tales from Belwood: early day...

By crystal_pro_2024

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with summer having come to an end, and ben having his biggest battle yet, he will have to adjust to life back... More

Episode 1: back to Bellwood.
Episode 2 - first day.
Episode 3 - paying a little visit.
Episode 4 - animo's new Evo
Episode 5 - A talk.
episode 6 - trying to fit in.
Episode 7 - the evo in the classroom.
Episode 8 - checkup.
Episode 9 - battle by the beach.
Episode 10 - providence
Chapter 11 - a history lesson.
Chapter 12 - a charming experience.
Episode 13 - camping in the woods.
Episode 14 - the fastest racer.
Episode 15 - a Xingo to far.
Episode 16 - Evos around the world.
Episode 17 - chase through Bellwood.
Episode 18 - nobody will talk about the weather.
Episode 19 - one last dance.
Episode 20 - escape from Abysus.
episode 21 - new roommate
Episode 22 - adventures in adrenaland.
Episode 23 - student film.
Episode 25 - heroes unite (again)
Episode 26 - trouble in Hong Kong part 1: the old gang.
Episode 27 - trouble in Hong Kong part 2: a decibel to high.
Episode 28 - snowed in.
Episode 29 - providence check in.
Episode 30 - breached
Episode 31 - a muddy reception
Episode 32 - Movie night
Episode 33 - wishing to be home alone
Episode 34 - trip to MT rushmore
Episode 35 - forever hunted
Episode 36 - into the T.A.P
Episode 37 - what lies beneath.
Episode 38 - preperations.
Episode 39 - a plan in action.
Episode 40 - downtime
Episode 41 - trapped in providence.
Episode 42 - the werewolf.
Episode 43 - what's up with the watch.
Episode 44 - dimensional disruption part 1: when the bens attack.
Episode 45 - dimensional disruption part 2: breached.
Episode 46 - the trouble in Abysus
Episode 47 - starting to assemble an army.
Episode 48 - basic training.
Episode 49 - let me out.
Episode 50 - expanding the force.
Episode 51 - let's not Forgetie about this.
Episode 52 - the history of the nanite event.
Episode 53 - double agent.
Episode 54 - bringing everything to an end.

Episode 24 - the nemesis of nemeses

29 0 0
By crystal_pro_2024

With team Evo mid battle with a lava spitting Evo, Circe sighed.

Circe: why did we agree to working on this alone?

Rex: the others have been doing a lot of the Evo fighting for us as of late, we need to step up.

Noah: I just wish I got to keep that energy sword.

Rex: on your left.

Noah jumps out of the way of an incoming fire ball, and he gets one to strike a fire hydrant. He them tried to redirect the fireball and only finds it pushing back anything he tries to do.

Noah: what am I supposed to do here?

Rex: just get everybody out of here, we'll take care of lava guy here.

Noah nods and tries to shoo away the people, managing to move a few people but others refusing to move away from the special. However, as they continue to fight the lava Evo, captain nemesis jumps down and shoots out some ice at the lava monster, using his high tech suit, he's able to move the water from the fire hydrant to make the lava Evo fall on the floor and cooling him off enough for rex to try and cure him. Being unable to do so but stalling the lava monster long enough for a providence ship to show up and take the Evo into safety.

Six: thanks for your help kids.

Captain nemesis: what about me?

Six: last time I checked you always come in at the last moment and steel the spotlight. Besides these two are using their powers to help people no matter the situation. You only do it when cameras are on you.

Captain nemesis: and how do you know that?

Six: I know a lot about you Carl Nesmith. Providence has information on all of what it considers threats. And your antics are going to get someone hurt.

He fleas onto the providence ship and they fly off, activating there clocking technology to hide where providence is from the general public and the others turn around to find that captain nemesis was looking frustrated.

Captain nemesis: if your kind folks excuse me, my suit needs some tinkering. And remember to trust in the nemesis of all villains.

He flies off in his suit as Noah looks on in disappointment.

Noah: I remember when I thought he looked cool.

Rex: you know, six does make a good point. Why does he always show up when the camera is out. I mean where was he when the school was under attack?

Circe: I say we investigate the guy.

Noah: but what am I supposed to do?

Rex: what do you mean?

Noah: you guys have all of these amazing powers mean while I'm just little old Noah. The more I hang out with you guys, the more I question how I fit in to the whole hero group. I mean you've got ben and Kevin with their alien watches; Gwen's got all the experience and is the brains of the operation, you two have theses amazing Evo powers and then there's me.

Circe: you're not worthless. You always alert us to where there's been an Evo attack.

Noah: I guess.

Rex: well, if we're going to investigate this captain nemesis then we're going to need someone a little less famous to distract him and to maybe get him to distract himself so Noah, what do you say about becoming the new school reporter.

Noah smiles and withing a transition he's standing outside of the massive tower that captain nemesis had built near the center of town, suspiciously close to the billions tower.

Captain nemesis: hello young man, didn't I see you over with that lava monster?

Noah: yes, but I was wondering if I could do an interview with you. You see I'm the school reporter and I was there to try and get an interview with two local heroes. But they weren't talking to me, so I was wondering if you let me interview a true hero instead?

Captain nemesis: well, if you're looking for a hero to interview then I am the right captain for this job. Come inside inconspicuous child.

They walk inside with rex and Circe by the door.

Rex: I can't believe that worked.

Circe: I can. Now why does he have such a big tower if he only showed up last month?

Rex: do you think it has anything to do with that tower over there?

Circe looks over at the bright red and gold billions tower and while she does have her suspicions, she was way too focused on the task at hand.

Circe: so why do you think six said all that stuff?

Rex: he was probably trying to get captain nemesis to break. He's good at doing that sort of thing.

Circe: do you see a way in we can use?

Rex: I don't but I think that we could probably get in through the air vents. Now if I can use a screwdriver to get into the vents, we should be able to...

Circe: or you could just fly us up to the door up top.

Rex: I hate when you point stuff like that out. Makes my plans seemingly disappear.

Circe: i'm just pointing out the easiest option. i'm sure your plan 

Rex forms his boogie pack, and he flies them up as high as he can go, just two stories below where they need to be.

Rex: I can't get any higher. What do I do?

Circe: I have an idea, just trust me.

Rex: ok, what's your...

She extends out her Evo jaw and gets sent flying upwards with rex, both of them landing on the top of the building with rex's boogie pack falling apart.

Rex: well that stung.

Circe: it worked, didn't it?

Rex: I guess. But it still hurt.

Circe gets up and tries to open the door only to find it locked. Rex gets himself up and walks over to it, using his combat drill to break through the door, the door attaching itself to rex's combat drill and he manages to scrape it off, allowing the pair to get inside mostly undetected. Meanwhile Noah was asking as many questions as he could.

Noah: so, what's it like being a super hero.

Captain nemesis: I've got to say that it's great, and my investors think so as well.

Noah: investors?

Captain nemesis: some people who think letting children protect this town is a bad idea.

Noah: I know ben, Kevin, rex and Circe. There are good people, other than Kevin, but the want to do the right thing.

Captain nemesis: don't you think there a little young to be putting their lives on the line against theses monsters.

Noah: there called Evos.

Captain nemesis: how do you know that?

Noah: it's amazing what you can learn when you watch the news.

Captain nemesis: I guess that makes sense, anyway child. Don't fear, with captain nemesis here those nasty Evos won't be able to place a finger on your little head.

Noah: well, thank you, but not all Evos are evil. Some of them are just lost or confused. I mean anyone can become an Evo at any time.

Captain nemesis: all of this was on the news? When?

Noah: when the heroes who are my age went to Italy to stop that DR animo guy.

Captain nemesis: ah yes, how could I have been so forgetful. Now do you have any other questions child?

Meanwhile rex and Circe could hear everything as the air vents carried the sound quite well.

Circe: he's giving Evos a bad name we need to stop him.

Rex: but how, he's not done anything wrong. Otherwise, providence or the police would've arrested this guy.

Circe: I know but we need stop him from spreading this hate towards Evos.

Rex: he's probably just confused about them or something.

Circe: providence has been sending out messages about this thing every week since they were reviled back in Italy, and even since the washington insident. Face its rex, he's trying to push an agenda of Evos being evil and that's going to affect us. We're Evos, we're the monsters in this scenario.

She starts to tear up.

Rex: are you ok?

Circe: I don't want to get into it right now. Let's just get some dirt on this guy.

Rex: ok. Right. Where do we even start?

Circe: Looks like there's a meeting going on below us if the sign is to be believed

Rex: unless you can listen in to conversations, we need to get down there somehow.

Circe: I say we take the stairs.

Rex: what is wrong with me today?

Circe: you're just a little tired out. That math's paper took a lot out of you. Now come on.

They rush down the stairs, do see the meeting room where they find Billy billions working with a contractor.

Rex: is that Biowulf?

Circe: yeah, but who's the kid?

Rex: Billy billions. Apparently, he's one of Bens enemies. But what's he doing talking with Biowulf?

They listen in to hear something mid conversation.

Billy: so, you can still promise me theses nanite things? And there going to make my men strong enough to finally take down those Tennysons.

Biowulf: sure, thing kid. All you have to do is keep providence out of the city. We have big plans. And we need them off of our case.

Circe: so, captain nemesis is a distraction?

Rex: I guess so.

Biowulf turns his head and spots the two of them. They duck from the window hoping they haven't been caught but he did spot them, and he ripped off the door.

Billy: hey, that door costs money.

Rex: why are you doing this Biowulf?

Biowulf: why should I tell you? I haven't even told the child.

Billy: the name Is Billy billions.

Biowulf: just keep providence's attention away from us and you can have all of the active nanites you want.

Circe: you want to see what active nanites can do to you Billy?

He raises an eyebrow and Circe extends out her Evo jaw and screeches at Biowulf.

Circe: and I'm one of the lucky ones. I can turn my nanites off, almost all Evos can't and if you're injected with active nanites you become an actual monster.

Saying those words hurt Circe but she knew she was doing what she had to break off this deal.

Billy: is this true wolf man?

Biowulf: don't listen to them Billy, you want superpowers, then this is the way to get them.

Circe just extends her jaw out again and Billy calls for captain nemesis who tries to run off with Noah making every excuse he can for him to not go but eventually just follows him inside the big room where they were all fighting and when her seas what's going on he looks stunned.

Noah: you're fighting Billy billions? Why?

Rex building his B.F.S: because he's the one funding the hate for Evos and captain nemesis.

Billy: wait, you get to make a sword from nothing?

Rex: it's more complicated than that, I don't know why I can control my nanites but I can't let you do this. You don't know what they'll do to you.

Captain nemesis takes rex and throws him outside as rex quickly switches from his B.F.S to his boogie pack and he starts flying.

Captain nemesis: not bad kid, but can you do this?

He starts flying and shooting mistles at rex who has to dodge all of the mistles while trying to keep control of his height and his boogie pack while captain nemesis continues to try and hit the probably 10-year-old. Meanwhile Circe was locked in battle with Biowulf as she tried to find her frequency that would naturalize him. Noah left to figure out what he was meant to do, noticing Billy had his tablet out and that he was calling drones. Noah jumped at Billy and stole his tablet. He waved it around and tried to navigate its interface to turn off the drones. He gets so frustrated that he throws it out of the window.

Billy: that tablet is the most expensive that money can buy. It can completely survive that fall; it was designed to survive Tennyson's aliens.

Noah: I guess that, but it looks like a long fall and what, 40 stories. You want it, you're going to have to go and get it.

Billy: I can't believe your making me work like this. I'll just take the elevator.

Noah: did I forget to mention that I may have broken the panel to that after I followed captain nemesis up here.

Billy: when did you have time for that?

Noah: nemesis took his sweat time getting up here.

Billy groans as he leaves the room as he starts the long crawl down to get his tablet. Noah, now free, runs over to Circe and sees how he can help.

Circe: create a distraction for me. I need to find the right frequency and I'm getting winded doing this.

Noah: you got it.

He starts throwing random things he can find to distract Biowulf. Meanwhile rex is trying to avoid the attacks from captain nemesis.

Captain nemesis: what's wrong kid. Can only build one thing at a time?

Rex: yes, now stop firing at the flying child.

Captain nemesis coming to a stop: and why would I do that?

Rex: I didn't think you would for long, so take pavement.

He lands and switch to his slam cannon, taking part of the pavement and hooting it at captain nemesis, missing but knowing what it would mean.

Captain nemesis: you missed.

Rex: not as much as you think I have.

He points up as a providence ship flies over them. Rex smiles as six dropped down.

Six: you know there are better ways of contacting us.

Rex: I don't exactly have your phone number.

Six hands him a slip of paper as he pulls out his blades and looks nemesis, nemesis smiling as he shows off his weaponry. Six responds by putting his blades together as captain nemesis is drawn towards him and he punches him to the ground.

Rex: since when can you do that?

Six: it's an upgrade to my blade. You're lucky I'm no longer tracking you down.

Rex gives a nervous chuckle as six looks over captain nemesis. Sighing as he calls white.

Six: don't worry about it white, it's nothing important. Just another one of ben's super villains. Not our area.

A moment of silence passes.

Six: understood returning to HQ.

He grabs onto the wire and get ready to leave.

Rex: that's it?

Six: would you rather I brought you in?

Rex: good point.

He flies back to the tower to find Circe had been screeching at Biowulf and rex climbs in the window as is boogie pack can't handle being that high.

Rex: what happened here? Looks like you won. So where is Billy anyway?

Noah: probably 5 stories down, fallen over from having to do something.

Rex: so, if we're all done here, we should get going.

Circe: we're not going to do anything about Biowulf?

Rex: what can we do? We're not a part of providence or anything.

Circe: I just don't like the idea of leaving him here.

Noah: looks like your sleep screech is wearing off.

Circe: good point. Let's get out of here.

Rex grabs onto both of them and tries to fly off, his boogie pack failing so he switches to his punk busters, landing on Billy's tablet and leaping off, leaving a cracked and crushed mess behind Billy finding it and crying as we see breach take waking Biowulf back. Knowing van Kleiss wasn't going to like this. 

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