Just another day (one directi...

By _Daretodream_

18.2K 330 135

Paige; a 17 year old girl with a dream to visit her Australian pen pal. Chloe; Paige's bestfriend the only on... More

Just another day
Chapter 2- a day of surprises
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
just another day?
It's on again!

Chapter 25

445 8 1
By _Daretodream_

Chapter 25

I lay on the soft sand looking up at the baby blue sky, every so often I would have to move a little as the sand started to burn. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The sound of the waves rolling up the beach was peaceful and relaxing. The laughter of children in the background making a smile form on my face. I could lay here on the beach forever just in blissful silence.

The boys were at a studio rehearsing for the night ahead and the rest of the gang was there too but I had other ideas. Today I wanted to spend some time alone, the rest of the group understood this and let me be.

I must have looked strange laying on the beach alone but it didn't bother me. Deciding that the burning sand was too much for me now, as the sun had reached its height and was burning down dangerously hot, I sat up and shuffled backwards to prop myself up against the rocks the shade covering me from the heat. I took the chance to remove my sunglasses and observe my surroundings in their true colours. The beach was packed with families, small kids running around with smiles plastered on their faces or ice-cream, either way it was cute to see.

Sandcastles were built, a picture was taken and then the child proceeded to knock it down. It kind of resembles my life.

My life has been built up, I've made new friends, memories and formed a relationship. I've laughed, smiled, forgiven and forgotten. I've joked, pranked and gotten revenge. The paparazzi have taken the photos for most of my memories, not my mother or another family member but I know they would if they could. All that's left now is for my own sandcastle of a life to be kicked down. I've been through this process before and the breakdown is never easy. This time however, I'm more optimistic about the outcome. Maybe I'll be one of the few sandcastles that are left and the water breaks them down gently. The softer break down seems like the better option.

I was so immersed in my thoughts that I failed to notice someone sit down beside me and it was only when they let out a fake cough that I was dragged back to the real world.

I looked up at the person sat beside me, male, brown hair, about my age.

"Hey sorry if I startled you" he said, his accent showing he is from Australia.

"Don't worry you did quite the opposite I didn't even notice you" I said, my eyes focused on the distant horizon as I watched a ship make its way across looking like a measly speck when in reality it was probably a huge cruise ship filled with people enjoying a holiday.

"I've been watching you for a while, which isn't as creepy as it seems honestly, I'm helping my dad out he's a lifeguard here. The temperature is so high we have to keep an eye out for people who may become dehydrated. I noticed you don't have a drink so" he pulled a bottle of water from the bag he had with him "here you go, it's a little warm you can blame the sun for that one" he laughed

"Thanks" I said taking the bottle from his hand and taking a mouthful, I hadn't realised how thirsty I was until I had the drink. I guess that's how most people become dehydrated

"You've been sat here for a while, you ok?" he asked me.

"Yeah I'm good I just like the view, it's beautiful here" I said with my eyes now fixed on the bottle and the label I was now picking at.

"You're picking at the label, I'm making you uncomfortable" the boy stated. Now that he said that I realised that actually yes, I was a little uncomfortable.

"It's just... I have a boyfriend" I said hoping that I didn't sound like I loved myself and thought everyone was in love with me. I don't consider myself 'beautiful' I consider myself 'average.'

The boy let out a laugh and I looked at him.

"If you're worried im going to try hitting on you then you're worrying over nothing. I bat for the other team darling" he said and now I was taken aback. I wouldn't have ever guessed from looking at him. In fact I would have gone as far to put him in the category of 'players.' I should know better than to judge people but it's just second nature isn't it we all do it some just not as obviously as others sometimes we judge them and put them in good categories but it's still judging someone.

"Cool so do you always work here?" I asked him feeling much more comfortable.

"No I just help my dad out sometimes, most times I help my mum" he said, I turned to him

"What does your mum do? If that's not rude?" I asked him.

"Not at all, she actually erm.. Well she palm reads" he said looking embarrassed. There is nothing to be embarrassed about though I've always thought that it was cool even if people told me there was nothing behind it and it was made up.

"That's cool, so you do it too?" I asked him and he nodded

"Yeah I've learnt on the job I guess"

"Can you erm... Read mine?" I asked him

"Of course, put your palm out" he said and I did as I was told. He took my hand in his and ran his fingers over it, running over the lines traced into it.

"I'm Jack by the way" he said and I just nodded I hadn't even realised we hadn't exchanged names

"Paige" I returned his words.

"This line here it's called the heart line, yours tells me that you fall in love easily." he pointed to the line that starts in the middle of my index and middle finger.

"This line here in the middle is called the head line. Yours is almost a straight line which means you think realistically" he said looking at me to see my reaction which I didn't give. I was to intrigued to give one

"And that line?" I asked his pointing to the one that semi circled my thumb

"This is called yours is short and shallow which means you are easily manipulated by others and it also does a semi-circle around your thumb which means you have strength and enthusiasm." he smiled "some people have a fourth line but you don't" he said

"You're palm shape represents fire, it's rectangular and you have flushed skin , the length of your palm is greater than the length of your fingers. This represents spontaneousness , enthusiasm and optimism. You are sometimes egoistic, impulsive and insensitive. You do things boldly and instinctively." he said and then let go of my hand and I let it fall beside me.

[A/N I actually researched this i didn't make it up]

"Thank you" I smiled at him

"Ah no worries" he said "anyway I should get going they'll probably be wondering where I am" he stood up

"Thank you for the water" I held up the bottle "and the palm reading" I laughed

"You're welcome Paige, see you"

"Bye Jack" I waved at him as he walked off.

I decided that now was a good time to head back, maybe that was what I needed. A conversation with someone that I wasn't constantly around, a change in voice and conversation.

I pushed open the door to the studio noticing straight away that no music was playing which it should be, I raised an eyebrow and looked around it was suspiciously quiet.

"Hello?" I shouted out

"She's here" I heard Liam's voice and I followed it

"Hey guys, why do you all look like you just witnessed a murder" I tried to joke but given my past it probably wasn't the best joke to make. "Niall?" I questioned him walking over to him and out stretching my arm to take his hand he was sat down with his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees.

"Don't. Touch me" he said in monotone.

"Why?" I asked him

"You should know why" he said and now I was really confused

"What have I done?" I choked up. Seriously he was fine when I left. I could feel everyone's gaze burning into me, I've never felt so uncomfortable.

"I can't believe you Paige" Tina's voice broke the silence, she was stood closest to Niall.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE?" I repeated my previous question louder.

"He came to find you, he looked everywhere for you and then checked the beach" Zayn's voice said

"I don't know where you're going with this" I said looking at everyone in turn.

"Was he worth it Paige?" Niall asked me this time.

"Was WHO worth it?, what are you on about?"

"The boy you were at the beach with. You seemed pretty happy as he held your hand" he said his voice sounding like it was going to break.

"You saw that huh?" I scoffed

"What the fuck are you laughing at Paige, are you really that heartless?" Niall asked me, I had pretty much blocked everyone else in the room out by now.

"No I'm not actually Mitchell didn't take it, he fucked it up but it's still there" I tried to make a joke of the situation hoping it would lighten the atmosphere.

"You cheated on me" he said and I took a step back.

"What? No I never" I said

"I SAW YOU" he shouted

"You saw me what Niall" I shouted back

"I saw him holding your hand, I saw you laughing together, hiding behind the rocks. Were you hoping you wouldn't get seen?" our voices were both raised and there was no way they were coming down.

"He was reading my palm for crying out loud Niall I'm not like that and we weren't hiding I was sitting in the shade so I didn't burn to death"

"Reading your palm my ass Paige, I trusted you and you ruined it" he lowered his voice and then stood up from the chair he was sat at walking out of the room.

"HE'S GAY" I screamed at his back, he stopped for a moment then continued walking.

"He doesn't look it" Tina said

"What do you mean?" I asked and she showed me a picture of us sat together with my hand in his and me smiling at him as I listened to him reading my palm. I'm not going to lie it does look like I'm cheating but I wasn't.

"Where did you get this?" I asked her sternly

"Niall took it" she said "so you have some explaining to do"

"I HAVE NO EXPLAINING TO DO! I already told you, I was sitting in shade from the sun, he was reading my palm HE'S GAY" I shouted turning around "I've got to find my boyfriend" I hung my head and ran out of the door.

Niall's p.o.v

I could hear her shouting my name and flinging doors open, I braced myself as she got closer to the room I was in. I wiped the tears from my face and rubbed my eyes. I want to believe her when she says he gay but I couldn't, I'd seen him with my own eyes there's no way he's gay.

She found my room. She stood in the doorway her eyes the same as mine, red and bloodshot with clear lines down her face made from mascara.

"How long has it been going on Paige?" I asked her.

"You have to believe me when I say there is nothing going on Niall" she said, something in her voice told me she was telling the truth but I had witnessed it with my own eyes.

"I want to believe you Paige" my voice was barely audible if I spoke louder I was afraid the years would start again.

"then believe me!" she waved her arms in the air and let them fall heavily to her sides again.

"What's his name?" I asked


"Do you do know him"

"NO! I met him about 10 minutes before I left" she said "please Niall you have to believe me, look we can go find him if you want. I will prove this too you Niall please give me the chance" she begged me and I looked her in the eyes. As soon as I did I knew that I should never have doubted her, she was sincere. I can't believe I had even doubted her.

"I believe you" I told her and she stopped biting her nails and looked at me

"You're serious?"

"Of course, I'm sorry for doubting you but I would still like to meet this guy" I said and she nodded.

"I understand, I would too if I was in your position" she forced a smile and walked over to me wrapping her arms around me. It took a while but I too wrapped my arms around her.

"You should have come down" she said


"You should have come and sat with us down on the beach" she said "I never meant to hurt you, I promise it was just friendly conversation" she told me and I honestly regretted ever thinking she would do that to me.

Sitting there in her arms was perfect and I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Does that make me a bad boyfriend?

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