How it really begun | Natasha...

Od SophiaFalcon23

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Raven, 24 years old, ex well train military and spy living in Washington DC, ex assassin, taking care of her... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 | Truth discovered
Chapter 11 | The chase
Chapter 12 | cooperation
Chapter 13 | Probation
Chapter 14 | Help ?!
Chapter 15 | Meeting and Greeting
Chapter 16 | Gods and Problems
Chapter 17 | That hurt
Chapter 18 | save your breath
Chapter 20 | First battle together
Chapter 21 | Afterwards
Chapter 22 | Back in the house
Chapter 23 | Faces from the past return
Chapter 24 | Sierra Oscar Sierra
Chapter 25 | Adjustments
Chapter 26 | S.T.R.I.K.E and S.T.R.I.K.E team alpha
Chapter 27 | Foxtrot is down.
Chapter 28 | Open wounds
Chapter 29 | Tension
Chapter 30 | Run. Decipher. Hide... Kiss ?
Chapter 31 | Way down we go
Chapter 32 | Breaking News
Chapter 33 | Buried and ringing
Chapter 34 | Bath and loving touches
Chapter 35 | plan
Chapter 36 | Oh shit ! What the...?

Chapter 19 | What do you think you're doing ?

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Od SophiaFalcon23

At first there's a headache, then abdominal pain, and last a really, annoying beeping sound that seems to match Raven's heartbeat. Her eyes fluttered open, taking in her surroundings. Slowly, wincing in pain, she sit straight on what look like a bed, holding her hand on her side, looking at the bandages on her torso. Two IV drip in her arms, one with some clear liquid, probably something for the pain, and the other attached to a blood bag. Two patches on her chest linked to a heart monitor.

She look around again, the small room she's in poorly light, but she's not really complaining seeing hard light would've worsen her headache. A rather large window at the wall, with the door next to it, looking out on the hallway of the Helicarrrier. Agents passing by from time to time. A door behind her, leading to a small bathroom, where she can see a sink through the open space as the door is not completely closed.

She spot on the other side of the hallway, another room similar to hers, the words 'Infirmary' written on the door.

After a moment she spot her cargo pants folded on a chair, now realizing that she's only in her underwear. Her shirt and pull-over are nowhere in sight, the doctors probably cut them to access her wounds. With careful movements, she reach for her trousers and put them on, after taking out the IV drips, and patches for the heart monitor. She look around for something to cover her torso, but come back empty handed. She spot her boots at the foot of her bed, taking a sit on a chair, she quickly put them on as well.

A shiny handle on a nearby table catch her eye, recognizing her sword handle. Raven take a hold of it, deploying the blade still stain with her own blood. Memories of Loki stabbing her, his hard words and vision came flooding back in her mind, her face soon full of anger. She put the handle back in it's holster at her thigh, and storm off in the hallway.

Passing by other infirmary rooms, she catch a glimpse of red hair in one of them, and a man strapped on a bed she recognize as Clint Barton. As much as she want to stop and see if one of them know something about Loki, or even take the time to catch up on what she missed, Raven continue her path, getting curious looks from the agents she come across. A lot of them try and stop her, seeing as she's only wearing her cargo pants, and a sport bra with her combat boots, the other item of clothing being the bandages. But the glare she send them when they try and stop her, or even say something shut them up, and stop them to go further.

Soon enough she arrive at the main control room, looking around seeing evident traces of a fight that took place here too. She spot Fury looking out the big windows, agent Hill at her control panels. Raven storm towards the director getting glances from agents, her anger taking the best of her as she shout at the man. "Where is he ?! Where is that son of a bitch ?!"

Fury turn around at the voice, impossible to hide his surprise to see Raven on her feet, when she was stabbed by her swords hours ago. "You're suppose to be on bed rest." The dark skin man state. "I couldn't care less right now, so tell me where the fuck is he ?"

The director bow his head down, looking defeated. "I honestly don't know."

"What's the plan ? You're just gonna sit here and wait for him to invade the earth ?"

Fury turns back to look outside, a deep breath escaping his lungs, shoulder hanging lower than they already were. "Like I told Stark and Rogers, I lost my one good eye when Coulson died, I had it coming probably. I have nothing for you. Thor and Banner are no longer here, Loki flew and I have no idea where he could be. I probably was just living a fantasy of mine, creating a team of super heroes."

Raven's eyes snap his way angrily. "Hey, you didn't used Lily's name, as an excuse for me to come here and do something good, just for it to go to shit okay ?! I just got my ass beaten by a fucking greasy hair, British accent, wherever he got it from, god who really just pissed me off. So really am not just gonna sit here, and wait for his next move for fuck sake. I told you, I'm just human. I'm a whole bag of fucked up soldier, paranoid, bipolar, but this motherfucker really chose the wrong person to mess with. So where are Rogers and Stark I need to talk to them"

Fury turn around to look at the angry woman, before turning to Maria Hill. "Do you know where she can find them ?"

Hill look down at her screen, taping on it from time to time, accessing the cameras of the ship. "Detention sir."

"Thanks" And with that Raven storm towards Loki's cell, wrecking her brain to try and find clues of where he could be.

She run to the cell, holding her wounded side, wincing from time to time, the medication they gave her wearing off. Raven might have a clue where to find Loki, rewinding everything she heard, from the moment she heard the guy talk, to the moment he walked off leaving her bleeding out to death.

When she reach the room Loki was held in, she find both Rogers and Stark, her eyes trailing on the room, stopping for a second on the blood stain on the nearby wall, assuming this is where Coulson died. Both men turn her way, looking surprised, but when she really take the time to look at them, it seems like they were talking about something which didn't end up nicely.

"Am I interrupting ?" None of them answer, Steve recovering from the fact she's standing in front of him, a slight blush rising on his cheeks since her torso is not that covered up.

"How are you standing here ? I honestly thought you were dead." Stark suddenly exclaim, gesturing wildly with his hands.

Raven doesn't answer back, rolling her eyes, she turn to the Captain, expecting an answer from her previous question. "You're not interrupting, it concern you too." He reassure her. Raven nod her head, and lean on the nearby wall to steady herself, the pain becoming stronger by the minute. Vibranium do really sting.

Stark seems to have gain his senses back, after seeing Raven 'back from the dead', he turn back to face Rogers. "I'm not marching to Fury's fife."

"Neither am I. He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki does. But right now we got to put that behind us and get this done." Rogers seems determine in his words. Saying things sternly and firmly, but behind his words, Raven knows it mean she will have to keep her mouth shut on a lot of things about herself. Persuaded she got more blood on her hand than Loki or Fury.

"Loki needs a power source. If we can put together a list..." The captain is cut off by the billionaire quickly. "he made it personal."

"I don't think we should focus on the personal but more on which power source he's gonna need and Tony I ..." Raven is now the one getting cut off by Stark. "It is something we need to focus on. That's Loki's focus. He hit us all right where we live. Why ?"

"To tear us apart." Now Rogers seems to understand where Stark is going, following in his reasoning while Raven just wait on the side, hoping the genius will figure it out soon, watching their interaction.

"Yeah, divide and conquer is great but he knows he has to take us out to win, right ? That's what he wants."

Raven start to pick up on what Stark is thinking, already pissing the missing parts of the puzzle in her head, looking back at the event in Germany, the way Loki was around the crowd.

"he wants to beat us, and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience." Stark is all over the place, going himself higher up, probably trying to put himself in Loki's shoes, find out the way he's thinking.

"Right, we caught his act in Stuttgart. He was parading in the kneeling crowd." Rogers add while Stark is still gesturing with his hands around, Loki's point on the tip of his tongue, he's close to understand the god and he knows it.

"Yeah, exactly, that was just previews. This is opening night. And Loki is a full-tilt diva right ? He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered on it."

At the end of his sentence, Stark finally understood what Raven hope she figured out minutes ago. For a second the man is frozen in his spot, the realization still downing on him, and not really pleased with his conclusion.

"Son of a bitch."

If it was not such a serious situation she would've laugh. "I kinda tried telling you but... Oh well." The ex assassin shrug. "So when do we leave ? He kind of beat my ass, I want to return the favor."

Both men share a look, having a silent conversation, which kind of throw Raven off guard. Hours ago they were at each others throats and now they understand each other just like that ? After their little eyeing conversation, they both turn to the wounded woman, with an awkward stance, eyeing each other or more, forcing the other to speak. Steve let out a long breath before finally giving in, his eyes not announcing something good for the brunette. "What ?"

"Raven, I don't think you should come with us." His tone is sympathetic, but there is no place for discussion and Raven sense it. Is she really surprised ? not really. Is she backing down ? Not in a lifetime. She fake a chuckle of disbelief, acting up like she lost her words.

"Wha...what ? Why ?! Why am I staying here ? because I'm injured ? Seriously ? That jerk played with me and my head, he hurt me and you want me to just sit here and do nothing ? Hell no !"

Once again both men look at each other before the Captain turn back to her. "Listen, we're looking out for you that's all. You're hurt, fresh stitches, you're angry. It's not a good for you to fight in this condition."

"That's some fucked up bullshit you're pulling Rogers. You need me ! We need all hands on deck to catch that motherfucker !" She let out an annoy sigh, running her hands over her face to try and get her anger under control. "Look, Fury called me in, he really really insisted on it. He sent Coulson the first time. You're not the only one who wants to avenge the life of a good man okay ? So just... drop it and let me come."

For a second she's persuaded he's gonna give in, his eyes searching for Stark support who just shrug his shoulders, clearly Raven's speech convince him that she can be useful. Raven can see the cogs run in Steve's head, debating with himself. He let out another breath and Raven almost smile thinking she won him over, but his negative answer down on her like a ton of bricks.


Her shoulders slump and she hang her head low, acting disappointed, making the super soldier feel bad now, but he's not coming back on his words.

"Here I thought you were understanding me." She tell him with glossy eyes. The blonde man try and say something but he's lost for words, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of his jar.

The black haired woman, turn around, her back facing them, storming out of the room.

The super soldier turn to the billionaire who lift his hands up in surrender. "Don't drag me into your mess." Steve gives him a pointed look. "Come on we got a god to catch in New York." Both men get out of the detention room, Tony to quickly fix his suit for the fly time and Steve to collect Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Just after she stormed out of the room, Raven went straight for her locker, finding an extra shirt and pull over to cover her scars, tattoos and wounds on display. A realization suddenly hit her, her hand flying to her neck, her breathing getting quicker when she can't feel the familiar cold metal of her dog tags under her finger tips. She turn around in her spot, looking all around her bag. The ex soldier start to get worked up, her hands tugging at her hair roots out of frustration when a raspy voice pull her out of her emotions.

"Looking for this ?"

Raven turn around so quickly she almost break her neck, letting out a breath of relief when she spot the familiar chains hanging from the redhead's hand. She rush to the agent, taking the dog tags from her hands, putting them back right where they belong around her neck.

The ex mercenary look at the red head in the eyes breathing out a thank you, receiving a shrug. "Yeah well, I know they mean a lot to you, and when you almost died in my arms, I took them afraid the doctors would take them away or something. I was just making sure you would get them back."

A small smile crept its way on the brunette's lips, before her eyes settle on the floor. "When are you leaving ?"

Natasha's not surprised by the question at all. If anything she would've been surprised if Raven didn't ask. "Well actually I should be getting ready to go with them in a few minutes, but I couldn't go without restoring your belonging."

An awkward silence take place, none of them really knowing what to say. Natasha's debating if she should try and apologize again, after all she could die in that fight. Raven is debating if she should wish her good luck, even if she still hasn't forgive her yet, or try and forgive her now. Finally, Natasha breaks the silence.

"Please don't do anything stupid. I know you want to try and help us, but only a few hours ago we weren't really sure if you were going to pull through, so please. Take some rest okay." She smile softly at her, watching Raven's face closely, especially her eyes, knowing they're a huge give away.

"Okay first I take offence for the stupid part, and second, I can't promise anything... or I will promise you, but then I will break it, 'cause promises are made to be broken."

Natasha let out an exasperate sigh, knowing she probably won't win this one. "Just, stay here." And with that, she fast walk out of the room. Right before she's out of sight, Raven decide to shout at her "Aye aye Captain !" Playfully saluting the woman.

When she's positive Natasha's not coming back she close the door, and grab her weapons which where put back in her locker. By whom she has no idea but they're here. She grab her wrist bandages, wrapping them around her hands and wrist to keep them from spraining and her knuckles safer than if they were exposed. The ex assassin slide on her bulletproof vest, checking her pockets with all her munitions and ammos. She stuff her knives in all their secrets spots, and where she can fit them.

The ex soldier strap her 2 HK USP to both her thighs, she slide her pump-action rifle SXP on her back, and finally take her assault rifle HK 416 in hands.

Once she's ready Raven sprint down the hallways, getting looks from agents around her but none of them try to stop her. She first reach the medical section, searching for painkillers. The stinging sensation in her side, is a painful reminder that she was stabbed hours ago, and the wound is still fresh. Lucky for her, the adrenaline is coursing through her veins, and keeping her on both feet.

Her second destination is the main control room, where Fury and Hill are both talking quietly to each other, both in front of the huge windows. She try and stay in the back, peaking around the room to find a clue if they got a status about the heroes gone or not. Her question is fast answered, when something flies in front of the windows, followed closely by a Quinjet.

A smirk appear on her face, knowing she's not that late behind them, and still can make it in time in New York. She just gotta find a transport. She could steal a Quinjet too, but it wont be as fast as she wants it to be, and they're larger than aircrafts, easier to spot.

When Fury's voice reach her ears, she's almost certain she's been spotted but luckily, he's just giving orders to Hill who quickly spread in action. On her way to her screens, the SHIELD agent spot the heavily armed brunette, almost freezing in her spot. Raven desperately send her a pointed look, hoping the agent will keep her mouth shut. Hill lock eyes with her, staring at each other, before the second in command turn back to her screen like nothing happened.

The ex racer look around the room again, then make her way out, hoping she will find her way to the aircraft garage.

She sprint down the hallways, getting annoyed looks from certain agents if she run too close to them. Raven always had a good sprint, to others right now she's at full speed, but really to her she's actually casually jogging.

Raven finally manage to find her way in the maze of the ship, arriving on the lower level right under the principal bridge. She spot an aircraft on a platform, surely it will bring her outside on the upper level, ready to go.

The ex assassin make her way silently and skillfully without being spotted to the aircraft. Everyone knows, you need a special suit to fly in a fighter jet, but the most important thing are actually the oxygen mask and helmet. And she knows this. Even if the suit is still important, where she's going, she won't need it. She climb in the plane using the side ladder, then proceed to strap herself, and put on the helmet and mask that were on the pilot seat.

Raven look around her, taking in the familiar setting and feeling of being in one of these, a small smile making its way on her lips. But at she look around, something feel out of place. A small transparent screen on her right. She touch it and the screen immediately illuminate, showing different virtual buttons. Raven study for a second the unfamiliar screen, before understanding that it's actually the command panel to elevate the platform outside.

The ex mercenary study the option, before pressing on the button label 'roof', then 'platform'. A hatch open above the plane, and then the platform she's on, start to slowly elevate. A gush of wind in her face remind her she didn't close the cockpit, which she does quickly after.

Raven is quickly on the bridge, finalizing all the preps for take off. "Aircraft B13 you're not authorize to take off, no orders where given to you, identify yourself."

She think for a second, not recognizing the voice. "This is Raven DeValdez, permission to take off not granted, destination New York to save the world's ass. Over"

Raven take a deep breath, her hands shaking a bit, before taking off. She nearly forgot everything. How your lungs are almost squeezed, how you're thrown in the seat as you take off, how the landscape under the plane pass so fast.

"Montjoie, why are you in an aircraft ?"

Fury's pissed off voice bring a smirk to her lips, even if she knows it's not really her best idea, she feel like it's her best option right now. "Hum, because it's yours and I wanted to piss you off ?"

"And what do you think you're doing ?" Raven almost burst out laughing, picturing Fury with his hands on his hips like a parent scolding his child, eyebrow raised expecting an answer. "Hum, Going to New York ?" From her point of view it almost sounded as an affirmation rather than a question, but it's funnier that way. A sigh can be heard through the comms.

"Raven, even if I want you out there, you are suppose to be on bed rest ! You just got pierced by metal shards, your own sword and you got thrown around by the Hulk ! Yes I asked you to come, but not, to get yourself killed." Now he sounded like she just lost her mind, which is not completely wrong when she think about it.

"Well, I know all of that... wait metal shards ? I had metal shards in my body ? How did they get there ? Never mind, I know all of this because I felt it, and I still feel it but I can't turn around now I'm almost there anyway. And I need a drink so, what better place then New York City ?" Everything she said sound so obvious, but it's actually really funny and Hill who's listening to the conversation, is having a hard time trying to hold in her laugh.

Raven might be someone difficult, with a hard past, traumatic experiences that stick with her, mood swings from her bipolarity, she's still someone funny who in the simplest conversation, can add this little bit a humor that makes everyone laugh.

But unfortunately, Fury is not really please with her decision right now. "Get your ass back here right now."

"I need to grab a bite too, I'm starving. I'll just go through the drive. Okay I see New York ,bye !" She cut the communications, not letting Fury have room to say another word.

Raven quickly circle around Manhattan, memorizing the different streets. It seems like she didn't waste a lot of time, the army seem to just start their attack. She fly above a building, before turning around and doing the same.

Her eyes didn't betray her, the Quinjet is down on the ground and the little blue and red dot is captain Rogers with Romanoff and Barton on the ground.

"Hey guys, I got your six where do you want me ?" She announce on comms, shotting some weird space ships with Chitauri on them. A few surprised answer resound in her ears. "Raven ?" "What are you doing here ?" "DeValdez ?" "Soldier kid ?"

"Who the fuck just called me 'Soldier kid' ?" Even if everyone know it's Stark, she just had to ask with a threatening tone to warn him, that she don't like his nickname.

"Raven what are you doing here, I thought I was clear ?" Raven scoff in disbelief at the Captain's words, knowing full well everyone can hear it. "Last time I checked Captain, you were not my father, and I stopped listening to orders, a loooonnng time ago. If you continue like that, I'll make you call me Sergeant."

A small chuckle from the super soldier, reassure her that he didn't took it seriously, and he probably won't continue his scolding.

Raven's about to ask him what he wants her to really do, when she spot something enormous dropping from the portal. A sort of Alien worm, floating in the air, the same height as the empire state building, destroying everything in his path, wearing something similar to an armor. His teeth probably the size of the Statue of Liberty if not taller.

"Stark are you seeing this ?" The question intrigue Raven trying to spot the danger from different angles, hearing the slight fear and disbelief in Rogers voice. "I'm seeing it, still working on believing. Where's Banner has he shown up yet ?"

"Banner ?" Raven's probably's just as confused as Rogers. "Just keep me posted."

"Wait what are you... Oh shit !" It's a close call, way too close to her liking and she nearly avoided the alien worm, flying right at her. Luckily with an expert move, she dive right on time, flying just under it.

"Raven ? you're still in the air ?" Sweat drips down in her back, breath starting to pick up from the adrenaline and the fear. "Yeah, but probably not for long. Anybody got an idea on what is this thing ? I would say..." She doesn't have time to finish, when blue shots are fired her way, almost knocking her out of the sky. She shoot the Chitauri after taking a sharp turn, and ending up behind them.

"Guys, the civilians are trapped everywhere, we need to make them evac." From above it's easy to spot how everything is taking place. When you're on the terrain it's harder. Everything around you happen so fast, you almost shoot blindly around you, hoping you'll get out of this nightmare alive.

A certain alien squad in V formation shoot everything in their path, and Raven manage to spot the black haired god, at the front, leading the squad. She doesn't think twice and dive the jet, flying way too close to the ground, but she was trained for this many times. The ex assassin fly right behind them, aiming then shooting with a machine gun, the aliens dropping from the sky like dead flies. Unfortunately, Loki spot her and manage to escape her bullets, another squad of aliens joining him. These parasite are everywhere. And there's a lot of them. This fight is going to be hard, and long.

Just like all the fights she had in her life, she just need to suck it up, and face it. This time she's not alone. A super soldier, a blonde haired god she spotted earlier, a man with a huge ego in a armor, a archer with super aim, a master assassin, and maybe a man capable to turn into a green giant. Not bad, plus for now she's still piloting her jet, in the air, hoping it will last.

Once again, the mad god shoot everything in his path, and Raven can't do anything this time without injuring civilian.

"They're fish in a barrel down there." Raven roll her eyes at the captain's ancient way of describing things. "You know you can just say they're trapped in the streets, in deep shit, I don't know but who still say that 'they're fish in a barrel'?" It's almost something natural now for her, to say what she think and the others seem to have picked up on it, so they don't really bother to answer.

"We got this. It's good. Go." The redhead voice sound through the comms and Raven can't help herself letting out a loud and sarcastic laugh "Yeah it's good, we can do this all day, go captain, I can help the SHIELD agents from up here. If I stay up here hopefully." She added the last part whispering, but the team heard it anyway. She can't see their faces on the ground but both Rogers and Natasha exchange a concern look. Steve shrug it off, turning to the Agents "You think you can hold them off ?"

At the same moment Raven fly above them with her aircraft, shooting all the aliens she could see on the ground, forming huge holes with the bullets but making sure not to hit any vehicles in case they were people hiding in them. They watch each other with different faces before the archer select one of his special arrows. "Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure." Right after the last word is out of his lips, he started shooting at the new aliens that just replaced the ones Raven shot. The super soldier take this as his cue to leave, taking off running then jumping a bridge, landing on top of a bus, but this one get blown up by some aliens, that Raven shoot the moment she spot them.

"Yeah Captain, go get them !" If anyone else could hear their conversation, they would think Raven is 15 maybe 18, and not a 25 year old grown ass woman.

She fly again above the SHIELD agents, when she spot Clint Barton, evacuating people from a bus through the windows. "Barton, open the doors, they're not locked and it will be easier !"

The archer listen to her suggestion, the doors indeed opening with a bit of effort but opening anyway. "Thanks !" He then take off running, helping Natasha taking down aliens.

"It's just like Budapest all over again !" The conversation felt so casual, for a second, you could think they were not fighting a deadly army but talking over a drink. "You and I remember Budapest very differently." Raven find herself very intrigued in their casual talk, having been herself in Budapest for work. "What happened in Budapest ?" The ex mercenary is swerving around, shooting Chitauri out of the sky but a weird feeling in her stomach settle, increasing her nerves.

Out of the blue, something collide with the back section of the jet, blowing it up completely. Raven start to lose control of the plane, understandable when one of the main part used to pilot a plane just got blown up. Alarms blaring all around her, red lights everywhere. She push every emergency button, trying to control everything the best she can but the joystick is stuck, making it impossible to do so. "Guys ! Mayday, I'm going down !"

Sweat drips down her forehead, multiple voices sound in her ear but the alarms drown it all, making it impossible to focus on her breathing. She pull on the ejection cord, but nothing happen. When the thing hit the back of her plane it must've touch a cable that linked everything together. The ground start to come closer and closer, if she's not out in the next minute, she's dead.

Raven unstrap herself from the seat, she yank off her helmet and mask, grab the emergency parachute putting it on the fastest she ever done in a so secluded space, and open the cockpit, the compression sucking her out of the jet. The moment she's out, she deploy her parachute, right on time, looking at the aircraft crashing down with an explosion. When she look around she spot the SHIELD agents, trying to make their way through the aliens, but they're actually surrounded. She's still rather high, but falling fast. The ex racer manage to maneuver her trajectory, sliding on the ground harshly she kick an alien in the legs, making it fall down.

Earlier, when she stole the aircraft she manage to sit rather comfortably with all her guns, still strap to herself, so she immediately shoot the alien in the head with her assault rifle. The ex mercenary get on her feet in the blink of an eye, shooting the aliens around her.

Surprisingly one of the Chitauri is smart enough to take a hold of the material, and yank her backward, Raven falling flat on her back. One of them try and stab her with his spear looking thing, that can also shoot their weird blue energy thing, but she roll out of the way shooting it in the head, and all his fellow aliens buddies that were around her.

Raven jump on her feet, taking off the parachute before one of them try that shit again. Grunts and groans attract her attention, she turn around, seeing Black Widow and Hawkeye fighting off some Chitauri, the archer using his bow and arrows the best he could, trying to not get killed. And the ex assassin is using her fist and what looks like tasers at her wrist, to take down the aliens.

Raven join their side, shooting all the aliens coming too close to the agents to her liking. Natasha take one of the aliens weapons on the ground, using it against them which seem to work pretty well. One of the aliens tackle Clint to the ground, but Raven shoot him before it could do anything else. But while she's helping Clint, another one crept down on her and with one kick of his leg she fly away, sliding on a car then falling on the ground. The Chitauri approach her while she's standing back up, it take a hold of her head and slam her on the hood of a taxi, then throw her across the street.

Raven end up at Natasha's feet. "Hi !" The redhead look down at her, still shooting the alien with one of their weapons. "Hey you okay ?" Raven doesn't know if she's asking her for what just happened, or if it's about the plane crash. She doesn't have time to answer when a Chitauri try and kick Natasha, but the brunette push the Russian out of the way taking the kick, ending up on an another car. The alien try and stab her with his spear, but she move just enough for it to pierce the metal of the car, she take out her sword handle, placing it right under the Chitauri's chin and deploy her sword piercing its skull.

The ex soldier look back at the fight, Clint is doing mostly okay, but Natasha is countering an attack, the alien's spear in front of her to protect herself. Unfortunately, the Chitauri fighting the redhead grab it and throw her across the place, landing on top of a car, the Russian flying rather high and landing quit harshly. For a moment the agent doesn't move, from where she's standing Raven can see her chest moving up and down quickly meaning she's not dead, probably taking a breath back but it's not really the time with aliens around.

Raven switch weapons, she grab her pump-rifle knowing it doesn't have a lot of bullets, but she's really fast at reloading it. In a matter of seconds she blow at least five heads of these creatures, stomping her way carefully to the redhead still laying on top of the car, breathing heavily.

"You okay ?" Raven look around, one of the creatures manage to almost hit her, but she explode its head before it can. She slide her pump rifle on her back again, and help Natasha get down from the car. The ex mercenary take back her assault rifle, shooting the aliens around her, not missing once.

The three of them start to fight again in good coordination, Natasha is still using the alien weapon, Clint is still with his bow and Raven her assault rifle. More and more started to come, the three fighters were back to back, fighting off the Chitauri. If one of these creatures fall, ten replace it. Luckily it seems like Captain America was done with whatever he was doing since he join their fight, taking down two at a time while Clint, Raven and Natasha shoot the rest.

Three Chitauri point their weapons at them, but a blinding light toast them, the god of thunder landing where the Chitauri he just barbecued were standing. It seems like he's a bit injured as he lean on a flipped car to stand up.

The group seeing as no more of these creatures are surrounding them for the moment, take this opportunity to catch their breath. Hawkeye take back his arrows that stick out of some Chitauri's corpse and skulls. Raven is casually leaning on a car, checking if her guns are ready and she got enough ammos. Rogers is on full Captain mode, approaching the god of thunder. "What's the story up there ?"

Thor look at the man answering seriously and probably worried as well "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." At his words, an idea pop in Raven's head, not really brilliant, but they're all running out of option right now. "What if we blow it ? Not just the machine thing, but maybe the whole roof of the tower ? Might be enough to actually stop the damn thing." She shrug but get frown, and weird glances her way from the people surrounding her. Stark is quick to interfere "You are not blowing up my tower ! Thor's right we got to deal with these guys."

They all look up at the billionaire flying above their heads, a group of Chitauri hot on his trail. "It could work though." Raven mumble.

She look around hoping no one heard her, but a certain redhead side look at her a smirk on her face, before looking around referring to Stark words "How do we do this ?"

Rogers is quick to answer like he did this hundred times before, which he actually probably did "As a team." The ex mercenary badly wants to scoff at his words, she don't do very well as a team, not anymore at least.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Raven look at him with an eyebrow raise "Who doesn't ?" While Clint who's still fidgeting with his arrows sarcastically answer his opinion " Oh yeah ? Get in line." Raven look at him with a big goofy smile. Yeah she's gonna like him, they're gonna be trouble together. Unfortunately Steve don't think it's the right time for jokes or sarcasm "Save it !" Raven look at him offended, bringing a hand to her chest, drawing a smile on Natasha's face seeing her expression.

"Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need." Steve start walking, analyzing the terrain "Without him those things could run wild." He turn back toward them mentioning to the sky "We got Stark up top. He's going to need us to..." The sound of an old motorcycle cut short his speech, the group look at the mad person that could be driving into this nightmare. A smile form on Raven's face, looking at doctor Banner, with what seems like an all dirty shirt and trouser on... he just look dirty all together anyway, must've had a rough landing on the ground.

They all approach the man, who himself walk slowly toward them, mentioning around. "So, this all seems horrible."

Romanoff on the side look at him up and down, answering for both herself and Raven "I've seen worse." The scientist look at Raven and Natasha sheepishly not really knowing what to say. "Sorry." The redhead ex assassin then explain further shaking her head "No, we could use a little worse."

The ex mercenary look at the ex assassin like she just grown two heads, before understanding that they don't really have a choice and could really use Banner's alter ego right now. It seems like Rogers agrees as well.

"Stark, we got him." Raven almost forgot about the billionaire in the air still chased by the alien worm.

"Banner ?" The genius ask for confirmation, probably proud of himself, knowing the scientist would show up.

"Just like you said." Steve confirm with a nod even if Stark couldn't see him.

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you !" He said the last words a bit too enthusiastically for someone being followed by something bigger than themselves.

Seconds after he let out his words, Iron man fly around a corner, the alien following closely behind, destroying the corner of the building. Captain Rogers let out a sigh seeing the thing approaching, Thor grip his hammer firmer. On Raven's left, Natasha speak matter of factly, probably trying to mask the fear "I-I don't see how's that a party."

"Well with the rubles falling behind, you can imagine them as fireworks." Natasha turn to Raven with an eyebrow raised, while Raven just shrug her shoulders. The joke was suppose to lighten up the mood, but also to cover her own fear. Because even if she would be denying it, Raven is scared right now. They probably all are, except maybe the god of thunder, but they all know, the only thing capable of stopping those creatures from invading earth, is them.

Iron Man start to approach the ground, making the worm crash, sliding along the street, cars flying everywhere, concrete being ripped from the road. The scientist look at them before starting to march toward the creature, bigger than him even if he would transform. She was not doubting him earlier but right now she really is asking herself question. Will doctor Banner, be able to stop that thing ?

Steve probably think the Doctor need a bit of a boost as he call after him. "Dr Banner ! Now might be a really good time for you to get angry."

The man look behind his shoulder, a knowing smirk on his face. "That's my secret Captain." He pause in the middle of the street, the alien coming closer and closer, destroying everything underneath it. "I'm always angry."

As if to prove his point, the Doctor turn to the alien now meters away, his skin changing color, his clothes ripping open, and his muscles expanding, all in a matter of seconds. Raven can't help the impressive 'wow' escaping her lips, moving backward a bit as the green giant fist of the Hulk, collide with the aliens face.

Because of the speed the alien had, the Hulk manage to stop it, but it start to elevate of the ground, curling on itself slightly and falling over, directly where the team is gathered. They all have the instinct to back up, even if they really could, there was no guaranty they could escape the whole thing, seeing how enormous it is. Luckily Stark is quick to interfere "Hold on !" raising his arm and shooting something to its tail. It's a small weapon but as it explode Raven understand it got probably the same power as one of the missile on the crashed aircraft she had.

They all take cover. Clint rushing to hide himself behind a car, Captain raise his shield above his head, protecting the Russian spy who was close to him, and Raven slide under a nearby truck.

All around them, the Chitauri that were all scattered on Buildings and the streets, let out high pitch screams, probably of rage and anger, seeing their companion killed.

In response to those screams, the Hulk let out a roar, that could get your blood to freeze in your veins. The heroes all stood back to back, readying their weapons. Raven want to roll her eyes when she take in the dramatic way they're all standing in a circle. She change her magazine, looking around, the adrenaline rushing back to her. They're ready to quick some ass.

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