The Ferryman's Son

By dummy_11

25.6K 489 379

Being the son of a heartless man is impossible. Literally. Charon goes to the mortal world one day to buy a n... More

Son of the Ferryman
Who is this Boy
The Crooked One
The Quest of Death
One Step Ahead
A Suicide Mission
Zoe Nightshade

A Lightning Thief

4.2K 78 91
By dummy_11

3rd person POV

As Percy shifted in and out through consciousness, he saw the girl with grey eyes and princess curls a few times that he managed to say awake for over 5 seconds. He saw her talking to a camper with blond hair and sky blue eyes in a doctor's outfit.

He finally managed to stay awake for good and was surprised at how well the infirmary was developed. It looked like future equipment mixed with some of modern times. He groaned as he got out of bed. His bones popped into place as he stretched his sore muscles. Annabeth promptly walked in at that moment with the doctor.

"Holy Hera you're up, I need to check you," The doctor said

"Uh, ok, what's your name?" Percy said, his voice was hoarse. He grabbed a bottle of water to which the doctor nodded and he gulped it down if a few seconds.

"I'm Lee, Lee Fletcher, Son of Apollo, counsellor of Apollo cabin. What's your name"

"Jackson, Percy, Jackson. My full name is Perseus however." He said to which Lee nodded.

"Ok you're all good to go, just drink this cup of nectar and ambrosia and you will be refreshed. He did as Lee said, and as Lee predicted he was refreshed. He felt confident that he could fight the minotaur and kill him with ease. "Here is the minotaur horn. You actually took down one of the strongest monsters, WOW like- I'm ranting sorry, you can go" Lee said blushing in embarrassment to which Percy chuckled. He and Lee would be good friends. He walked outside the stormy grey-eyed girl with princess curls following him. Only then did Percy realize he had no shirt on. The campers that had gathered looked on at his body in shock including the grey-eyed girl behind him. None of them had seen a 12-year-old with a body that was toned and defined. It wasn't a bodybuilder type, but to see a twelve-year-old like that was shocking. Some girls couldn't help but stare. His scars only made him hotter in their minds. "Uhh, Percy, your shirt." Lee said coming out and handing him his shirt. Percy nodded in appreciation. 

The crowd slowly dispersed leaving only the grey-eyed girl. "Are you going to tell me your name, I am pretty sure you know mine?" Percy asked the girl. "You drool in your sleep," She said walking ahead expecting him to follow, which he did. He honestly expected her to be like; "You killed the minotaur?! You're so awesome, and hot" He chuckled at his crazy line of thoughts.

"That's nice, your name though," Percy said with a little sass.

She turned to him. Her eyes darted over him as if analysing him. "Chase, Annabeth Chase, second In command Head councillor for Athena cabin," She said leading him to a man in a wheelchair and another man sitting down at a table with some cards on the veranda of a really big house.

"Chiron, Mr D, He is awake," Annabeth said. The man sitting in the wheelchair smiled and started getting up. Annabeth smirked thinking this would shock Percy but when she looked at his face she saw an emotionless mask. The brown hair brown-eyed man got up until he was a full white stallion about 6 and a half feet tall.

"Chiron, trainer of the heroes, last son of Kronos. Lord Dionysus, god of wine, insanity and partying former demigod, Son of Zeus, King of Olympus." Percy said shocking not only Annabeth but the last son of Kronos and the former demi-god son of Zeus Olympian God.

Dionysus was treated as a useless god on Olympus since he mainly sleeps through the meeting and the campers barely treated him with respect since they found the god of partying useless as well, it's just they feared the God will smite them. How wrong they were. No one would understand why Dionysus sleeps through meetings. 

Being a demigod has its toll on people already. But during the first Giant war, a demigod was needed in order to slay the Gigantes' children of the Earth mother, Gaia. Dionysus along with his brother Heracles were chosen as sons of Zeus to slay them all. Both were rewarded with godhood, though Dionysus was offered Olympianhood due to creating wine. While he became the god of wine, partying and insanity, his brother was the god of strength. Heracles and Dionysus deserved godhood more than anyone. Though for Heracles, he was if-y. Due to him betraying a hesperide, and using women, to kill his own family from being driven mad by Hera he would be put as a criminal. But due to doing many labours and having the worst luck in history, he was awarded through pity. No one but Percy knew this, however. Though some parts were known in history, not all were.

Dionysus had a new respect for THIS demigod. And though he might, not necessarily will but might treat him kinder, doesn't mean he will hesitate to smite him. He hated demigods. Why? because he knows their pain, and him being a god and done with that life, as well as introducing children to a life he knows is filled with pain and death he was guilty. And he hated it. He hated them for reminding them of his old life. But he couldn't blame them. It was his bloody father's fault, can't keep it in his pants. He needed someone to blame, however. So he chose the illegitimate children of most gods. To top it all off he is forced to be here with them due to his punishment.

"Yes you are correct child, I am the trainer of the heroes, and Lord Dionysus is the Olympian himself. Annabeth, may you bring him around camp, and familiarize him with the place?" Annabeth smiled. Chiron had been a father to her. "Yes Chiron".

Annabeth toured him around the camp starting from Thalia's pine to half-blood hill, amphitheatre, strawberry fields, the forge, armoury, combat area, archery, the woods, Zeus fist, the beach, the lake, the dining Pavillion and finally to the cabins. While touring, Annabeth explains that he will be claimed soon, since he's been out for three.

They were going to go to the Hermes cabin to meet Luke, (who Percy knows Annabeth likes, through seeing her have a dreamy look when talking about him) to keep Percy in the Hermes cabin until he was claimed. However, they didn't make it there as Clarisse and her groupies intervened.

"Clarisse, I know what you're going to do, but come on, he has been out for three days after killing the minotaur." Annabeth pleaded, stepping in front of Percy. "Come on wisdom spawn, you know we have to do the initiation ceremony ain't that right boys," The buff girl said. She had brown hair and blood-red eyes, similar to the boys behind her who were currently snickering and cheering. 

"Don't worry wise girl I got this" Percy said. Annabeth didn't look too good but nodded. If Percy was being honest he thought the ceremony would be a fight. So when he was grabbed by his head and brought to the girls' bathroom, Shock took over and froze him. However, he quickly regained his bearings and saw a toilet. He noticed they were dragging him to it, so he deduced that a swirly was the ceremony. He made a plan quickly. As his head was about to be dunked, he moved it to the side and summoned water out of the toilet to blast her. He was angry she did this to all demigods, so he started making the rest of the toilets spray water blasting them out the bathroom and flooding the bathroom. 

He walked out to Annabeth and noticed her completely soaked. He apologized Sheepishly at her look of shock, but unknown to him she was looking on shocked at how he was dry. "Watch ya thinking wise girl." He asked in a teasing voice. "I'm thinking I want you on my team for capture the flag," She said. They made their way to the Hermes cabin where Percy was introduced to Luke. Annabeth promptly left at that moment, a blushing mess.

"Luke Castellan, Head councillor of Hermes Cabin," Luke said his hand out to shake. Percy looked Luke over. He was handsome, the only problem was that scar on his face, however, he paid that no mind. Life of a demi-god. He noticed Luke had dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. not as dark as his formerly were, however. A royal blue. "Percy Jackson" Percy said returning the shake with a smile. Luke was very friendly. 

They went inside the cabin where Percy saw a bunch of kids, some didn't even look like Hermes Kids. He went to the end of the bunk and made sure to hide his things, especially the minotaur horn, he earned that with his almost life. Hermes wasn't the god of trickery for nothing. "Claimed or unclaimed," a random demigod asked. "Unclaimed" Luke said to which they groaned. A boy came inside the room at that moment. He had black hair almost brown and sea-green eyes. He had a smirk etched on his face. "I am the one who defeated the minotaur, Bow down to me," He said, to which the campers rolled their eyes. they all saw who really defeated the minotaur. "Just kidding, the real deal is probably still in the infirmary," he said. Percy smiled. he was a joker, They would definitely be friends. "Actually I'm right here," Percy said. The guy looked over and his eyes widened. He ran over and hugged Percy. "Thank you so much, you saved my life" Percy patted his back. Flashbacks of this boy's mother being taken crawled their way into his mind. "It's fine". He said the guy pulled back and made his way to the bed. made for him. Percy laid down ready to take a nap. "My name is Timothy Jacobs" He smiled at the last thing he heard. 


TimeSkip (Curtesy of Kronos)

As the days passed Percy was Introduced to people at the camp and was known as a celebrity. Girls from the Aphrodite Cabin flirted with him especially Drew Tanaka, the head councillor but he always turned them down. The campers couldn't stop talking about capture the flag, however. He was eager to play, Eager to get claimed by his mother. He wished his father would claim him. His father wasn't entirely right when it came to the claiming of children of minor gods. Some children who are claimed as children of minor gods stay in the Hermes cabin if their godly parents are 'weak'. However, if the minor god is strong, probably a major god, Zeus would threaten to kill them or just kill them. The worst part is that barely anyone in the Hermes cabin is actually children of Hermes. Zeus wasn't fit to rule, Percy knew that but there wasn't anyone better, the titans ruled people in fear, and the primordial ruling Earth would tear it apart with the amount of power they have. A horn disrupted Percy's line of thoughts.

He ran to the front of the camp to see a 12-year-old girl leading a group of other girls behind her, all in silver. "Lady Artemis, A pleasure to have you here" Chiron stated, bowing. The campers, Percy included followed his lead. "Rise centaur, campers. We will be in our cabin." She said. She looked at Percy making the mistake of looking in his fiery blue eyes and getting lost in trying to solve their mystery. When she snapped out of her trans she walked past them scowling when a male looked in their direction. Percy analysed them. All the girls were from 10- 16 years old, however, he could tell some of them were probably 200 years old. He sensed immortality emitting from them. He could tell since he stayed with an immortal being for 10 straight years of his life. They all wore silver and they had their bows in their hands to shoot any boy who looks at them in the wrong way. They each had a quiver of arrows on their backs, The arrows were... Silver? That's when everything came back to Percy. Silver... Silver! The hunters of Artemis. That means that his mother. She was. She was killed by a huntress. Percy vowed revenge on the hunters of Artemis. Lightning overhead boomed. however, it hadn't been a sign as a Styx oath sealer as Percy didn't swear on the Styx. It was like Zeus was mad. That had been going on for a while since he came. The Earth would randomly shake and Thunder would boom at times. 

He went to the dining Pavillion to eat lunch and Chiron made an Announcement. 

"Campers, Hunters of Artemis. Today we will be having our annual capture the flag, however, this will be a little different. The Athena, Apollo, Hermes, Percy Jackson and Timothy Jacobs vs Demeter, Aphrodite, Ares and Hephaestus vs the Hunters of Artemis." Chiron finished.

The campers paled as the hunters and Artemis smirked. when they finished eating they went to a separate part of the camp to discuss their plans. When they were finished they each took their post. Percy would go for the hunters of Artemis's flag, while Jacob would defend the flag and Luke along with the Athena cabin would go for the camper's flag. They would distribute the Apollo campers evenly between going with Percy and staying with Jacob to defend. 

The Hunters rather had a prideful plan. They would have 8 people to defend the flag and 6 go after Athena's flag and have 6 go after the Ares cabin's flag. They would have their stealthiest hunters go for the flag and their strongest hunters defend. It was a good plan but they didn't think about what would happen if they got caught going for the flags. and they didn't think about having a stealthy Percy protect the flag. They went with a cliche plan. an expected plan. However, it always worked for them.

The Ares cabin had a prideful plan as well but also a plan that didn't have much thought. All of the area campers would go after the flag, Hephaestus campers would go for the hunters and Demeter and Aphrodite would defend. The Ares campers mainly wanted revenge for what happened to them. And they would get it no matter what.

However, Chiron and Artemis weren't the only ones watching. The Olympians were all watching Hades and Hestia included. They had to know who was this powerful child's parent and if he was a threat.

"Iris" Zeus Boomed. The goddess of rainbows and communication appeared immediately. "Yes lord Zeus" The goddess bowed to her king. "Create a message to see the annual capture the flag from all perspectives." He said. She nodded and did as told 12 messages appeared 3 for each team one showing defenders and another 2 showing attackers for each. 

Zeus thanked her and gave her a bag of drachma's as she teleported out. 

The Olympians watched In curiosity as the games began. Artemis then flashed in and sat on her throne to watch.

Percy ran to the hunter's flag not caring for stealth. He had. a plan of his own. He was going to get revenge for the murder of his mother. Hestia sensed this and could only pray to the higher beings her son didn't do anything rash.

When Percy finally appeared at the hunter he analysed them so quick it shocked Athena. She leaned out of Her throne in anticipation. The other gods seeing this were shocked Athena was actually interested, and they too leaned out of their thrones in anticipation.

There was a girl. She looked at age 14 but was obviously older. Percy could tell she was the most experienced and strongest by her stance. He looked over to another girl with brown hair and red eyes like the rest of the Ares cabin. She too had a good stance but Percy could spot many flaws. Another girl with blond hair and sky blue eyes like the apollo campers had her bow aimed at Percy. The rest of the girls looked experienced but still, there were flaws in their stance. 

Percy immediately charged at them. 6 of them took out their bows and the other 2 took out their hunting knives.

Artemis smirked thinking the boy was done for. Oh no, it was just the beginning.

Volleys of arrows cast a shadow from the sun. Percy smirked, this is what he wanted. He was stronger in the darkness. He unsheathed his sword. He dodged the arrows like it was nothing, slicing some of them in half his speed increasing every second. All jaws dropped at the speed of the demi-god except for Hestia who merely smirked. The rest of the hunters quickly took out their hunting knives. He was too close to use a ranged weapon. Three of them charged at Percy thrusting their knives at him with great speed expecting him to be sliced with one thrust. Percy sheathed his sword and dodged a pair of hunting knives. He was determined to destroy their pride.

"Stupid boy you are so prideful to think you can defeat us with your bare hands. We will sever your fingers and feed them to the wolves, a girl with brown hair and grey eyes said. Athena spawn Percy thought. "No, I am not prideful, I am smart and skilled, I know my limits and I am determined to wound your pride and your group of lesbian murdering man-haters prides," He said his eyes flickering to black. Which shocked not only the girls but the gods watching. Artemis was tempted to flash down there and castrate him for saying those things.

Again, a girl jabbed at Percy, overextending her hand. She noticed the smirk on Percy's face too late. He grabbed her band and pulled her into him like he was hugging her from behind as would a couple. Artemis seeing this turned gold trying to control herself. Percy used her body to block the coming knives at him as the hunters hesitated at jabbing at him when he was using their sister's body as a shield. But a younger hunter realized this too late as she was already mid-thrust. She, however, had a little room, enough to change some of the direction so as to not impale her sister, but give her a nasty gash on her lower abdomen. The wound started gushing blood out profusely. The girl screamed out in pain as Percy pushed her forward to duck under an incoming arrow that was coming so fast it was almost a blur. This shocked the gods again with the speed and sense to know an arrow that fast was coming but not only sense it dodge it. Percy did a jaw-dropping feat that almost made some of the gods faint. He caught the arrow and threw it back almost twice as fast with insane accuracy to impale the hunter on a rock. Artemis looked on in shock at two of her strongest fighters down in seconds. The way Percy ducked and caught the arrow made his muscles flex which would make some people who had been training to get ripped jealous. Some goddesses stared lustfully at Percy. (*cough Aphrodite cough*)

"I need to visit him soon" She muttered staring at him lustfully at Percy, gaining a glare from Hestia who no one saw.

Percy ran at another hunter feinting a right hook which caused the hunter to put her in a blocking motion, but he merely redirected his fist to her stomach, causing her to double over in pain. he took up her hunting knife and put it at her throat. "Do you yield?" He asked in a demonic cold voice that made some of the gods shiver in fear. She nodded quickly as Percy rolled out of the way of an incoming arrow. He engaged in a fight with a girl with wheat colour hair and forest green eyes. She ducked under his fist, slicing at his thigh but Percy jumped over her shocking everyone watching and swiped her feet from under her, making her land with a hard oof. He didn't like hitting girls or hurting them and even though he wanted them to feel the pain he still respected females. Something Artemis and Hestia saw that made them both sigh in relief. Relief for Hestia so that her son doesn't kill anyone and relief for Artemis so that her hunters aren't buried six feet under with shrouds being burned the next day.

He grabbed an arrow that was on the floor beside her and impaled her in her shoulder leaving her screaming and walked away. to the next fight. He noticed his anger rising, he didn't know why but he looked at the girl with blood-red eyes. "You want to use powers. You want to see real power Let me show you real power," Percy said in his demonic tone as his eyes turned black and the sclera turned from a clear paperwhite to void black.  Shadows started to gather behind him like a shadow storm. The remaining standing hunters paled at his display of power. He summoned a shadow to engulf the girl with red eyes. He didn't know the children of Ares had the power to inflict anger upon others in their presence. ( I don't like that people pin Ares as weak and useless in the book because he is strong. I will show it later in other chapters) 

She screamed afraid as Percy picked up an arrow and trusted it at her, causing her to screen in pain again. he removed the shadows to reveal the girl with an arrow impaled in her thigh. Percy charged at the last remaining hunters. The daughter of Apollo, The unknown girl and the daughter of Athena. He engaged the three in combat quickly disarming The daughter of Apollo and The daughter of Athena completely shocking Athena at how quickly he did.

"Looks like it's the most experienced against little ol' me, eh" Percy teased. The girl fired an arrow and charged at Percy with speed that almost matched his own unsheathing her knives. Shocking him greatly. He couldn't toy around with her. He dodged the arrow and wheeled around to dodge a strike that would promise pain. He quickly unsheathed his sword and blocked a pair of hunting knives that were coming from above. He slashed at her but she parried and came with an attack of her own which Percy blocked and swiped at her legs. She jumped over it but didn't expect a synchronized kick coming for her face. knocking her into the sand. Percy tried to impale her shoulder with his sword but she rolled out of the way to deliver a slice on his calf. Percy grunted but ignored the pain. Seeing no blood on his calf and no mark of where she just sliced him momentarily froze the huntress in Shock. She wasn't the only one shocked. Hermes fainted when he saw that. However, that was her mistake as Percy swiped her legs from under her and put his sword at her throat. He smirked at the small hint of fear that appeared in her eyes. He removed his sword and went to the flag. 

He stopped and caught something coming for his head. He turned around and examined the hunting knife in his hand. He looked at the person who threw it. the girl he just defeated that managed to land a strike on him. "I granted you mercy from further pain. You have no honour to kill a man with his back turned. Thank you for pointing out my mistake" He said and threw the knife back with speed again surprising the watchers. The knife impaled the girl in her shoulder as she screamed. Percy grabbed the flag and shadow travelled to his flag. He saw the Ares cabin finally making their way to Timothy after defeating the Apollo campers.

"Where that little wimp Prissy. He deserves a beating for what he did to us. Embarrassing the Ares Cabin, messing with us" the girl said signalling to her brothers and sisters. "Is a mistake?" she said in a low tone. Percy was about to intervene when he saw timothy charge. The Ares campers merely toyed with him delivering blow after blow. Ares himself grinned and gloated at this, no one noticing the pained and angered look on Poseidon's face except for Hestia. 

Finally, they knocked him into the creek. Finally, everyone came back to see the final fight. Timothy had his wounds healed in the water which shocked everyone and enraged Zeus. Timothy then had a glowing symbol of a trident with a crown and a horse floating above his head again shocking everyone. "All hail Timothy Jacobs, Son of Poseidon, Earthshaker, God of the seas, and hurricanes, Father of horses," Chiron said. Timothy then picked up his sword and grinned at the Ares cabin with newfound energy. Percy analysed him. even with the training has gotten over the few days and the newfound energy, he wouldn't be able to take on the Ares cabin and win. The first person charged at him slashing at his head to which time ducked and slashed at his thigh causing the boy to scream and clutch his thigh. Tim continued for 3 other members of the Ares cabin. However, he had 8 more to go. Percy knew it was time to intervene when the others that time defeated started getting up and Tim was getting tired. Tim was then disarmed by an Ares camper who grinned along with Clarisse. "Athena, Apollo, Hermes, Percy Jackson and Timothy Jacobs win the game," Chiron said in shock as luke came back with the final flag and crossed the creek. "Clarisse end this you have lost" Chiron shouted. But either she didn't hear, or she didn't care.

Percy knew they were going to maim Timothy so he ran between them. Shocking the campers. "You wanted me right. Pick on someone your own size" He said as the Ares cabin grinned at their chance at revenge. Percy quickly disarmed  5 of them and charged at Clarisse who was in the back watching and charging her electric spear. However, the remaining member of the cabin that was not unconscious blocked him from her. He lit his hand on fire and punched the ground blasting the Ares campers backwards with the force of the fire, leaving them scorched and burned. Immediately a symbol appeared above his head. A crane engulfed in flames. SHocking every camper, Every god, even Chiron. "A-all Hail Perseus Jackson, Son of Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Home, mother of the crane, peacekeeper of the gods." He said shocked. Percy grinned he made his way to a shocked Clarisse as she shakily raised her spear Percy sliced it in half with the amount of force he brought onto it. He grabbed the spearhead and touched Clarisse with her own weapon shocking her and making her fall to the floor, her hair standing up. Percy walked away and passed the unconscious bodies to Chiron. "As you said earlier, I believe we have won." He said smirking at the Centaur's face. NOt only had this demigod defeated the Huntress of Artemis in record time by himself, but he also defeated the Ares cabin and was the son of the eldest child of Rhea and the titan king the Crooked one. The iris message ended and the gods went to discuss with Hestia and Poseidon. More like screaming at them.

Just then a hellhound ripped through the bushes and launched at Percy however it burst into dust mid-air before it could reach him. Percy saw Tim behind it covered in gold dust and he grinned, getting a grin in return. "Uhh yes your team has one, will you two boys make your way to The big house and wait there for me. The boys made their way there and waited. shortly after The centaur and the god of wine made their way there. "I have received new news about you two so I will discuss it with you." the centaur said. 

"Zeus lightning bolt has been stolen. Zeus thought it was Hades who stole the bolt or Poseidon had his spawn steal it for him, but as Percy had been claimed by Hestia he is conflicted between the two as you both are children of the elder gods, and no god can steal another's symbol of power." Chiron said. Tim was oblivious to the situation but Percy caught on. "He wants us to retrieve it doesn't he, to prove our innocence and clear their names," Percy asked, getting a realization and sad look from Tim. His father only claimed him to clear his name. "Yes he does, now for confidential purposes, we need your birth dates," Chiron stated. getting confused looks from both boys.

"I was born August 18," Percy said still confused. "I was born September 12," Timothy said. Chiron looked at Percy horrified. But quickly masked his horror. "Ok, Percy this quest is for you, to retrieve the master bolt of the king. Go to the attic where you will find the oracle. you will receive your quest from there." Chiron said. Percy went to the attic of the big house where he saw a room that emitted a green glow. He opened the door and walked around the creepy room. He spotted a mummy and shook it. nothing happened. he picked it up but turned around dropping the mummy when he swore he heard something. He turned back around to come face to face with a glowing green-eyed mummy. "Approach seeker and asked the oracle," It said in a raspy tone. He almost screamed. "How do I retrieve Zeus mater bolt," Percy asked trying to sound confident. Its eyes glowed even brighter as green mist poured out from its mouth.

5 minutes later, Percy returned, an emotionless mask on his face, but if you look in his eyes you saw fear and anxiety. "I will call a meeting with the cabin counsellors and their cabin members, from there you will choose your quest mates," Chiron stated

After about 10 minutes everyone arrived in the big house. "Percy will be going on a quest to retrieve the lightning bolt. He has a prophecy from the oracle and will be choosing his quest mates." Chiron said. "Percy could you recite the prophecy," Chiron asked kindly. he knew that demigods got shaken up after visiting the oracle. even if a prophecy hadn't been issued in a while. Percy nodded.

"You shall go west, and face the god who has turned.

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned.

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend, 

and you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end."

"He recited gaining a fearful look from Chiron for his pupil. I recommend you choose two quest members for this quest" Chiron stated. Percy nodded.

"I will have Timothy Jacobs and..."

"Can I come," Annabeth asked hopefully with a pleading look on her face? "Why," Percy asked. "I have never been on a quest since I have been here, and I want to prove myself to my mother," She said. Percy shook his head getting a sad and angered look from Annabeth. "You should not want to go on a quest because you want to prove yourself. Do it for yourself and the good of others. Do it to prevent a war from the beginning." Tim said.  "However, I was going to ask if you would Like to join us anyway. I after all need a strategist," Percy said with a smile. Annabeth's angry facade broke quickly as she wrapped Both boys in a hug. Leaving Tim a blushing mess.

"You only chose them because they are your friends!" a random camper shouted. The others started cheering in response. Percy slammed his fist onto the table almost breaking it but retaining silence in the room. "I chose Annabeth because I need a strategist. I chose Tim because we both need to clear our parents' names and because he is a powerful demigod, being one of the big three children. Chiron said he recommends three people go on the quest so I am going with his recommendation. Any questions?" Percy asked daring anyone to retort as the temperature became hotter. They all nodded wisely in understanding. As they left, Timothy pulled Percy aside. "Thanks Percy, but my friend Grover, the gods threaten to take away his searchers license for finding the lost god Pan, God of the wild. Can you please bring him along to help redeem himself?" He asked. "Tim, bringing 4 people on a three people quest almost always ends up with one person dead," Percy said sadly. "But you said almost, please Percy" Tim pleaded. Percy smiled "Fine, he can come, a satyr can be useful anyways" Tim almost squealed in an unmasculine way as he hugged Percy. "Well I need to rest we have a master bolt to find, A thief to catch," Tim said. Percy muttered something Tim couldn't hear as he already took off running.

"A lightning thief"

5857 words. Dammm. The most I have written. Ty for 14k + on Their Demon :D. Vote Comment Share. Ty, BYE! P.S. Please comment it motivates me to write :D.

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