Ben 10 Alien Girls x male rea...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including alien females from Ben 10 series. More

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Female Vulpimancer x Male Reader

4K 33 14
By gentelmanbeast

Author:(Before we start I'd like to remind you all that Vulpimancer are animal-like sentient aliens with qualities of an ape and canine with an alternative way of communication.They are not feral beasts.Still keep in mind that Wildmutt is the only healthy specimen after Vulpin got used as a toxic dump for years.)

Scene starts with a spaceship that had plenty of homemade repairs done to it.

Inside various aliens were walking around the cargo area.One of them holding the ship's manuscript expects a cage that completely dark on the inside.He observed the code on the cage to match it with the manuscript before the cage shook violently and growling could be heard.He backed away in fear but a bigger alien stepped closed and poked a long spear with a taser attachment through the small opening.It was basically a large metal box with small openings for air.

Big alien:Dont worry.These mutts are arent going anywhere.

Alien1:A-arent those the Vulpimancers?This is kidaping.I was only in it for smuggling weapons.

Big alien:Well you arent to far there.They make for very,very expensive guard dogs.We deliver,we get paid,end of story.Its always been like that and I dont plan on changing that because youre getting second thoughts.Now grow a spinal cord and go back to your post.

Big alien walked away to his quarters,leaving the first one comflicted and with a gulp in his throat.He wasnt sure what to do about this whole ordeal.


Meanwhile on Earth,a man in his 20's was driving through the dark forest.

Y/N:Of all the places in the world,some clown thought it would be a good idea to build a mansion in the middle of nowhere.I didn't even know I had an uncle Harry.Why would he leave everything he owned to me?

He drove on until he passed through the broken gates and parked in front of a tall,mostly wooden building that has seen better days.

Y/N:That's a mansion?Well I guess I know why he didn't leave anything to his servants.What a mess.

He got out of his car and took out a flashlight.Walking in the house Y/N saw a lot of dust,cobwebs and a family of bats in every corner of the ceiling.

Y/N:At least the bats are a nice touch.Dirty arachnids not so much.

He expected various rooms and saw that they were in exactly the same state.They

were big but mostly empty so clean up shouldnt be too hard.Some rooms could even fit an african elefant,provided that it gets through the doors first.Despite his unckle passing few weeks ago the mansion itself looked like it belonged to Victorian era with all the technological comforts of the mid late 20th centaury.

Author:(Fun fact:Original Ben 10 series was set in the year 2000)

Y/N:Well,there are some nice things here.Im sure a museum or a wealthy collector would pay a pretty penny for some of these.But its getting late and I better hit the hay.Expensive place like this usually have big beds right?

Y/N went upstairs to find the master bedroom.As luck would have it was uncles favorite room since he wasn't moving much towards the end.So it was the cleanest room with relatively little dust.Y/N still dusted of the pillows and blankest just in case and hoped in the large king-sized bed.Meanwhile in the same forest,large metal box is sitting in a even bigger crater.Everything is enveloped in smoke but a dark silhouette of something large is clearly seen leaving the crash site.


A loud crash startles Y/N and awake and he almost leaps out of the bed.

Y/N:Must've been my imagination. Soon I'll be hearing werewolves howling and chains jiggling.I just have to remember it's just dark.A fear that we inherited from our ancestors but if you start thinking there are monsters in your house,you have too big imagination.I better go back to bed.

Just as Y/N was about to cover himself with the cover his stomach growled.

Y/N:Or not.Maybe there's still some food that's not past its expiration date.Or maybe I'll just drink some water to trick the hunger.

He got out of the bed and put on a conveniently placed bathrobe of his uncle Henry.

Y/N:Huh?Fits like a glove.Wonder if uncle and me had anything in common.

He went downstairs but after exiting the bedroom a lighting clashed.For a split second,a portrait of his uncle Henry was showed.With the wallpaper falling if the wall the only image visible was Henry and a black claw on his shoulder wearing an engagement ring.When another lighting clashed,a shadow covered the picture before the both disappeared after the third lightning.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Y/N was fishing around in a old refrigerator that was running low on power.He took out a leg of pork and inspected the dexterity.

Y/N:Kinda soft.First thing tomorrow, get some food.

Y/N closed the refrigerator doors,meat still in his hand and turned around.Only to be met face to fangs with an giant,orange,hairy and eyeless creature snarling at him.In fear he slams his back against the fridge and shakes like a last leaf of the fall.

Y/N:(gulp)Um,nice monster.Nice weather we're having.

Creatures just kept getting nearer and salivating with it's large mouth that could eat him whole.

Y/N:Come here often?

The creature roared and Y/N tried to shield himself with his hands while simultaneously waving the piece of meat like a weapon.After a while of not being torn to shreds Y/N opened his eyes.Instead of eating him the creature was sniffing the old food in his hand.

Y/N:Oh,y-youre hungry?Here.

He tossed the pork leg in the air as to not let the giant monster eat from his hands.The creture raised its neck and effortlessly cought it,licked its lips and let out a growl from its stomach.In panick of being the next meal Y/n quickly opened the fridge and pulled out a long plate with the rest of the pig.


The creture waisted no time and slammed it mouth down to grab the pig.Some of it was still poking out so it moved its head back and ate the pig ing one gulp.

The creature licked it's mouth for the last time and sat in a manner most dog like.

Y/N:oh,you're a good monster.I hope.

The creature bent down an thoroughly licked Y/N's face as a sign of thanks.

Y/N:Heh,you're welcome.And I'm in need of a shower.Good thing that I called those workers and electricians.House should be as good as new but what do I do about you?

Outside the house storm was brewing,thunder and rain could be heard so making her stay outside would be out of the question.It would be immoral and she would trac in mud later.

Y/N:OK,stay here and tommorow Ill,take you for a walk?I dont know,just to be seen by others.

Y/N went back upstairs and noticed how his footsteps had gotten louder.He didnt bother with closing the doors and just climb up on the bed to get some sleep so he can wake up before the workers arrive.When he finnaly closed his eyes he felt the bed sinking a little and unexplainable warmpth coming from above him.

Y/N:What the?

Once he opened his eyes he saw the same creature standing above him on the bed.

Y/N:What are you doing here?Get off.

The creature didnt listen or more likely didnt understand and plopped its body across the bed and Y/Ns body.Its head resting on top of his torso.Any attempt at moving would have been in vain.


The creature just purred and licked the undersise of his chin and throat,ignoring his effort of getting away.

Scene showed the stormy sky that was slowly clearing out and simultaneously becoming brighter in a fast forward effect.Camera then begins it's descent to the forest floor.A small and furry baby rabbit poked it's head through the bushes and jumped around.It may have been only a week old but they're naturally born energetic,with fur and not blind.

The ground began to shake and the rabbit's ears perked up before it ran away.Everything was silent for few seconds before a mountain of fur and muscles ran through the bushes like a torpedo with a panicking human on top.

Y/N:Woah!Slow down,we're far enough!

The creature didn't stop a continued to shake the entire forest.Just as Y/N was about to lose what's left of yesterday's lunch,the creature stopped in it's tracks and sent him into a tree.


He stood up and dusted himself before he saw where they ended up.It was tree covered lakeside.

Y/N:This place isnt half bad.Makes me wonder why nobody built a mansion here.Well, we better stay here until the renovations are over.

He then turned towards his furry guest tha was rubbing its head in the fresh grass making him chuckle.

Y/N:How about we give you a name?I honor of my mansions design,Ill call you Victoria.You like that?

He got absolutly no response until he clapped his hands a couple of times,loud enough to get her attention.She jumped to her feet and pounced on him to lick all over his face.

Y/N:Stop,haha!That tickles!

What followed next was a sight to be bewildered at.Victoria grabbed his head in her mouth and pulled him to his feet before releasing him.


Victoria gave out a deep chuckle.

Y/N:So you can understand me.


Y/N:But I have no way of understanding you...How about this? When you get hungry,tap your front paw three times.

She just kept "staring" at him before she dropped to the ground and rolled over on her back and exposed for all to see.She then grabbed Y/N in her hand and dropped him on her belly.

Y/N:That's not even close.Let me go.

Victoria just continued the hug and started nuzzling her head atop of his.

Y/N:At least you're a very affectionate girl.

There was no denying it.Under all down muscles and fur,a female-ish figure was hiding.She seemed very keen on physical contact but thankfully didn't go as far as nibbling him.Even though only thing he did was feed,she adored him and never wanted to part with him.While it was somewhat comfortable between the soft fur and warm sunlight,Y/N had to wriggle out of this predicament.

She smiled and began to rock her body from left to right.She rolled over her body which gave Y/N an opening to escape her embrace.He jumped out and landed on his feet.

Y/N:Ha.Ta dah.

He then oticed hes shirtles and that his shirt was dangling from Victorias mouth.She lovered her head down to the ground and wagged her tail in the air like a plafull puppy.It was almost as if she was teasing him.

Y/N:Not funny.Now hand it over.

She seemed to undertand that hince she shooke her head to say no.Y/N tried to take his shirt from her,ephasis on tried since she just jumped to the side.And again.And again.The fourth time Y/N jumped at her but Victoria was faster and jumped over him and landed right behind him.When he took a seat on the ground and dusted himself off he saw Victoria in the same position she landed and was looking back at him.She walked over to him and dropped his shirt on his lap.

Y/N:Youre definetly the strangest girl ever met.

She rubbed her head across his naked chest,her soft fur tickling his skin.She then slowly moved her head upwards until she was face to face with Y/N.She just stood there as Y/N tried to figure out what was she doing.She slowly moved her face forward and slammed her four fanged lips against his.Y/Ns eyes bulged to almost comical proportions.After a while of s slightly slimey lip lock she moved away.

Y/N:...You-you arent an animal are you?

She just responded by giving him a quick lick across his cheek.

Y/N:You're a real girl.

By now he began to blush.He was never so close to a girl before.They shared a bed,hugged and all those licks he interpreted as kisses plus this actual one.Did that mean they were dating or something?Y/N tried to get up only for Victoria to press her hand on his torso and pushied him down on his back.

Y/N:What are you doing?

She lowered herself on him and started to make out with him.Y/N was too suprised that he barely heard his phone.He pulled it out of his pocket brought it to his ear while menaging to pull away from Victoria who licked his cheek.


Worker:Things are going smoothly.We should be done by the end of the day.


Worker:Oh and we hope you dont mind but we let the previous owner take one last look at the house.

Y/N:(Either uncle Henry got out of the grave or someones playing a bad joke.)

Y/N:What last owner?

Worker:Tall,thin woman cloaked.Must be selfcoincious about her looks.

Y/N:What are you talki-

Y/N dropped his phone as Victoria came back for an ancore.

Author:(I'm sorry the story is late.My schedule got piled up and I didn't want to cut the story short since Wildmutt's my favourite alien.Now for some sad news.The last highschool year is nearing end and my health isn't helping.I'm afraid that I will have to take a break from publishing for 2-3 weeks tops.That will cost us three stories from each book.Goodbye for now.)

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