Luna (Shin Ryujin x Female Re...

By Hyj_me

15.7K 543 223

The story of how two idols found love. Y/N Y/LN is a member of the KPOP girl group Luna, alongside Isa, Soyeo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

847 37 21
By Hyj_me

Your POV

"Stop cheating Y/N!"

"I'm not cheating! I finished the game fair and square, they didn't say anything about not standing up."

"You're such a cheater..." Isa complained as she huffed while I just rolled my eyes at her and looked at the staff with us.

"You didn't say anything about not standing up so I still win this, right?"

"Yes, that's correct."

I celebrated while Isa glared at me, gave me one of her gold coins and walked away from me, so I just went towards the staff and got the three gold coins that I won after the little game against Isa and also giving them a fist bump. We've always had a good relationship with the staff, they are not just people working with us but close friends.

"I hate you!"

"I love you too, unnie!" I yelled back and continued walking around the other way from Isa.

We were currently filming our variety show, and it seems like I'm in the lead now. In the episode we are filming today, they rented out this sort of playground that's indoors and they've set up gold coins all around that we have to get either by just finding them in secret places or completing a challenge to get them. And if we meet one of the other members then we have to compete against them in a game or challenge and the winner gets one of the other's coins and three from the staff. It's actually quite fun but I'm also tired from running around everywhere. I need to start working out more... Nah, not gonna do that.

I walked towards the trampoline area and went inside on of the trampoline spaces to see if there were any gold coins there. I looked everywhere but didn't find any until I looked at the top and saw some taped to a sort of tube thing in the middle of the trampoline. I jumped up and down till I got to the perfect height to reach them and I grabbed all of them. With my height it wasn't really difficult so I just celebrated by myself and smiled brightly knowinng that I was going to win 100 percent. No doubt.

I had collected about eight coins, so I walked away after checking every other area by the trampolines where I found 4 more. I walked around for a bit, also hoping to find one of the other members so I could compete against them in a challenge. I thought that maybe one of them would be by the trampolines so J turned around and ran back there with my cameraman running after me to keep up.

I saw Soyeon Unnie in the same trampoline I was in earlier trying to reach the ones on top. Which I guess are new from the staff since I took the other ones. I saw her struggling to reach the top, so I thought I might go in there and annoy her.

"Hey Unnie!"

She turned around so fast I thought she might get whiplash. Once she saw it was me, her face turned to an annoyed one.

"Oh no, stay away Y/N. I don't want to compete in a challenge with you."

The thing is, once you touch the other, that is when you have to compete against them. Not just if you see them or approach them.

She was just standing on the trampoline holding her hands out as if to keep me away from her. I walked towards the little opening there was in the rope fence around the trampoline to get in, and she just backed up like I was the plague or something.

"It's okay Unnie, I won't touch you. Do you need help reaching those coins?"


"You definitely do, come on."

She hesitantly walked towards me and asked me to lift her up, I did what she asked but not high enough on purpose.

"It's like you're not even trying to help, you're useless. Put me down please." I did what she asked but not before looking at the camera and winking while smiling mischievously. She started jumping while trying to reach the coins and telling me to get out. So I just laughed instead and started double jumping beside her to make her fall, so she couldn't get up.

"Y/N!" I just kept laughing and jumping while she rolled around. I though I'd give her a chance to get up but decided against it after she had a break for like a second. She laid still and tried to get up before I started again and she fell over making noises of complaint. Eventually I felt bad for her and stopped.

"That was fun," I said as I helped her up and she glared at me with her hair disheveled. I started fixing her hair while she kept glaring at me until it disappeared with a smile. I smiled back and turned to get out of the trampoline area. We both got out and were about to leave when a staff member called us making us both turn around.

"You forgot that you have to compete against each other, you touched each other."

"No we didn't," I decided to just lie because I knew Soyeon didn't have that many coins. I guess she knew because she just giggled at me.

"Yes when you lifted her up and later again."

"No, I don't remember that." I said as I faked a thinking face about to turn around again but Soyeon pulled me back.

"It's okay Y/N, let's do it."

"Okay, I'm sorry." I bowed to the staff and they said it's okay and started telling us about the challenge.

After some time, the games finally ended and we returned to the exit where they would tell us the winner and the prize they would get.

"You all competed against each other a lot, with Wonyoung and Isa competing against each other the most. There are three ways to get gold coins and one is through competing against each other, the second is by finding them and the third is completing challenges on your own."

"Now for the winner and losers. In the fourth place is Soyeon!" We all laughed and clapped as we saw that coming since she isn't as competitive as the rest of us. She tries a lot but it's not on our level.

"You get a penalty!" The staff member said trying to sound enthusiastic.

"He's trying to make it sound amazing," Isa said while laughing making the rest of us join her.

"The penalty is drinking garlic juice," they brought out a glass containing the garlic juice, as Soyeon just stared at it horrified. She thanked them and grabbed the glass before asking if she had to drink it all. But she only had to drink a little. We started hyping her up as she brought the glass up to her lips and once she drank some of it, her face changed quickly to one of disgust which only made us laugh harder and I went to stand in front of her to save her idol image because that face was not one for the public. Once I saw she was back to normal, I went back to my spot in between Isa and Wonyoung.

"Alright and in the third place is Wonyoung!"

"What?!" We all asked shocked at her being in third place. It's usually Wonyoung and I in second and first place since we're the most competitive ones in our group. We switch between first place though.

Once I realized that he wasn't lying I started laughing and pointing at her. I laughed so hard I had to hold on to Isa.

"I can't believe you lost to Isa Unnie!"


"Sorry, no offense Unnie." I smiled sheepishly at her as she slapped my shoulder. Well she tried to but because I was holding on to her and leaning on her, she missed and hit my cheek making me stop laughing and glare at her in a joking matter.

"Oops, sorry Jagi." Isa said and hugged me sideways while Wonyoung was told what her penalty was. She had to buy us bubble tea.

"Wow, your penalty was worse than mine." Soyeon said and laughed to which we agreed and laughed.

"And now for the second place..."

"We already know it's Isa," Soyeon and Wonyoung said as I just smiled proudly and Isa pouted.

"Well I just wanted to make a dramatic effect, but yes it is Isa." The staff member said jokingly as he chuckled.

"It's okay Isa, you're still cute." I said and pat her head as she kept making a sad face. She was told her penalty which was that she had to buy us lunch.

"And the winner is obviously Y/N!" They all cheered as I smiled brightly and jokingly winked at the camera and did the action of putting my index finger and middle finger by my forehead like a salute.

But of course the other three had to ruin the moment and make puking/gagging noises to which I just rolled my eyes.

"You win a snack bag! It's a bag styled with other snack bags and inside are more snacks." I don't know if it was visible in the camera but my eyes brightened up completely. I couldn't be happier with my prize. The girls clapped as I was given the bag and I wore it. I pretended to have a runway and modeled with the bag on my back which made everyone laugh because of my ridiculous poses.

Later on we were driven to a restaurant for lunch which Isa paid for and afterwards we got bubble tea which Wonyoung paid for. The whole time they kept filming us until it was finally time to say goodbye after getting our bubble tea. The next few hours were spent on interviews before the others were sent home and I went to the studio to work on the song for TXT.

We had made a lot of progress with the song and we were nearly finished. Currently, the only ones that have actually written some of the lyrics are Beomgyu, their producer and I. Not that I'm implying that the others have done an awful job, but that they have only had input here and there. Therefore the others also felt like they should head home and leave the three of us alone in the studio. I looked at the clock and noticed it was only 6 pm. Ryujin told me she would be here a little past 7:30 pm, so I was looking forward to it.

I've noticed my feelings for her are growing more and more as we keep spending time together, and I wanted to try staying away from her but how can I when she looks at me with those eyes and says she misses me.

I felt like I was counting down the minutes till she would get here, since I kept looking at the clock hanging on the wall. I shook my head and focused back on figuring out the lyrics for this song.

Third person POV

As time went on for the three of them, their producer went back home at 7 pm. Beomgyu said he wanted to stay with Y/N some more and work on the song, since Y/N refused to go home so early. It was currently 7:35 pm, and Y/N suddenly remembered that she had not told Beomgyu about Ryujin coming over.

"Gyu, I completely forgot to tell you but a friend of mine is coming over. I invited her to join me here since I expected to be alone at this time, I'm sorry."

"Hey it's okay, I can just go now so I won't bother you two." Beomgyu said as he started gathering his things to leave, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He turned around to see Y/N look at him in confusion.

"I didn't tell you that as a sign for you to leave, but just for you to know that someone will join us. I don't want you to leave."

"Are you sure?" Beomgyu said as he still held his things, but Y/N put her hand over his and pushed them back down onto the table for him to put the things back down there.

"Yes completely. Besides we're doing a great job at the moment, so let's not ruin the flow just because of someone joining us. She can also give us her input." They both sat back down on the couch as Beomgyu just agreed to stay.

"Wait who's your friend anyway?"

"Oh it's-"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Y/N already knew it would be Ryujin since she texted her the details of which studio they were in and the way to it in the company building.

"That's her!" Y/N got up and opened the door to find Ryujin standing there with a mask and cap on, but even with the mask on it was obvious that she was smiling because of the half hidden whisker-dimples and her crinkled eyes.

"Y/N!" Ryujin said excitedly and held out her arms for a hug to which Y/N immediately went in to. Ryujin wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck, as Y/N wrapped hers around Ryujin's waist. They hugged for a few seconds before pulling away and smiling at each other.

"Hi," they both said at the same time and giggled before they were interrupted by Beomgyu's voice.

"Hello there."

Ryujin looked behind Y/N and saw Beomgyu standing there awkwardly.

"Oh hey Beomgyu! Long time no see," Ryujin said as she went and hugged him, which he quickly reciprocated.

"Yeah, it's been a while." He chuckled as he kept hugging her. He looked up to meet Y/N's confusing eyes as he kept hugging Ryujin. Once they pulled away they smiled at each other quickly before both turning to Y/N who looked confused.

When did they become friends?

"I didn't know you two knew each other..." Y/N said suspiciously as she looked between the two.

"Well we've known about each other since we both debuted but we just started becoming friends now." Beomgyu answered as Ryujin simply nodded at what he said.

"Oh okay... Anyway, Ryujinnie we were just working on the song for their next comeback which I'm writing the lyrics for with them. If you want, you can read what we have for now and give your input?" Y/N said as she moved towards the couch and patted the spot beside her. Ryujin moved to sit there, as Beomgyu went to sit beside Ryujin so she was in the middle.

"Sure, that sounds great! I can't wait to see what you have."

Ryujin read over the lyrics and she genuinely liked the song so far, but she also had some input which the other two took into consideration. Some pointers she had were quite good and only improved the song more.

"Seems like we should put you under as one of the writers for this song." Y/N joked as she looked sideways at Ryujin who ran her fingers through her hair before looking at Y/N. For a second there, Y/N was in a daze as she couldn't get over the fact how attractive Ryujin was.

"No, definitely not. I only helped a little bit." Ryujin blushed even though she knew Y/N was joking.

"You're really good at this Ryujin, have you written any songs for your group before?" Beomgyu said as he interrupted the two girls' little stare contest.

Ryujin face him instead of Y/N so they could have a proper conversation.

"I haven't, but I've always liked writing whether it's lyrics, poems or just anything in general."

"You should definitely try doing it for your group, you amazing at it." Beomgyu said as he flashed her a smile, while Ryujin just blushed because of the compliment.

"Thanks, that's really sweet of you." Ryujin said with reddened cheeks and a shy smile. "But JYP PD-nim writes our songs for us or the producers. We haven't been allowed to write any yet, but hopefully we will soon enough."

"Well I hope it will be soon, because this is great."

"Thank you," Ryujin put her hand on his arm as she looked at him with thankful eyes, not being able to say anything besides thanking him.

However, Y/N wasn't entirely happy watching this exchange between the two idols next to her. She didn't like where this was going. If Y/N is correct about her assumption of Beomgyu liking Ryujin then she would have no chance. Because well 1) she would not want to go against Beomgyu to win Ryujin's heart, and 2) She still wasn't sure at times if Ryujin really was into women or just Y/N.

After two more hours, the three seemed to be done with their work for the day and Y/N knew that they would only need one more session in the studio before the song would be complete.

"I just have to use the restroom before we leave, can you tell me where it is?" Ryujin asked as she turned back towards Y/N with somewhat hopeful eyes.

"Yeah it's just down the hall to your right and you will see the sign on the door." Y/N said smiling softly at Ryujin, not noticing the hopeful look in her eyes for Y/N to show her the way instead of just telling it.

Ryujin thanked her and got up to head towards the restroom, which left Y/N and Beomgyu alone in the studio again.

"Ryujin is the girl." Beomgyu says out of nowhere leaving Y/N confused.


"Ryujin is the girl I've been talking to, but I haven't told the guys yet. I have a crush on her, but I don't want to do anything unless I'm sure that she will agree to a date."

"Oh okay, how come you're telling me this then and not the guys?"

"Because I want to ask you if you can help me?" Beomgyu asked with hopeful eyes as he gripped Y/N's arm, as if his life depended on it. "And also don't tell the others yet."

"Help you how?"

"You know, where you sweet talk me, tell me what she likes and dislikes and just try to make me look good."

"Gyu, you're a good guy and you definitely don't need me to do all that." Y/N said as she wanted to just get away from this conversation. Why did her assumption have to become a reality? This is the last thing she needed right now.

"Please Y/NN, I really do need you since you're close with her and you know her personally and definitely more than I do." Beomgyu kept his grip on her arm, which wasn't enough to hurt her. Y/N looked down at his hands on her arm and saw it as a sign of his desperation.

The last thing Y/N would want, would be coming between her two friends' happiness. She loves Beomgyu like a brother and she wanted nothing more than for him to be happy and if it meant that she would have to step down and not do anything about her feelings for Ryujin, then so be it. He had helped her a lot in the past when she needed someone by her side the most, so now she would do the same thing even if it meant hurting herself in the end.

She also knew that Ryujin seemed to have taken a liking to Beomgyu through her actions, so that further helps her case of figuring out what to do and answer Beomgyu.

"Fine, I'll help you."



I hope you liked this chapter!

Have a great day/night, lovelies

- M

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