Siren || Afterdeath ||

By WerewolfSoup

22.9K 1.1K 2.1K

Geno is the Captain of one of the most feared pirate crew in the seven seas along side his Quartermaster, or... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.

Chapter 5.

1.6K 87 184
By WerewolfSoup

"ughhhh- I feel like I'm going to explode!" Reaper whined as he walked in the hallway with Killer and Ink.

"Well at least you ain't starving." Killer said with a slight laugh.

" Yes, but did he really need to keep me hostage and force feed me?" He continued to complain." Feels like it was a bit overkill."

Killer chuckled before answering." Yeah no, while it might have been overkill, he just wants to make sure you don't starve, trust me when he deems you are well enough he'll give you a smaller amount."

"Why does he want to make sure we're well tho? He doesn't even know us." Ink ask.

"Well he's the cook, it's his responsibility to make sure everyone on this ship is well fed and don't starve." Killer explained." But to be honest with ya, I think this goes more to past them his responsibility. You see, before joining the sea angels, he would constantly starve because he couldn't find food in the streets. One day captain was taking a walk in the town that we had attacked, when he was attacked by Horror. Captain easily took him down even tho Horror was way bigger, but he was weekend by his hunger. For attacking the captain of a pirate ship he had thought that he'd be killed or something like that, but instead captain spared him and even shared his food with the fellow! Like he didn't just try and kill him, probably even take a bite out of him." Killer continued." After Horror had calmed down he was invited to join the the crew that he agreed to, I'm not really sure if the captain had to bargain with him or how he agreed to become a crew member, I just know it happened. Then when they returned to the ship he was introduced to everyone, he had a tour, got new clothes, was fed properly and started to look for a job that he could. Horror had asked to be the chef's helper, probably because it was the only job close to food, but when captain, or was it one of his brother? Anyways, one of them had said that they didn't have a cook, they all took turns in the kitchen back then, and Horror then demanded to put as chef of the ship, saying that he wanted to make sure no one starved like him on the ship as repayment for their kindness. Or so I was told."

Reaper and Ink stared at Killer."you sure you can tell us all that?" Reaper asked.

"Well yeah, I just did" Killer said, not seeing the problem.

"No, no, we mean as in, you sure you're allowed to tell someone else's life story to people you've known for less then then a day, practically strangers, and on top of that broke in to your crews ship?" Ink expanded Reapers question.

Killer just smiled and waved it off." Nah it's fine, you're part of the crew now!" They continued the tour of their ship while also introducing them with every single crew member. Telling them what they could easily get away with, who's more fun to prank and so on, so on. Sometimes even spilling some secrets.

Soon enough though they reached the captain's quarters once more. Knocking on the door they where let in by the quartermaster.

"ŸøŮ'ře Ł@ţ3." He said in annoyance.

"Sorry quartermaster" Killer said." I was just giving them a tour and introducing everyone, and Horror didn't let us leave until Reaper over here, finished his overstocked plate of food." He pointed at said skeleton who didn't really care about this conversation.

"Ďøñ'ţ tH!Ņķ yØū ¢@n ẞkïp ÿØuř WœřĶ ÆnĎ ü$3 ŤHeM @$ aÑ €x¢u$e. ŃøW ğŒ!" Error said pointing out the door.

"E-eh, quartermaster, I would never use anyone as a scapegoat for skipping work"he said dramatically." Can't I stay as emotional support for the noobies? First weeks are always stressful and nerve-wracking."

"I-I-I would l-like emotional support" Ink stuttered out quietly, almost unbearable.

"He does have a point brah!" Came a voice from the right of the room. Near the window on the guest table and chair was sitting non other then master gunner Fresh drinking something from a glass cup.

"𝕹𝜃 𝝧𝟆Ҽ 𐌀ꗟꝄҼᵭ ɏ𝜃ᕫ ᗫ𝞉ጣ𝟆 Ꭾ𝞉𝚛𝞉ꗟΐꞎҼ!"

"Error, be nice to your brother."Sitting at his desk warned Geno. Error grumbled under his breath but backed off. "Anyways, back to business. " He said straightening out." Today we'll be going through all the jobs available and seeing which one you two are more fit for." He explained getting out of his seat. "Now let's not waist time, Fresh Finnish drinking your drink we can't waste time."

"Ight" Fresh said before chugging the entire cup of juice? Alcohol? The entire cup of his drink." Let's go! Our first stop shall be Sci's sick bay!"

And like that they went to the sick bay where Sci was doing some tests with the blood samples and writing down the results. Whose blood it was they couldn't tell.

"Sup Sci! Need any help around here? Cuz we have two candidates that could help ya out" Fresh said , nearly giving the doctor a soul attack.

Sci turned around to look at all of them and fixed his glasses." Captain, quartermaster, master gunner, what a pleasant surprise, and... Killer..." He said his name with disappointment." What brings you here?"

"Wě @ŗ3 łøØķ!nĞ fØr jœB$ th@t Ťh€s£ 2 ¢Øüłd D0." Error said pointing at Ink and Reaper.

"Oh, well I'm afraid they won't find anything here, I already have Red and Dec to help me out." Sci said not sparing a moment of thought.

"You sure, you don't need extra help brah?"

"Yes I'm sure"

"Alrighty then, let's go to our next stop, the cafeteria!" And with that they left.

In the cafeteria, they walked towards the kitchen.

"#0røR, ©@n W€ ¢oM3 !n?"

There was rustling in the kitchen before the door to it opened revealing the cook of the ship.

" Need somethin?" Asked Horror.

Error opened his mouth to speak but was cut of by Killer." We're looking for jobs that Reaps and Ink could do!"

"Ok, come in." He said opening the door wider.

They all walked in and Horror gave the two merfolk an apron." You all can sit down if you want."

"No it's fine, we'll stand" Geno said with Error and Fresh agreed.

"Suit yourself captain." Killer said sitting on a chair near the wall.

"Can you two cook?" Horror turned to the two friends.

They both thought a bit.' I can make food, but I'm not sure It's native to land dwellers, may give away to much.' Reaper thought' I need something that they would be familiar with.' then a scent of tomatoes with cucumbers, where they called, and meat caught his attention, making him remember his first meeting with his water Lily.'got it!'

"I can make a sandwich." He said raising his hand.

"Only a sandwich?" Horror asked, Reaper nodding and shaking his head at the same time, not sure if some of his other food creations could be ideal for a land dweller." Alright let's see you make that sandwich then." He said said getting out of the way to give him space.

Reaper fallowed the scent to a crate and opened it. Inside was loads of tomatoes, some red, some yellow and green. Yet despite the difference in shape and color they smelled relatively the same. Looking through all the tomato options he smelled them to see if they where good enough to be used. He then went to another carte, this one having cucumbers. He once again looked through all of them and picked the best one.

Putting the two ingredients on the cooking table he went towards the smell of meat. He opened a door and was hit by cool air.' must be ice magic.' he thought and went inside. Inside where loads of different meet, practically all being fresh, some which he's never seen and quite a lot of fish that he Has seen. But he wasn't looking for a fish, he was looking for a circular meet. Looking through all the options and smelling them all he finally found the one he was looking for. Taking it he walked out and closed the door.

Now that he had all the ingredients he was ready to make the sandwich he had when he first met Geno. But he was interrupted before he could begin.

" Aren't you going to wash the vegetables?" Came Horrors voice.

"U-uh, yeah of course I am" Reaper said nervously. He then took the tomato and cucumber to a barrel of water prosumably for cleaning.

"Not there, that's drinking water" Horror said." If you want to wash them go to the sink over there." He pointed to the correct direction.

"Oh." Reaper walked to the sink and turned a weird metal thingy to the left, nearly screaming when boiling hot water came from the faucet, slightly burning his hand.

He heard some chuckling behind him and what he presumed to be Fresh say "ouch".

"For cold water turn the handle right." Horror said stifling his own laugh.

Reaper did that and carefully put his hand back to see if the temperature has changed. And It did. Slowly it changed from burning hot to ice cold, the perfect temperature for him.

He quickly washed the tomato and cucumber before turning the faucet off. He went over where he had placed his meat and set his veggies down. Looking at the ingredients he noticed he was missing the dry thing Geno had placed them. Looking around and smelling the air he looked for that thing, or something similar to it.

"If you're looking for bread, it's over there" Horror said pointing to the right location.

Reaper went over there and looked at the bread options.." you made all these?" He asked amazed.

"Sure did. These are the best breads in all seven seas, you won't find better ones anywhere else!" He said with pride.

Reaper looked through all of them and smelling them all, they smelled so delicious but in the end he took one that was on the darker color.

After he got the final ingredient he looked up on the wall where there was a bunch of knives hung up. He took a smaller one, the one that was most similar to his lilies that day, and started to cut the cucumber and meat in to slices. After he cut the bread in to slices as well and assembled the sandwich as accurately as he remembered. When he was done he had made six sandwiches in total.

"Ta da~!" He said showing one of them in his hand with pride." A perfect sandwich."

Everyone looked at the sandwiches. Geno took one followed by Horror and every one else. Taking a bite Geno smiled." Truly a perfect sandwich."

" Great, we have another salami and cucumber sandwich lover," Horror said eating his.

" Hey what about me?" Ink said watching as everyone ate their sandwiches.

" Oh don't worry, since you don't eat meat I took this tomato for you." Reaper handed him the red tomato.

" A tomato! Thanks–." Ink took it with a forced smile and took a bite. " This is actually a pretty good tomato."

" Well then, Reaper can make a sandwich, and Ink, can you cook something?" Horror asked looking at the mermaid.

Upon his gaze Ink stink a bit." N-no no, I can't cook to save my life" he shook his head." For proof you can try this "snack" I made a while a few days ago. Reaper couldn't even swallow it. Saying he'd rather die then eat it." He handed Horror his home made snack he made from things he got at the land dweller market.

"Oh no, you actually kept it? You should have just gave it to the fish, though even they wouldn't eat it." He whispered the last part.

Taking the snack Horror sniffed it and put it in his mouth. His face immediately scrunched up in disgust. Yet he still swallow it. He looked over at Ink." Surprisingly I've had worse, but seriously, I think you might have made poison." He then looked over at the captain and his brothers." I may be able to let Reaper help me cook from time to time but Ink. Just like Killer, not a chance. Unless with extreme supervision."

Killer grumbled at what his friend said. Something about." I only set it on fire once."

"Alright, thank you, we'll be off then." Geno said and they all left.

And just like that they spent their time looking over jobs that they could do and testing them on how well they can do it.

After they where done they parted ways.  Ink, Reaper and Killer walking around the top deck.

" H-hey Killer. Do you know where I can go if, let's say, I want a change of clothes."

Killer thought for a bit and answered." Well you can always ask captain Geno or One of his brothers, but the best option would be to ask Error to make you some. Since he's the one that's best at making them. Not saying that Captain sucks at making them! Just that he doesn't make clothes as often and he's more busy then his brother."

"O-Oh, ok, thanks." Ink said and turned to walk in a different direction before stopping." Could you show me where he is?"

Killer laughed a bit before waving him over." C'mon, he should be in his quarters." He said  and started walking.

Reaper learned over to his friends with a sly smirk." Going pull some moves ey~?"

Inks face immediately flushed as he hid it in his scarf." N-no I W-Wont. I'm just going to ask for new clothes," he said quietly.

"Aww~ but you should say something to him, like a small flirt or a joke! Maybe even start a small conversation." He continued to say.

"What are you two talking about?" Killer whispered leaning in to their conversation.

"O nothing~ just that Ink has a crush on somebody~" Reaper teased his friend.

"N-NO I DON'T" Ink said with a rainbow face.

Killer immediately lit up." Really!! Who is it, please tell me!"

" I would tell you, but I have a feeling the next day everyone would know." Reaper said crossing his arms.

"What! I can keep a secret! Especially a romantic one!" Killer said sounding kinda offended." Just like I didn't tell anyone that Dust has feelings for blue, Sci and Red both have feelings for each other, Fresh and Dec definitely have something happening between them, Horror has feelings for a dancer named Lust and that Cross and Nightmare are in a secret relationship! I never told anyone of that so I can definitely keep your love interest a secret!"

Reaper and Ink looked at each other then at him. " Yeah we're definitely not telling you." Ink said.

Killer pouted at that." Fine! Be like that, I'll find out eventually. Anyways where here."

They looked at the door they where in front of. It was painted dark blue with like blue outlines and a golden handle.

Ink walked over and knocked.

"Remember to start a conversation" Reaper whispered to Ink.

Soon enough the door opened revealing the quartermaster.

"¢Åπ Ī H€łp ¥øÛ?" He asked looking down at Ink.

"U-uh, y-yes, w-w-well I-I-I was, w-w-well I need knew c-c-clothes a-and Killer s-said that I-I sh-should ask y-you si-si-sir." Ink managed to stutter out, his face practically on fire.

"¥øŰ m€£d kn€w ¢løtH£s-Ťh€s. ©Øm3 !n-Ïn" he let Ink in, who shakily walked in. Error went over to chest and looked inside. Taking out some clothes.

"¥Øu hAv€ @ ĶiD łîK£ BoD¥, sø Th€r3 aŘeñ'Ť Ťh@t m∆n¥ ¢ŁøThes Th@ţ w!łĽ fIt ¥œů." Error said taking out a selection of clothes and handing the to Ink." ¶iĶ Whi¢h€√€r yØu Łik£, ¥Øu ©aN čHänĞ€ iN M¥ Røōm-õm." He pointed to a door.

Ink went in his actual room and closed the door.'omg omg omg! I'm in Errors room!' He looked at the clothes he was given.

Just like Error said, he didn't have that many clothes his size. He picked a few and started to undress. Then he chose some of the things he'll keep from his original outfit and what he'll take from the new clothes. While Putting them on he observed the room. It looked even better then from the window. Even though it was a bit messy, it was still relatively clean and tidy, with dolls placed on shelves with books and blue strings on the ceiling holding up a lanterns. In the middle of the room was a bed with a knitted blanket covering it and hand made pillows on top. On the the bedside table was picture frame with a Foto of him and his brothers.

After putting on his clothes he looked in the mirror. The shirt he had put on, even though it's the smallest Error had, it still looked bigger on him." Hmm, some things are missing." He said quietly and went in to his bag, looking for accessories. After he found the ones he thought would fit better he put them on. Looking in the mirror one more time he smiled and walked out. "Ok im done!".

Error looked at Ink and nodded." VeR¥  w£łĽ." Ink was going to hand him back the other clothes but Error stopped him." K€e¶ €m. It'łL ť@Ķ€ @ WhĪł€ t!Łľ !'Ļl ߀ @Błê ţØ mAķė -aKë you n€w  øN€$."

"O-Oh! Thank you" Ink said with a flushed face.

"ᵭ𝜃𝟆'ꞎ ጣҼ𝟆ꞎΐ𝜃𝟆 ΐꞎ" Error said leading Ink to the exit."ɮህꞎ ⌶ ᵭ𝜃 ん𝞉ᕓҼ 𝞉 ੧ህҼꗟꞎΐ𝜃𝟆, 🝃んɏ ᵭ𝜃 ɏ𝜃ህ 𝟆ҼҼᵭ 𝟆Ҽ🝃 ͼℓ𝜃ꞎんҼꗟ?"

"Ah w-well, the clothes that I have are more fit for relaxing then working and traveling. My old Travel clothes where riped and I don't have a replacement for them, b-but now I do a-and..." Ink felt like he was blabering to much and shut up." S-sorry for blabering.."

"⌶ꞎ'ꗟ բΐ𝟆Ҽ, ⌶'ጣ ဌህҼꗟꗟΐ𝟆ဌ ɏ𝜃ህ 🝃んҼ𝚛Ҽ 𝞉 ꞎ𝚛𝞉ᕓҼℓҼ𝚛?"

"Collector actually, I traveled and collected goodies from different places just like my parents did."

"ㄒん𝞉ꞎ'ꗟ ΐ𝟆ꞎҼ𝚛Ҽꗟꞎΐ𝟆ဌ, 🝃ん𝞉ꞎ ཥℓ𝞉ͼҼꗟ ん𝞉ᕓҼ ɏ𝜃ህ ᕓΐꗟΐꞎҼᵭ?"

"O-Oh a lot, I don't think I could count."

"⨈Ҽℓℓ ጣ𝞉ɏ␢Ҽ 𝟆Ҽ⌧ꞎ ꞎΐጣҼ ɏ𝜃ህ'ℓℓ ␢Ҽ 𝞉␢ℓҼ ꞎ𝜃 ꞎҼℓℓ ጣҼ, բ𝜃𝚛 𝟆𝜃🝃 ဌ𝜃 𝚛Ҽꗟꞎ. ⌶'ℓℓ ꞎҼℓℓ ɏ𝜃ህ 🝃んҼ𝟆 ɏ𝜃ህ𝚛 𝟆Ҽ🝃 ͼℓ𝜃ꞎんҼꗟ 🝃ΐℓℓ ␢Ҽ ᵭ𝜃𝟆Ҽ." Error said opening the door for Ink.

"Y-yes, of course quartermaster." Ink said stepping out.

"၂ህꗟꞎ ͼ𝞉ℓℓ ጣҼ 트𝚛𝚛𝜃𝚛"

"O-ok, thank you E-Error" after that Error closed the door.

Ink just stared at it for a while longer before he heard a voice.

"I'm guessing that went well."

Turning around he saw Reaper leaning on the wall. Killer no where to be seen.

"Where's Killer?" Ink asked looking around.

"He had to go do his work, aperantly he's been slacking off to much today." Reaper said it like he didn't really care. " Anyways, you look nice Ink, like an actual pirate."

"Oh thank you" Ink smiled." Where do we go now?"

Reaper thought a bit." Probably to rest, tomorrow we start to actually work, and all that. No slacking off ye know."

And as if on cue Ink yeahned." Yeah I guess that's a good idea." He said and the two of them started to make their way to the room they slept at. After they came back to their room they looked at all the hammocks and beds.

"Hey Reaper?"


"Which are our hammocks again?"

[And here are Ink and Error references, once again drawn by me]

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