Dark Skies and Bright Stars

By cantsoell

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My name is Craig Tucker. Fuck you. This book needs a description, and since this is mostly about me, and Twee... More



1.4K 34 72
By cantsoell

Tweek struggled to stay awake, his head almost hitting the desk a few times after it fell from his hand. He told me he stayed up studying for some test, and it must of really worn him out because this was the 3rd class he was falling asleep in.

"Jeez Tweek. You really should've slept instead."

"But...I need to....pass." He said in between yawns. It was so sweet.

His eyes were starting to close again and he dropped his pencil which was drawing random lines on the paper.

"You're so cute Tweekers."

He smiled and leaned over on my shoulder.

"I love that...Tweek..ers...." His smile slowly went away and his eyes didn't open again. Fast asleep.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and kissed his forehead.







I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. I looked at Tweek, but he wasn't by my side anymore. He was standing with all the grey people. I recognized a few of them. Token, Clyde, my family, Stan.

"That's gross Craig. I was leading you on. Why? Because the whole world needed to see just how fucking gross and terrible you are."

He smiled and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. He turned his back, and started walking away.

"W-Wait Tweek no! Please don't leave me. Don't leave!! Please!! PLEASE!!"

"Please! Don't- shit. Damnit..."

I woke up breathing heavily and I felt tears falling down my face.

What the fuck?

Tweek wouldn't leave me right? He wouldn't do that.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

When I found the nickname he loved I pressed called and held my phone up to my ear. It rang a for a 3 times, and just as I was about to give up he answered.


"T-Tweek! Umm..you're not gonna leave me. Right?"

"Craig. Why would I? I-I told you, how happy you make me. Shit if....if I could be over there right now I would definitely. Go over there." He answered in a very sleepy voice while chuckling.

His words made me let out a breath in relief and I nodded to myself.


"What happened?"

"I had a nightmare. A-About you leaving me. You lied."

"Craig, i-if there's one thing you gotta know about me, is that I don't lie. Especially when I'm tried. So like, r-right now." He hummed and his sleepy voice made me wanna laugh. He sounded so adorable speaking so slow.

"Hey Tweek, you remember how you asked about me being free this Friday?"

"Mhm. Don't tell your ditching."

"Of course not. W-What exactly did you want to do?"

He giggled on the other side and yawned.
"I love hearing you stutter. It's so fucking cute. Anyway, I-I wanted fo go to Starks pond. So we can star gaze."


"Yea! I knew you would love it."

"Tweek. I...I...wish you were here right now."

"Me too."

"I want to hold your hand again."

"Oh trust me. Tomorrow that's all I'm gonna do. Now go back to sleep, I'm sleepy too."

I didn't even check the time, but I get why he was sleepy. It was 4 in the morning.

"Goodnight. Tweekers."

"Holy shit Craig. I fucking love it."


"Please keep calling me that."

"Will do Tweekers. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Craig. I-" I hung up.

Fuck. What was he gonna say?!

I something.

What could it be?

I, like you?

I smiled at that thought. He said he would hold my hand more too.

I can't wait til Friday.


"I love pizza so much."

"The food isn't that good. I-It's mid."

"I agree."

"I wouldn't know."

"Of course you wouldn't know you eat rich people food." Clyde said poking at Tokens food as if it was some dead animal.

Rather then just us, me and Tweek decided to sit with Token and Clyde for lunch today. Bebe wasn't here today, thank god, because according to Token yesterday they were making out.

And I hate to say it, but the thought slipped into my mind for a just a second of me and Tweek.

"Token your house is really big. Like, h-huge."

"That's what she said." Clyde said high fiving himself while Tweek just sighed. He looked at me, and then my hand and just gave a small smile.

He really wasn't lying last night, well this morning I suppose, about holding my hand. He did it in 1st and 2nd, even 4th period for just a bit.

God I love it. I let my hand wander to his, and I took it again. It's so comforting and nice. It gives me so many butterflies.

I'm not sure what Tweek did to make me like him so much, especially in such a short amount of time. I met him last Thursday. It's only been a week.

I fell in love with this twitchy, stuttery, weird kid named Tweek in a week. Wait love?

Do I love Tweek?? I know I like him.

Do I already love Tweek.

No way can I say that out loud. I'm gonna scare him off, and then he'll leave me. I don't want that. I don't think I've ever been more happier in life.

One day, I will say that out loud though. And hopefully the reaction will be Tweek smiling again, maybe tears of happiness in his eyes? He'll take my hands, and pull me in a hug. And say, "me too. I love you Craig."

"Dude what the fuck?"



I opened my eyes and Token, Clyde, and Tweek were looking directly at me.

Wait. I didnt say that out loud did I?


"I didn't say anything."

"Yea you did!! You said me too, I love you Craig! Who were you daydreaming about?!"

"You said you didnt like Heidi."

"I dont! I-I wasn't daydreaming!"

"And you're stuttering?! Craig my man!! Who's the lucky girl??" Clyde ask banging on the table as if they were drums.

Holy shit I can't believe I said that out loud.

I glanced at Tweek, and his face was red. He had a small smile and he looked away and let go of my hand. I looked down at my own hand where Tweek's hand was.

I looked back at him and he was trying to hold back giggles.


"Uh. Is it...who I think it is?" Token asked looking at me then Tweek.

He can't know. No way.

"I-I'm going to the bathroom."

"AWW COME ON CRAIG YOU GOTTA TELL US!!" I stood up ignoring Clyde and pulling down on my hat.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

"It's not me i-if that's what you think Token. I'm laughing b-because you thought it was H-Heidi." I heard Tweek say that as I left and I was so fucking thankful for that.

I didn't turn back around though, I kept walking. And I definitely didn't go to the bathroom. I made my way to the spot no one goes too and sat down against the wall and took off my hat.

"Fuck. Why the hell would I say that out loud?!"

Yea, I want Tweek to say that but why did I say it out loud?!

Tweek is driving me crazy. I can't believe myself.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone and headphones. I shuffled my playlist, and closed my eyes.

The same thought from earlier played in my mind. And I smiled.

It may have been embarrassing when I said that, especially when I was sitting next to Tweek, but I still really really like that thought.

"Me too. I love you Craig." I said out loud again.

I took a deep breath and checked the time. The bell signaling the end of lunch rang, which left 3 more class periods.

Too tired. I'm skipping the rest of the day. I'm just gonna sleep here, if I get caught whatever. Nobody comes here anyway.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Warmth. I felt warmth on my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them.

"Oh- H-Hey Craig." I turned to my side, and saw Tweek lift his head off my shoulder with a small smile.

His head was on my shoulder.

Why couldn't I be awake to see it.


"I k-kinda assumed you wouldn't mind."

"Not at all."

He smiled and looked at his phone as it dinged.

He laughed and looked at me again.

"My dad thinks I'm at Token's again."

"How long ago did school end?"

"About 15 minutes ago. I found you here like 10 minutes ago."

"What you were doing just now was like my nightmare."

"I wanted to ask, what exactly happened."

"It was in class, you fell asleep on my shoulder, and-" the forehead kiss played in my head and I wasn't sure if I should say it. But, it was just a nightmare right?
"I kissed your forehead."

His smile grew and he nodded for me to keep going.

"Well, as soon as I did, all these people who were like grey started saying things like oh Craig's gay?! A-And I saw Clyde, and Token, my parents. Stan. And then I turned to look at you but you were standing with all of them. You said something like you were just pretending and turned and keft."

"And that's why you asked that?"

"Yea. Tweek I've never been so happy. Um, I don't know why but I-I really like being with you."

"I like being with you too. And when you stutter."

I rolled my eyes at him and glanced at his hands.

He must've noticed, because he took mine in his and scooted close to me.

"I like a lot of things a-about you."

"Me too."

"I-In 7th period, Clyde was talking about us you know? H-He said that if we were gay that's be crazy but also whatever."

"He did?"

"Yea. A-After I covered for you at lunch, he was talking about how he noticed that you never took an interest in girls like him and Token did. I guess something when you all were younger?"

"Oh yea. Especially in middle school they would always check out these other girls, and I never really understood what they thought was so pretty about them. Guess that should've been the first sign that I was gay."

"Yea. Sometimes it takes more to realize that though."

"Like what?"

"Holding hands." He said holding our hands in front of us with a small smirk.


He smiled and nodded at me.

I like Tweek so much.

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