I hate you I Manjiro Sano x R...

By ijustbewritin

65.8K 1.7K 694

Y/N is the type of person who gets along well with others. She's never had a problem making friends until she... More

Info and such!
Chapter 1 - Playdate!
Chapter 2 - A Gang?
Chapter 3 - Hi Takemitchy!
Chapter 4 - Come play!
Chapter 5 - Can we be friends?
Chapter 6 - Future 1
Chapter 7 - Why would we need a body guard?
Chapter 8 - Why would you protect me?
Chapter 9 - You meant that?
Chapter 10 - Head over to the festival
Chapter 11 - It's nice to meet you
Chapter 12 - future 2
Chapter 13 - It's all his fault
Chapter 14 - He killed them?
Chapter 15 - Manjiro!
Chapter 16 - Please don't leave
Chapter 17 - I miss you.
Chapter 18 - Good Morning!

Chapter 19 - Future 3

2.9K 66 15
By ijustbewritin

(This chapter starts to have manga spoilers about half way through, just a heads up!)


It's been a few days since you woke up,
despite recovering well, your doctor didn't
discharge you as of yet. You stretched your body as you got out of your bed. You asked your doctor if you could go outside, though you weren't allowed to physically leave the hospital, she allowed you to go to the roof top and get some fresh air. So here you were, still wearing your hospital clothes, making your way up the stairs. You stepped outside, the warm breeze gently caressing you face. You breathe in and breathe out. You then made your way over to the railing. You sat down with your legs crossed, rested your arms on the railing as you enjoyed the view out ahead. The rooftop has always been your favorite place, whether it be at school or elsewhere, you'd come here if you needed a break. You sat there for some time. You had told Chifuyu to bring Takemichi with him since you had something to ask him.

Chifuyu and Takemichi were walking
through the corridor, they brought you dorayaki on the way and they entered your room. "Huh? Where is Y/N?" Takemichi asked confused. Your doctor then walked in and told them that you were at the rooftop. They nodded and made their way up to find you.

"Chifuyu, what does y/n have to talk to
me about?" Takemichi asked curiously. "She didn't tell me. All she said was that it was important." he replied. The two then reached the door to the rooftop, the door opened and there you were sat near the railing, with your eyes closed. They then made their way over to you. Chifuyu gently patted your head as they sat down beside you. You were startled, opening your eyes, but you smiled when you saw the two. "Sorry if I startled you there" Chifuyu chuckled. Takemichi then handed over a bag to you, you opened it and you had sparkles in your eyes "Thank you!" you hugged him.

"Chifuyu, as much as I want to talk to you two, it'll have to wait a little. I have to discuss with Takemitchy in private for a moment." you smiled at him. Chifuyu nodded and told the two of you he would wait in your room until you were done talking. It was silent for a moment as you looked at Takemichi with a serious expression, worrying him a bit. After a few minutes you began to talk.

"You seem to know everything Takemitchy. I've been curious about it since I met you. You seem always know what's going to happen and are always in the right place at the right time." you stated. Takemichi panicked a bit. "What? What are you talking about? I don't know anything about that?" he said flustered. You simply looked at him and sighed. "You're a horrible liar, Takemitchy. What about that time with Osanai? You pushed him away in time when Mikey nor Draken were able to react fast enough. It's almost like you knew it was coming." you continued. He was conflicted. Could he trust you with the truth? After a few moments of thinking, he decided to tell you everything.

"Shit dude, Mikey started to go crazy after I died? That's kinda sweet." you chuckled. "That's your reaction to knowing that you were supposed to die then?" Takemichi deadpanned. You laughed at his response. "So then, what's the future like now that you saved me and stopped Mikey from killing Kazutora?" you asked. "Well actually... I haven't gone back yet. I wanted to make sure you woke up and really were saved before I went back." he replied. "Ah, I see." you smiled at him.

You stood up from your position and held your hand out to Takemichi. "Well if you end up coming back to the future with anymore problems let me know! I'll help you reach your goal. We better go back to Chifuyu after leaving him for so long." you smiled at him. 'I guess telling her the truth was the right decision.'


'This is where Toman's Admins are meeting?
I can't believe it! I'm really a Toman admin
now!' Takemichi was lost in thought, entering the room full of Toman admins.

"Which one of you assholes ordered the
"Damn that's spicy! There's too much
Sichuan pepper in this!"
"Hey! Where's the fried rice?!"

"First off. Let's get this year's payment
reports from each of you." says a man with a burn mark on his face. "But I still want my god damn fried rice. Besides we're still waitin' for someone." One man yelled. "Quit whining Pah. Just shut up and eat your food." An older looking Mucho said. "As for who we're waiting for, you mean Mitsuya, Right?" he asked.
"There's others who aren't here yet. Now
where's my fried-fuckin'-rice?" Pah continued to complain. "Hey shit brain! The fried rice comes last, you bald-ass teapot." Said Smiley.
"Who do you think you're callin' a shit brain?!
Pah's brains're nothing but air, dumbass! And forget Mitsuya! Don't gotta wait on him!" Peh yelled.

'Pah, Peh, Mucho, Smiley and Mitsuya. Even after 12 years, they're still in Toman!'

"Would you guys quit your bitching already? You damn oldies." A blue haired man said.


"Who do you think provides your meals in the first place? You don't even pay much. All you got is seniority. Arrogant, lazy bastards." The man with the burn mark replied.

"The fuck's your problem?!"

"You're too blunt Inupi." A man with black and white hair remarked. "Think that difference makes you better than us? Just because you're Ex-Black Dragons." continued Pah. 'Ex-Black Dragons?' Takemichi was confused.
"What's up with Mikey and y/n, anyway?" Smiley asked. "As if they'd come to see a loser like you. The second anything happens, you oldies're all 'Mikey, Mikey!'  'y/n, y/n!' . What are you, children?" The blue haired man mocked. Pah then slammed the table. "Let's take this outside Shiba!" he yelled.

"We're not having our usual meeting
today. So we can discuss payments. Koko's
public IT Business, Shiba's Corporate
Front, And a number of other businesses our
gang manages, were searched by the police
three days ago." Someone spoke up.
"Somebody here ratted us out!"
"Like hell any of us would do that! Even if
some of you are shit, I'd never snitch on my
own gang!"
"You moron. If no one snitched, then why
did so many places get searched on the same

"Aren't we having fun?" a voice behind Takemichi said. The whole table stood up to bow. "Welcome sir!" "Enough with the stiff formality guys!" he replied. "You don't usually show up for our admin meetings, Kisaki." One admin remarked. "I've got some minor business to deal with." He turned to Takemichi.
"Takemichi, Chifuyu. Could I have a moment of your time?"

The three of them walked into a penthouse looking room with a bar. "Go on, have a seat." Kisaki told them. "Uh. Yes Sir!" Takemichi sat down. "Sorry for taking up your time. Take a seat as well Chifuyu." "Sorry. I'm in no position to do that." Chifuyu replied. "Uptight as ever I see" Kisaki smiled.

"We've known each other for a long time
haven't we? It's been 12 years since I joined
Toman. I never though I'd still hang out with
the same friends today, that I had all those
years ago." Kisaki began to speak, "Takemichi, Chifuyu, What do you think of me? You hate me don't you? It was around this time, 12 years ago. When Baji was killed and y/n got injured. That was all my fault. I set up bloody halloween, using Hanma. I convinced Kazutora to join us. To create Valhalla." He explained. "Why did you do all that?" Chifuyu asked. "Because I wanted power. I wanted to achieve something worthy of admiration. If I could take over Mikey, and have him by my side, then most would bow to me. We would've ruled the world. I was Desperate. But I didn't think Baji would die, or that y/n would end up badly injured. I mean it Chifuyu. I'm sorry." He finished.

"You'll probably still hate me but, have a
drink with me. Just this once." He offered. After a bit of drinking, Kisaki spoke up again.
"Can I say one last thing? Earlier when I said I didn't think Baji would die and y/n would end up badly injured, I lied. I used Kazutora to get to them. Now, i'm continuing where I left off." Takemichi and Chifuyu begin to get dizzy and soon pass out.

Takemichi wakes up and finds out he is tied
up, also finding an beaten up Chifuyu next to
him, also tied up. "Chifuyu, you were always a thorn in my side. You've always had a grudge towards me, since then incident 12 years ago. Trying to get revenge for Baji Keisuke and
y/n l/n? Just admit it already. You're the one who ratted on Toman aren't you? You picked a real shitty reason to tattle to the cops." Kisaki said, angered. "No! The police are just out of control! I was just trying to get you out of Toman! Toman's gone rotten. I just wanted to change that. Kisaki. It's just like you said. I am the snitch! Takemichi's got nothing to do with this!" Chifuyu yelled.


Takemichi gets shot in his leg by Kisaki, and begins to cry and panic. "I said Takemichi has nothing to do with this!" Chifuyu reiterated. Kisaki then placed a gun against his head. "Listen up Takemichi, these are my last words. A lot has happened over the last 12 years, Mikey disappeared, and so did y/n. Draken got
the death penalty. Before I knew it, I got involved in some real shit. We've done a lot
of terrible things. But deep down we haven't changed! I leave Toman to you... Partner."


"Chifuyu!" Takemichi screamed. "How does it feel to have Toman's fate. All on you?" Kisaki laughed. "Don't worry! I'll let you join him
soon. So long..." Takemichi then passed out.

"Where is this? Ow! Shit! That's right, I blacked out from pain." Takemichi thought out loud "I gave you some first aid" A voice said, causing him to look up. "Baji? No... Kazutora?"
Kazutora then beats up Takemichi. "Recently, I saw some guys beating a women on the street like this. When I jumped in to stop them, the guys beating her, were members of Toman. When did Toman become a woman-beating organization? I don't give a shit about you. I wanted to save Chifuyu. He fought alone all those years, and you... what the hell were you even doing?! Toman got bigger and went all wrong. Still, you jumped to serve Kisaki like one of his maids. The only hope was Draken, but he ended up on death row. And nobody knows where Mikey and y/n went." Kazutora ranted.

"Hey Takemichi. Where is Toman going? A
long time ago Mikey said he'd create a new
age of delinquents right? To get bigger, Toman
committed every crime imaginable. But is
this the new age Mikey wanted to create?! Is this the Toman the others wanted to protect?"
Kazutora continued while the two got into his car.

"Kazutora. My memory's fuzzy, so I
might ask you some weird stuff. Why did
Toman end up like this?" Takemichi asked. "It was y/n and Mikey." he replied. "Toman changed, because Mikey changed, therefore
y/n changed." Kazutora explained. "That can't be! Someone else must've been behind it! Wasn't it just Kisaki pulling the strings?" Takemichi exclaimed. "While Kisaki was holding you captive, Pah and Peh were killed.
Mikey ordered it of course. Mitsuya went
missing several months ago. Mikey and y/n
had started purging the old members of
Toman. They don't even trust their friends
anymore. They're not delinquents anymore.
y/n and Mikey have gone completely evil!" He replied. "I want to talk to them face-to-face. And tell them to stay away from that stuff."
"What stuff?" "Kisaki's Violence. Money from the Black Dragons. If nothing is done
about those two things, then y/n and Mikey will never regain themselves. Help me out Takemichi. This time, I want to help y/n and Mikey. I wanna save l/n y/n and Sano Manjiro." Kazutora declared.

"y/n and Mikey's Left arm, The Ex-Black
Dragons. My connections go way back. The
Ex-Black Dragons are based on the 11th
Generation. They're the biker gang I fought
with before Toman was formed. They'll do
anything for money. I was able to find their
hidden bank accounts. I'll cut off the cash
flow and put an end to it all. And, the one who was supposed to handle Kisaki, Y/N and Mikey's right arm. Was Chifuyu. Chifuyu was killed, because he backed Kisaki into a corner." Kazutora explained.

"Huh?! How the hell, did he corner a guy
like Kisaki?" Asked Takemichi. "One day a detective came to us, saying he was the younger brother of a women Kisaki
had killed." "Huh?! Chifuyu and... that detective were connected?" he asked. "The killing of Tachibana Hinata was done on
Kisaki's Orders. You remember that don't
You? A Toman member Sendo Atsushi, crashed his car into the one Tachibana Hinata was inside of. They both died in the huge fire
that resulted. Kisaki had an alibi. That day,
Kisaki was. In a meeting with you admins.
Chifuyu found proof. Proof that Kisaki had
given the order! Chifuyu was just one step away. From getting Kisaki where he wanted him. He was so close, but it was also Chifuyu's fault, that Kisaki got away. For some reason, he kept that proof hidden. to his dying moment. Get out Takemitchy. Someone in this alley
wants to meet with you." Said Kazutora.

"I wonder who wants to meet with me? Naoto!"
"I've been waiting for you Takemichy-Kun"
"Hanagaki Takemichi. You are under arrest! I'm sorry Hanemiya."
"You bastard."
"Naoto, why?"

Takemichi finds out that he was the one who gave the orders to Akkun to kill Hinata. However, Naoto told him that Kisaki manipulated him into doing this.

"In the first timeline I knew the Tokyo Manji Gang didn't have Ryuguji Ken. It didn't have Matsuno Chifuyu or Hanemiya Kazutora, Or Baji Keisuke. None of them were there, Takemichi. We couldn't have gotten this far into Toman, without their influence. The one
who wove their influence into reality was you. You're the only person who can change Toman and save my sister. I'd like to work put some
countermeasures, but we don't have time.
You're about to be moved to a detention
center. It'll become difficult for us to meet
from now on." said Naoto.
"Huh?! But?!"
"If you want to go back, now's your only
"Whatever happened in the past. that's the
key to l/n y/n and Sano Manjiro's change, only you can change it. If you want to go back, now's your only chance!" Naoto held out his hand.

"Thank you Chifuyu. Kazutora. I know
our enemy now, thanks to you guys. The Ex-
Black Dragons. Kisaki. Those two factors are
what corrupted Mikey and therefore y/n. I'll
drive those two things out of Toman. To save
Hina. To save everyone!" Takemichi said as he opened his eyes to see a bowling alley.

"Strike!" Hinata cheered. "Huh? Bowling?"
"That was awesome Takemichi! You got a turkey!" she exclaimed. 'After coming from such an awful present timeline, seeing Hina's smile is just...' Takemichi thought. "Aw man! It went in the gutter again. Your turn Takemichi!"

"Watch this Hina! My fourth strike in a row!"
"Oh? We both got strikes." said a boy with blue hair. "We were totally in sync." he said excitedly. "Not bad." A girl Takemichi didn't recognize spoke. 'He's huge. Wait. What? Do I know this dude?' "Huh?! I thought I'd seen you somewhere before. You're Hanagaki Takemichi. I'm the Second Division Vice-Captain. Shiba Hakkai" He introduced himself.
'This guy is one of the black dragons!' Takemichi panicked. "Hmm? What's with you? My captain and y/n told me a lot about you. We're Bros from now on! Takemitchy. Come over to my place!"

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