
By xo_angels

265K 4.6K 1.8K

I don't remember what I wrote so... one day a man met a woman and they did stuff and stuff... Fuck it I can't... More

1st Day
She's a Virgin???
I'm blocked?
Losing it.
I'm coming home.
Meeting new people?
Waiting for her.
Back to the living.
Helping Children
No it's not okay
Family ties.
Yellow Ledbetter
Dangerous Liaisons.
The Call.
Bring her Home.
Welcome to my home
All settled in.
Lei รจ con il bambino
The Ball
Two Steps at a Time
Unfolding Truths
Emmett and Amara
Night Changes
Night Changes II
Old friends & Back to Work
Bad Energy Rising
I came back with hell
Reigning Pain
We All Become Killers Sometimes
I Understand This Time
Un Altro Bambino in Arrivo
New Orleans
Peace Reigns in New Orleans
This Time It Will Be Me
This Time It Will Be Me II
This Time It Will Be Me III
It Is Done, No More.
Fidanzamento Tanto Atteso
This Is Our Happily Ever After
Last Note

The Trade

3.6K 75 42
By xo_angels

Ezio's POV

I woke up around 11 pm. I got up to see the boys not on the floor anymore, so I walked down to their rooms to check on them.

I went to Kade's room first and he was asleep. I walked over to his bed side and tucked him in and removed his ipad from beside him. I placed a kissed on his forehead and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

I walked down to Alistair's room and went inside. I walked up to his bed side and he was sleeping, or so I thought.

" Are you going to sell me to that man? " I heard him speak. I sat on his bed and he sat up.

" No I would never sell you. Who told you that? " I asked him in a calm voice.

" Zia Scarlett " he said while looking down.

I swear this bitch is getting on my last fucking nerves.

" What else did she say bud? " I asked him.

" She said she would be over here at 7 to pick me up so she can hide me so you don't sell me. " he answered me.

Lord give me the strength to not drown this woman at the bottom of the ocean.

" Bud none of that is going to happen " I said and he hugged me. I hesitated for a second then hug him back.

" Good night " he said then he rolled over in his bed and I sat there for a couple minutes and he fell asleep. I walked out of the room and went downstairs.

I flicked on the lights.

I walked over to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl and a spoon. I checked the cabinets for cereal and there was only Frosted Flakes. I poured the cereal in the bowl and walked over to the fridge to get some milk.

As I began pouring the milk someone said something.

" You know milk before cereal is the right way " Kai said.

" Nah bro get out of my house you're done " I said and we both chuckled.

" Want some of this? " i asked him and he nod. I stepped away and made him do his thing.

After he was done we sat in the living room and turned the TV on. We found   ' The Originals ' and we watched it while eating.

We watched two episodes then Rage came down.

" Hey guys " he said and we both said sup.

" What are you guys watching? " he asked.

" The Originals " Kai answered and Rage sat down.

A couple hours passed and it was 4 am we watched 4 episodes until Kai and Rage fell asleep on the couch.

I got up and turned the TV off and went to the gym in the house and began doing my work out routine.

2 hours later......

I worked out until 6:30 am. I got out of the gym and went up to my bathroom. I took a cold shower and washed my hair. I got out of the bathroom and dried myself and placed a towel around my hair. I searched through my closet and found nothing, so I just put on a white T-shirt and some jeans.

I looked over at my phone and it was 6:58. I heard a car pull up outside and I peeped through the window.

Guess who it fucking was?


I grinned like the devil and went downstairs. I opened the front door and she looked like she saw a ghost.

" Uh- um- Ezio " she stuttered.

" Good morning Scar " I said with a smile.

" I'm here to pick Alistair up i promised I'd take him video game shopping " she said while flipping her hair. I looked her up and down then busted out laughing.

" You think I'm stupid do you? " I said in a harsh tone.

" What are you talking about? " she asked.

" You know exactly what I'm talking about. Give it up Scar why do you want to take him on the morning of the deal? Why not any other day? " I asked her.

" If you think I'm going to let you bring that one dollar whore in our family and wreck everything. Think again because I won't let that happen " she said the I heard the safety come off of a gun and you won't believe-

This bitch has a gun pointed at me.

" Have you lost your fucking mind? " I said calmly.

" No but please don't do this to our family. I won't let you even if I have to kill you right here right now " she yelled.

"You got 5 seconds to put the gun down crazy bitch " someone behind us said.

I looked behind me to see Charlotte with one of her special knives.

" You think I'm afraid of a little knife bitch? " Scarlett said.

" No but you'll be afraid of this " Charlotte said while taking up an AK47 from the floor and pointing it at Scarlett.

I turned around and quickly took the gun from Scarlett and pointed it at her.

" Next time you come into MY HOME and threaten me. They'll find your body floating in the Amazon " I said then slammed the door in her face.

I heard the car screech and Charlotte looked out the window.

" She's gone " she said.

" Thank you for always having my back Char " I said while looking at her and putting the safety back on the gun.

" Hey no bitch can shoot you and get away with it. " Charlotte said and I smiled.

"Go get some rest I'll wake you at 10. So we can leave and get their by 1 " Charlotte said and I nod and went upstairs. I went into my room and Kade was in their.

" Hey buddy, Good morning, " i said to him while lifting him up.

" Hi Daddy, Good morning " he giggled and I smiled.

" What are you doing in here? " I asked him.

" Alistair is still sleeping so I'm going to play with you you. " he said.

" Sorry bud but I haven't slept all night and i need some rest. " I said.

" It's okay I'll just lay down with you then " he said and we both got into my bed.

I listened to him talk until I fell asleep.


Today is the day.

I'm finally getting out of here.

" Good morning Lisa " Travis greeted me.

" Good morning " I said back.

" Aren't you excited? you're getting out of here in a couple hours " he said with a smile.

" I am " I said.

" Good but of the rest of the time being you have to eat some breakfast and right after that you get dressed. Then you can we can go " Travis said and I smiled.

" Valentino made you breakfast this time " he said and my face lost all emotions.

" Don't worry my dad told him not to poison you or anything " Travis said and I rolled my eyes.

" Come with me " he said and I got up and followed him out the room. We walked down a couple dark hallways.

" Lisa I forgot to mention this but you're actually having breakfast with all of us. Dale will try to get some stuff out of you but don't answer. It's safer for you if you keep quiet " Travis said to me.

" So Valentino and Naomi are going to be there? " i asked and he nod.

We were now in a dinning room. I walked over to an empty chair and sat down as Travis sat next to me.

" Good morning Valicity " Dale said to me and I nod.

Dale and Travis began eating so I started eating too. Then Valentino and Naomi walked in. They sat right in front of me in the opposite chairs.

" Sorry I'm late Daddy " Naomi said.

" It's okay we were just getting started " Dale said.

There was a long silence only sounds were made were the forks and knives clinking on the plates.

I finished eating and so was everyone else.

" Okay Travis take her away. Try not to fuck her this time " Dale said.

" We didn't have sex dad " Travis said.

" Trav I got her some proper clothes they're in the room " Naomi said and Travis nod and we walked off.

" What no thank you? " Naomi asked and I turned around.

" Go Fuck yourself bitch " I said then turned back around then started walking again.

Travis and I walked back to the room to pick the clothes up that she bought. Then we headed for the bathroom.

" When you get Alistair please don't let them hurt him " I said to Travis as I got into the bathroom.

" Lisa you do know that I'm on Ezio's side right? " Travis said.

" Yeah what does that have to do with anything? " I asked him.

" You'll see " he said while putting the clothes down and leaving the room giving me privacy.

I took a warm shower and carefully washed my body because I still had bruises. I washed my hair and turned the water off and got out.

I dried my body with the towel Travis left and took up the clothes Naomi bought me.

She even got me natching underwear. Red lacy ones.

I put them on and they fit my body so good. I looked at myself in the mirror.

" At least I still know your size " someone said and I looked in the mirror and Naomi came into my view.

" Why did you do this to me? Out of all the bitchescin the world you chose your best bitch to get kidnapped and physically abused by your dad " I said to her.

" I choose you because you're the only bitch Ezio cares about. He's willing to give up a lot for you " Naomi said.

" Even though we aren't friends anymore. I would love if you could still keep the necklace I got you and the bracelet Tino got you. " Naomi said.

" I'll think about it " I said and she walked out.

I looked at the counter top to see that the necklace and the bracelet was there and I put them on.

I finished putting on the clothes she got me which was a black sun dress.

Travis came back right after I was done.

" Okay you look nice. Let's go it's 10 o'clock " he said and we walked out the place they had me in and outside in a white mini van.

One if Dale's men duck taped my arms together and placed a piece over my mouth and we drove off.

Ezio's POV

" Ezio "

" Ezio "

I felt someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes and saw Charlotte standing over me dressed in a black suit.

" It's time "

" Here's you're suit " she said while holding a suit in her hand.

I quickly shot up from my bed and took the suit from her and went into my bathroom.

I quickly dragged on the suit.

" What time is it Char " I said after opening the door and stepping out.

" It's just 5 past 10. But we want to leave in the next 10 minutes " She said.

" I'm ready " I said as I slipped on my shoes.

We got out of my room and walked downstairs and everyone was dressed and were all packing weapons.

" Here you guys go " Luna said while throwing each of us a bullet proof vest.

" Just slip off your Jackets and put them on " she said and we all did what she said.

" Where's Alistair? " I asked while buttoning my jacket.

" He's in the kitchen with Raul he's putting on a vest on him " Kai said and I nod.

" Okay here he comes " Kai said and our attentions turned to Alistair.

" Okay Diaz I need each of you to put this ear piece in. You will be able to hear each other " Raul said and we all took the small ear piece.

" Alright is everyone set? " I asked and they all nod.

" Alright let's go then " I said and we all walked out the door and 2 black SUVs were waiting on us.

I got in one with just me and Alistair.

Rage, Kai, Charlotte, Luna and Raul got into the other.

" Alright everyone you know the plan " I said and I heard them say.

" We know the plan "

I signaled to my driver to start driving and we left the property.

Me and Alistair made small talk and I just tried to make him as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

" Can I have a weapon like you guys? " he asked.

" Um- Nn- "

" guys help me out here " I said.

" Ezio there is a taser in the black bag next to you " Luna said. I took out the taser.

" Wait how did you know there was a black bag beside me? " I said.

" I have my ways " Luna said.

" Alright so what should I do with the taser? " I asked.

" Give it to Alistair " Charlotte said.

" Are you guys crazy. I can't give a taser to a kid. " I said.

" Relax just show him the ropes of the taser. Show him how to turn it on and show him what to do with it " Kai said.

I sighed.

" Fine " I said.

I began showing Alistair what the taser does and within a few minutes he understood.

" Boss 10 more minutes until we're there " my driver said and I nod.

" Alright guys the plan starts now " I said and I looked back and they stopped following us.

" Alright Diaz, that was so cringey, anyways, stay alert, stay armed " I said.

" We got it " Luna said.

7 minutes later....

" Boss there is no one here you sure we got the right place? " my driver turned around in his seat and asked me.

" Yeah this is the right place " I answered.

" Just give them 3 more minutes " I said and he turned around in his seat.

" Here they come " he said and I took out my shades and put them on.

" Guys they're here " I said.

" Copy that " Rage said.

I watched as Dale came out of a Black SUV. My driver walked around to my side and opened the door for me.

" Get in the back with the boy " I said under my breath but he heard me and quickly got to it.

I walked up to Dale.

" The big bad Ezio Diaz " Dale said as he took his shades off.

" Yeah yeah let's get this over with where's the girl? " I asked him already annoyed.

" Relax. The girl is in the back of the mini van " Dale said.

" Travis bring her out " Dale said into the walkie talkie.

" Jerry bring Alistair out " I said. I heard the car door open and within a few seconds Jerry was standing behind me with Alistair in his arms.

" Oh my fucking God!!! TRAVIS?!?! what's taking so long boy? " Dale yelled into the walkie talkie.

" I am trying to put her shoes on " I heard someone say back to Dale.

" Forget the fucking shoes. Bring her out NOW!!!! " Dale yelled.

A couple seconds later I saw the girl.

My girl.

Being escorted out of the van with her arms taped up and mouth taped up.

" Did you really have to tie her up? " I asked Dale.

" Yes. She has a smart mouth. " Dale said.

I watched as she walked up to us and stayed behind Dale.

" On the count of 3 your body guard and Travis will walk up to each other. Travis gives him the girl and he gives the boy to Travis " Dale said and I nod.

" Do anything but, I kill you, the girl and your body guard " Dale said.

I smirked.

I can't with these false threats.

" You have a deal " I said and he held out his hand and I shaked it making sure to squeeze it.

" 1 "

" 2 "

" 3 "

Dale counted, and Travis and Jerry began walking towards each other.

I watched as Jerry gently let Alistair down into Travis' arms. Travis quickly let go of Isabella's hand.

" Take care Lisa " Travis said to her.

" Thank you so much for everything " she said.

I took her hand from Jerry and walked her back to the SUV.

" Wait I'm not leaving Alistair with them " she said.

" Isabella he's going to be fine. Let it go " I said and I saw something in her break.

She let go of my hand and went into the car.

I sighed and got into the car. So did Jerry.

We were about to drive off when something on her face caught my eye.

" Isabella what's that coming from your nose? " I asked her with a cocked eyebrow.

" What's what? " she said while wiping her nose.

I gently grabbed her faced and lifted her chin so she could look at me. I turned her face to the right and I saw blood smearing her face.

" Jerry drive " I said calmly.

Valicity's POV

I tried my best to hide my bleeding nose. Ever since I got that punch that day my nose won't stop bleeding.

He saw the blood on my face. I know something is going to happen now.

" Jerry drive " was the only thing he said.

" Ezio it's fine. I've been having a bleeding nose for the past year " I said.

" I don't know if you think I'm dumb or just fucking blind. " he answered a bit too calm.

" You're nose is out of place. Probably broken " he said that last part in a harsh tone.

" Charlotte " I heard him say.

Ezio's POV

" Charlotte " I said.

" Ezio? " she answered me.

" Gasateli " ( Gas them up ) I said. 

" Roger Roger " she said.

" Ezio what does that mean? " Isabella asked me.

" I'm telling her stop at the gas station " I said while taking a cotton from the emergency kit.

" Oh " she said.

" Yeaahhh " I said while gently wiping her face and smiling.

" Troops will go off in.... NOW " Charlotte said.

I immediately heard gun fire and Isabella looked behind us.

" Ezio stop this your gonna get Alistair killed " she yelled at me but I just put my shades on.

Then we heard a loud explosion.

" Ezio "

" Please he's only a kid you're gonna get him murdered " she said while grabbing my arm.

" Jerry put some music on " I said.

" What would you suggest sir? " he asked.

" I don't care just something good so I don't have to hear the masterpiece going on behind us " I said and he put something on.

We continued driving.

10 minutes later

We were now approaching my family. Jerry pulled over next to their SUV.

They were now getting out of the car and I watched as they lined up and waited for me to get out.

I watched as Jerry got out and came around to open the door for me.

Then he was going around to open Isabella's door.

" No Jerry I got this " I said as I walked around to her side and opened the door.

" I'm not coming outside " she said.

" That's fine. You'll eventually get out when we get home " I said but she didn't answer me, so I walked away to where my family was.

" Have I told you people that you're literally thee best? " I asked them with the biggest smile on my face.

" No you haven't " Rage said and I rolled my eyes.

" You guys have done a big thing for me. I don't know how to repay each and everyone of you-

" A hug would be fine for me brother " Rage cutted me off.

" Fine " I said while standing still, as Rage ran like a child and gave me the biggest hug.

" Bring it in guys " he said. I watched as Kai and Luna walk over into the hug.

" Char bring it in " I said and she just looked at me.

" I don't do human affection I'll pass " she said while going back into the car.

" Alright guys I'll see you all back at home. We are right behind you. " I said as everyone walked back to their respective vehicles.

" Brother can I ride with you? " Rage rolled down his window and asked.

" No the fuck not " I said as I stepped into the car.

" Bye I love you " he yelled as the car drove off. I shaked my head as Jerry wind up my window and he drove off.

" Why didn't you say it back " Isabella asked me.

" Caz I'm just not in the mood " I said and she rolled her eyes.

" You're so beautiful " I said to her while moving a strand of hair out of her face.

" You're not so bad yourself " she said.

We made small talk for the rest of the drive.

Then within 20 minutes she fell asleep.

Author's Note

Hey y'all, ho- how you doing🌝

It's April-

Expect 3 more chapters😔💔.

Xoxo Shanoya💙

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