The Secrets We Wanna Keep ||...

By ghosty_boo69

40.1K 860 440

Bruce Wayne (The Batman) x Gender neutral reader ---- Y/n has worked for the Wayne Enterprise for 4 years and... More

Read this before reading the FF!!
About the reader
Chapter one - Pilot
Chapter two - Relaxing
Chapter three - pretty early call
Chapter four - The Batman
Chapter Five - Jealous
Chapter six - BATMAN?!
Chapter eight - pay attention to the road!!
Chapter nine - the gala is tomorrow
⚠️Chapter ten - Prescriptions⚠️
⚠️Chapter eleven - Harper!⚠️
⚠️Chapter twelve - Hospital⚠️
Chapter thirthteen - 5:34AM
Chapter fourteen - Its Gala Time!
Chapter fiftheen - Its Gala Time! Pt. 2
Chapter sixteen - aw fuck
Chapter seventeen - kidnapped?!
Chapter eighteen - hours, hours, hours...
Not a chapter update (sorry)

Chapter seven - shopping date?🤭

1.7K 44 33
By ghosty_boo69

10 minutes passed and you heard a knock at your door. You quickly get up from your couch and walk over to the door. You open it to see Bruce standing in front of it, waiting for you. He was tall, and his face looked brighter than usual. He was wearing his normal work attire, a white button up dress shirt, a black bow tie with little dark gray dots, a black suit jacket, black trousers, a long wool trench coat, and his shoes were black regular pilgrim shoes. His hair was gelled back and you got to see more of his face instead of half of it covered by his Robbie from gravity falls hair style. He looked handsome and you felt your heart racing as he smiled at you.

"You ready?" He asks you, his voice soft. You felt your face heat up and don't know why cause all he did was ask a question.

"Ye-yeah," You stutter which you rarely do. You immediately felt embarrassed about it and tried your best to play it off but Bruce noticed and his smile turned into a smirk.

"Did you just stu-Stu-stutter?" He teases, leaning against your door frame. You feel butterflies in your stomach emerge as you become more shy by the minute. Why am I feeling like this? I'm usually so good at keeping my emotions intact.

"Oh, it matters to me baby," He says, in a little bit of a seductive tone. Your eyes quickly widen with shock. Did he just call me baby? You didn't know how to react and you felt your stomach completely fill with butterflies fluttering around. Bruce then realizes what he said as his face heats up and he covers it with his hand, turning away,"I'm....I'm sorry, that was inappropriate,"

You giggle as you give him a assuring smile.

"It's okay Bruce, you didn't do anything wrong," You said, rubbing his arms,"We're going to be like this for the rest of the time and I am here for it,"

You basically told him that you were okay with flirting each other and he smiles at you, his face red.

"Alright, let's go then," He says, locking arms with you. You don't know why Bruce is so bright today, not just his face but his character. He seems excited and happy, more than usual you should say.

You and Bruce walked down the stairs, to the lobby, and out to the parking lot. You see his light gray, flashy, Lamborghini. Of course he brought his flashy car. You thought to yourself as he walked ahead of you just so he could open the door for you.

You thank him as you sit down and he closes the door once your feet were in the car. He walks around the front to the driver side where he enters and sits down. He starts up the car with a loud VROOM that makes you flinch from being startled.

"Sorry," He says, softly,"Didn't mean to scare you,"

"Pfft it's fine," you assure him,"I honestly don't know why I got scared,"

Bruce laughs as little as he drives off, you assume he is heading to the Gotham mall, sense is basically the only mall. He was driving pretty fast, 100 mph but only when the roads were empty, which to your surprise a lot of them were.

"I like your outfit," He says, keeping his eyes on the rode. You looked at him a little shocked because you barely even put effort into this outfit. You just grabbed shit out of your closet that was going to be the easiest to slip on and off.

"Really? Thank you," You say, blushing a little,"I barely even put in effort,"

"Well..I think it looks cute," Bruce replies. Your cheek immediately heat up. He is really feeling flirty today isn't he?

You smile to yourself and feel more confident with the fit you chose. You felt good about yourself for once and it's all thanks to Bruce.

You get to the mall and Bruce parks near the entrance. You were about to exit but Bruce stops you.

"Wait in your seat," He says quickly as he gets out of his seat, walks around to the passenger side, and opens the door. You giggle at the small gesture stepping out.

"You really had to tell me to stay seated for that?" You ask, giving him a small smirk. He shrugs.

"Yes I did," He says with confidence,"Or else you would of just left the car and I wouldn't get the chance to open the door for you,"

"You don't have to open the door for me," you reply,"I'm an independent person!"

Bruce shrugs as you both walk to the entrance of the mall.

"I know but I want to open the door for you," He replies, with a sweet smile. You smile back.

"What a true gentleman," You say a little sarcastically as he opens the entrance door for you as you enter the mall saying a thank you. Bruce than run ups beside you.

"Forever and always," He replies, walking beside you, arms locked with yours. He then changed the topic,"So, where do you want to go first? We could go too Vougis Leittron, Shiton, Billi, um-,"

"Or we can just walk around until we see something we like instead of just looking for specific rich brands," You interrupt him. You didn't really care about the expensive brands or brand in general. You cared about comfortability of the outfit and if it looks good to you and on you. You just wanted something nice to wear, expensive or not.

"Alright," Bruce says,"kinda basic...,"

He whispers the last bit just loud enough for you to hear. You bump him Jokingly.

"Oh really? Says the one who wears dark gray and black clothing all the fucking time," You tease him,"Mr. Emo,"

He gasps dramatically, acting offended.

"Just because I wear black does not make me emo!!" He objects. You roll your eyes.

"I've seen you wear black eyeshadow!" You say, he suddenly tenses up,"I don't judge I'm just saying, you may not say it on the outside but your emo...within,"

You said the last part poetically for the dramatic effect. To sound like your some psychic. Bruce laughed, relaxing a bit but he didn't reply. It seemed like he wanted to get away from the topic so, you let it get away. Trying to respect him and his comfortability whether it changes or not.

You walk by a store called "Hijack Flacks" and see a mannequin at the window wear these very nice trousers. You liked the style of it. You stopped in your tracks, making Bruce stop with you sense you two have locked arms.

"Let's go in here," you say, as he nods his head in agreement and you both walk in. You let go of his arm searching for the pants that the mannequin. Bruce follows and watches, having his hands in his pockets.

You find the trousers. They were a creamy tan and looked like they ruffled at the top. They also had it in brown which is color you also liked. You found your size in both, take out of the rack and showed it to Bruce.

"What do you think?" You ask him, wanting his opinion sense Bruce is really good at fashion even though his closet is mostly basic af but to each there own.

"I like it, you should try them on," Bruce says. You nod in agreement and walked to the dressing room.

You stepped in a dressing room, closing the door. You skipped off your vans and sweats. You then slipped into the creamy tan trousers, buttoning them up. You checked in the mirror j no and knew that a belt would make these pants look amazing but they good alone right now.

You exit the dressing room and walk to Bruce. You jokingly start walking like your model, cat walking, doing poses and then adding a spin at the end. Bruce watches, smiling and chuckling, he was entertained.

"Suits you very well," Bruce says as you stop in front of him. He then starts circling around you, scanning you up and down. You felt butterflies in your stomach as he does so while feeling a bit uncomfortable,"with your shirt and jacket, it makes it looks like it's casual but professional almost if that makes sense,"

"Yeah that makes sense," You reply, kinda getting what he means.

He hums, stopping in front of you still scanning you.

"Try the others one, the brown ones," he says. You nod your head and walk back into the dressing room, changing out the creamy tan ones and putting on the browns.

You walk out again doing the catwalk, poses, and the spin at the end. Bruce still was very amused.

"Are you going to do that every time?" He asks, with a smile.

"Yep, look if I'm going to try on clothes for me might as well make it a fashion show," you explain,"Makes it fun,"

"I agree," Bruce replies,"I like watching you as well, you'd be a good model,"

You gasp dramatically at the compliment as your cheeks heat up.

"Why thank you Mr. Wayne, I am very honored you think that," You say, jokingly but you meant the thank you. He chuckles as he began circling around you again.

You immediately tense up as he was intimidating. It made you absolutely nervous while he scanned you up and down.

"I like this pants but..," Bruce pauses as he stop in front of you,"The creamy ones had a better vibe,"

You nod your head in agreement.

"I 100% agree with you," you replied. He smiles as you go back to the dressing room, changing back into your sweats and slipping on the vans. You walk out, the pants handing off your arm,"The creamy tan ones right?"

"Yes but if you prefer the brown ones then that's alright too," Bruce says. You smile as you shake your head "no" and put the brown pants back.

"I like the creamy tan ones," You said. Bruce smiled as you both walked to the register and was about to pay but Bruce stopped you.

"I can pay," He says, you shake your head.

"I appreciate it Bruce but I can pay," You say, as you take out your credit card but he stops you again.

"Please, I have a lot of money and would like to use it on things that I like," He replies, as your cheeks heat up. You pull back your credit card, sighing. Bruce hands his card to the cashier.

"Alright but next time I'll pay," you say, as the cashier swipes his card.

"Would you like a bag?" They ask.

"Yes please," Bruce says. The cashier nods and they fold the pants neatly, take a paper bag out, and gently place the folded pants in the bag and slides the bag to us,"I'll carry it,"

Bruce takes the take in his hand and locks arms with you. You both walk out the store and look around again.

"Bruce you got to stop doing everything for me," You admit, feeling like your being treated like you can't take yourself and your just treating Bruce like he's your personal butler. You just felt guilty,"I know your trying to be nice and trust me, you are very nice, but let me do things on my own,"

Bruce seemed a little offended but understood.

"I'm sorry," he replies, a little sadly and you felt guilty,"I just want you to have a good time sense we haven't spent this much time together in a while,"

You smile softly. Your glad that Bruce wanted you to have a good time and appreciate the effort he is putting in but he really didn't need to put in so much effort because you were just glad to see him.

"Bruce, do not apologize, you did nothing wrong," You assure him,"I am having a great time, I love spending time with you, I don't care if we're at a mall, the office, in a car, hell even at an old drug store, as long as I'm with you, I am having a good time,"

His eyes lit up with such joy and his cheeks turned a little red when you said those things. He looked like he was trying to hold back a smile. What you said seemed like the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him in awhile.

"Thank you," Bruce says, shyly, looking like he wants to say something else but is holding back. You didn't want to pester him or push him to say something. So you just smiled and you both kept walking around the mall.


WOOO oh boy long chapter 2139 words god damn. I wasn't playin' any games when I said it was a 'date' shit man.
But I just want to thank you guys again for the nice comments!! Y'all are so sweet like fr you all swag!! MY LITTLE SWAGGERS!! Alright no that's not gonna work I'm sorry imma just stop talking now.
anyways thank you for reading!! :)) hope you enjoyed!!

Song of the day: drowning by Vague003, Sidistik

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