abilities they have. For the puppeteer they have an advantage but it feels so disturbing and wrong like Sasori to turn his own friend into a human puppet and use him as a weapon instead of letting his friend rest in peace." Naruto speaks to himself and Kurama hears him, "Naruto, there are some things that humanity must never tampered with. Especially when it comes to using the dead as weapons. Who even knows what other things Sasori must've done." Kurama replies to Naruto. "I wonder what information I can find on Sasori".

Naruto get's up from his desk he was sitting at and walked around the library to the shinobi section of the library and pulled out a book that has information on Sasori. He walks back to his desk, he takes his seat and opens the book to read on Sasori. 

Sasori graduated from the hidden sand's academy at the age of seven and was promoted to the rank of chunin at the age of eight. His ninja registration number is 33-001. His appearance he had wide grayish brown eyes which he inherited from his mother, and short, mousy red hair which he inherited from his father. He was usually seen with a hazy, dreamy look on his face. As a child, Sasori wore dark green robes with a pale poncho around them. As a teenager while living in the hidden sand village, he wore a purplish robe with the hidden sand headband he wore on his forehead. Before he left the Hidden Sand Village, he was last seen wearing a hidden sand flak jacket with a sleeveless undershirt, bandages around both of his arms, brown pants with an attached holster where he held his puppet summoning scroll, and brown shinobi sandals. This was also the same outfit he wore when he was in the Third Great Ninja War.

He was called "The Legendary Master Craftsman of the Puppet Corps" but the moniker he earned during the The Third Great Ninja War when effectiveness of his puppets in spilling his enemies' blood on the sand gave rise to Sasori's new moniker calling him "Sasori of the Red Sand ". He also had a symbol, a symbol of a red scorpion on the puppets he created that let's shinobi know who created the puppets. However, motivated by his desire to make works that last forever, Sasori began experimenting to create puppets out of people. Sasori was the first ever puppeteer to create the human puppet. After creating the human puppet of his only friend Komushi he created other human puppets of the enemies he's killed. Later on, he left the hidden sand village, he abandoned his parents puppets, the same first puppets he created in an attempt to discard the terrible loneliness he felt as a child. However, as the parents puppets were unable to give him the real parental love that he desired, Sasori lost interest in them, and they later fell into his grandmother Chiyo's possession. 

Naruto felt sorry for Sasori, for the loneliness he felt for so long as a child when his parents died. Besides his parent's puppets and the human puppets he created, he created many other ingenious puppets. After Sasori left the hidden sand he was declared a rogue ninja and his ninja rank was S-rank making him a very dangerous ninja. The Third Kazekage sent out search parties to arrest or kill Sasori on sight. Some search parties returned finding no trace of him but however there were some other search parties that never returned at all, which then made the Third Kazekage go find Sasori himself to bring him back dead or alive. However, the third kazekage has never returned to the hidden sand, nor was he ever heard from again. 

During the time of the third ninja war, before the war was coming to a close, the hidden sand started a search party to find the third kazekage and the leaf assisted in the search parties to find the third kazekage as both the leaf and sand explored enemy territories of the hidden stone in the land of earth, the hidden mist in the land of water and the hidden cloud in the land of lightning to find the third kazekage. After days and months of searching they couldn't find the third kazekage, in conclusion meaning the third kazekage was dead, the third great ninja war was over and that the hidden sand needed a new kazekage. The hidden sand council and the feudal lord from the land of wind made the decision of making Rasa become the Fourth Kazekage. Still to this day Sasori and the third kazekage's whereabouts remain unknown. The third kazekage was known as the strongest kazekage in the hidden sand village. The chakra natures he possessed was wind style and earth style and a kekkei genkai called magnet style. After studying  the Jinchuriki of Shukaku of that time, he recreated it's sand-manipulating powers by combining his own magnetic chakra and iron powder, which produced the iron sand technique. Kurama told Naruto who Shukaku was and everything he needed to know about Shukaku, after Naruto learned about Shukaku he knows why his godfather will be needed when sealing Shukaku into the new host when they go to the negotiations meeting.

After reading everything on Sasori and reading the other information on his involvement in the third great ninja war and the disappearance of the third kazekage with Rasa becoming the fourth kazekage, Naruto gets up and puts away all of the books he read back at the shelves they were found. Naruto looks at the clock in the library to check out the time and sees the time is three fifty p.m. ten minutes before the meeting starts at four o'clock p.m. time goes by fast when you read a lot in the library "Three fifty p.m. I have ten minutes before the negotiations meeting begins at the kazekage tower." "Better get it a move on Naruto. You don't want to be late for this." Naruto then leaves the library.

10 Minutes Later.

Kazekage Tower.

After going through the busy streets of the hidden sand to get to the kazekage tower, Naruto makes it to the tower just in time to see Kakashi, his godfather Jiraiya and his grandfather figure Hiruzen waiting for his arrival. "There you are Naruto, I thought you wouldn't be able to make it in time." "And miss the meeting gramps, no way." They walk up the stairs to the kazekage's office and knock on the door. "Enter." came a voice from the other side. The four enter the office of the kazekage and meet the kazekage himself. After entering the privacy seals in the kazekage's office activated. The fourth kazekage gets up from his chair and welcomes the four from the leaf, "Lord hokage, Lord Jiraiya, Kakashi Hatake, and Naruto Uzumaki welcome. I hope your journey to the hidden sand village was peaceful." Rasa welcoming the four in his office. "The journey was smooth sailing lord kazekage." replied Hiruzen. "Lord Kazekage, it's an honor to meet you." Naruto bows. "No need for the formalities Naruto. Call me Rasa, after all I knew your parents for a long time, I've been waiting to soon meet you one day and here we are finally meeting face to face and don't worry your secret is safe with me, my wife Karura, Pakura and Baki." Naruto nods and they both shake hands. Rasa then turns his attention to Kakashi "Kakashi Hatake it's been a while, how have you been?" "I've been well lord kazekage." replied Kakashi. Rasa nods and turns to Jiraiya "Jiraiya, I'm glad you came at my request for I'm in need of your assistance." "When sensei told me about how you requested my help with the sealing of Shukaku the sand spirit I couldn't say no to a good friend of Minato and Kushina." "I thank you again Jiraiya, now with everybody present we can now finally begin the negotiations and Naruto, I'm sure you'd want to be here, after all the Hiruzen has told me that it is one of your dreams to become hokage one day when you grow up." Naruto smiles and replies "Indeed it is one of my dreams Rasa." As everyone sat down the negotiations meeting began and Naruto watching and listening in on the meeting like a hawk and after many discussions both parties came to agreement and they will now seal Shukaku the sand spirit into a new host proving that the hidden leaf and hidden sand will be allies and will assist each other in dire needs and situations.

The procedure was done and Rasa told Naruto and  that his youngest son Gaara, who is the new container for Shukaku will be resting today and he will wake up tomorrow and he will meet Gaara. Rasa told Naruto about how the council of the hidden sand tried to pressure Rasa into making Gaara become the container of Shukaku, by sealing the sand spirit into his son while he's still unborn when Karura was pregnant with Gaara, Baki who was a member of the council was against the idea, and Rasa was also against it as well and overuled the council by telling the council that he was the kazekage and he will decide, not the council and if they say otherwise they will lose their seats on the council and he will find replacements for the council members that supported the idea and it got the council to forget about the idea. If the council's plan happened it would've resulted in Karura dying and with a weak seal placed on Gaara would've caused Shukaku to possess him. Naruto was shocked and angry that the council would do something that cruel and dangerous to Gaara who wasn't born yet and to Karura who was pregnant with Gaara at the time as it would've killed her if it happened and Naruto was relieved that Rasa and Baki stopped the council from making what would've been a disaster and dangerous plan happen. Rasa also told the council that he will ask his son when he's five years old if he wants to become the container of Shukaku the sand spirit, if Gaara agrees then he will seek help from the leaf to help with the sealing and if Gaara refuses they will find someone else that will be the container of Shukaku and contact the leaf for help with the sealing.

Naruto was then told by Rasa that he will be staying at his estate with him and his family while Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Kakashi will be staying at one of the inns in the hidden sand as he wants to get know Naruto more and also told Naruto that he will be meeting his children and his wife Karura as she's been waiting to meet Naruto as well . Naruto was hoping to make friends during his stay at the hidden sand village and now he's staying at the kazekage's estate and Naruto was happy. Rasa then told Naruto he will meet him there and then Rasa disappears in a gold dust teleportation taking him and his son Gaara home so he can let Karura know about the sealing and about Naruto staying with them.

Hidden Sand Village Streets.

 Naruto and the others then left the kazekage tower, "Alright Naruto you'll be staying with Rasa and his family and we'll be staying at one of the inns, be good." said Hiruzen. " I will gramps." Naruto replies and smiles. They then both went their separate ways Naruto walked through the busy streets to get to the home of the kazekage and when he arrives he sees the mansion and it's almost like his parents home back at the hidden leaf but this house is in the hidden sand village. 

Naruto then starts getting a weird feeling inside, he then talks to Kurama about this weird feeling he's got, "Hey Kurama." "What is it Naruto?" "Why do I feel like, I'm about to meet someone?" "That I don't know Naruto? Did you get this feeling when you met Rasa?" "No I felt normal when I met Rasa in his office and when I first saw Gaara being cared by him when he was taking him home and I know I felt Shukaku's presence inside of Gaara. Plus it's not a bad feeling I have Kurama, it's not that it's just that I have this weird feeling I'm about to meet someone specifically that I haven't even met yet." "Maybe it's the kunoichi of your dreams your having this feeling about Naruto, maybe it's the daughter of the kazekage Naruto, the one who calls herself "The Wind Goddess." Kurama teasing Naruto and laughing a bit at his friend. Naruto blushing and sighing replies to Kurama's teasing "Kurama! I haven't even met her, plus I don't even know her name, nor do I know what she looks like!" "Relax Naruto, I'm just teasing you. Just be yourself Naruto, you're going to be making some friends during your stay at the sand village." Naruto then smiles at his friend, "Thanks Kurama." "Anytime Naruto." Naruto then makes his way to the mansion ready to meet the rest of Rasa's family.

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