When I Met You

By RayniaJonson

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Loki meets you, a sweet girl named Gracie Andersen in New York while on the run and things don't go the way t... More

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: The Other Half
Chapter 3: Cupcakes & Pins
Chapter 4: Movie Night
Chapter 5: Another Asgardian
Chapter 6: Double Date
Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame
Chapter 9: Birthday Problems
Chapter 10: I Forgot
Chapter 11: Sick Party Bro
Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New
Chapter 13: Christmas Eve
Chapter 14: Christmas Problems
Chapter 15: New Years
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk
Chapter 18: Training Trials
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Good Morning Avengers
Chapter 21: Best Day Ever!
Chapter 22: First Patrol
Chapter 23: Understudy
Chapter 24: Final Curtain
Chapter 25: Lost
Chapter 26: All Tied Up
Chapter 27: Madness
Chapter 28: Playing Along
Chapter 29: Snowstorm
Chapter 30: Reunited
Chapter 31: Discussions
Chapter 33: Elves
Chapter 34: Thank You Gift
Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball
Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen
Chapter 37: Vampire Saga - Home Base
Chapter 38: Vampire Saga - Unlikely Allies
Chapter 39: Vampire Saga - Blood Bag
Chapter 40: Vampire Saga - Vibranium
Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer
Chapter 42: Vampire Saga - Crossing The Line
Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements
Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge
Chapter 45: Vampire Saga - Last Stand
Chapter 46: When I See You Again
Chapter 47: Remember Me
Chapter 48: Old Enemies
Chapter 49: White Butterfly
Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 51: Loki Vs Wolverine
Chapter 52: To Save A Life
Chapter 53: Parker!!!
Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Chapter 55: Nightmares
Chapter 56: Meltdown
Chapter 57: Love Spell
Chapter 58: Fire Princess
Chapter 59: All Or Nothing
Chapter 60: I Do

Chapter 32: Old Forest

56 6 1
By RayniaJonson

You continued to walk the thin path between the trees, nearly tripping several times and the only thing preventing you from falling over was Loki as he was holding your hand the entire time. You decided just to float above the ground instead as it would definitely be easier, taking Loki up with you, which he absolutely wasn't expecting but the God of Mischief kind of liked it. You hovered along for a while, with Loki subtly suggesting to head slightly this way or that, not that you caught on but to distract you further, he began telling you the names of all the trees around you. However, you soon left the flowering trees behind, entering into a more traditional-looking forest although you had to admit there was something different about it as well. The trees seemed too tall, and too wide as well, with nearly every tree fallen or still standing covered in beautiful green moss, along with tall green ferns covering nearly every inch of the ground. This area seemed a lot more wild in comparison, and you soon spotted a large cluster of pinkish-red-capped mushrooms with little white dots on them, they didn't even look real to you. 

You landed near the cute little fungi, on what appeared to be an old path paved with stones, although you imagined it hadn't been used in a long time considering how overgrown and broken it was. You did land to take a closer look at the mushrooms but as you studied the path, it took your attention and the need to know where it led became all-consuming. You asked Loki if they could follow it and the God of Mischief let out a small giggle as you were already several meters away from him, heading off where the old road led. Of course, Loki agreed, you were unaware that this was where he was trying to take you so once the God of Mischief caught up, you walked hand in hand to wherever this path would go, eating the delicious baked goods you had picked up earlier. It twisted and turned, seemingly built to accommodate the environment around it, rather than altering the ground and surrounding area to build a path and soon you reached a cave at the base of a wide and long, mossy and vine-covered plateau.  

You enter, gripping Loki's hand a little tighter, with the other, you summon a little ball of light and you see some winding stairs that led up and out, connecting the level you were on to the ground above. You were nervous walking up the stairs too, as you had no idea how old they were and the thought that they could crumble away at any moment soon popped into your head. Once again you made the choice to just float above the ground but this time, Loki let go, insisting you go ahead of him as he could tell how nervous you were about being in a creepy cave. "Are you sure?" you ask, not wanting to leave Loki behind but the God of Mischief urged you to go on ahead, maybe there would be more of those cute mushrooms up there.  

You looked at Loki nervously, the hesitation to leave his side clearly showed on your face, but the God of Mischief only smiled, appreciating how cute and anxious you were to go off on your own. You were truly adorable Loki thought, before telling you again to just go ahead, suggesting for you to just float up within the center of the spiral, as it would be quicker that way. So before you could change your mind, you leaped over the railing, floating up slowly, as it was something you were getting better at but you still weren't a master of levitation yet. "See you at the top", you smiled before using more of your power to launch yourself upwards at a quicker speed, popping out of the creepy stair-cave and high up into the sky. You went much further than you wanted to, flying up above the canopy, feeling embarrassed for some reason and as a result, your powers went out for a second making you drop rather fast. You did catch yourself before you hit the ground, lowering yourself slowly, focusing hard on just landing safely, but once you did look around, it took your breath away.

In the distance you could see it, the ruins of an ancient castle, at least that's what you thought it had to be, considering it was so grand, despite how overgrown it was. Although you had to admit the architecture reminded you much more of Rivendell, it was the only thing you could think of to compare it to as you had never really seen anything like it, at least in real life. You found yourself entranced as you wandered closer, reaching out to touch an old path archway, cracked and torn up by new trees and other plant life that wasn't there before. You placed your hand on the pillar, tracing your fingers down a particular long, deep crack imagining what it must have looked like once before, how pristine it must have been. You noticed that one of the tree-like vines that wrapped around this pillar had little flowers growing on it, they looked kind of like Water Lilies, they were so beautiful and you were really tempted to pick one.  

But you didn't, not that you had to as a certain Asgardian picked one for you, and you turned around in surprise as you kind of forgot he was there, feeling sort of bad about it. You try to apologize but found it hard to do so because of how flustered you were, Loki didn't say anything in response though, only admiring the flower for a moment before putting it in your hair. When Loki plucked the flower, it came with thin little vines and somehow your boo managed to braid it into your hair, taking a few of your lovely curls on the one side of your head to do so. You couldn't help but smile, lighting up for a moment as a result, unknowingly causing the flower in your hair to bloom a little wider and even grow an extra leaf, but Loki saw this happen and it warm his heart. The God of Mischief peered down at you, taking the side of your face with his hand, rubbing your cheek gently as he told you how beautiful you were and that he was so lucky to have you by his side, which only made you blush harder.  

Loki teleported to the top the second you shot off back in the cave, watching you from a distance as he wanted to see how you would react when you spotted the ruins. He did freak out for a moment as he heard you let out a little shriek as you fell out of the sky and was about to intervene when you caught yourself. The God of Mischief let out a breath of relief, you nearly gave him a bloody heart attack, assuming Asgardians could have heart attacks to begin with. Loki then gazed at you lovingly as you floated down the way you did, appearing to him as an angel, albeit a very clumsy angel, but it only added to your charm in his opinion. You were the sweetest, the purest, and the most beautiful thing in the Universe and honestly, although he never really thought about it before you, the God of Mischief couldn't wait to spend forever by your side.  

"Loki are you going to tell me where we are now?" you asked as you headed into the opening of the old palace, finding that you couldn't hold it in anymore, you really needed to know. The God of Mischief was currently lost in thought, just content to have you by his side and wasn't really listening and he definitely paid for it in the end, nearly having another heart attack. As you walked you realized that Loki wasn't really paying attention, but not being completely sure you decided to test him by suggesting crazy things, well at least they were out there considering it was you. "I think I'm going to get a tattoo... or maybe a lip or nose piercing... what do you think Cariño?" you say trying to speak normally but you worried you might have been too expressive with your words. Loki still didn't seem to be listening so you brought out the big guns and suggested they have a baby, with the God of Mischief agreeing with you until he clued back in and yelled, "wait, what?!?". 

You burst out laughing, you had to clutch your abdomen you were giggling so hard, you almost fell over while Loki just stood there all flustered and panicked thinking that you wanted a baby. It took you a few minutes to fully calm down but once you did you explained to Loki that you knew he wasn't really paying attention, as a sort of prank you started suggesting outlandish things. "I'm not mad though, don't worry, your reaction was way too funny for me to be at all upset", you say trying not to laugh again but you failed, you continue to goof off and giggle. Loki didn't like the fact that you "punished" him for zoning out as it was something you did every so often and he decided to get even, first getting all handsy, pulling you in so he could kiss you. "Oh, you'll pay for that, love," Loki whispered before giving you another little smooch, next informing you that you had until the count of 10 to find a place to hide. You look at Loki confused as he held you in his arms but he started counting down and you pulled away, squealing as you ran off to find somewhere to hide, feeling nothing but happy little butterflies in your stomach.  

You ran fast, using your powers to increase your speed and eventually you reached the farside of the building that led back outside and looking down over the railing you saw a revine. You could see a beautiful waterfall that flowed into the deep valley and there was a bridge connecting to another building on the other side, what you assumed was the rest of the palace. There was a bridge yes, emphasis on was as it was also broken, missing a large piece in the center, not that it would stop you, nor did it as you hopped over the railing and onto the lower level quickly heading towards it. You swear you heard something from nearby so you through caution to the wind and launched yourself onto the otherside, not looking back as you headed further into the ruins, unaware that it wasn't Loki who made that sound. 

You wandered through several rooms, many that were too overgrown to really tell what they used to be, but the deeper you went the more your knit sweater and skirt got caught on things so you decided to remove them. You found a small intact room with a solid door and only one small window although you couldn't really see out of it and you doubted that anyone could see in, so it was perfect for changing. You stood with your back to the door, standing very close to it so if anyone tried to open it your body would automatically block them from coming in, not that you really believed anyone would try to open it, but there was always that fear in the back of your head. You waisted little time putting your skirt and sweater in your bag and throwing your leather jacket back on, now showing off the black lacy cropped bra top you bought with Loki in mind. You pulled out your phone, double checking to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be and that nothing was showing before grabbing your bag and continuing to explore. 

You eventually find your way to a large set of arch doors at the end of a long wide hall and based on the fancy columns leading up to these doors you figured it must have led to somewhere important. You were right, and again, like several other times today your breath was taken away, as you entered into the remains of a massive Domed Library, with more books and scrolls than you had ever seen before. Seriously, you swear the Library in the Beast's Castle didn't even have this many books, and you felt so tiny and overwhelmed standing in such a massive fantasy-esk type place. There were trees and climbing vines, birds and butterflies, flowers and moss, there was even a quaint little waterfall and stream leading down and out near one of the larger openings to the outside. You slowly walked over to the closest shelf to pick up one of the books to look at when you realized they weren't written in English and therefore you couldn't actually read any of them. On top of that, they were all extremely fragile looking, which made sense as stone and morter takes ages to fall away, the same could not be said for books and scrolls so you decided it would be best not to touch them. 

You kept looking around, through several of the openings to the outside, down and out at the truly stunning surroundings, finding the thick jungle-like forest just as interesting as the ruins themselves. You found yourself getting more comfortable as the minutes ticked on, completely forgetting that you were supposed to be hiding from Loki, as the current atmosphere was quite peaceful and relaxing. You ended up going over to climb a tree, finding that, for some reason, your inner child had suddenly woken up and demanded you do something silly and unlady-like. Of course, this particular tree was screaming "climb me, climb me" with it's thick winding roots and it's sweet smelling flowers that hung down from long willow-like branches, gently flowing in the breeze. It had grown through the one wall, taking root and stretching up to the ceiling, with a few of the higher branches peeking out to greet the world outside, and you wondered what you could see from there.  

You reached the point where you couldn't climb any further, as the higher branches couldn't hold your weight and you soon got a better look at all the beautiful birds in the tree, and you couldn't help but smile. You hadn't climbed a tree in ages, nothing felt quite so pure than just sitting among what nature had to offer, enjoying each others company as if you were old friends, catching up. A few of the birds even came over to sit with you, although some seemed a little hesitant to do so, but once you introduced yourself and healed up one of the birds that had been injured, they were all by your side, singing sweet cheery tunes. They were so cute, looking sort of like Blue Jays, seriously all the details were the same, the only difference being that the blue was replaced with a greenish-yellow that was similar to some of the trees. You suspected it was to help blend in to avoid predators and as you looked out over the forest, you wondered what they were like, as you felt a sudden chill run up your spine, feeling really cold for a moment as you began to really worry about where you were. 

You think about what happened with Cody, finding yourself very frightened and on the verge of tears, feeling a very intense and overwhelming urge to get out and hide somewhere. The birds were kind enough to show you a place to hide and or escape, leading you over to an old fireplace, it was grand like the rest of the room but unlike everything else, it seemed less damaged, as if it were the one spot that was kept relatively intact. You didn't quite understand everything but the birds told you that "they" come and go from this place, although it had been a while since any of "them" had come but it had been even longer since they came to only play. You do as they say and place your hand on a paticular stone upon the mantle, however, you had to float up to touch it as you were too short to actually reach it, even on your tiptoes. Once your glowing hand made contact the surrounding stones of the mantle start to light up, showing symbols you didn't recognize, they did look similar to Asgardian Runes, though. The floor beneath you lit up as well, the symbols appearing around the outer edge of the fireplace, reminding you of a Wiccan Circle and soon the inside of the hearth disappeared to reveal a long and dark passageway.  

You thanked the birds and walked through, feeling the slight chill as the opening was closed again and you look back for a moment before you started to run, but from what, you weren't sure. You don't know what you were thinking, heading down into the dark on your own, you were being irrational, and you were hardly ever irrational, only acting on impulse when it was a life or death situation. But to you, this felt like life or death but once you ran out of breath and had to stop, collapsing to your knees, you took a moment to think about how crazy you were acting, were you trying to get hurt or kidnapped, or even worse, killed? "Stupid", you whispered to yourself, as you got back up onto your feet, taking in heavy breaths as you try to retrace your steps, pausing for a moment to close your eyes and recall exactly which way you came from. At the time it seemed so scary, walking in a creepy underground passage all by yourself, but looking back, it was a cakewalk compared to what was waiting for you when you got back to New York.  

Although the tunnel wasn't too dark and creepy, at least after you lit it up a little more, having multiple little butterflies floating around, finding them much more comforting than just a simple little light. However, the slight comforting feeling didn't last as you soon saw what appeared to be light from a torch coming down one of the halls in front of you and you start to panic. You do your best to keep silent as you hide down another path nearby, making all your butterflies disappear, all except for one as you didn't want to wait in total darkness, but that was a mistake. Or at least, you didn't make them disappear fast enough as someone noticed the light and came to investigate, with you praying to not be scene, but based on how intensely you were shaking, it was only a matter of time until this person noticed. You almost got away with it, managing to find a small gap in the wall to hide in but unfortunately, when he turned to walk back to the others, the light from his torch caught the metal on your jacket. 

You took off running like a bat out of Hell, first knocking the guy down, making his torch go out, obviously getting the attention of his Comrades but there wasn't any real way to get around that, considering you had already been spotted. You also had trouble out running these guys too, as they seemed to be able to move just as fast as you, if not a little faster and using your powers to get ahead meant they'd be able to follow you easily, no matter how much distance you put between them and yourself. You weren't sure what to do as you had lost your way, just trying to out run whoever these people were, and if that wasn't bad enough it would seem that you spoke different languages so you couldn't reason with them even if you wanted to, and you definitely did as you didn't want to fight. Eventually though, you managed to pull off the same trick that you did on the mountain with Cody, although you had to do it a little different as they were right behind you, in a narrow passageway. 

You hit a long straight tunnel and lit up a little, speeding away as fast as you could to get the distance you needed, pretty much no longer in their direct line of sight when you enacted your plan. You promptly landed, sending off a small ball of light down an adjacent road, hiding and carefully watching from behind a pillar, making sure whoever was following you would head down that way before you started running again. You did your best to move as quickly as you could while also staying as quiet as possible, as tunnels were known to echo and these passageways were no exception. Before long you realized you were completely lost, not even being able to begin to recognize where you currently were as you entered into a large underground pocket. Based on the walls, and relative evenness of the floors and ceiling, along with the several other passages connecting to this space you deduced that this cave might not have been a natural formation. There were five passages you could enter or exit out from but you had no idea which to choose, deciding to first figure out a way to keep track of which paths you've taken incase you hit a dead end or something and needed to find your way back.  

But unfortunately, before you got much thinking done, those people from before had caught you off guard and you found yourself surrounded, with cloaked figures coming out of all but one passageway. You had no idea what to expect, this clearly wasn't Earth so these people probably weren't humans, the way they were dressed only adding to the conclusion you made. Unless of course there was a fancy Reinaissance Fair happening nearby and these people were just getting too deep into their Larping scenarios, but weird thoughts aside, they did have swords and bows with them. Although they didn't draw their swords, at least not yet, instead pulling out their bows, with each of the dozen or so people pointing an arrow at you, with one of them seemingly waiting to give the order to fire. The person was saying something to you but of course, you still couldn't understand what he or anyone else was saying and being scared out of your mind, you readied into a fighting stance. 

Seeing as you didn't respond that guy gave the order, having everyone else fire an arrow at you, they seemed very good as they all hit you, or would have if you didn't catch them with your powers. You raised your hand all dramatic, making a point as you dropped the arrows and you could clearly hear a few of them whispering to each other as well as several gasps. You smirked, and even giggled under your breath for a moment, why were you so afraid, you had fought and trained for stuff like this, I guess with what happened with Cody, you just forgot how powerful you were. You didn't want to kill them but you doubted you could get out of this situation without a fight, you could just temporarily blind them but they'd just chase after you again and you didn't really want to run, this was supposed to be a relaxing day. You decided it would be best to just get it over with quickly, knocking them out would work, so you come up with an idea before gesturing with your hand for them to come at you. 

They pull out their swords one by one, waiting for that guy from earlier, the one you were pretty sure was their leader to give the orders to attack and as he pulled out his sword they did so. The cave pocket itself wasn't that big, so it only took a few seconds for them all to get within striking distance and as they did you shot up above them, but luckily you didn't hit the ceiling. Before they had a chance to react, you released a giant wave of light energy knocking them all back and unconscious, well, all but one, as there leader was able to survive the blast. He quickly got up, circling you as you let out a sigh, you were so done with this now, you didn't want to deal with him or anyone else, you just wanted to go home and sleep, or possibly have sex for the first time with Loki, that would work to, but only after a nap. You just were tired and moody, and on top of that you kind of had to go and being in the middle of nowhere made it difficult to relieve one's self, you were actually getting kind of annoyed now. You were fine with the idea of "roughing it" while camping or whatever, you could go without internet, a fridge, a proper bed, the works, the only exception being a proper washroom.  

This guy came at you, a look of fierce determination on his face while you just blinked at him slowly with a relatively blank expression, clearly showing your lack of interest which only seemed to piss him off more, not that you cared at the moment. Instead of properly engaging in battle with this guy you just let him run into one of your shields and it sent him flying, he actually hit one of the cave walls before falling to the ground unconscious. His sword landed nearby and you walked over to pick it up and inspect it, finding it rather beautiful and enchanting despite your usual lack of interest in weapons, with you deciding to keep the blade. You floated up and lazily flew down the pathway they didn't come from, deciding that it was probably the best place to start, soon finding a familiar landmark. You made your way back and you were so happy, despite how tired you had become, quickly popping your hand onto the correct stone, opening the fireplace passage, only to run into some Legolas-looking motherfucker. 

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