Chapter 59 - The Final Battle Begins

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"Hmm, there aren't as many Shade Shadows in this area." Futaba said as she scanned the area with her Persona. "I think it may be because we are very close to the location Shadeon is. This area is just one location away from his throne."

"So, what's the plan for takin' Shadeon down?" Ryuji asked.

"We can't discuss that until we find another safe room, Skull." Makoto stated. "Just because the area seems clear, doesn't mean that Shadeon or the Shadows that are scared of him, aren't listening in on the conversation."

"Indeed, we have to be very cautious against Shadeon." Yusuke stated.

"He's right, remember that Shadeon is currently in possession of Joker's body. We don't want to hurt him." Morgana stated.

"I wish we didn't have to fight Shadeon though, we've gotten so used to him." Ann said.

"I know what you mean." Yusuke said. "I'd like to think that perhaps he doesn't want to fight us either. Sadly, we can't have it that way."

"Can you tell us about your experiences with Shadeon?" Mishima asked curious.

"They were something else entirely, we usually weren't sure when Shadeon was possessing Joker except in Mementos." Ann said.

"Yeah, he ate desire petals, that shit tastes nasty." Ryuji stated.

"Desire petals are from a flower that is wrapped around the bud of a treasure from our targets. They weren't around big targets treasures like Kamoshida or Kaneshiro." Morgana explained as Ryuji made everyone else confused.

"Why did you target people?" Sae-san asked Morgana.

"Because they were distorted." Morgana said. "When the object that caused them to become distorted blooms, it forms a Palace. Kamoshida saw the school as his castle and the students as slaves. For the female students however, he sexually harassed them but in his castle, called them queens."

"His actions made my best friend Shiho attempt suicide." Ann said looking quite furious. "Could I have killed his shadow self and caused him to have a mental shut down? Yes, but I didn't because I want him to suffer and remember what he has done. But I'll never forgive him."

'They do say a woman scorned can be quite scary.' I thought to myself.

"In Kamoshida's castle is where we first saw Joker use his first Shade skill. Shade energy wrapped around his dagger." Morgana explained. "When he used a shade skill, it drained him of his energy. Joker trained a lot so that he wouldn't be as drained whenever he learned a new skill."

"The next skill from Shadeon turned the shade energy from Joker's dagger into a see-through limb that was wrapped around his arm. It caused him a lot of pain and burned the symbol onto his arm and gave him the move Shadow Strike." Yusuke explained. "This happened in Madarame's Palace. He was stealing the art of his pupils and claiming it as his own. Even my mother's painting which she had left for me."

"I think I'm beginning to understand why you all acted as the Phantom Thieves now." Sae-san stated before looking up. "But what of Medjed?"

"I took care of them." Futaba stated smiling. "Hehehe, they were some third-rate group pretending to be Medjed anyway. Besides, I was the target for the Phantom Thieves at the time because I asked them for help in stealing my heart. I felt there was no exit after my mom was killed and her research stolen."

"Futaba-" Sae-san started saying.

"Oracle, that's my codename in the Metaverse."

"Oracle, I apologize for the trouble that I caused to you and Sakura-san." Sae-san said bowing slightly.

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