Spectrum of Sleep

By Zshaiiinnn

431 109 38

She couldn't remember anything. Woke up in a dark cold place, Elliot Mirage must now find a way out, but if o... More

chapter vi | small
CHAPTER IX | How Does It Feel?
CHAPTER X | What Happened?
CHAPTER XI | New Path.
CHAPTER 12 | Witch? Oh Honey, Look At Me. I Am One.
CHAPTER XIII | What The Hell Was That?
CHAPTER XV | My Old Man.
CHAPTER XVII | Just Keep Moving.
CHAPTER XVIII | Two Sides of The Same Coin (Part 1)
CHAPTER XIX | Two Sides of The Same Coin (Part 2)
CHAPTER XX | An Ending, But A New Beginning With You.

CHAPTER XVI | Yurian, You Snake!

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By Zshaiiinnn

It was a chilly, cloudy afternoon that day. November 23, 1996. The bell had just rung, and class had just been dismissed and we were all going home. I was with my two friends; Margarette and Deana. We were going to ride on Deana's car together and go home, but then my Flip phone chimed. I brought it out of my pocket to see what it was.

"Shit, Yurian wants to meet up with me. Right now." I said, reading the text message.

"What? Where?" Deana asked.

"At our usual diner, at Lucy's."

"You want us to drop you off there?" Margarette asked.

"Yes, please. Thank you. He says it's urgent. Ugh, I wonder what this is all about." I complained.

We continued to walk towards Deana's car. It was a bright red, Toyota RAV4. She got it as her 17th birthday present, and will be soon getting her driver's license when she turns 18. We got to the car, just before we were about to get in, Margarette spoke.

"Ugh, Elliot look. It's your pervy stalker again." She said looking Michael looking at us from a distant.

"Jesus, he's always wearing black. What is wrong with him." I said in disgust.

"I bet he's already busting inside those pants just from your gaze." Margarette chuckled.

"Ew! You're so fucking gross!" I replied while getting into the car.

We all got inside the car. Deana started it and after a few minutes, we were on our way. We talked and sang throughout the ride to the Diner they were going to drop me off at.

"Have you guys seen Brandon Hargreens today?" Margarette asked.

"No, actually." Deana replied, "He didn't attend our classes together." She continued.

"Yeah, same. I wonder what happened." I added.

We continued to drive to the diner in silence. I looked up at the windshield and the sky was covered with clouds. The clouds were a bit dark, it looked like it was going to rain.

We finally got to the diner. Deana stopped the car by the sidewalk in front of the Diner. I looked at my window and saw Brandon already in there. Sitting, and waiting for me. He looked a bit nervous.

"Well, I guess this is it. Call us later when you get home, okay?" Deana said unlocking the doors.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks for the ride!" I opened the door, got out and shut it closed. I walked towards the entrance of the Diner, and waved at the girls' goodbye. They drove off and a went inside.

Brandon saw me come in. He looked at me and waved. I walked towards to where he was sitting and sat down in front of him. We sat there for a couple of silent minutes. Yurian kept looking on the table, he looked disturbed and depressed.

"Yurian?" I said, breaking the silence.

His gaze turned to me when he snapped out of it. "Hi, Elliot." He replied.

"What did you wanted to talk about? Why do you look so depressed?" I asked continuously. "Hey! Answer me" I said snapping my fingers at him, "We don't have all afternoon, it seems like it's about to rain." I added.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous." He responded.

"Nervous about what?"

"Elliot," he looked at me, "I'm breaking up with you."

We were both silent. I just looked at him with my eyes wide, while also giving a confused look. "I'm sorry," I shook my head, "What?"

"I can't do this anymore." He added.

"WHAT?" I exclaimed while also slamming my hands on the table. Everyone at the diner stopped for a moment and looked at us.

The diner was silent for a couple of moments, but it was suddenly broken when someone came in. Everyone turned their look on that person. I didn't really paid attention to him, but the person seemed to be wearing black.

"What do you mean you can't do this anymore, huh? Are you shitting me?" I said loudly.

"Elliot, calm down please." He said.

"No! I will not calm down! This is unacceptable! I say when we get to break up!"

"Well, that's THE GODDAMN PROBLEM." He replied, raising his voice. "I am so sick, and tired of your bullshit!"

"What do you mean?" I batted back. "After everything? I let you fuck me when you want to and now you're breaking up with me? Wow, no. I'm the one who's going to dump you, not you!"

"That's exactly the point! You're such a fucking control freak! You're right, you let me have sex with you when we feel like it, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me as your dog and not your boyfriend." He pointed at me.

"Wow, since when did that ever happen?!"

"All the fucking time! It's always about you, and you, and you, about how's your day, or what you and your girls talk about, or about how much you envy Deana, or how much you hate your mother!" He raised his voice, pointing at me. "It's always about you, but you never had the time to ask me about myself! I always have to be the one to adjust and sacrifice things for you, and clearly I have had too much."

Our voices were making a scandal in the Diner, everyone was trying not to look at us while we argue.

"This is the actual first time, that I was able to speak out!" He added.

His eyes became teary. He crossed his arms and sat back. His face was more depressed than ever, but I didn't care at that time.

"I'm tired of you bossing me around. We're done." He said, getting up.

When he walked pass me, I grabbed his hand, "Is there another girl? Huh? Tell me!" I demanded.

He gave a look of disgust and disappointment. He pulled his hand away from my grip, and continued to head for the door.

"Yurian, you snake!" I stood up and yelled at him before he was about to go out the door.

He stopped for a moment. He didn't look at me and said, "Call me whatever you want, we both know you're worse." He left.

I stood there for a couple of moments, frustrated and angry, my hand was already twitching again. I finally shook my head and snapped back to reality. "Fuck him, I don't need him." I said. I got my bag and was ready to leave, until I noticed that everyone else was looking at me. I looked around and all were on me, but then I recognized a familiar face; it was Michael's. The pervert that was stalking me followed me here to the Diner.

"What are you all looking at!?" I yelled. The people then went back to what they were doing.

Michael was still looking at me while I walked pass to where he was sitting. "Fucking perv." I said to him, throwing the middle finger.

I walked out of the diner and began my journey home. It was already a bit dark since it's already dusk and the thick clouds above us signaling rain.

I walked slowly alone on the sidewalk. Streetlights began to turn on as the evening started. After a long distance of walking, thunder roared from the sky, then rain came crashing down. I rushed walking trying to find somewhere to find shelter. I saw a bus stop. I ran towards it, but then before I could reach it, someone pulled me back.

I was shocked at the great force that pulled me back. The person then grabbed me by my waists and covered my mouth. He shushed me by my ear while forcing to carry me. The rain kept pouring hard. The person dragged me into a dark alley.

The person kept covering my mouth, stopping me from scream. When we were in the alley, he pushed me back against the wall. I could see his face; it was Michael.

"What the fu-." I got cut off when he covered my mouth again and shushed me.

"It's okay, it's okay. Didn't you and Yurian just broke up earlier? Are you looking for someone new?" He said grinning.

"I could be your new boyfriend, yeah?" He laughed, "Come on, we would be perfect." He said, touching my body all over.

He took his hand off my mouth and I was able to speak, "Get off me you fucking maniac!" I hit his stomach with my knee. "Help! Someone help!" I cried out.

He then brought out a piece of cloth and forcefully tied it around my mouth, blocking it. He grabbed both my hands very tightly and pinned them against the wall. "I'll show you, I'm better!" He began to touch me all over and started to undress my top. He kept pressing his lips on different spots on my neck.

I kept screaming and screaming for help, but the cloth muffled my voice. His grip on my hands were hurting my wrists. He kicked my knees which forced me to kneel down. He still gripped tightly on my hand with his left. He started to undo his belt with his right arm. His faced teared up with joy as he was about to do what he always wanted to do. I was crying and whimpering and once again screamed out as loud as I can. He pinned me down on the ground with my back facing him, and my face on the ground.

He tried to take off my bottom, when suddenly he groaned in pain. More cries came out from him that he let go of my hand. I heard him tumble to the ground when I turned. I saw a figure of a man kick him again, and again, and again, until Michael stopped moving.

The figure stopped kicking him and turned to me. He walked towards me and held out a hand. When I didn't take it, he knelt down in front of me.

"Are you okay? It's alright, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help." He said. "Here, let me get that cloth out of your mouth." He untied the piece of cloth and threw it aside. He took off his jacket and put it on me, "Here, this should keep you warm. Let's get you up and out of here." He said helping me get up and walk.

We walked out of the alley and headed for his car. "He sat me on the front passenger seat. I was shaking because of the coldness. He got in the driver's seat and wiped his wet face. "It's Elliot Mirage right?" He asked. I was surprised on how he knew me, "Yeah... who are you?" I questioned back. "Oh, I thought you recognized me." He leaned closer and into the light, revealing his face. "It's Brandon, and I'm going to take you home, okay? You'll be safe." He started the car and turned on his wipers. He drove off and we were on our way home.

That happened so long ago. I was 17 at that time. Now I'm already 31. And now Yurian was standing in front of me in a form of a snake. Well, that's how I always saw him.

"Hi, Elliot."

I was snapped from my thoughts and back into the current situation. "What the hell are you doing here?" I was hostile towards him, I should be.

"I'm all alone, okay? I just want to talk." He said raising his arms a sign of vulnerability.

"Oh? Talk? Bullshit. After you tried to kills us for the past few days, what would you want to talk about." I said, still composed on raising the sword at him.

"Please, put down the sword. I really mean no harm. If I did, my men would've already swarmed this place and you would all be dead."

I looked at him, eye to eye. He looked sincere, and because I was a changed person, I gave him a shot and trusted him. "Alright, what do you want to talk about?" I said putting down and out the flaming sword I taunted at him.

"I wanna ask you something. Come here, sit with me." He said waving his hand at me.

I followed him towards the entrance of the cave, and we sat behind the waterfall with the moonlight shining at us. We sat there silent for a couple of moments.

"What did you wanted to ask me?" I eagerly asked.

"Why...? Why did you..." He paused for a moment, letting out a sigh. "Why did you help me earlier? I mean, you could've just easily let that Lion kills us all and we wouldn't be a problem for you anymore. The Queen would be vulnerable." He explained.

I thought for a moment before answering his question. "Yurian, I'm not the same person that you broke up with years ago. I don't want to be anymore; I'm trying to change." I stated. "Isn't that the purpose of this coma dream? A shot at redemption? Even a crazy, controlling, ungrateful, bitch like me got a second chance. That means, so does everyone else. And that's what I gave you back then, a second chance."

We went silent for a moment. I reached out my hand and placed it on top of his. "I'm sorry for not being a good partner to you back then. We could start over, we could change, together. The fact that you're here, means you could. And it's still up to you, your free will to do so. You can change for the better. Help us."

He suddenly got teary eyed. He pulled his hand away from mine and wiped his face. He stood up, and so did I. He stood closer to the waterfall, and I was behind him. He turned and look at me. I raised my hand towards him, "Come with us. You can help people."

His tears strolled down his face as he sniffed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Elliot. But I can't." He muttered while reaching out something from his back.

"What do you..." I said, taking a step back.

He shook his head and looked at me straight. "She won't let me." That was the last thing he said before bringing out a horn and blowing on it.

The horn sounded, and ran back inside the cave. As I turned, I already saw Brandon and the others awake and yelling my name. As I ran back towards them, I turned to see an army of men swarm the cave. I reached Brandon and the others and they were getting ready to fight. Fiercey immediately turned into her beast form, Brandon flamed on his sword, Mom turned into a Lion, and Dad roared in anger.

I got on Fiercey's back. Grandma was behind me, starting to flap her wings. "We need to get out of here!" I yelled.

"We'll hold them off, make a clear path. When that happens, you and Fiercey make a run for it!" Brandon ordered.

We were in a tight spot. The playing field wasn't even and it was clear we won't make it out of here in one piece. The army of men screamed and charged towards us. Dad grabbed the boulder and threw it at them. It crushed a number of soldiers but they still charged on.

"Butch! You're big! Get in front of us and clear a path!" Mom ordered at Dad. Without hesitation, he followed her others and charged towards the men.

Dad swung around his bottle, sending men flying to left and right. Brandon and Mom ran and joined in the fight. They took out more men together.

After taking out enough, there was an opening. "Elliot! Go now!" Brandon yelled. Fiercey charged on. Grandma was above us clawing out the soldiers that stood in our way. Fiercey barged through and leaped above barricades.

We were almost at the entrance of the cave, "Come one, Fiercey let's go, we're going to make it!" exclaimed. Suddenly, a boulder came flying through the waterfall! It almost hit us but then Dad rushed in front of us and it hit him instead. He lost his balance and fell onto the ground. The sudden rumbling caused by his fall, stalactites came falling down from the ceiling of the cave. Brandon and mom were able to dodge, and with Dad's thick ogre skin, it didn't pierce through him.

Fiercey was able to dodge the ones that fell above us. Grandma was swaying from left to right above us also dodging. After the stalactites stopped falling, we were ready to get back on escaping. But suddenly, a painful cry echoed through the cave.

It came from above and so I looked up. I saw Grandma falling from the air and about to crash painfully into the ground. I also saw a long, thick spear pierced through her chest.

I cried out her name, as she fell to the ground.

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