Cold Truths || S. Stilinski

By Wolf_queen24

51K 1.1K 89

After being exiled from the pack and losing his girlfriend, Stiles takes the opportunity to start over. Movin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Eleven

1.3K 29 4
By Wolf_queen24

Stiles slept over at the McCalls like old times. With his wife beside him sleeping he stroked her arm calmly. He stared at her with love felt eyes watching her sleep peacefully. She moved slightly causing him to stop. When she was done readjusting her pulled her into his chest.

She woke up being pulled into him. "Stiles? How long have you been awake?"

"A little while." She sat up in the bed looking down on him as he laid down on his side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She questioned. "I should be the one asking you that. You haven't been home in days and when you did show up you were more wounded than you were before."

He leans his head against the backboard holding her hand over his chest. "I'm sorry I haven't talked to you or spent with you or Raven. I should have been here for you both. I know you guys are going through the same thing."

"Stiles, you should talk about it."

He chuckles, "weirdly I have." She turns to face him pulling him to sit up too and face her. "I've been with Scott. We made up, I guess you could say. There was a supernatural case and he asked if I wanted to help. I opened up to him about everything like I always used to."

His voice cracked as he laughed at himself. A couple tears trickle down his cheeks as he speaks. He tightens the grip on his wife's hand. He ran his shaken hand through his hair trying to calm himself down.

"I wasn't there with him, Lizzy. I wasn't there for him when he needed me. I couldn't stop what happened because I fucking blacked out."

She comforted him while cooing him rubbing his back. She clutched his shoulders captivating him in her small arms. "There's nothing you could have done, Stiles. Nobody saw it coming. You couldn't have seen it coming."

She tucked his face into her shoulder allowing himself to break down. A tear slipped down her cheek seeing the pain all the chaos here has caused him. She kept rubbing his back soothingly humming a small tune.

A while later after getting themselves back together they found themselves reminiscing on the past and all the happy memories they spent together as a family. They navigated their way through the house hand on hand. They found the others including Scott in the kitchen. Melissa and Chris were helping each other with breakfast with Raven was laughing in Scott's lap.

They seated themselves at the table giving each other a peck on the lips. Raven let out a little disgusted noise making the small family burst out in laughter.

After getting dressed the couple walked out into the driveway standing beside his old rusted jeep. "Lizzy," Stiles stopped in his steps, "would you come with me?"

She furrowed her eyes in confusion. "Where?"

He swallowed thickly. "The house."


"I know, babe. But I need to do it."

Lizzy gazed up into his eyes as he looked down on her 5'5" frame. Her white dress flowed in the wind as she spoke, "okay, when do you want to go?"

"If you're okay with it, right now?"

She nodded with a smile. Feeling comfortable with her, he tossed her the keys to Roscoe. She climbed into the driver side seat and him in the passenger. They pulled out of the driveway and traveled down the road to his old house.

Many emotions clouded his mind as his wife drove them. His mind wondered thinking of multiple different things. Can I get through this? I don't think I can do this. Has it been cleaned up? Why me? Fuck Foyet. God this is stressful. I might have a panic attack. I'm going to kill Foyet.

He was brought out of his thoughts when the car can to a immediate stop. The green two story house srood like it always did in its glory. The pillars outside the door remained the same and the color white never changed. Same floor mat in front of the door. Same everything.

Stiles gulped down his fear and took a step in front of the house. Unlocking the door he made his way in with his wife following close behind. He looked at the empty room in front of him. The furniture has been moved out and the walls have been repainted. He took in the smell of the fresh paint that couldn't have been more than a day out. He figured it out that the living room is where all the horror happened. A tear escaped his eye as he walked further into the house.

The bedrooms had been emptied as well but their were still boxes of belongings scattered throughout the room. He walked back to the living room speedily walking down the stairs. Once again he walked around the living room. Stiles pictures in his mind where the pictures in boxes once hung on the walls. Where the sofa and tv used to be. Where all the good memories were made.

He looks to his wife cautiously, "you read the report, you were here. Could you walk me through it?"

She hesitated before pulling the file out of her bag. Lizzy sighed looking down at the file. She glanced up looking at her distraught husband. She slowly put away the file and walked beside him.

"Exactly seventeen minutes after you're incident the police were called to a disturbance at this address. When the police arrived Noah was face up on his back with a note in his pocket. The team was called here immediately to which they understood what happened. He was stabbed thirty seven times," she paused, "right where you are standing."

Stiles looked at her clearly upset. He looked to the floor which now showed no evidence of any blood. Droplets of water hit the floor next to his dress shoes. Stiles fell to him knees, his wife falling beside him. She puts an arm under him for support and helps him to his feet.

He in brought into an embrace and the feelings he's been holding back finally let loose. He breaks down in her arms knowing it's going to be a struggling process.

Lizzy slowly leads him out of the house and back to the car where she helps him get in. He smiles at her efforts to help him through the trying time.

There's no doubt Stiles was in love with her. She was everything he dreamed for in a women. And now that women, the one he always wished to care for him, appreciate him, love him, cherish him, adore him and even hold a balance with was his wife.

When they arrived back at the McCalls Scott had informed the red eyed man that their was an issue regarding Spencer Reid's mother so he took an emergency flight out of California to visit her. Stiles never got in the way of Spencer and Diana Reid. They had a special bond he always admired. Although he was going through a rough patch he was assured by Scott that if he needed anything Reid was one phone call away. His best friend may be states away by now but their friendship would never lose its spark.

Melissa later informed that JJ had been away from Will and Henry for to long and really wanted to see them. She took a flight with Reid which later pushed her onto another flight to DC. JJ promised that she was going home for a day but would be back with Will and Henry for the funeral. He abliged and smiled. JJ was the older sister he never had as said before. She watched over him and took care for him when he couldn't be around anyone else. He unsatisfactory the struggle of staying away for one's family for too long and accepted it. She would be back soon eventually.

He was surprised not to hear anything about Hotch. He knew of the situation at home and struggled with the idea of him not going home to see Jack. Jack, the little brother he never had but now he does. He always questioned his relationship with the kid but now he understands. He understands why Hotch was always so comfortable and willing for Jack to see him and his wife.

Stiles walked into the bathroom of their bedroom and took a quick shower exiting out of his favorite black suit. When getting out he decided to dress more casual as he didn't have plans to go anywhere. He looked into the mirror and glared at his reflection. He saw the small changes in him and he didn't like it. He eyes his hair and came up with and idea. Grabbing the scissors from the sink drawer he started cutting. He trimmed him beard lightly before running a hand through it.

It was time for a change.

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