A Demon Horns and Butterflies

By DanicaFanships

1.6K 15 2

Star and Tom wasn't always at odds, in fact they were quite the cute couple known across the kingdoms until t... More

Invitation to the Ball
Meeting Prince Lucitor
Ditching the Ball
The Ball Has Begun
Marco's Decision
A Demons Butterfly
Tom's Morning After
Morning thoughts with Star
Formulating Plans
Mr. Candle
Tom's Plan has Begun

Hidden Information

109 2 0
By DanicaFanships

-Marco's Pov-

Okay okay so maybe Stars right about being able to handle herself, she's done plenty of fights now thanks to Ludo to have the experience and she has technically gotten better with her wand but I just can't help feeling that there is something more to this, and I don't understand why she would want to go out with him! He's her Ex, and from what she told me, about why they broke up, someone that has really bad anger issues, and will start fighting before thinking.

But no, Star is able to make her own decisions, even if they are really bad ones and just because I don't trust Tom doesn't mean I don't trust Star. She left me the bell and said that she will contact me if anything starts to seem suspicious. I'll just go grab those nachos and start the movie. The moon though is pretty unique tonight, I haven't really seen anything like it. I guess Tom wasn't lying about that part.

"The Blood Moon Ball, the moon of lovers"

Okay that's it, who's there? I look around and can't find anyone, maybe I am just going crazy now from worry. Remember trust in Star, don't give her any reason to think you don't. Even if you still are really worried, think all of this is a really bad idea, and is just waiting for something to go wrong.

What if the voice I heard though is true, yes of course it could just be me over stressing but what if somehow this blood moon involves magic or something. You know, I could just pop in and check on her real quick, yeah I'll be out before she even knows I was there. Plus if there is something fishy then I can tell her that I was right and she should have stayed at home with me.

I get dressed up a bit, put on a mask, ring the bell, and wait for the elevator to come back up. "Bottom floor please", he sighs and starts to go down. I kinda feel for the guy, you know being used to pull an elevator up and down, but I mean this is related to the underworld he probably did something to deserve the job he's doing.

Reaching the ground floor I'm thankful to no longer just be looking at dirt and rocks. There's lots of cool torches around and the entire place just looks wicked. In the distance I see a lot of different types of creatures or well I guess demons. It's a good thing that I brought my mask, I can fit in without anyone noticing that I'm human!

Walking around I eventually find Star and see her talking with Tom, she seems to be pretty happy. Well now I know she's doing okay plus she is even smiling, so techically I should leave now, but maybe not just yet at least.

"Did you hear Prince Tom changed the whole layout of the party for his date?"

Date! And He did what? Why would he have changed it for Star? How was it supposed to be? I know eavesdropping is bad but it's for Star.

"Yeah, he made it less of a demon ball! Getting rid of the Bubbling cauldrons that melt your flesh off, invited non-citizens of the underworld to make things seem less scary! Hello, we are demons, what the heck!"

Okay, so basically, he made It a more normal type of ball instead of a demon one? Well that's not that bad I guess but he is so still up to something.

-Stars Pov-

It happened again, so one of the things Tom was looking forward to was taking a picture with each other covered in blood, kinda creepy but again this is hell and he is a demon, but he decided instead of normal blood he would have it a Unicorn blood for me because then it's not Human/Mewman, and it's pink but like Ponyhead is a Unicorn and that just feels wrong. Okay I can probably still help him get the picture he wants, I mean people on Earth use fake blood all the time and it looks pretty real so I bet we could use that! I see Tom messing with something behind his back and so I try to find out what it was, turns out it was Cotton!

"Hey Tom, I have an idea about the photo"

"Look Starship, it's okay, I get it, you don't want to take the picture and that's okay..."

I grab hold of his hands before he can continue, and he seems to freeze up, I wonder why?

"Listen okay? I do want to take the picture with you Tom, I'm just not really used to demon customs or anything and I get the feeling that you have already done a lot to accomidate for me with this ball, so I have an idea. You see, instead of pink unicorn blood that might make one of my friends hate me, how about we use red prop blood? The humans on earth use it all the time, and it looks real!"

He looks up at me in surprise, and seemed worried about what to say next. "Are, are you sure Star? We don't have to, it's fine really."

"Yes Tom, I'm sure sides, wait a moment" I take out my wand and do a few little zaps here and there and tadah! "Okay it's already done see? A new photo opportunity but with prop instead of Unicorn blood! Plus since it's red it will look more like it's supposed to for the ball!"

His smile comes back and reaches his eyes, he looks truly happy and we go up to take the photo and get dunked on. He puts one of his hands on the small of my back while making a peace sign with the other which I decide to mimic. Once the photo is done, and we are equally drenched, Tom and I use our magic to fix up our outfits and continue to walk around the ballroom and talk.

Tom though disappears for a second to go and grab us some drinks and snacks, which was apparently the cue for someone to come up to me and ask if I was his date for the ball. After explaining yes, my suspicions about him changing up the customs for the blood moon ball, were turned out to be true, and that some of the people attending the ball are not the happiest about it because apparently it made it more boring.

By the time Tom gets back the guy had already left and disappeared into the crowd. How do I tell him that I'm sorry about him having to change everything just to try to make it special for me and so I don't get frightened away? Do I tell him thank you or do I just apologize, maybe I shouldn't say anything...

"Heya Starship, I got you some punch! Oh hey what happened, did something happen to you while I was gone, tell me what's wrong. I'll do my best to try and fix it"

I guess my emotions right now is an open book, I just don't know how to explain it to him what's going on through my mind right now.

"I, I guess I kinda just realized how much you did to make all of this comfortable for me, and that you were probably really stressed and worried about how I would react, and how you have been so sweet to me during all of this and have met me more than half way but I haven't really don't anything for you and I, I'm just sorry and I feel bad, and I'm also feeling bad that I probably ruined the ball quite a bit for the guests because they're used to demon customs and I'm not so I just made this all boring to them..."

"Hey there Starship, breathe for me okay? You didn't do anything wrong. Yes I did change some things but honestly who needs a cauldron that melts all of your skin off? And look around, sure this may not be what they are used to but no one seems that upset honestly. Change is just hard for some people to get used to. And...there's something I need to come clean about as well and I hope you won't hate me for it." 

Story Word Count 1411

A/N: Hey guys just a little warning all of the updates posted were from quite a bit of writing already and so future updates might take longer, I should be able to get one more done because I only have like 800 words left...that I am completely redoing entirely because it not longer fits the story line and will probably turn into over 1000 but it's okay lol, anyways I hope your enjoying the story!

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