Chapter 3

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I'm going to change the narrator so it's a limited omniscient third-person narrator, with the focus on Y/N. And unless said otherwise, it is going to be this narrator throughout the entire book.

That's all, hope you enjoy the chapter!


After Y/N met the girls of ITZY - well more specifically only Yeji and Ryujin - at the award show, many fans saw this interaction from the audience and also took videos of them. Yet again there was another talk about Y/N and other idols, however, it was not a dating rumor or from dispatch. These were simply fans adoring the interaction between two members of ITZY and one member of Luna.

However, what the fans didn't know was that they had been talking often through text messages, but had yet to meet again. It had been nearly three weeks, and the member of Luna was missing the two girls of ITZY. She didn't get to meet the three other members of ITZY, but that did not stop the others from adding her to a group chat with all five members of ITZY and introducting her there.

Even though they texted from time to time, it was not that much seeing as they had yet to grow closer to each other - which was quite difficult through text messages, at least for Y/N because she felt that it would be easier face-to-face. It was difficult to just know one another through text when they had barely interacted face-to-face, and when you do not know how this person is then it is also difficult to know how to text them. Some might take offense to text messages that are meant to be sarcastic, and things such as this.

But Y/N tried not to let this situation get to her. Even though she missed them and wanted to meet again, she also had her own schedule and group to focus on. Luna was currently in a dance practice room at their company building, practicing for an upcoming show where they had to perform their newest single. But even as they practiced, Y/N's mind was somewhere else.

"Come on Y/N, you know this move! Let's try again." The dance instructor said as she repeated the same part of the song to see if Y/N would get the move right alongside her unnies. So as a specific part of a song was played again, Y/N tried to focus once again and dance the right move but she failed tremendously at that. The dance instructor sighed deeply as she tried to figure out why the lead dancer was not focused on dancing the right steps for the song.

"Alright, let's just stop here and take a break. It is almost lunch time so just take a two hour break to eat and relax and then come back here to rehearse some more." The group members of Luna simply nodded as three of them walked off to their bags by one of the walls and grabbed their water bottles. Y/N, however, stayed in the same place but this time laying down on the floor, sprawled out like a starfish and groaning at herself.

"What's on your mind today? You don't seem like yourself," Isa said as she handed Y/N her water bottle and sat down beside her. Soyeon grabbed her phone and replied to some text messages while she sat on the couch of the practice room, whereas Wonyoung sat down next to Isa and tilted her head looking at Y/N as well.

Y/N thanked Isa for the water bottle as she sat up and drank some of the water from it. "I honestly have no idea, I'm just tired these days."

"So it has nothing to do with you not seeing Ryujin since the award show?" Wonyoung raised one of her eyebrows while she smirked at Y/N. Yes, it was true. Y/N did have a crush on Ryujin, but of course only her members knew this. It was not a crush she developed from meeting her that one time, but actually way before that. Y/N had been a fan of them for a long time and throughout the times she saw Ryujin from afar at award shows and saw some videos and pictures of her, she started to have a crush on said girl. It was not as serious as one might think, Y/N just saw it as a simple high school girl crush that would disappear through time. But she couldn't help her mind going to Ryujin whenever she was doing something. She also did not know of Ryujin's sexuality and if the two were to develop a friendship, she did not want a crush to stand in the way of that friendship. For now Y/N thought that it was merely a high school girl crush that would disappear with time, but unfortunately that did not mean that she wouldn't get teased by her members.

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