A Comfortable Silence (Jayxre...

Noka004 tarafından

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Edited (1-7) also there is gore and unpleasant words and other subjects but serious ones will have a warning... Daha Fazla

A Not So Silent Meeting
Café time
Finally Some Sleep
School Sucks
🐺 delivery 🐺
a day with Jay
A Pretty Good Day
I've been GOTTEN?
ooo, lore
Mission? Perhaps (⁰^⁰)
t-t-torture?! (⁰○⁰)
Tube thing
is it hot in here?
youre still a grandma
a sober or drunken almost murder?
Hold it in
blossoms in blood
it wasnt on porpoise
Ain't No Way
was that your bone or mine?
(amazing a/n)
new name's
thats it?
Birds of a feather flock together
Until the Cat Comes
we bout to have a party
it's not illegal if they dont find out
Its fun being the villain
Ring the Bell
grow up
I'll kick my feet up on your gravestone
found you
where do you stand
The cops cant get me but stairs can
Food it is
In School?!
Im gonna be late
tell me (a/n)
take off your clothes
Only a Fool Suffers Alone
Even a Worm Will Turn
Oh. Shit?
Oh, oh damn. That hurt.
Want some beans?
Are you kidding me?
I'll think about it
If everyones special no one is
Work with me Here
Work with me here pt2
So what do you think?
Yeah, no, definitely no.
I Just Woke Up
Cooking 101: How to Sever the Hand

Smart Dude B)

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Noka004 tarafından

(Look at the pig I drew)

Hellion pov:

I tried to stop frowning but it hurt my face to much to force a smile on. Why did he show up, Since when was he so close to her?

If almost burns my heart when she smiles at him, looks at him. She didn't see him as a friend, a forever friend. Family even.

Someone new, someone to potentially care about in that intimate way I craved to reach with her but never can or will. Something I should give up on but just can't.

She snapped her fingers in my face. "Come on I signed us out, we need to meet up with Kuro." she starts walking off without me.

"KURO!?" I groaned, dragging my hands over my face, hoping she wasn't serious. "He hates me and I hate him, and he said he was hotter then me, could you belive that?"

I looked at her, waiting for the expected answer, "Anyone being hotter then me, ridiculous."

"He more attractive then the average guy." She stated bluntly. Never looking at me.

"How could you?"


"Can't I just wait outside?" Hellion leaned on my shoulder, throwing a tantrum while nearly pulling me to the ground. "I'm not in the mood to deal with that freak." Hellion side eyed at an ice cream shop, showing what he really wanted.

"You're nearly an adult Hellion," I pulled his hands off of me, "I'm not babysitting you, I'm bodyguarding you." I nod to the doors that lead to Kuros nerd lair. "He has important things to tell me which help me ensure your safety."

"If it's for you to ensure my safety then why do I have to be here?"

I grabbed his face to force him to look me in the eyes. "Because the arguments between you two are childish and you need to grow up, how do you expect to take over the business if you can't bite your tongue."

He smirked, "I have you there to protect me when I I don't bite my tongue." I pinched his ear then pushed his face away.

He frowned like earlier. "I thought he'd have caught on by now that I don't want to inherit what he's made, why can't you just be his successor?"

"Thats something you'll have to be upfront with him about, Hell." I knocked on the door. "He knows you want more freedom, that's why he's letting us go to a normal school."

Hellions face dropped. His eyes staring at the ground around his feet. I sighed, "Your dad is still only in his 30's, it'll be a long time till you actually would have to take over so don't worry about it right now."

"You think so?" He bit the inside of his cheek. "What if he retires early and I have to take over?"

"Then I'd be there, I'm always here to help you, Red."

He forced a gag at the nickname, "Everytime you say that it makes me want to dye my hair." He looked up at the camera above the door and cleared his throat while gesturing to it. "His... his sensors aren't going to let me in."


He coughed again, "Really not a big deal, we had a small fight, he tased, and that was it."

I glared at him. "You've got to be kidding me, Hellion." The doors beeped unlocked and I opened the door for him. "You know he's a key part in both of your fathers business, legal and not."

"Yeah, sorry." He looked down but had a secret smug look while he walked in past me. "Shut up, you're not sorry."

We walk into the run down building and look around at the dirty and water soaked walks, "He does a good job at choosing his locations." Hellion commented.

We walk to the elevator and I press for it to go down. When the elevator opens I press for the basement 3 times.

Hellion scoffed. "Him and his superstitions."

"Hellion you avoided me for 7 days before because you spilt salt and thought we were going to get in a fight."

"That's different, us getting in arguments could happen without bad luck!"

I ignore him as he jabbers on about how he was being this, and Kuro was being that. Like the child he truly was. Instead of listening to him I looked around at the damaged and dirty elevator.

Surprised someone like Kuro would let it stay this dirty. He's a person who would break into your home just to clean it and leave, leaving you a note    – I still can't believe he did that to me – on how you could clean better.

"I'm not hypocritical, I just think it's stupid that he does it."

"You think it's stupid that he does it because it's him that does it, not because you actually think it's stupid."

"... No."

"If you are going to start shit Hellion then just look at the floor and keep your mouth shut."

"I don' wanna look at the floor!" He pointed his hands at the diety flooring of the elevator. "It's disgusting!"

"We've literally stood ankle deep in dea-" The elevator dings and the door opens revealing a high end technology lab with Kuro in his little spot in the corner working on what looked like a bracelet.

Kuro glances up at me, flashing a quick smile, then down then back up in recognition, this time staring behind me at Hellion.

"Oh, you brought in your dog."

"If anything it's the opposite." I peered over all the little things he'd made on my way to his desk. "That is what people call bodyguards after all, isn't it?"

"As long as he's leashed and supervised," He sent a clear mocking look at Hellion, "we should be good."

"Try and put a leash on me I hang you with it." Hellion sneered.

"If it's anything like last time I'm not to worried."

"You had a taser, you fucking pus-" I pinched Kuro and Hellions ears like I'd done to Hellion earlier. Both wincing out strings of ow's.

After a few seconds I let go and watched them both hold their ears and glare at each other. Blaming the other for getting in trouble rather then themselves.

"Can't you guys act like adults, Hellions you nearly are one and Kuro you're a year older then us."

"Whatever" they both muttered in unison. Kuro got back to tweeking at his at his bracelet completely ignoring Hellions existence while Hellion could only glare and evidently show his grievance.

"Whats that?"

"I've been working on this for a while, it's a tracker." He set it down with a long sigh, "I want it to signal when whoever wears it is in distress but it's more complicated than you'd think."

"I'm sure I can imagine how hard it is, why not just get them one of those watches and tweek it from there?"

He deadpanned at me. "Because that info is accessible to the manufacturers. Any crime would be able to be traced to the person because it'd track where they were and at what time." He stood and weaved around me, "Wouldn't be exactly easy to clear an alibi with a watch that would snitch on you."

He grabbed a stack of documents and turned back to me, "But you're not here for that." He held the papers out to me.

I smiled and grabbed them. Having Hellion hold the majority so I could glance over the top few.

Kuro walked over to a long desk with computers, several cellphones, more then a dozen labeled USBs, and files littered across the whole table. The only neat thing was the little free space around his computer.

"So I have all the information on the peoples profiles you sent except the Jay kid, unlike the others information about him is insanely vague and protected." He rolled his eyes, "I'd have to pry a lot harder then I expected but that means either he or his family is hiding something."

"That means we can't trust him right?" Hellions whole mood nearly perked up. "If he's hiding something we obviously should stay away from him."

"No." Kuro spun around to give him a sarcastic glare. "It means that either his Dad is rich and wants his kid safe, or his Dad is rich and he hates his kid and wants him out of public view." He yanked the files away from Hellion.

He turned back and stacked them neatly by the only free spot near his computer, "Hey do you think that you can bring in something all these kids have touched, DNA gives me a far wider view of their pasts."

I shrugged. Silently looking over the next file, trying to laugh at the strange name. "I hope this is a nickname, Gun?" I opened the pages, "He's got daddy issues for sure if thar his... wait a second."

Kuro leaned in. "What's wrong?"

"We saw this guy today." I flipped it over for him to see. "He threatened Hellion."

"Oh, that makes more sense" He said with a smug smile. "But most of the thing I found on him was how he single handedly desecrated gangs and powerful people."

"Yeah..." I closed the folder. "I bit him"

Kuros mouth fell open slightly while he gaped at me. With no words he shook his head and slowly pulled Gun's file from my hands.

"Could always count of you to make an altercation weird." He straightened out the folder with the rest. "But people don't get close to him, like you he does his job and doesn't form attachments, you heartless bastard." His hand grazed over his ear again, remembering the pain.

We locked eyes for a few seconds before he started yapping again. "But he's got some obsessive disorder or something, likes changing people to make them into some masterpiece. There's been a few articles about one of his 'masterpieces' named like Oliver or something. All together I'd suggest just avoiding him, like Eli.... Jang." He paused to look at Eli's last name.

"I know him" Hellion spoke up, poking at a new suit design.

"Really, you know him?" He pointed at Hellion up and down with a skeptical look. "He's been working hard to stay under the radar, trying to keep his kid safe."


"Yes Hellion, some people have kids at a young age, sad stuff" Kuro clicked away at his computer only lifting his hand to push his dark hair out of his icy yet dull blue eyes.

"Well who's the mom?" Hellion changed the subject slightly.

"Heather Kim"

"Where is she now?"

"She died while having the kid, though it may have been shortly after, its not easy to get hospital info like that."

Hellion went silent and stared at Kuro blankly, Kuro gave a small sympathetic look before going back to his normal resting – sneering – bitch face.

"Okay, well that's Eli's business as far as I know." I patted Hellions shoulder. "Unless he's a douche bag and keeps me from my job, then we can stay out of each other's way."

"It'd probably be better that way. The guys more animal then human, a street dog it you will."

The stack of folders was shoved in my arms. "Well you guys have been I'm my space for to long and I'm starting to get uncomfortable, see you later."

I laughed and nodded. Kuro has never changed. Still the same kid I'd met so long ago. I wouldn't be surprised if he's said those exact words to me before.

We both said our goodbyes quickly and left.

"Ice cream?" Hellion changed from his gloomy demeanor to a big grin.


The Ding of the elevator catches our attention and we step in when the door opens

"Back to the gross moldy elevator."

"Shut up, your loosing your chances at ice cream."

We walk out of the building and go up to the ice cream shop walking in and getting too the back of the line. "Your very childish Hellion."

"Well this is all I have, other then my beautiful face."

"You're only 17, you have at least another 60 years on you, more if you're smart."

"You're still a kid to then, why not be normal with me?"

"I'm afraid I'm far to gone to go back or even to try and be normal, besides my job right now is to let you get you freedom."

"I wish you weren't, but if you weren't my bodyguard we'd probably never see each other."

"Yeah, I guess so"

We get to the front and I order (F/f) ice cream, and Hellion gets his favorite carmel flavor.

We walk around a bit and end up at the convenience store but hear some noises and when I peek in the allyway and see
some dumb kids fucking with little Daniel and some other kid.

"Hellion.....can you hold my ice cream real quick?"

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason."

I walk into the alleyway and silently and look at the kids taking pictures of poor little Daniel and some other kid with their pants down.

I stand over one of their shoulders and glare down at his ohone whike he continues to take photos. "The fuck are you doing?"

All the kids look at me with slight surprise, the the three boys grin wildly, "Oh another victim~".

I walk up to the boy in the middle of the three slowly and wind my arm back and slam my fist into his jaw, hearing a nice crack, telling me it either fractured or dislocated.

I elbow the boy to my right after then grab the back of his head and slam it into my knee.

dropping him to the floor and look to my left at the final boy, I turn and walk towards him and grab his arm.

I kick him in the back of the knees and twist his arm while pushing his body down with my foot

Before a break his arm I hear something at the entrance of the alleyway fall to the floor and when I look up I see a random guy with tattoos up his arms and red earbuds in staring at me in shock.

"Hi" I spoke softly, just loud enough for him to hear through his earbuds. Giving the guys arm one last push before letting go and turning around to little Daniel.

Luckily He and the other kid have their pants on. "You okay?" I grab the phone that his bullies had dropped and snap it in two. "That's a pretty awful thing to go through, if you want I could hurt them more"

"N.. no, there's no need y..you've helped more then you ha-had to already."

"I would hope anyone would do the same if they saw this."

I look behind me again and watch the rather tall tattoo guy walk towards me.

He's not gonna want to fight too is he? I'm sure it'd be easy but I just want to talk to Daniel in peace.

"Y/n?" Hellion walked around the corner. "... what happen-" The guy interrupted him. "Small girl, you're a strange person." the random tattoo guy spoke

"... I don't know how to answer that."

"My names Vasco."

"Isn't that a hot sauce?"

Okumaya devam et

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