Chapter 12

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Third person POV

Y/N had some time before she had to go, so she decided to head to the gym to get her mind straight and not worry too much about the double date.

She had spent an hour with her members as they tried to figure out what she had to wear for tonight. The hour consisted of Soyeon laying on Y/N's bed eating chips as she watched everything in front of her unfold, while Y/N stood to the side like a Sims figure and tried to interfere and tell her other two group members to not make a mess, to no avail. Isa and Wonyoung were going through her closet and throwing clothes everywhere to find "the perfect outfit that would make Ryujin fall for Y/N even more and swoop her off her feet". Eventually they found the outfit and once everything was settled the other three left Y/N alone in her shared room with Wonyoung that was now a mess. Instead of cleaning after themselves, Isa and Wonyoung yelled out a "good luck" and went to the living room with Soyeon. Y/N did not want to deal with cleaning up after the others at that moment, so instead she grabbed her workout clothes.

That lead her to this moment where she was jogging on the treadmill. She could feel the sweat rolling down the side of her face and her back as she kept on jogging. It seemed that it didn't help take her mind off of tonight so instead she upped the speed on the treadmill and started running at a rather fast pace.

This happened quite often where Y/N would overthink and her thoughts would only be consumed by negative thoughts. So she always ended up going to the gym whenever she found the time to get her mind off of things and stop the thoughts from swarming around in her head and give her a headache. But somehow it was rather difficult at the moment because what she was overthinking had not even happened yet.

Eventually Y/N set her feet on each side of the treadmill so she could catch a break and drink some water. She grabbed her bottle of water that was in the cupholder on the treadmill and uncapped it before drinking some from it when she heard the door to the gym opening behind her.

She was in the gym in the company building, so she might know who entered. She turned around to look at the door and see who it was.

"Oh, hello Y/N unnie." Kazuha and Yunjin both said at the same time and bowed upon seeing Y/N. They were trainees who were chosen to debut next year in a group with three more.

Y/N smiled at them and quickly put the cap back on the bottle and placing it back in the cupholder. She grabbed her small towel to wipe her sweat off her face and placed it around her neck as she approached the two girls.

"Hey girls, no need to be so formal, it's just me." Y/N giggled as she waved at them. "I would hug you but I'm all sweaty."

"That's okay, how long have you been here?" Kazuha asked as Y/N had to think of her answer before looking at the clock on the wall to see the time.

"About half an hour, what are you going to work on tonight?"

"Abs, I want abs like Zuha! I mean look at them!" Yunjin said as she moved her hand over Kazuha's abs while the latter laughed at her action and what she said. Y/N agreed that she had great abs and couldn't help laughing at Yunjin. She always thought Yunjin was hilarious and would definitely be a fan favorite.

"I'm very jealous of you Kazuha. Can you show me any workouts you do so I can get abs like you?" Y/N asked while chuckling, as Kazuha blushed from all the compliments and attention. "If you don't mind."

"Yeah definitely! Well ballet had an impact on it as well, but I can show both you and Yunjin how I workout to get this result in the future."

So the three girls ended up working out together for an hour before Y/N had to go. They all joked around and talked as if they had known each other since they were kids. In reality they had just known each other for a few years, and the two younger girls and their other three group members were still so formal with Y/N whenever they greeted each other. Y/N tried to tell them that it wasn't necessary, and it only worked while they were together that day but then the next they would go back to square one.

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