Puppy Love ||OHSHC||

By Fizze_Frog

30.4K 1.1K 84

Mathieu Nanase quietly transfer's to Ouran Private Academy with his service dog Tadeo after his mother's sudd... More

Character Description
First Note
Chapitre Deux
Chapitre Trois
Chapitre Quatre
Chapitre Cinq
Chapitre Six
Chapitre Sept
Chapitre Huit
Chapitre Neuf
Chapitre Dix
Chapitre Onze
Chapitre Douze
Chapitre Treize
Chapitre Quatorze
Chapitre Quinze
Chapitre Seize
Chapitre Dix-Sept
Chapitre Dix-Huit
Chapitre Dix-Neuf
Chapitre Vingt
Chapitre Vingt et Un
Chapitre Vingt Deux
Chapitre Vingt Trois
Chapitre Vingt Quatre
Chapite Vignt Cinq
Chapitre Vingt Six
Chapitre Vingt Sept
Chapitre Vingt Huit
Author's Note

Chapitre Un

2.2K 64 9
By Fizze_Frog

I arrived at the large castle-like school called Ouran Private Academy. Tadeo walked by my side, keeping his eyes trained on me as I went to the front office.

"Assis," I said softly to Tadeo who sat at my side obediently.

I thanked the secretary who gave me my schedule.

"Allons-y," I murmured, continuing my way down the hall, Tadeo keeping his attention on me. 

My homeroom class was in classroom 2-A. The only time I would ever switch classrooms was during my study hall, which was the length of two classes at the end of the day.

I made my way to my classroom and knocked on the door. The door slid open and the teacher let me in. "Ah, you must be our new student, come In and introduce yourself," he said dully. I nodded and walked to the front of the room, facing the class. Tadeo automatically sat by my side.

"Hello everyone, my name is Nanase, Mathieu. This is my service dog, Tadeo. We're transferring from a school in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I hope we can all get along," I introduced, bowing slightly.

"Welcome to the class Nanase-Kun, please take a seat next to Suoh-Kun," The teacher instructed. 

A blond boy with blue eyes raised his hand. I went to the empty desk next to him and sat down.

"Coucher," I murmured to Tadeo, who laid down beside my desk.

"My name is Suoh, Tamaki, it's nice to meet you," Tamaki chirped as he stuck out his hand.

"You as well," I smiled back softly, shaking his hand.

"Your dog is beautiful," Suoh complimented. 

"Thank you, you can pet him if you want," I said quietly. Tamaki smiled and Tadeo gladly accepted the pats.

I was feeling drained already. I rested my head in my hand and listened to the teacher the best I could. I really hope I can make it through the day without having a cataplexy episode.

I couldn't help but feel like everyone was staring at me. I looked around and numerous girls snapped their gazes to the front of the room. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

The lunch bell rang and everyone rushed out of the classroom to go meet with their friends. Just as I was about to get up, someone stood by my desk.

"Would you like to go to our club for lunch?" Suoh asked with a tilt of his head.

"Sure?" I agreed hesitantly.

He grinned, "Great! Let's go!" He exclaimed, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the classroom. Tadeo picked up his leash and followed me, regardless of any cues I should've said.

The tall boy with raven hair and glasses followed behind us as we went up the staircases. We entered a music room on the third floor. It was grand and elegant. It looked more like a ballroom than it did a music room.

"Libérer," I said to Tadeo, unclipping his leash. He licked my hand and went over to Suoh, who excitedly pet my dog.

"You're dog is so cute!" Suoh gushed.

"What tasks does your service dog perform?" The quiet boy that followed us asked.

"Oh, he lets me know when I'm about to have a cataplexy episode. He also helps me wake up in the morning if I sleep through my alarm," I explained as the boy looked through a black book. "I should probably find some Japanese patches for Tadeo's vest, huh?" I asked sheepishly.

"So, you're from Quebec, right? You can speak French?" Tamaki asked excitedly. 

I nodded. "Yeah, all of Tadeo's commands are also in French," I stated.

"Have you thought of any clubs to join yet?" Who I quickly learned to be Kyoya Ootroi, questioned smoothly.

"Uh, no, not yet. Why?" I replied. Ootori made me slightly nervous.

The blond boy jumped up excitedly. "You should join the host club! We've been hearing a lot of chatter about you from the ladies. And, it's required here at Ouran Private Academy that all students join and participate in an after-school club!" Suoh listed, twirling around dramatically.

"Who's this guy?" Two identical voices quipped. I turned my head to see two ginger-headed twins enter the room.

Tamaki went to introduce me but Ootori beat him to it. "This is Nanase, Mathieu. He transferred here from Canada into class 2-A. Tamaki was just giving him a tour," He explained as the twins sat down on the love seat.

"But! I was also saying how he'd make a great fit for our club! If he so chose that is. Don't you guys think, I mean, look at him! Girls love foreigners!" Tamaki but in, grabbing the back of my shoulders and shaking me slightly.

Tadeo, having done all of his sniffing, trotted over to me and sat down by my left side.

"I'm sure you have a very nice club, but, it's only my first day. I don't think you should be too hasty to add me to your roster," I stammered. Ootori quirked his eyebrow slightly and wrote something down in his book.

The fuck is that supposed to mean? Is he writing my death note? I thought in a panic.

"Anyway, lunch is almost over and I really need to go to the office to discuss some conflicts I may have, so, I will see you all later... Yeah. Thanks for the introductions," I said awkwardly, bowing to them before I scurried out of the room with my dog.

I made my way to the office where I was supposed to meet with the Chairman. I was led to his office where I was to wait for him to return from his lunch. Tadeo lay by my feet, resting his head on his front paws.

When the door opened I stood up, going to greet our chairman. "Ah! You must be Mr. Mathieu!" He greeted, hugging me instead of going for the handshake I was offering.

"Ah, yes, it is very nice to meet you. I would like to thank you for letting me attend here even though the year has already started," I stammered gratefully. He chuckled and sat down at his desk.

"Okay," He started with the clap of his hands, making me jump, "I've gone over your file along with the email with your questions. While you're here, you don't have to wear a uniform if that would make you more comfortable when you were to have an episode. But, I still would like you to join an after-school club. It doesn't have to be a sports club of course, but any club would look good on your record," He listed. I nodded in acknowledgment. 

"About my Uncle, if there were any mandatory club or class events, I don't think I would ever be able to get a slip signed, so, I was curious on what I should do if that were to ever happen?" I asked hesitantly.

"I will be more than willing to sign any slips you might need," He stated. He took a deep breath before speaking again, "You may not know this, but I, I grew up with your mother," Yuzuru admitted softly, looking anywhere but at me.

I felt my body freeze slightly, "What?" I squeaked.

"If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to come and see me," He smiled at me gently, getting up and patting my shoulder. "Now, I have another board meeting to attend too. Don't think too hard about joining any clubs right now. And I want you to know, you will always be welcome here, so please, don't hesitate to come to me with any concerns," He spoke delicately, ruffling my hair and walking out of his office.

I took a deep breath and stood up. That was a lot more than I was expecting to get out of this visit. "Allons-y," I said to Tadeo, who got up to walk by my side.

Word count: 1,286

Assis - Sit
Allons-y - Let's go
Coucher - Lay Down
Libérer - Release

Hello! Welcome to the Rewrite of 'The Distant Type'. I hope you guys like this version better since I could hardly read the old one without cringing. My french is a lot better since the last time I wrote this, for I had just started learning french and this is now my fourth year of learning french. But, to my french-speaking readers, If my terms or grammar is wrong, PLEASE tell me.

I will try and update as much as possible, but I do have a job and I am still in school. ANYWAY, thank you all for sticking by my side through these rough last years. 

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