Unprecedented occurrences

By mindhackglitch

82.7K 4.4K 240

"I don't have to think, it doesn't have to make sense. It's easy but so hard, it's natural." "This has never... More

Meeting Harry James Potter
Danger lurking
Life takes a new direction..
The truth is often a bitter pill to swallow
Limits ..
Letters of the past
The decision was made for me
Sad truths
Arrivals and confrontations
She's a veela
Beginnings of a crush ..
Champion selection..
Contractual obligations.
Recognizing the pull
The date
The date part II
Urges ..
Im leaving crookshanks to you..
First task
I laughed in the face of danger..
Celebrations and meetings
Veela lore
Lost in translation
The words aren't enough.
Yule ball
The golden egg
I'll burn the world if I have too
Second task.
A veela and wolf
What happened to Crouch?
Reassurance only a lover could provide
Blissful ignorance
Third task
Harry... He's back
I saw them ..
Unprecedented occurence

Simply unprecedented

1.8K 104 12
By mindhackglitch

Returning to Hogwarts only two weeks after the school year ended was strange, the school devoid of students and footsteps clattering to their classes, the absence of the groaning and moving staircases as students clambered on.

The lack of chattering throughout the halls of the medieval castle gave her some relief.

She didn't think she had the ability to deal with their faces, with their noise, she didn't think she had the capacity to deal with Ron's disgusting eating habits, unable to close his mouth as he chewed. She didn't think she'd be able to deal with Harry's questioning looks. Not now. She needed to deal with her first transformation or survive it at least. Thankfully her transfigurations professor saw her need for some peace and quiet and left her to her own devices.

She drifted from her safe space;the library through the various hallways. She managed to dodge a mischievous peeves and a chatty headless Sir Nick so far.

Sighing she found her way into a near empty hallway.. she was about to turn around when she saw the ghost of the 'grey lady' aimlessly floating through the walls— she was about to follow the ghost when she heard quick footsteps behind her.

"Miss Granger, it's nearly time." She turned to face her favorite professor and nodded. Pushing back her curiosity. They wasn't much said about the grey lady.. many seemed to ignore her and her constant sullen expression, made for rather drab conversation apparently.

"Of course professor" she mumbled following the quick feet of her professor."Where will I be transforming professor?"

"Albus decided it best we keep you inside the castle. Safer for everyone that way. The forbidden forest would've been ideal however, we were unable to procure wolfsbane for this shift."

Hermione gulped "I see"

Minerva stopped allowing the young girl to fall in beside her, she gently clapped her favorite students shoulder "have no fear Miss Granger, you will survive this shift and I'm sure you'll manage to finish your schooling without anyone finding out."

Hermione nodded slowly "I assume professor Dumbledore won't be advising the ministry then ?" She asked hopefully.

Mcgnagall smiled "We believe it in your best interest to continue your education as is, there's no need to inform them especially if the ministry is going to deprive you of a education. Considering your studies and how well you've been doing it would be a crime to interfere in your future."

For the first time in two weeks, Hermione smiled a genuine smile "Thank you professor I think I needed some good news"

The two shared a smile before continuing their journey in comfortable silence, McGonagall ushered her into a dark room, the limited lighting made it hard for her to see but from what she saw had gulping harshly a small cell, a small cot against the wall.
Madame Pomfrey standing near the cell gates speaking to the headmaster about something she wasn't privy too.

"I see this is my accommodations for the evening, you really shouldn't have gone through all this trouble professor" she muttered sarcastically.

"Ah Miss Granger you're here" he either ignored her sarcasm or merely didn't care for it but she sighed and nodded none the less instead of shooting another sarcastic comment. Her mood had been darkening the closer the time came.

"Are you ready ?"

"Is one ever ready to change into a bloodthirsty werewolf?" She countered with a brow raised.

Dumbledore if he was offended didn't say nothing but chuckle "Rightly so, now let's get you comfortable. Madame Pomfrey will be explaining what to expect. The changes , the effect the lunar cycle will have on your appetite and appearances." He gestured to the mediwitch to continue.

"Ah yes well. As we know, as far as research goes, becoming a werewolf either by being bitten or scratched carries the risk of either dying or transforming into a werewolf. Since you survived the scratch and seem to be in good health we have reason to believe that you will indeed survive the first transformation. Now this of course is based on your magical core. You are one strong witch, regardless of your ancestry.. or lack thereof. Your magic will be sufficient to carry you through the process."

Hermione nodded but pragmatism had always been her best friend"but there's no guarantee, it's all conjecture at this point"

"Yes but we are more optimistic, now onto the body changes. As you know you'll grow fur, your teeth will change and you'll take the form of a bipedal werewolf, you may also experience what some female werewolves has according the few studies conducted, they will sometimes take on characteristics of a male. This being meaning that your very genitalia will change."

Hermione nearly snickered in disbelief but held herself back and nodded allowing the mediwitch to continue "these changes can remain for the period you are transformed and could be gone by the time the night is over."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at the explanation "Meaning there is a change that this physical transformation could remain even after I change back to human?" She questioned trying to hide her nervousness.

"Yes, yes that's right but the chance of that happening are slim to none. Two percent if I'm not mistaken."

Hermione blinked "I see let's hope I'm not included in that two percent then. Now aside from the possibility of me being intersex, are there any other changes I should be aware of ?"

"Aside from each bone in your body breaking and reforming to shape the werewolf? No there is not. I'm sure you're aware that due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to procure wolfsbane for you, which means you'll likely give in to your animalistic side. Hence.." she motioned to the drab cell.

"Hence the cage, got it. Okay I think I'm ready.. are there any herbs I could take to dampen the pain?"

"Unfortunately not dear, the herbs I could give you would most likely worsen the pain. It's best you go through this sober."

Hermione groaned inwardly "I have a feeling Morphine would sound like heaven by the evenings through"


Hours ticked by as Madame Pomfrey tried calming the anxiety ridden witch , it didn't particularly work regardless of the cold hard logical explanation, her heart still raced at the thought of the endless pain she would soon be enduring.

"It's time" two words that had here shutting her eyes in defeat.

She nodded and headed into her home for the evening.

She noticed that Dumbledore left sometime ago, most likely to give her the illusion of privacy. She removed her jumper followed her boots and jeans. She hugged herself as she remained in her matching cotton underwear.. the moon no doubt high in the sky as she felt a twinge.

"Ahh urgh !!" she screamed, her left leg bent unnaturally making her to drop to her knees in agony. She bit back the tears fruitlessly, refusing to let them fall. Each time her bones snapped she burned with the urge to scream, scream for all to hear, but she reasoned it wouldn't help, screaming would only hurt her throat. Even then she could help the piercing scream she let go as her spine snapped upwards

Through harsh breaths she tried preparing herself for the next round of breaking bones. She wasn't too sure how long the torture lasted , she didn't think there was any worse pain that having all your bones in your body, breaking, reforming before breaking again.. she wouldn't wish this on her worst enemy.

The first thing she heard in clarity was s soft gasp, a gasp she recognized from her favorite professor. She tried to talk but her throat burned with reminder that she screamed herself hoarse.

"Hermione?" She blinked rapidly trying to acclimate to the darkness in the room, but she opened her eyes and in the dimly lit basement cellar she found herself staring at her transfigurations teacher in startling clarity, every wrinkle, every line, the light freckles adorning the Scottish woman's face, the slight greying hairs gently intwined into the darker strands.

"Professor?" She asked hoarsely.

Hermione staggered up to her feet, almost immediately feeling the cold emanating from the cells walls. Her body felt tired, her bones ached, her gums slightly sore, she attributed that to the fact she grew fangs but receded once the transformation was done and the night over.

"It's morning already?" She questioned, her voice sounded scratchy, slightly deeper but not masculine instead it held a husky alluring quality. She noticed a light flush on both females faces. She looked down at herself and found herself staring at a cock. 'Well.. I suppose the intersex caution was dead on' she blinked before panicking 'the intersex thing but'

"Hermione can you hear me?" Her gaze snapped back to her professor

"I'm sorry what were you saying?"

"I said no it's not morning but aside from you now being a bit more on the muscle side, the fangs protruding your gums and your eyes that seem to be a golden brown. Your hair well I think it's best you look in a mirror dear" Hermione blinked

"You forgot to add that I now have a penis Madame Pomfrey." She deadpanned. "How is this possible? I thought that changing to a werewolf would mean more fur, less rational thought and more ravenous hunger for red meat or humans that strike up a fancy." The slightly dark humor seemed to be appreciated by the two stunned witches, making madame Pomfrey hurl a robe through the cell.

"Cover yourself" didn't need to tell her twice. She immediately covered her naked form, noting the tatters of her cotton underwear scattered on the ground .

"This is unprecedented"

Hermione nodded along, waiting for the mediwitch to come up with an explanation as to how and why.

"There's no knowledge of this ever happening before, as you mention Miss Granger you're in control of your mental faculties and aside from the slight physical changes you're still much yourself."

"Yes.. and" She gestured the mediwitch to continue.

"And nothing! As I said this has never happened before so of course I have no idea on what could happen, what happened when the infection latched onto your DNA and why it hasn't changed you completely. Are you experiencing any urges?" She spoke rapidly, wildly gesturing with her hands. Her face a picture of disbelief.

Hermione cracked her neck with a satisfying pop "if you're asking me whether I want to attack you then the answer would be no, aside from a craving for medium rare steak I have no other animalistic urges."

"What about your senses; sensory and auditory?"

"Perfect, it's almost as if I have the ability to see through the dark, not only that but I feel like everything I've been seeing was through muddy glasses and now I can see everything. The minuscule cracks in the wall meters behind you, I can smell professor Dumbledores lemon drops as if he was right next to me and I can hear the his footsteps about 20 feet away, heading this way while most likely chewing on a lemon drop."

"As I said Miss Granger simply unprecedented."


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