Chapter 58 - The Plan and the Resolve

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"We should also ask Lavenza about the garden Shadeon has made." Haru said as she sat down.

"That might be a good idea in case there are any bad plants in there that could harm us." Ann said nervously.

Ren was still sitting outside the door, but we had it open a crack. I swore I heard him say something, but whatever it was, it was barely above a whisper.

"You trying to say something, Joker?" I asked.

He nodded, Futaba leaned down to hear what he was saying and then looked up.

"Joker's saying the garden won't hurt us, it's Shadeon's place of Solace and Regret." Futaba said.

"Which means what exactly?" Ryuji asked.

"Solace means comfort in times of grief. But he also has regrets, perhaps that is why the shade shadows are also watching us." Yusuke said. "They are gardeners keeping the garden looking beautiful."

"It would make sense too." Haru said. "They weren't attacking us so perhaps they were making sure we aren't harming the plants?"

"Much as that would be a logical answer, I'm afraid the answer would not be so damn easy." I said annoyed. "We have little to no information about shades. So all you have is a theory, Noir."

"My persona, Azathoth, said shades are also creatures of man's spiritual realm. They don't usually mingle with humans at all. But Shadows and Personas stay away from them because of their ability to eat desires." Maruki explained. "Shades were supposed to have a sacred duty to remove troublesome souls from a place to where all life is said to return. Though I'm not sure what that means."

"Knowing that shit ain't gonna help us now." Ryuji said.

"Actually, without the shades, an imbalance would occur in man's spiritual realm and throw everything off balance. Shadows and Personas would become visible. Humanity would be thrown into absolute panic. A much worse situation than Mementos and Reality fusing together." Lavenza said as she reappeared with an object. "The world would slowly die unless a small group of humans, Shadows, and Personas became shades. Unfortunately, that would result in the death of the humans who become shades themselves."

"Are there other shades?" Ann asked.

"Yes, they were upset that Shadeon fell into darkness the way he did but do not revoke his status as a prince. Instead, they left his punishment to my master. At that time, it was inprisonment into a cage bellow Shibuya. But then the Trickster came along holding the key to Shadeon's prison." Lavenza explained before looking at Joker.

Lavenza walked over to Ren and bowed slightly.

"Trickster, I know how much you suffered and probably will in the future. But may we of the Velvet Room ask that you become Shadeon's Prison. Of course, it means that you are his executioner, as he will die when you die." Lavenza asked looking serious.

Ren looked to be in deep thought and then nodded. I think he's an idiot to decide to become a living prison. However, we don't have any other fucking options. More than likely, Shadeon would drag Ren down into the prison with him if we didn't do this. Lavenza walked over to me.

"Here, this will create a barrier that will block out the shade shadows when you face Shadeon. To use it, simply place it at the entrance to where the treasure would be. It will activate on its own from there." Lavenza explained. "My Master and I will join from the realm of Ren's heart when you reignite Ren's hope and help him with the spirit chains."

"Are we all healed up?" I asked.

"Good to go!" Ryuji stated.

"Yes, we must get through this and help get Joker back to us." Makoto said.

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