Biology - A/B/O | l.s.

By IAdoreWalls

318K 11.2K 3.9K

Harry is an omega, who has a crush on his biology professor Mr. Tomlinson, who happened to be an alpha. What... More

98 - sad
Epilogue - sad
98 - happy
Epilogue - happy
Final note


3.1K 109 49
By IAdoreWalls

I had to wear an oversized hoodie or sweater everyday now. Well, I didn't really have to but I felt like I should.

I was afraid someone would notice my tummy got bigger. We haven't talked about me being open about my pregnancy, but at some point I had to talk to the headmaster about it. I just had to keep quiet about Louis being the father of course.

Today I decided to go out with Zayn during our lunch break to get some food.

"Okay, where do we want to go?" he asked me when we were standing outside, on the pavement.

"I would like some chocolate cake and tea. Would you mind going to a cafeteria?"

"No, not at all." and so we walked down the street together, making our way towards the café.

"So, how are you doing?" Zayn asked to keep the conversation going.

"We are doing great. Baby is growing quickly though."

"That's good. We want them to be strong, hm?" Zayn glanced at me, giving me a smile.

"Yeah." I breathed out heavily.

"H, is something wrong?"

"I- don't even know. It's just all- everything at once- I don't know."

"It's okay." Zayn secured his arm around me.

"The cake will make you feel better, I am sure. You need some sugar." yeah, maybe Zayn was right.

Zayn was absolutely right. I was halfway through my cake and I was already feeling much better.

"And what about your alpha? How is he?" Zayn took another bite of the sandwich he had bought.

"He is alright but... under quite a lot of pressure." but that's just normal during this time of the year.

"Yeah, that's understandable at this time."
"But he has time for you, right?"

"He has." I remembered what happened the night before.

"Oh, you are blushing." Zayn smirked smugly.
"Tell me Harry. I can literally feel how your whole body is heating up." I looked up to meet his curious eyes.

"That's private." I frowned at him but that didn't make Zayn stop staring at me like that. He was my best friend after all, wasn't he? I could tell him anything.

"I l-let him touch me." I whispered quietly, feeling like I was talking about something forbidden.

"But you liked it, right?" Zayn looked at me worriedly.
"Don't tell me he forced you t-" I interrupted him.

"No, I felt like it." I admitted.
"Don't judge me please."

"Har." Zayn shook his head in amusement.
"Better finish your cake, we should get back to school." he put the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth.

"Yeah, right." I took another bite of my cake.

When we entered the building of our school we parted our ways in order to go to our classes.

Suddenly I could see Louis walk out of nowhere, making his way through the hallway.
He looked wonderful today. I felt my knees going week although I got the chance to see him in the morning already.

He was dressed in black skinnies, black thin sweater and black shoes. I am telling you he can pull off literally anything.

"Hello, Mr. Tomlinson." his eyes lingered over me before he stopped me by grabbing my shoulder.

"I would like to speak to you for a moment Mr. Styles."

"Oh, sure." I nodded, following him into his cabinet.

Louis locked the door behind us just as he did the last time, walking over to me from behind.

I gasped when I felt his arms wrap around my middle.

"My babies." he whispered, pecking my shoulder.
"How have you been today?" he asked.

"Great, we had just returned from cafeteria with Zayn." I put my hands over his.

"Yeah? What did you get?"

"Chocolate cake." I whimpered.
"Is- is something happening?" it was weird that Louis was behaving like this.

"No, nothing. I just missed you and when I saw you in the halllway I had to steal you for a moment." I could literally hear that little smile on his lips. It's his thing. I have never seen someone smile like this. Only he can do that, and it's the sweetest thing to witness.

"Alright." my corners raised into a smile. Louis missed me...

"Are you okay baby?" Louis whispered few seconds later, worry visible in his voice.

"Why do you ask?" I frowned.

"I- just- wanted to make sure, you know?" he stuttered, clearing his throat afterwards. This
was a bit unusual.

"I am okay, don't worry about me so much."

"Okay." Louis sighed, pecking my shoulder once more.
Why was he worrying over me? I felt good so far today.

Later that day we were having PE. I was still attending the classes, because as I said earlier I haven't told the headmaster about my condition yet.

"Take a break everyone!" the couch announced after half an hour. We still had fifteen minutes and then the whole next lesson left.

I went into the dressing room to grab my bottle with water. As I walked in my vision became blurry. When I reached my spot I immediately had to sit down.

I grabbed the bottle that I had on the bench, staring in front of me, blinking in order to make the blur go away.

"Hey Harry?" I could hear some guy say.

"Yeah?" I said back, panting a little.

"Are you alright?" that was Oli? It probably was Oli.

"Yeah, I am good." I nodded, bringing the bottle up to my lips.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't I call the couch?"
I drank some of the water and just then the blur dispersed and I could finally look up into Oli's face.

"I am really fine." I gave him a smile, getting up and putting my bottle back down.

"Alright." he said before he went back into the gymnasium.

I followed him right after. It was just a weak moment, same as the one I had in the hallway some time back.
"Alright, let's play some footie now!" our couch brought a ball in.

Footie is not that bad. What's worse is the team picking.
I am always one of the last there... people don't want me in their team because I get distracted easily.

"Harry." James said in the end. I nodded my head, following him and his team.

"Alright, get ready everyone!" the couch announced.

Everything went good, our team played well, I tried to focus myself on the game the best I could manage to.

Currently James was just making his way towards me with the ball.

Everything was so loud, the lads from our team were cheering for James, but then it all went weirdly quiet.

Few moments later I could hear a faint voice saying my name.

It was James, who kicked the ball over to me. I was about to get it and run towards the net but my legs wouldn't let me.

I saw couple of silhouettes making their way towards me before I collapsed to the ground.

"Harry! Harry!" I could hear them repeating my name over and over again.

"I am here." I tried to say but the words just wouldn't leave my mouth.

"He's awake. Why doesn't he speak?" I heard some voice that I didn't recognize before the darkness took over my whole world.

Third person's POV

"So that's basically the cycle of-" Louis stopped talking as he noticed an ambulance pulling over the school. Massive wave of stress washed over him.

"Ehm, excuse me for a moment." he gave his class a forced smile before he left.
The reason why the blue eyed alpha was so worried today was the vision. Louis had a weird vision this morning and he didn't know what to think about it.

He was holding a hand, much smaller and paler hand than his own, and he was almost hundred percent sure that hand belonged to his omega.

Louis didn't feel any positive vibes from that vision, only negative ones.

He was making his way through the empty hallways of the school when he could finally see two paramedics rolling out the stretcher.

He could also see his colleague standing nearby, so he ran up to him.

"What happened?" Louis asked, not catching the sight of the person who was being taken by the two paramedics out to the ambulance.

"One of my students fainted. He was awake but he couldn't hear us. He really scared me."

"What's his name?" Louis' heart was beating harshly in his chest. He didn't know what he would do if it was Harry.

"Harry Styles." Louis' face went pale. He had to press his back against the wall in order to not collapse to the ground straight away.

"Louis? Are you alright? I wouldn't like to call an ambulance for you too."

"I-" he covered his mouth with his hand.
"I hope he will be alright. I need to go." Louis ran straight into the headmaster's room.

He made up some crazy story about fire in his flat house on his way there, but it worked. He looked so out of the place that the headmaster was willing to give him a day off even without proper explanation.

As soon as he got out of the school he jumped into his car and drove in the direction of the hospital.

"Jesus fuck." he was so bloody nervous. As if it wasn't enough for now, he got stuck at the busiest intersection.

"Fuck!" he punched the steering wheel so hard that he pressed the car horn.

"Just be alright H. Be alright, both of you." he looked up to the sky before he took his eyes back to the current traffic situation.

When Louis arrived he immediately made his way to the reception.

"Hello, I would like to see Harry Styles." he poured out.

"Hello, do you know on which ward he is?" the receptionist lady asked.

"No." Louis shook his head, tapping the counter with his fingertips impatiently.

"Alright, wait a moment please." the lady grabbed the telephone.
"Hello, could you check where Harry Styles is? Yeah, they brought him in today." Louis just nodded to her words while biting his lip harshly.

"Alright, thank you." the lady hung up the phone, putting it back down.

"He is currently still at the urgent." she informed him.

"Where is it?" Louis couldn't wait no more, he had to be by his omega's side. He felt like he would die otherwise.

"That hallway and then turn right at the end of it." the receptionist pointed at the hallway opposite from the entrance door.

"Thanks." with that Louis made his way in the direction that he was told to.

He jogged down the hallway, turning round the corner just as the receptionist had told him. Few moments later he could see the sign that read 'Urgent'.
In the end he arrived to the right ward but he wasn't sure which door to choose.

He saw some nurse walk by so he stopped her.

"Hello, I would like to ask where the patients are. I was told that my- omega should be somewhere here."

"We have one omega on room number 8 now. He arrived maybe an hour and half back."

"That's him! Thank you." Louis kept walking down the hallway, looking for the right door.

"Eight!" he finally found the right number.

When he entered he could see Harry lying in the bed with cannula in his arm. He recognized him as soon as he saw him. Those curls were unmistakable.

As soon as Louis walked in Harry's eyes wandered over to him.

"Hi." Louis smiled sadly. The biggest fear left him as soon as he saw Harry on the bed, but he was still afraid though. He didn't know what was going on with Harry and that was bugging him.

"Hi." Harry rasped back.

"Do they know about the baby?" he asked.

"Mhm." Harry tried to nod.

"How do you feel?" Louis came over to the bed, finally noticing something.

Harry's arms were bruised on multiple places now. It wasn't just one bruise anymore. There was maybe five of them on each of his arms.

"What happened?"

"Blur." the boy shrugged.
"Blur." Louis repeated, thinking it all through.

"They took my blood for tests." Harry said while staring up at his alpha.

"That's good." Louis stood by Harry's side, grabbing his hand in his.

Now it was almost like in that vision of his, just with that difference that Harry's hand didn't seem that pale and small here.

"Tell me you will be okay." Louis leaned down to peck Harry's forehead. He kept hovering over the green eyed boy, reaching out to caress his curls with his free hand.

"Promise." Harry tried to smile at him. He wanted to make him feel better. He could feel how worried Louis was and he didn't like that.

Louis was there with Harry for hours. They were either talking or Louis just watched him when he had to take a nap.

"I will get myself a cup of coffee, alright? Will be right back. Should I bring you something?"

"No, thank you." Harry just shook his head no.

"Alright then." Louis sighed, letting go of Harry's hand.
"I am right back." he turned to look at him from the door before he left.

Louis strolled down the hallway, looking around for the coffee machine.

He couldn't find the machine anywhere so he just kept walking. At first he didn't even realize how far he had walked because he was pretty eaten up in his head. What brought him back to reality was crying, crying of newborns to be specific.

Louis was just passing the room with babies. There was a lot of cribs and sleeping or crying babies lying inside them.
There were two nurses in the room as well, taking care of each one of them.

Suddenly Louis heard a voice of some man.

"Is your little one there?" he turned his head to the side to look at some guy that wasn't standing there before. He was an alpha as well as Louis.

"My Emma should be there somewhere." he took a look into the room.

"Nice name." Louis gave him a smile.

"My omega picked it up." the guy said proudly.

Louis smiled nervously, taking his eyes back to the babies.

He kept staring inside, imagining how he will be watching his little bean like this in less than a year.

"Mr. Dean!" a nurse exclaimed from the other side of the hallway.

"Have to go mate." the guy patted Louis' back and then he was gone.

Louis finally noticed there was a coffee machine so he went up to it, choosing a black coffee without sugar.

After he received his cup he walked past the babies again, making his way back to Harry's room.

He couldn't help the smile that creeped into his features. He was really excited to become a dad, now even more than before.

When he arrived back to the room he could see a doctor standing by Harry's bed.

"What does it mean?" Harry asked him with fearful eyes.

"It means your body has more white blood cells than it should have."

"A-and that's bad?" Harry questioned.

"Harry, those extra white blood cells don't work right. They are supposed to fight infection, unfortunately those blood cells don't know how to do that and instead they can affect the way your organs work. You can struggle with not having enough red blood cells to supply oxygen, healthy white blood cells to fight infection and platelets to clot your blood."

As soon as Louis heard what they were talking about his smile disappeared.

Today's chapter is hella long. Originally I thought I would split it in two but... it just didn't seem right to do so.
I hope you enjoyed it even tho it was what it was.

I am sick so I wrote this all today while being home with my lovely antibiotics.

I hope you are healthy though. Make sure to eat and drink something if you haven't.

Love you all very very much! Take care of yourselves.<3


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