Not Just The Side Character

By Super-Cool-Potato

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'Pointless' That is how the protagonist saw everything. It all started with an accident, but it is pointless... More

Ch 0: New Game+
Ch 1: Travelling Above The Clouds
Ch 2: An Unexpected Encounter
Ch 3: A Memory Unlocked
Ch 4: Late Knight Problems
Ch 5: A Proper Knight
Ch 6: I Got a Job. Then I Brought a Strange Girl Home
Ch 7: A Colourful World
Ch 8: Loose Ends-
Ch 9: -Tend to Catch Up
Side Story 1: The Days in Between
Ch ???: R|||n
Ch 10: Priorities
Ch 11: The Sixth Thread
Ch 12: The Mob Life
Ch 13: A Change Of Heart
Ch 14: They Shall Kneel
Ch 15: A Withered Heart
Ch 16: A Breath of Fresh Air
Ch 17: A Date
Ch 18: Will You Go Out With Me?
Ch 19: How To Love
Ch 20: A Battlefield
Ch 21: Snowfall
Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 1/2: I Know Who You Are
Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 2/2: I Remember Who You Are
Ch 23: Not Even a Minute
Ch 24: Make A Wish
Ch 25: Please Be Happy
Ch 26: Robin Cross
Sidestory 2 part 1/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Mini Edition
Sidestory 2 part 2/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Rough Edition
Sidestory 2 part 3/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Desire Edition
Sidestory 2 part 4/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Villainess Edition
Ch 27: No Turning Back
Ch 28: A Productive Night Out
Ch 29: Proposal
Ch 30: Suits and Suitresses
Ch 31: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch 32: Without Hesitation
DLC Bonus 1: The Days Following
DLC Bonus 2: Final Boss
DLC Bonus 3: A Normal Girl
DLC Bonus 4: Babysitter
DLC Bonus Finale: Epik Adventure
The Halloween Treat

Epilogue: Not Just The Side Character

1K 48 35
By Super-Cool-Potato

Third Person POV

Approximately five hours, that's how long its been since they had last seen Robin. The girls have yet to leave the small camp made just outside the barrier to take in the evacuees, despite the requests of the elite demon hunter squadron that had arrived six hours too late.

They had taken their anger out on them at first, as did so many others, but deep down they all knew no one but the demon was to blame for this incident.

The girls only ones left there now, everyone had left a long time ago, most had after they had been evacuated and checked up on. From the stories told by those survivors and firsthand witnesses of today's event, this day would become forever known as the ballroom massacre at the Omnis Magica academy.

But the future of the academy was unimportant to these girls, only the future of a single red haired boy who decided to stay behind. They can't understand why he would do such a thing, after struggling for so long just to turn back at the finish line.

They are angry, terrified, and anxious beyond belief waiting for the boy to reappear at the exit after the barrier has come down so they can finally be together again.

But as time goes on, a sinking feeling called despair grows within them. They saw how many demons and monsters through the door, and the thought of Robin being surrounded and killed by them terrified them into silence, it was deafening.

In their small group, someone finally decides to say something, but not to any of them.

Clarissa: "I-I should have known he was gonna do something like this." She breaks the silence, red rimmed eyes after having no more tears to cry after the first few hours.

Lisa: "Shut up..." She mutters.

Clarissa: "He was acting...strangely as he was running to the exit." She continues, not hearing Lisa's words.

Lisa: "Shut up..." She says again, louder than before.

Clarissa: "And...And then he asked me to heal him...I should have known." She sniffs looking at her hands as if they've been stained with blood.

Lisa's frustrations have reached a boiling point after having been on edge this entire time, and she's been waiting for an outlet to show themselves. At this point she doesn't care about what the form of her outlet is, she needs to yell at something, even if it's her own grieving friend.

Elizabeth: "Stop talking already!" She shouts before Lisa can, having a very similar thought process to Lisa. "No one wants to hear what you have to say!" She continues, tightly gripping the air in her palms until her nails dig into them.

Clarissa flinches and looks downwards, bringing her knees to her chest and burying her face in them, silently beginning to sob. Having to separate from her brother for another lifetime has almost broken her beyond repair, but his reassuring smile from both this life and the other manages to keep her together, even if by only a small thread.

Lisa sends a fierce glare towards Elizabeth, annoyed not for the sake of Clarissa's but her own. Having nothing to take her anger out on she decides to take her anger out on Liz instead.

Lisa: "As if listening to your voice is any better." She shoots her venom filled words.

Elizabeth: "Oh shut up, princess. You're the one who refused to stop screaming about saving Robin for an entire hour, we're sick and tired of your voice too." She glares back.

An argument ensues, most of the girls doing their best to ignore it. Being the fiftieth one that night, between no specific person, they've gotten used to it in their short time.

Each of them all do their own thing as they sit and wait, some more active than others. Like Grace for example has been staring at the necklace Robin gave her the whole time, thinking about the night he saved her life by giving up his. She had been hoping for a chance to save him but instead wound up saving those random nobodies during her time in there.

She had even lost the ring she planned on giving to him, she let out a dry chuckle when she realized that she already asked to talk to him after this and now had no ring to show for. It will be an awkward conversation if she doesn't figure out what to say soon.

But the hope of having a conversation with him after this is quickly beginning to dwindle.

Dwindling hope is a similarity that each of the girls have right now, and even though Rachel is trying to reassure the Melissa that's laying in her lap by saying Robin will come back soon, she's beginning to question her own words.

This kind of dragging on despair can change a person in the moment, making them do things unlike them or reveal their true nature. Like a girl who had finally gotten to quitting a smoking addiction to start again, or one who rocks back and forth staring at a special photo that is only one of thousands.

Though grief changes them all now, this could possibly only be the beginning.

Because it is the aftermath that will truly define who they become.

But the aftermath of what exactly? Lots of things can become a catalyst to a person's change, but here that catalyst comes in the form of a boy's figure behind an orange barrier.

Grace: "That's Robin!" She exclaims, alerting the other girls immediately.

Wordlessly they all get up and dash to the well destroyed entrance, they had tried to break through the barrier which only accomplished making a larger window into the monster filled room. But because of that, they're all able to fit at the barrier wall to see inside.

And what they see isn't a pleasant sight.

They're only able to see him from behind, but that's enough to see how much damage has been done to him. Blood drips down his body from various wounds, he has a clear limp on one leg, his scarf and sword is no where to be seen, and he's missing an entire arm.

Only a few of the girls are able to suppress a pointless scream or calling his name, but dread fills them all when they see what he's facing. A horde of demons so thick that it looks like a giant sea of black.

They watch helplessly as Robin fires at the horde, standing his ground, steady as a rock, creating the illusion that he's completely control in the situation. At least, that's what the girls would like to think.

Then, after one last beam of mana, his gun files out of his hand. They watch him stare at his now empty hand for a moment then look towards the sea of monsters. They silently beg for him to keep fighting, to grab his gun and blast all of the monsters back to the hell where they belong.

Or at the very least, turn around so that they can see his face.

They watch with constricted breaths as Robin slowly begins stumbling backwards, until his back hits the barrier wall, and he slumps onto the floor, resting his head against the barrier. The girl's hearts stop for a moment, fearing the worst, but quickly notice him taking slow, shallow breaths.

Their fear quickly turns towards the still approaching monsters and they all now desperately begin to bang at the wall, begging Robin to get up. But as he seems to mumble to himself, it is clear that he cannot hear them, and they can do nothing about it.

Nothing except watch the one they all had loved, the one who had saved them one way or another, slowly die alone on the other side of the glass.

The reality of the situation brings them to tears once more.

Almost as if by a miracle, he cranes his head around, his one eye widening in surprise when he sees the girls. He sees them, and they see him, that is the extent of what they are able to do.

The girls are able to notice that Robin seems content with this as he holds his one hand against the glass that separated them, and they watch him begin to produce tears. A stream of red on his permanently shut left eye, and a clear stream being tainted by the red it passes from the other.

They cannot understand why he's suddenly crying with such a caring look on his face, and they will never know that he was thinking of all the wonderful moments he spent with them as he died in front of them.

Then, looks of horror spread across each of the girls faces, as they watch two crude spear pierce through Robin's torse from behind. A few of them let out a scream while the others watch in silent dismay.

They continue to watch in despair as Robin slowly looks down at his chest, trying to grab it with an arm that isn't there.

Though his eyes widen in surprise, they see that his look of content remains. Instead of focusing on the weapons, he focuses on the girls. He takes in each of their faces, as they take in his, each of them studying each other's finest details.

Robin looks tired, exhausted, afraid, but happy all the same, and they can begin to understand why. Some of the girls curse him for being a hero, wishing that he could have understood that he had done enough and had no reason to sacrifice his life, sacrifice the future he could of had with the girls.

But through silent tears, gritted teeth, wailing faces, they each watch Robin begin to smile, his lips curved upwards and pointed to them. Shocking them for only a moment, they all instantly hear his unspoken words.

Robin: "Thank you."

They don't know why he was thanking them, and they wouldn't get the chance to ask, because the body of Robin Cross falls to the side, his eye drifting shut, the smile still remaining on his face.

Right behind an orange barrier lies a well loved boy, missing an arm and an eye, in a pool of his own blood, spears through his torso, dead, with a now eternal smile on his face.

And on the other side of said barrier are a group of girls, the ones whom love the boy the most. Despair spreads across all of their faces, each trying to process what they see is reality.

Some fall to their knees weeping at the beautifully shining moon, some shut themselves off from reality, and some clench their fists in anger as their tears fall, all beginning to grieve in their own way.

And just like that, five more hours pass.

Only Grace still remains at the barrier entrance, listlessly gazing at Robin's body, emitting little to no emotion. But that's just to keep up the façade, one she'll have to remake now that Robin is...

As for the other girls, they had all went their separate way, except Elizabeth and Leticia, they left together. Ten minutes after Robin's death, Leticia had fainted, and five minutes after that Elizabeth broke free from Robin's lifeless body and quickly noticed what happened to Leticia.

She was the first to leave in order to get help for her friend, and possibly distract herself from the tragedy before her.

As for what happened to the other girls, that remains to be seen.

But currently, a group of guards, demon hunters, and teachers remain on standby by the entrance away from Grace as per her request. One of these teachers, being Robert.

He was shocked after seeing Robin's gently smiling corpse, but he managed to hold back his sadness by silently giving his thanks to the boy for both saving his life and hurting the demon who has once again taken away something he holds dear.

Clarissa didn't forget to tell him about she and Robin's battle results, but she refrained from talking about his whereabouts after being asked. Instead she opted for him to find out himself.

Robert was already aware something had happened to Robin, judging from how much shine Clarissa had lost and how her trademark grin seemed forced, but he had been hoping that it wasn't anything severe.

It was exactly that and more.

Robert: "We'll get a drink some other time then, kid." He had whispered after he came to terms with seeing Robin's body.

Now hadn't been the time to cry, not with how many demons and monsters still lied behind the barrier, but he would be sure to find time to mourn later.

As the sun began to rise, it was clear that the barrier was beginning to fall. Still standing in front of the door, Grace continues to study the face of her servant. She should be mad that he broke one of her orders, but she reasoned it was only fair that he was allowed one since she broke her own word that one time during the winter holiday.

She doesn't let herself believe he's just sleeping, not this time. Instead, as the barrier falls and the adults all begin to rush into the building to clear out the monsters, she takes what few steps she needed to reach Robin's body and kneels down to his level.

She takes off the necklace he gave her and gently places it into his still open hand. She closes it and leans over his face with a blank expression that matched his.

Grace: "Today, I died with you." She whispers, one last shed tear falling on his face.

Another month passes.

Robin's funeral had been held the day after the incident, along with all of the other students, and he was proclaimed a hero after numerous testimonies of his actions. A lot of people visited Robin's grave in particular giving him their thanks for saving their lives.

Robin's girls and close friends did the same of course, all except Leticia, who had fallen into a coma and hadn't woken up yet, and Markus who hadn't been seen since the day he left the grand hall.

During the month that passed a lot of people changed, but change is inevitable during the grieving period. Some people changed for the better, some for the worst, and others have just...changed.

Lisa became distant and locked away her emotions, something she's done more than once at this point. She was never really there at times, opting to look off into the distance during a conversation, or avoiding other people completely.

The ones who were either brave or stupid enough to approach her would have one warning before she gave them a burning glare, a literal one too. No one would approach her in fear of being burned, and she didn't mind that at all.

She wasn't the only one who would harm other students though.

Not long after the funeral, Yukio embraced her delinquent title and began acting as one, bullying others and getting into fights, but mostly the latter. Creating her own gang, she slowly began drifting away from the others and took comfort in her cigarettes.

After each smoke she took she imagined what Robin would say to her, he'd probably reprimand her for everything she's done and she knows this. But those thoughts are quickly blocked out by her own anger, making her storm off in search for fight.

Not everyone began to have violent outbursts of course, some had other people help them cope.

At first, it was impossible for her to even look at a sword because it brought too many memories to her. But after a few talks with a certain someone she had slowly regained the ability to dance again with a blade in her hand.

It was the mature words of the most immature girl of the group, Melissa. Unexpectedly, she was the first one to come to terms with Robin's death, but that doesn't mean she was any less affected than the others.

Melissa fell into a depression in the beginning causing Anthony and his wife, her caretakers, to worry about her. Refusing to leave her room and eating very little a day, it wasn't until she took a walk one day and saw what her other friends had become, namely Lisa and Yukio, did that change.

She did what she had always wanted to do, mature, in order to be the one who could comfort her friends. Instead of going through the grief herself, she wanted to help the others go through it first.

In a way, she chose her friends over herself just as Robin always did, she reassured herself that he would be proud of her for being a big girl for the others. But being self sacrificial has its tolls as seen with Robin, and Melissa's toll was that she never really had a chance to grieve herself.

But the reward was being able to see Rachel smile again in an explosion of color, just as Robin did when they had first met. Melissa got to feel that unexplainable warmth again, and she now understood it was the happiness from seeing her friend happy.

She also understood how it was possible for Robin to always be so warm despite his cold monotonous exterior, and that made her feel closer to him than ever before.

There was also the choice to focus on something else to ease the pain, like throwing themselves at their work.

Elizabeth decided to give herself a week before forcing herself to return to some form of normalcy. True to her word, after a week she started to continue her career as an actor/model.

Being the sibling of the second prince's fiancé and an already prominent figure in her trade, it wasn't hard for her to pick out a show with a protagonist she wanted to star as. To a lot of people's surprise, instead of a high flying movie she chose to act out a role for a short film made by a small studio called 'Empty Spotlight', about a recently widowed actress going through the five stages of grief.

She felt as though it was fate for her to come across it.

Some people took guesses saying it was because she lost someone during the incident that she wanted to play the role of a widowing woman, and they would have been correct. Elizabeth had been hoping she would learn how to move on from Robin during the film, but at the same time she didn't.

After the final scene was recorded and everything was edited, calling the final product a masterpiece wouldn't have been that far off, all thanks Elizabeth's phenomenal acting. The fifteen minute film would go on get a nomination for best short film, but after the final recording in the midst of everyone's celebrating Elizabeth muttered to herself.

Elizabeth: "This was a waste of time."

Though the film ended with a flicker of hope appearing in her character's eyes, in the end Elizabeth learned nothing and instead kept wishing that Robin was still with her as she preformed.

Which only made the pain worse in her heart.

During her the days she wasn't working, Elizabeth spent her time visiting Leticia in the school's medical wing, who had woken up a few days after Robin's funeral. But a lot of things were different about her when she came to.

It was because Leticia overused her mana not once but twice, the second time being when the barrier first rose and she unleashed her strongest magic despite already being depleted, that her body was forced into a coma to recover. What's worse is that using high tier magic with no mana forces the caster to use their own physical strength in order to fuel the spell, in other words she used her own body's life force in vain in an attempt to destroy the barrier.

Leticia's body was put into a dangerous state once she finally stopped forcing herself to remain conscious, and the doctors weren't even sure if she would wake up. But because of her abnormal aptitude for magic her body subconsciously copied Robin's ability to absorb the mana around him, an ability he didn't even know of himself, and used it to hasten her recovery.

This allowed her to wake up her body, but only half of it. Because of this, Leticia had lost all functionality in her legs.

But that isn't the worst thing that has happened to the poor girl. Perhaps as a way for it to protect itself, Leticia's brain had suppressed a part of her that really made Leticia, Leticia.

Her obsessions, the reason why she was so quick to throw her life away in the first place.

A danger to herself that needed to be removed.

So when shown the pictures on her camera roll, she wondered why she would have such an absurd amount of photos of the same boy, one she didn't even know.

Elizabeth was shocked at first when she heard that Leticia had no clue who Robin was, and after a whole day of trying to get her to remember him, she accepted that Leticia was rejecting Robin's death to the point where she had forgotten about him completely, that it was all the grief's fault.

And once again, the guess wasn't all that far off.

As sad as this was, Elizabeth thought this was for the better. Now her friend has no reason to be sad, and she's also become more...normal without her obsession with Robin and pictures. Still, Leticia was her friend, and always will be.

Then there was Grace, always a loner deep down inside she began her act as the villainess once more to drive people away. With a smile so sweet that it had to be fake, students and teachers alike had a hard time understanding her intentions which made them fearful that she would once again terrorize the school with her outlandish orders and games, just as the rumors always said she would do for fun.

She was the one who made up these rumors when she first arrived, and she made sure to live up to them in the perfect crowds in order to secure her role as the villainess. She had thought that it would be entertaining to see what her school life would be like if everyone feared and hated her, that was until Robin arrived.

He made her realize that she didn't have to play the role her aunt had forced upon her by making her wish she was a heroine in his story. But now that he was gone and his story now ended, she saw that she had to once again play the role she had been raised to act out, it was the only thing left she knew how to do.

Despite thinking this way, it was impossible for her to be the exact same as before. Even though she really wanted to, she began doing things she wouldn't have done before. Proper combat training with Robert, paying genuine attention to class, and being unable to perfect the act she thought she had perfected.

She was frustrated, but she knew exactly why. In her own words on the rooftop watching the sunset she said to herself this.

Grace: "Even after a month you still haunt every waking moment of my life. I was never supposed to be happy to begin with so why am I still feeling this way now that you're gone?" She had asked the empty space beside her where Robin should have been.

She was happy that she met Robin, someone who made her feel like she wanted to live out her miserable life, but that had always scared her. Every moment she spent with Robin was a moment spent in fear, fear that everything in front of her was a dream.

But Robin's death was a wake up call, and she sees now that those moments were not dreams or a fake act, she truly loved and was loved back. This thought made her warm, and she watches the sunrise with a smile on her face, thankful for the red haired boy's presence in her life.

She hums a song as a tear falls down her face, and as it falls it passes by a window, the bedroom window of the brightest girl in the school.

Or it would be more accurately be formerly.

She tried, she really did try remain bright at the beginning. But as time went by it got harder and harder for her to put on a smile.

Out of everyone, she had been hurt the most by Robin's death. Compared to the others, she had been waiting to meet him for her entire lifetime, and she only got to spend a few months with him after learning who he really was. Her love for him was cultivated over two lifetimes, much longer than everyone else.

She thinks about the things she'll never get to do, the things she'll never be able to say, the truth about their past lives to name one. She knew that telling him the truth could ruin everything they built together, but she couldn't stand seeing the slightly pained and distant look he had whenever he looked at her.

She could tell he kept seeing Natalie inside of her, and that reminder looked to hurt him every time.

It's the guilt that's weighing her down the most, from both the past life white lie and feeling as though she was the reason he died in the first place. If only she realized his plan, maybe she could have done something.

But alas, she cannot change the past, and she's beginning to feel numb.

As the sun continues to set on this day, the girls retire to their room if they are not already there.

In their rooms, each of the girls sit still for a moment, each feeling their own special nostalgia.

One gazes into a finely cut ruby.

Another looks at a hand drawn bumble bee.

The smell of fresh bread appears instead of smoke.

This one stares at her calloused hands.

There is an image of a throne on this one's mind.

A certain magazine catches this one's attention.

While another looks at her camera roll trying to figure out why there are so many pictures of a single boy.

And finally, a girl thinks about how pointless life has become.

A story including one last line relating to every female lead, one filled with melancholy and loose ends is the sign of the end, and as each of them put away their thoughts and items they decide to end their day there, closing their eyes after laying on their bed, hoping to dream a sight they will only ever see there.

One with him.


This is where their story ends, and their future a mystery. Not many would desire a bitter ending with a vague future, but what they don't see is that things don't necessarily need to be bad.

An unchangeable fate that stems from tragedy and results as a sad ending for someone who was powerless to stop it. Though it may be the ending of one chapter, it's also the beginning of another.

For those who meet this kind of ending always have one of two paths. One with no light in sight accompanied by heavy chains that drag them for the rest of their lives.

And one of lightened footsteps when they finally let go.

Though despair and tragedy may leave a bitter taste on a person's mouth, that taste can always become sweet, because with despair comes hope, an unwritten future with a happy foreshadowing.

For those who's story's are written in the ink of despair, they only need to make it to the next chapter over and over again until their story changes, or take charge and begin writing it out themselves with a different ink.

And when they do, it becomes a happy ending.

All you need to do to reach it, is keep reading.


Suddenly, a sound wakes all of the girls up at the same time.

They each groggily open their eyes and spy the light emitting from their phones, on it is a notification, one from a group-chat that had been long forgotten...

And somewhere else is a grave that has been dug up.

With it, is the beginning of a new story.

Robin POV

Hmm? Who's bed is this? Wait a minute, what am I talking about? This is my bed of course. But why does it feel like it's not?

It's hard and confining to me, I barely have any space laying down straight like this. It's like this bed was made to fit exactly my body. That's when I open up my eye, to find a bright blue sky.

Oh, and it turns out I'm not in my bed, but what appears to be a wooden coffin.

Confused, I reach out to pull myself up, slipping backwards when I realize I'm still missing an arm, and my other eye it seems. Taking a few more moments to try to process where I am.

I died...


Something doesn't feel right, I thought people died when they are killed.

But if I'm still alive then...

I climb out of my grave, using great effort and lose my footing as I stand. I feel stiff, very stiff. But anyone would be if they were in a coffin long have I been dead?

I look back at my dug up grave and look at the sleek stone marking my grave.

'Robin Cross'
'A student, a good friend, and most importantly a hero'
'Died as he lived, for others'
'May your soul find peace'

I blink a couple of times in an attempt to process this information, I really died and had a funeral. It makes me curious as to what happened to my past life's body, I doubt it had one like this

My eye drifts to a grave stone beside me.

'Tracy Aberdeen'

The one I failed to protect.

I walk in front of the grave and take a knee, lowering my head while shutting my eyes.

Robin: "I'm sorry I was unable to save you, rest in peace my friend." I say softly, not letting my tears get the better of me.

I remain there in silence for a minute or two and stand back up, looking down at her grave and placing a hand on her grave stone. I hope you reincarnate into a good life, one where you will meet someone who will be able to protect you for the rest of your life.

With my silent wishes complete, I turn back to my grave stone where there were three objects sitting on it.

Limping over, I quickly decide the order of which objects to grab first. First I grab the phone and quickly learn that its my own phone, the background showing the photo taken when I confessed to everyone.

I put my phone in my black suit, the one I was fitted with before being put in the coffin I assume, and take the next item. A note, addressed to me. Picking it up, I begin to read the neat handwriting.

'Hello Robin, I'm sure you're very confused right now but I promise I'll explain everything in this note. I'm about to rip the bandage right now, alright? Take a deep breath before reading this next line.'

I do as the note says and intake a lungful of the calm night air. Then I continue the note.

'As of today, you have been dead for a little more than a month.'

An entire month?! Well, at least I'm not dead anymore, a better condition than everyone else around here in the cemetery.

'You probably want an explanation of how you're alive. Well, the quick version is this, I revived you using an item called 'Droplet Of Nirvana'. I don't expect you to know what it is so don't dwell on it for too long.'

That's where the note is wrong, I know exactly what that item is. It's the one and only revival item in the entire game capable of bringing back the dead, there's only one in existence as far as I know. But it should be on the black island in one of the endgame dungeons in a secret room, just how...

I'll learn more in the note.

'If you want the whole story, just read the journal I left for you. It'll tell you my entire awesome adventure in short entries, it was kinda embarrassing to write it to be honest. It made me feel like I was writing in a diary.'

As the note turns into something more lighthearted, I realize who wrote this note. I could almost see them smiling and laughing to themselves as they wrote this portion of the note.

'Oh, and as you could probably tell, the droplet only healed you partly. I'm not sure if you could tell, but you still have your left eye, though I'm pretty sure its completely blind now. Sorry, I couldn't get anything to completely heal your eye...or missing arm.'

I could hear the writer's apologetic tone, I wish I could tell them that they've already done more than enough for me. Compared to being dead indefinitely, a defective eye and a missing limb is a small price to pay.

'And don't think anything like how it should have been her and not you who should have been revived, I made my choice and her death was my fault not yours. She could have left with a different group and survived, but instead she chose to look for you. She gave her life for me Robin, and I know she would have wanted you to live in her place. So please make sure to never let something like this happen again.'

I'm speechless for a moment as I think back to her final moments. Her eyes and smile as she saw me, she died content with her ending just as I did.

Robin: "Thank you, Tracy. I will never forget you." Is all I can say now.

'Right, you probably have important things to do, people to reunite with so I'll wrap things up now. I'm really sorry Robin, sorry for leaving you behind and being a terrible friend. What I did today isn't even close to repaying you for everything you've done for me, so I decided that I need to get stronger and will not be returning to school for the next year or so. By the time I return I will be able to stand beside you and properly call you my friend. I know I don't deserve to ask you of anything, but please, apologize on my behalf to everyone back at school.'

'You and Lucas were my best friends, be sure to tell him that too.'

Robin: "Signed, Markus Albrecht." I let out a sigh once I finish the note.

'P.S: I've texted all of your girlfriends through your phone to meet at the front gate, don't keep them waiting now.'

I'm able to see Markus's cheeky grin through the note, that guy. I shake my head fondly, until we meet again Markus.

Markus has left the scene, and he's set the stage for me right before he left. The male protagonist leaving everything up to the side character? The story has truly been utterly rewritten.

And I'm alright with that.

Carefully folding the note with one hand, a rather difficult task, I place it into the journal. I'll read it another day because right now, I need to get back to the school ASAP. Like Markus's note said, I can't keep them waiting.

But before I leave, I take another glance at my coffin. My eyes widen when I see what was buried with me. At the bottom of the coffin lied my scarf.


I quickly retrieve it from my coffin, making sure to pick up the small item that falls out of it, and wrap her around my neck. The fabric has lost some of its color and is covered in dust, but so is my entire body.

Hoping to see her again, I pour my mana into the scarf.

Nothing happens.

I try a few more times before taking her off and examining her fabric. Then I see the problem, the magic circuits that ran through the fabric were destroyed. I choke up a little but quickly compose myself.

I have her here in my arms, and even though she's broken that doesn't mean I can't repair her. Wrapping her back around my neck I make a promise to the unresponsive piece of cloth.

Robin: "I will bring you back, in this world with countless secrets I'm sure I can do it."

With my vow made, I let my mana flow through my body and do some stretches. My body lets out some cringe worthy cracks as I do so, which would be reasonable for a body that hasn't moved for an entire month.

Then, in a single move, I dash out of the cemetery leaving behind a gust of wind behind me.

As I sprint through the dark city streets, ignoring the pain from my still injured leg, my mind begins to race. Those fleeting memories from my last moments repeat in my mind, just as beautiful as before, and the warm feeling called happiness grows in my chest.

I am not dead, I will be able to be a part of their story and hopefully spend the rest of my life with them. Sure that night was only the first nightmare of many more to come, but now I'm more sure than ever that I will be able to weather out any storm in my way.

No antagonist, no event, no bump in the story will ever stop me from doing my best to be with them, and there will be many.

Bad fathers, evil scientists, royal pains in the ass, unforeseen events not part of the original game, none of it will stop me from reaching a true ending with everyone by my side.

This isn't the end of my story, it's not even close, I still have an entire future waiting for me, a story that still needs to be written. From now on, I will write my own story and it will include the best ending for everyone.

And as we walk that path, we will be together creating a happy journey.

These thoughts fuel my body as I continue to make my way through the city and onto the path that leads to the school. The top of the school is in my sights now, making me reminisce of my first time here.

I dreaded meeting the female protagonist's, no, Clarissa at the time, and now I'm rushing with all my might just to see her face again, along with everyone else. I changed, so much so that I can no longer recognize my past self.

I could feel my lips begin to curve, but I wouldn't allow myself to smile just yet.

But as I get closer and closer to the distant figures at the school gate, it becomes impossible for me to stop myself. The light from the gates illuminate their shocked faces and I begin to slow down until I come to a stop still some distance away from them.

It's like a dream seeing them here in front of me, and I stand still taking in their features like I did before I died. Their faces that seem so different from when I had last saw them begin to shift as they all begin to cry one by one. The aftermath of the incident seem to have changed them, but now I'm here to fix everything.

Seeing Elizabeth push Leticia in a wheelchair shocked me, but it was the expression as she cried that shocked me the most. She seemed confused, and her eyes told me she didn't recognize me.

But I'll deal with that later, because now everyone begins running at me as tears run down theirs faces, all so clearly happy. My arms open up to them as I begin to smile.

Robin: "I'm back everybody."

As they all reach me and wrap me in their loving arms I begin to think.

To all of these people I care about, the ones who love me back, despite the role I was supposed to have, in their life and mine, I am

Not Just The Side Character.

If you reached this part of the chapter I just want to say a massive thank you for reading my story. When I first picked up writing I never expected to find people actually enjoy my work. I honestly never expected to get this far with my writing, like I thought this would just end up being a hobby I would pick up for a short while as I'm stuck at home then throw away right after. And here I am, at the ending of a story! How crazy is that?! I've had so much fun writing this story and let me tell you, it's not over yet. I plan on writing five more bonus chapters, three of which I have already thought of and the other two will be decided by you the reader.

I hope you stick around for my other stories too. I'd rather not make an entire thousand word part to plug in my entire profile, so I'll just say that they all (In my eyes at least) have the same quality as this story. So if you enjoyed this one, you'll probably enjoy the others.

If you haven't skipped this part yet then I'm gonna say that you should definitely follow me, I'm aiming for five hundred and I'm not ashamed to ask for a follow! You've gotten this far, what's the harm of pressing a few buttons?

And finally, thank you again dear reader, I would have stopped writing a long time ago if I didn't see how many people actually enjoyed my amature writing. Have a good day! And remember, the story ain't done yet!

Potato: "This is it bro, our final after credits scene."

Razer: "What? No way is it the final after credits scene, this is the only screen time I get!"

Potato: "What about all that screen time you get with your girlfriend when you face call her..." He mumbles sulkily.

Razer: "What was that?"

Potato: "Nothing! I just meant that this will be the last time we appear in this story."

Razer: "What about the DLC chapters?"

Potato: "Nah, those will be special chapters."

Razer: "Huh, well what about other stories?"

Potato: "We'll be there, but for now, this will be goodbye reader."

Razer: "We've had a lot of fun here and I really hope to see you again."

Potato: "You only say that because you can only exist when they read these bits." He chuckles.

Razer: "Same goes for you too!"

Potato: "No, I appear whenever I write something on the message board or respond to a comment." He says smugly.

Razer: "Dude, whatever." He turns to you. "Despite just being a character in a story, I've enjoyed your company. And I hope you've enjoyed ours."

Potato: "Why're you talking into a wall?"

Razer: "Shut up, and we'll see you around, reader." He smiles.

Potato: "He's right, see you later!"

As you begin to leave this chapter you see two figures waving at you, the two being Potato and Razer of course. If you're still reading this, you're awesome.

Date of chapter completion: May 9

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