Persona 5 Royal AU The Bad Ro...

By FlightNinja28

258 1 2

Ren has taken a hold of the hand of the insane version of himself. Losing control to himself, his friends and... More

Chapter 52 - Shadeon Breaks Ren
Chapter 53 - A Temporary Leader is Chosen
Chapter 54 - Infiltrating the Palace
Chapter 55 - Shadeon's Backstory and the Plan to Defeat Him
Chapter 56 - The Continued Infiltration of the Palace
Chapter 57 - The Garden
Chapter 58 - The Plan and the Resolve
Chapter 59 - The Final Battle Begins
Chapter 60 - The Battle well Fought
Epilogue and Author's Note

Chapter 51 - Darkness Revealed

42 0 0
By FlightNinja28

Time is ticking down, in front of us is the one Okumura called Executive Director. Beside him, that robot version of Haru. Beside me, behind me, my friends were all unconscious. Only Futaba was still up and about.

"Guys! Please wake up!" Futaba yelled.

"It's your move you foolish Phantome Thief. I'll take pleasure in your defeat." Okumura said with laughter. "So go ahead, no matter what you do, I will win!"

I could feel it, an all-consuming rage coming from Shadeon himself. Seeing our friends all unconscious like this has taken its toll. It's hard to focus and it feels like I'm being suffocated by the rage. The two forms waited for an answer, I reached out and grabbed the hand of the insane one, he grinned darkly, and I knew I made a bad choice from that moment. Suddenly, I was being pulled away by the rage as Shadeon became darker.

"Shadeon no!" I yelled. "We need to save our friends! Don't let the rage win!" I yelled.

It was no use; my voice wasn't reaching Shadeon. No matter how much I yelled. I looked up seeing the blue butterfly.

"Trickster, do you need my help?"

"Yes, get my friends out of here. Tell them...I'll be waiting for them. I know they'll come to save me. I can't fight Shadeon alone." I said as tears fell.

"You are not alone." Izunagi said.

My persona's surrounded me as Kaguya cut the strands of rage trying to choke the life out of me.

"We will protect your heart from Shadeon and his rage. It's what Arsene wants too." Kaguya said.

"Trickster, please stay strong. We will save you." The butterfly said.

It vanished appearing to Futaba. All my friends glowed blue.

"Joker!" Futaba yelled reaching out for me.

She saw my tears falling as I was losing control of my actions.

"Just go! I'll wait for you to come for me!" I yelled as my tears fell. "Go now!"

She and everyone else disappeared, as I yelled out losing control of my body to Shadeon. I opened my eyes. There was darkness around me, only my personas were around me.

"We'll be safe here for now." Lilim stated.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't do more to help." Kaguya said. "But we can see what Shadeon is doing as he uses your body for his own."

"What's he planning?" I asked.

"Well, I learned more from another persona. But Shadeon wanted to rule the Realm or mind and matter. But he couldn't rule reality, but he could torment the human mind and heart. Now that he has a physical body, he can try to take over reality." Phoenix said.

"No..." I said. "Shadeon..."

We looked up as Shadeon took Okumura's treasure. Okumura looked terrified as Shadeon destroyed the treasure and reached into the shards forming a strange pink jewel.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That is the desire of the human." Izunagi.

Shadeon must've eaten the desire using my body because I felt a jolt and it hurt. Why is he doing this!? Okumura stopped moving and fell over since his desires were eaten. I could only watch as Shadeon left the palace as it crumbled into nothing.

"I bet you can hear me wherever you're hiding in there Ren." Shadeon said.

"Why!? Why Shadeon!?" I yelled tearing up.

"I still have some sanity but I could never ignore my true nature." he said. "I still care about them, you made the right choice. But I will put up a fight to get what was taken from me years ago."

"You won't win Shadeon!" I yelled.

Shadeon laughed darkly and like an insane creature.

"For their sake I do hope I lose." he said.

I could feel him crying as he starred at the sky. He was smiling.

"It's too late for me now, if only your voice reached me sooner." he said. "But it didn't, But I'll take over reality now like I desired so long ago! And I know the perfect palace that will get the job done!"

He laughed again, I looked down at the dark ground of my heart my tears hitting the ground.

'Guys...Everyone...Please help me.' I thought. 'Help!'

I didn't know it, but this thought, this cry, it reached everyone that I had a bond with. Shadeon went to Mementos snarling at the fact he couldn't get through the wall. Punching a shadow and stealing the desire inside. I knew another human must've shut down mentally because of his action. I yelled out when he ate the desire, it was causing me pain. Shadeon went to that stadium that was being built. Looking up, he spoke.

"Reveal the secrets hidden here." he said.

Reality suddenly warped and revealed a palace. I had no idea there was a palace here at all. The place was calm for some reason,

"I think I'll take this palace as my own, if it can reach Mementos, I can take over!" Shadeon declared laughing.

"Ren? What are you doing here?"

That was Dr. Maruki.

"Pleasure to meet you...Dr. Maruki." Shadeon said with an evil grin. "Sorry, but Ren is not available, can I take a message?"

"What are you?" Dr. Maruki said stunned.

"I'm the Shade Beast King Shadeon. Ren has been my vessel since he came to this city." Shadeon said. "Quite the place you have here, I think I'll take it for myself."

"Let me speak to Ren!" Dr. Maruki demanded.

"Nah, if I give him back control, I'll just be shoved back into the dark." Shadeon replied.

I tried to yell out making my yellow eye glow.

"Dr. Maruki, you have to run! Just get away!" I yelled.

"Ren!?" Dr. Maruki yelled making Shadeon cover the yellow glowing eye. "You set him free right now!"

"Get out of my palace, or else, I'll kill you in front of Ren." Shadeon said.

A blue butterfly appeared and did a quick flash of blue light. Dr. Maruki was gone, but I felt relieved because I knew that he was safe. Shadeon frowned.

"Well well well, seems I made a mistake. Instead of going after the fortune-teller first." Shadeon said.

"What would you have done to Chihaya?" I asked.

"Her fortune telling skills would be a great big help to me. That's all." Shadeon said. "Knowing that they will be coming for me, my conquest will begin from this palace."

After that, I sat in the dark, only my personas were there to keep me company. I miss everyone.

'Everyone...Please help me.' I thought hugging my knees.

"Don't worry Ren, we'll make sure you are safe. I know for a fact everyone you care about right now is safe." one of my persona's said.

"Right." I said.

We could only watch as Shadeon made his way through the palace. The shadows did not approach him as he made his way to a particular room. This palace seems to represent Dr. Maruki to a T. I wonder if the other floors up are the same or different. He demanded the shadows do what he orders or else they'll be wiped out. Making his way up, I could see how things changed slowly the further up we went.

I'd sleep if I could as I closed my eyes. Then I heard voices in my heart.

"Don't worry Ren, we'll come to save you."

'Ryuji...' I thought.

"I know you're in the dark right now, I made a promise and I'll be there."


One by one, I heard everyone's voices as though they were reaching out to me. The last voice I heard was Akechi, but my guess was this was his true nature.

"What the hell Amamiya-san, you go and lose yourself before I can even get the chance to kill you myself! Pathetic, fine, I'll help save your sorry ass. So you better not give up and disappear on us!"

'Wow he sounds like a smart ass.' I thought to myself. 'Guess in some ways, he hates me with his whole being.'

"I'll hang on, I'll wait for you all. Shadeon's palace Keyword is....Darkness Ablaze." I said.

Kaguya made sure Shadeon didn't hear any of that. I looked at her and she smiled...I think. All I can do now is wait for everyone. I hope they have a plan.

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