One True Liv (Liv Morgan x OC)

By alexrelatado

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Luke Ardiente, one of the biggest names in the Asian sports world signs with WWE and is a part of the SmackDo... More

OC Introduction
Chapter 1: Lone
Chapter 2: A Perfect Team?
Chapter 3: Opening Ardiente Origins
Chapter 4: Closer Than Ever
Chapter 5: Time Together
Chapter 6: An Opportunity
Chapter 7: Cute and Drunk
Chapter 8: Dr. Luke
Chapter 9: Buying a New House
Chapter 10: The Power of Ardiente
Chapter 11: The Rebellious Nomad
Chapter 12: Game Date
Chapter 13: Tall Task
Chapter 14: Fight Against Burial
Chapter 15: News and Farm
Chapter 16: Rise of the Brotherhood
Chapter 17: The Fight Continues
Chapter 18: Chaos Binding Contracts
Chapter 19: Backlash Screwjobs
Chapter 20: Hostile Show
Chapter 21: Cross Hairs
Chapter 22: Old Family Calls
Chapter 23: Surprise NXT Appearance
Chapter 24: Motive
Chapter 25: Spider-Man Movie Date
Chapter 26: Super Polymerization
Chapter 27: Homecoming Part 1
Chapter 28: Homecoming Part 2
Chapter 29: Rebellious Tour: NJPW
Chapter 30: All Elite Rebellious Tour
Chapter 31: Return of the Nomad
Chapter 32: Security Breach
Chapter 33: Hot Farm Shower
Chapter 34: Surprise Visitors
Chapter 35: Liv Tries Jollibee
Chapter 36: Nomad's Bushido
Chapter 37: Major League Rebel Tour
Chapter 38: One More For The Good Guy
Chapter 39: One Last Stop
Chapter 41: TLC Part 1 - Unleash
Chapter 42: TLC Part 2 - Redemption
Chapter 43: TLC Part 3 - Corporate Beatdown
Chapter 44: Aftermath Night Off Celebration
Chapter 45: Proposal with Help
Chapter 46: Entertaining the Masses
Chapter 47: Philippine Adventure Part 1: Luke Meets Ivana
Chapter 48: Philippine Adventure Part 2: Poblacion Homecoming
Chapter 49: A Wedding to Liv for

Chapter 40: Multiverse Alliance

551 10 12
By alexrelatado

Luke's latest appearance on MLW has infuriated Vince even more, but he couldn't punish or strip him of his Intercontinental Championship due to a loophole in the Nomad's contract thanks to Chief Operating Officer Triple H. As for the Nomad, he saw on his calendar that TLC was a few days away, but he capitalize on the opportunity to train physically and mentally for TLC by appearing on MLW one more time.

He saw on WWE's Instagram site that more matches had been added to TLC:

Alex Auditore (with Randy Orton) (c) vs. The Miz - Ladder Match for the WWE Championship

Alexa Bliss vs. Maryse - Singles match

Along with the other official matches:

Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan - TLC match for the SmackDown Women's Championship

Roman Reigns (with Paul Heyman) (c) vs. Cesaro - TLC match for the WWE Universal Championship

Luke Ardiente (c) vs. Vince McMahon - Career vs. Title in a No Holds barred match for the Intercontinental Championship

As for Luke's appearance on MLW, the match maker of the promotion Cesar Duran fka as Dario Cueto on Lucha Underground has made a tag team match the main event for the week's show:

MLW World Champion Alexander Hammerstone & WWE Intercontinental Champion Luke Ardiente vs. Richard Holliday (with Alicia Atout) & nZo - Tag team match

Luke saw the marquee and card graphic for the match and took it in as he is one of the first few active WWE Superstars to step foot outside for other promotions, recalling his rebel tour. The Nomad also knew that he and Hammerstone have thorns on their sides in their form of their opponents tonight.

Liv wasn't with her love tonight since she is training for the biggest match of her career and was watching her video posts on Instagram of her working out and exercising.

Luke nodded as he watched his love's workout videos and whispered to himself:

Luke: you got this Liv... you got his Gionna

(An hour later)

While a match between Jacob Fatu and Ikuro Kwon, Luke got a Facetime call from Liv. The Nomad sat up and immediately answered and saw the cute and beautiful face of Liv Morgan.

Liv: hi babe!!

Luke: well hey there champ! How is your workout?

Liv: killer, but it is all worth it

Luke: is Cesaro your workout buddy?

Liv: not just him, babe...

Luke: who else?

Liv smiled as she positioned her phone and Luke smiled as he saw a familiar person.

Luke: Ruby?!

Ruby: hey there Luke!

Luke: how are you doing?

Ruby: I'm doing great at AEW, made some new friends, but I will never forget my Squad

Liv smiled and hugged her former tag team partner.

Luke: well my girlfriend will need all the motivation she needs and you and Cesaro will help her

Ruby: we got her, you go out there and kick the terrible ex's ass

Luke: you got it, I'll let you go workout now

Liv: bye babe! 

Liv smiled as she blew a kiss at the screen before the two finished their call. Luke smiled and watched as Fatu finished off Kwon with a pop up Samoan Drop for the win. Then it transitioned to a video package showing the footage from last week's main event of the match between Luke and Richard Holliday when nZo interfered and caused a chaotic brawl involving Hammerstone as well.

Luke watched on the screen a backstage interview from earlier today involving the Realest Guy and that nZo said that he'll teach a lesson to Luke about respect and coming to his house uninvited. The Nomad can only shake his head and laugh it off.

Luke: respect? You want to teach me respect nZo? Ha, don't make me laugh because I will teach you a lesson about staying out of my way and how to be a man

Luke grabbed his Intercontinental title and met with the MLW Champion as they make their way to the ring.

(In the ring)

nZo made his way to the ring with a mic in hand as he trash talked and strutted his way to the ring while the crowd booed in annoyance at the Certified G. Then the Dynastic Most Marketable Man made his way to the ring with Alicia Atout by his side as his James Bond inspired theme played.

The Clout Couple made their way down the ramp while Holliday had an arrogant smirk on his face. Alicia went to ringside while Holliday joined nZo in the ring as they await their opponents.

Then the entrance theme of the MLW Champion played and right out of the gate, Hammerstone removed his title and ran down to the ring to take out nZo and go straight for his former tag team partner. A few seconds later, Luke's theme played and the Nomad came dashing down to the ring and executed a double leg takedown on nZo followed by a series of rapid punches.

The referee tried to restore order but the chaos continued until Holliday and nZo rolled out of the ring to catch their breath and regroup while the referee held the Nomad and Hammer back. After order was restored, the match started.

Luke Ardiente & Alexander Hammerstone vs. Richard Holliday & nZo

What it looks like that Hammerstone and Holliday were about to start, the Most Marketable cowardly tagged out and nZo went in instead to start. The so called Bonafide Stud strutted and talked trash to the MLW Champion before Hammerstone took him down with a lariat. nZo stumbled to the corner, only for Hammer to take the opportunity to flatten him with a running splash.

Hammer grabbed nZo and saw that Luke want to take a piece of the loudmouth nZo, Hammer obliged and tagged in the Nomad, but nZo broke free of Hammer's grip and tagged in Holliday. The Most Marketable lunged for an offense, but Luke threw Holliday up for a pop-up powerslam for an early pin count, but Richard kicked out. Now Luke saw that Hammer wants a piece of his former Dynasty bro; the Nomad smirked, nodded and tagged in the MLW Champion, but Holliday scurried away to the outside to regroup with nZo on strategy.

(Fast forward)

nZo attempted to ground Hammerstone with a headlock, but the MLW Champion powered out and flattened the Certified G with a back suplex and he had enough strength left to tag in Luke and the Nomad finally set his sniper scope on nZo by firing rapid punches on Liv's jerk ex-boyfriend. The Nomad Irish whipped nZo to the opposite corner for a running splash followed by a spinebuster.

Luke set up for the Super Polymerization, but Holliday ran in for interference only for Luke to counter with a back body drop.

(End of match)

The legal men were Luke and nZo and both man and runt were stumbling to their feet while Hammerstone and Holliday were brawling at ringside until they took their fight to the backstage area.

In the ring, nZo measured Luke for his finisher, the Eat Defeat; as the Nomad got up, nZo attempt to execute his finisher, but Luke countered and grabbed nZo by the throat while a look of rage was on his face.

The crowd was hyping up the Nomad as he picked up nZo and slammed the Certified G with a chokeslam.

He then picked up nZo and finishes Liv's jerk ex-boyfriend off with the Super Polymerization for the pinfall victory and sweet sweet revenge.

Luke raised his arms up and put his foot on nZo's chest, feeling satisfied that he finally got the loudmouth parasite nZo off his back and is now ready to move on and prepare for his career threatening match at TLC against Vince McMahon.

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