Snow and Ice || 태국

By s_chiena

30.2K 1.4K 253

Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook shared a desk for six years of primary school. Taehyung had tormented Jungkook... More

My Deskmate
An accident
A spectacle
Becoming a father
The source of his happiness
Winter activity
So what happened next?
On to university
A plan
Athlete assistant
Old classmate
Stirring trouble (1)
A business transaction
Life Coach
A chance encounter
Made a loss
A pervert
A competition
The third time
Different wavelengths
Ruin and provoke
A ticket
The competition and being drunk
A huge trap
Second parent
Music room
Music room (2)
Three musketeers
The audience's silence
Top Ten singer
Those times
Bury the hatchet
Difficulty: Hard
Little left to the imagination
See how it goes
PR crisis
Bunch of devils
Convince by actions
Departure and arrival
Faint longing
Face-to-face revision
I like you
The most familiar pervert
Jungkook-ssi's return
Flowers for you
Bedtime story
Bite you
The perils of Jianghu
Pig farm
A kiss
Obedient Taehyung
Daddy loves you
Our Green Ice
A chance encounter
Pounded with excitement
Not a decent fellow
Temple fair
The figure's not bad
The logic of psyching someone out
True love and lies
Ice God
Fan group
Rock Sugar And Pear Stew (not a chapter)
Infuriate by teasing
A lame joke
Contrary to expectation
Courage and drive (1)
Resolution (2)
The joy of being attached
A late gift
Mystery solved
Fate's arrangement
Idol pays the price
A Flower
Meeting their son-in-law
Natural charmer
Here to serve
Chapter 88
(Censored) - Side story: The cheating crisis
First competition
A battle to make his name
A visit to the parents
Swept out of the house
Pig brains and couple of watches
Side story: Childhood elopement
(Censored) - Poor condition
Mysterious boy
Sunshine and confession
Ultimate hero
Palace drama
Inevitable encounter
New Year's Eve
Unique logo
That's true love
Like a pervert
~ Finale ~
Bonus Chapter 1 - Side story: The funeral of roses
Bonus Chapter 2 - Taehyung x Jungkook

Ups and downs

272 14 1
By s_chiena

The "chance" that Jungkook spoke of was Coach Jung promising to let Taehyung head over to the speed skating team for a try-out. If he performed well, he would be able to stay on and train in the team as an unofficial member first. Once he applied for the athlete certification and obtained the qualification of a second-tier athlete or above, he would be able to join as an official member.

Taehyung practiced several days in advance for the try-out. He did not dare to practice too vigorously as he was worried that he would overstrain himself. For it had been some time since he was required to exercise so intensely.

In the wink of an eye, it was Friday once again.

Taehyung followed Jungkook to the west wing. This was his second time in this area. The previous time he was here, he had even acted as a rogue toward Jungkook. How embarrassing.

The practice venue for the speed skating team was near the practice venue for Yukhei and those on the figure skating team. Jungkook brought Taehyung to the door of the practice venue and casually pointed inside. "Head in yourself. Just say that you're looking for Coach Jung."

Taehyung stood rooted to the ground. He appeared somewhat hesitant and spoke haltingly, "How about, eh, you head in with me to have a look?"

Jungkook lowered his head and watched him with crossed arms. His eyes rested on Taehyung's for a few moments before switching up the corners of his lips. "So... you get frightened too?"

Taehyung thought this was not a matter of him being frightened. He simply felt that the presence of another person was better for bolstering courage.

He stood there in silence. From his hesitation, Jungkook could decipher a certain degree of bashfulness. He lightly rubbed his head.

Taehyung took it that Jungkook was unwilling to accompany him. Thus, he braced himself, turned, and stepped into the practice venue.

Jungkook stretched out his long legs and followed behind him unhurriedly. He was tall and his strides were long, so what would have been a normal walking pace was to him a slow, stroll.

Jung Eunji was currently overseeing the team's strength training. When she raised her head, she saw a young guy walk into the practice venue. The boy was quite good-looking with large eyes, and a face that still retained some baby fat. Behind the young guy was Jungkook. Here, he was trailing behind him docilely just like an oversized puppy. The only thing missing from this picture was a leash wound around the young guy's hand.

Eunji had never seen Jungkook like this before. Feeling how bizarre this was, she could not hold in her amusement and broke into a peal of light laughter.

Jungkook saw Eunji and waved to her. "Coach Jung."

Taehyung walked over and bowed. He greeted, "Hello, Coach Jung." Then, he straightened up and secretly observed Coach Jung.

It was said that Coach Jung's son was already in university. However, she looked relatively young and had the appearance of someone in her early thirties. Her neat bob was dyed a deep brown. She had slender single eyelids, thin lips, and cheeks that were lightly dotted with freckles.

Just as Taehyung was observing her, she was also observing Taehyung.

As Eunji swept her eyes over Taehyung from head to toe, a slight smile appeared on her face subconsciously.

From just his body alone, this boy had a good stature. His body proportions were excellent with a slim waist and long legs. In particular, his legs were straight and long, perfect for speed skating.

Eunji let Taehyung change into the appropriate clothing and a pair of skates, and let him warm up his body first.

Then, holding a stopwatch, she timed Taehyung's speed.

The first was 500 meters. Taehyung pushed his body as hard as he could. When he reached the finishing line, he secretly glanced at Coach Jung, only to see her initially relaxed brows lightly furrowed.

Taehyung's heart tensed.

Next was 1,000 meters and 1,500 meters. The furrows on Eunji's forehead deepened.

Finally, she gave a light sigh.

Taehyung also knew that his results were not ideal. He exited the ice rink and next to Eunji, said in a small voice, "I haven't practiced for a long time."

"It's obvious," Eunji said.

Taehyung became even more dejected.

"Go change first. We'll assess your muscles."


After the muscles assessment, Eunji flipped through the booklet in her hand. Taehyung stood at the side. As if he was waiting for a judge's verdict, he heartfelt deeply nervous and he could only draw in light, shallow breaths.

Coach Jung paused for a moment to consider her words before opening her mouth. "Mm, your foundations are not bad."

"Thank you, Coach Jung."

"But it's been too long since you practiced. Your muscles have declined too much. Compared to that of a professional athlete, the difference is a little bit. Do you understand what I'm saying? "

"I... I'm willing to work hard!"

Eunji looked at Taehyung's eyes; bright and lively, they burned with wholehearted sincerity. She suddenly found herself unable to continue her words. Being a mother herself, her greatest fear was seeing her child's wounded expressions.

Nevertheless, what must be said must still be said. Eunji exhaled and continued, "You say that you're willing to work hard, but can you guarantee that your effort would bear fruit? Even if it does, how long would it take? Ice sports require large financial investments. This means that my team and I face tremendous pressure to have the results to show for it. This is something that Jungkook should also be clear on; the expectations that the ice hockey team faces are even higher. We cannot afford to spend time and money on a... how should I say this... a person whom we aren't certain what his results would be like in the future, do you understand?"


Eunji closed the booklet. "I am moved by your passion for speed skating. However, I am very sorry. I cannot accept you into the team."


Taehyung did not know how he managed to exit the ice stadium. As he walked along, he saw his shadow on the floor. When he raised his head, he discovered that he was already standing under the sun.

Dazzled by the sunlight, he rubbed his eyes, lowered his head, and continued walking.

He saw these coming miles away. Still, he could not help but feel upset when facing the actual rejection.

So upset that he felt like crying.

Jungkook was standing at his side. He looked down at him. His head was hanging very low and he could only see his shiny black hair. The way Taehyung hung his head dispiritedly really felt like a rooster after losing a fight. 

Jungkook felt a little strange. Usually, he despised seeing Taehyung roaming about with unbridled arrogance. When he was this way, Jungkook could not help but have the urge to make Taehyung lower his head. However, now that he was lowering his head, Jungkook discovered that he could not bear to see him doing so...

He rubbed his head and felt like slapping himself...

The two of them walked like this in silence; neither of them spoke a single word.

When Taehyung was retrieving his bike, Jungkook unexpectedly grabbed his arm. He said, "Wait here."

Taehyung raised his head. "Ah?" Not yet recovered from the blow of the rejection, both his actions and reactions lagged a little.

"Wait here for me. Don't move." After tossing out these words, Jungkook turned and ran back.

He ran very quickly and was gone in a flash.

Taehyung held the bicycle lock in his hands. He stared blankly in the direction that Jungkook had disappeared and mumbled, "What is he doing..."

Even though he was lost as to what was happening, Taehyung waited as per his instructions since he had no other plans in the afternoon.

Around ten minutes later, Jungkook bustled back.

There was a hint of a smile on his face as he stood in the sun and watched Taehyung.

Taehyung was puzzled. "What?"

He grinned. "Go report tomorrow."

Taehyung could not make heads or tails of what was going on. "Report for what?"

"Are you a fool?" He prodded Taehyung's head. "Of course, it's for speed skating."

"You're the fool. Hadn't Coach the Jung expressed it earlier, I've been rejected!"

Jungkook crossed his arms. "I just came back from pleading with her—she's changed her mind."

"...Really?" Taehyung could barely believe his ears. His mood which had originally fallen into the depths of a valley suddenly soared. His heart started pounding rapidly and he swallowed his saliva. Thinking about it, he was afraid that Jungkook was only joking with him. Thus, he threw him a guarded look. "Jungkook, don't joke around with me. I'll explode right in front of your eyes if you're still joking with me on this!"

"I'm not. However, the team won't be able to subsidize you and if you don't manage to become a second-tier athlete within half a year, you need to reimburse them for the loss."

The look of suspicion lingered on Taehyung's face. "I still don't believe it. Earlier, Coach Jung had rejected me cleanly with no grounds for negotiation... What exactly did you say to persuade her?"

Jungkook's expression was a little mysterious. "This came at a huge cost to me."

Taehyung scooted a little closer. He probed, "What cost?"

Jungkook glanced at him from the side of his eyes. He saw that Taehyung's eyes gleamed like that of a curious child and had finally regained their usual spark. He grinned and raised his hand to knock Taehyung's head. "You'll die of shock if I say it."

Taehyung immediately shrunk back and shielded his head with his hands. Considering how he had just done him a huge favor, Taehyung decided to forgive him without hesitation.

Anyway, his mood had lifted again. In one day, he had experienced both great dismay and great delight—these ups and downs were more exciting than riding a roller coaster. Such was life!

"Jungkook, I have to thank you." Still shielding his head, Taehyung beamed.

Jungkook nodded. "You have to thank me."

"I'll treat you to a meal?"

"Very sincere of you."

"You can pick the place!"

Jungkook shrugged. "We're athletes. Food isn't our priority."

"Eh..." Taehyung tapped his chin with a finger as he considered what else he could do. In the end, he let Jungkook call the shots. "Say it, what do you want?"

"I want you—" He purposely dragged his words and paused for a moment. Finally, he continued, "To continue being my lackey."

"You... you..." Taehyung fumed as he pointed his finger at Jungkook. A look of realization flashed over his face. "Well done, Jungkook, so that's what you were up to!"

Jungkook gazed at him with a winsome smile, his face radiating innocence.

Taehyung raised another finger and shaped his hand into a V sign before holding it up to him. Jungkook was mildly confused at what was going on. However, they mirrored his V sign gesture good-naturedly.

Then, narrowing his eyes, Taehyung retracted his index finger slowly so that only his middle finger was left standing.

"Pfft..." Jungkook burst into laughter. He stretched out his arm, used his thumb and index finger to encircle Taehyung's wrist loosely, and shook his hand. He asked, "Do you what this gesture of yours means?" He leaned a little closer and bent his head. In a lowered voice, he spoke at a deliberately unhurried pace, "You. Want. To. Fuck. Me."

Taehyung: "..."

Taehyung turned and walked off.

His hand still held the bicycle lock.

In the same spot, Jungkook's head was still bent as his body shook with stifled laughter.

The warm rays of afternoon sun shone on the back of his ears. On this most delicate and sensitive spot of a person's skin, there was the slightest tinge of pink.

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