Cheaters/Abusers x Male Reade...

By Shadowking2030

178K 2K 859

A Story where you (Y/N) is cheated and abused by those who you thought was people you loved but apparently w... More

Important Notice
Bio Information
Prologue The Day A Protector Vanished
Chapter 1 A New World DxD Part 1
Chapter 2 Meeting the First One DxD Part 2
Chapter 3 The Magical Advisor Appears DxD Part 3
Chapter 4 Magic Training Under a Devil Leader DxD Part 4
Chapter 5 A Meeting with a Fiance DxD Part 5
Chapter 6 a Hellish Training DxD Part 6
Chapter 7 The Match For Ones Freedom DxD Part 7
Chapter 8 A Familiar plus A Holy Meeting DxD Part 8
Chapter 9 Meeting with the Angels and Fallens Dxd Part 9
Multiversal Army
Chapter 10 Facing a War Crazed Fallen DxD Part 10
Chapter 11 Meeting the White Dragon Emperor + Reading the letter DxD part 11
Chapter 12 The fifth Lover Plus Training DxD Part 12
Chapter 13 Answers received Dxd part 13
Chapter 14 A Life Changing Wish DxD Finale
Bio Update
Chapter 15 A New World RWBY Part 1
Chapter 16 A Day in Remnant RWBY Part 2
Chapter 17 Training The Arc + Tearful Reunion RWBY Part 3
Chapter 18 Match Against the Bully's RWBY Part 4
Chapter 20 Immense Training + Confessions RWBY PART 6
Chapter 21 Meeting a Thief and a ice cream RWBY PART 7
Chapter 22 Obtaining the Golden Transport RWBY PART 8
Chapter 23 The Trap is Sprung RWBY PART 9
Chapter 24 The Unforgettable School Dance RWBY PART 10
Chapter 25 Triple Confessions RWBY part 11
Chapter 26 A Short Vision + Training RWBY Part 12
Chapter 27 Old Foe Appears + Clue RWBY Part 13
Chapter 28 Answers + Departure RWBY PART 14 (Final)
Chapter 29 Reunion and Confrontation Genshin Part 1
Chapter 30 Settling a Old Score Genshin Part 2
Chapter 31 Childhood Friends Reunite Genshin Part 3
Chapter 32 Meeting The Archon of Geo and Lightning + Confessions Genshin Part 4
Chapter 33 Visions Unlocked and a Family discussion Genshin Part 5
Chapter 34 Confessions + Training Genshin Part 6
Chapter 35 Tragedy Strikes Genshin Part 7
Chapter 36 New Universe Borderlands Part 1
Chapter 37 Saving a Leader Borderlands Part 2
Chapter 38 The Evil Jack appears Borderlands Part 3
Chapter 39 A Special base + Discussion Borderlands Part 4
Chapter 40 A Test and meeting the b-team Borderlands Part 5
Transformation Question
Chapter 41 Training Session and Confession Borderlands Part 6
Harem + World Question
Chapter 42 an attack on Sanctuary Borderlands Part 7
Chapter 43 Stealing the key Borderlands Part 8
Chapter 44 The Royal Reveal Borderlands Part 9
Chapter 45 Training with the Raiders Borderlands Part 10
Chapter 46 confessions and meeting the Sheriff Borderlands Part 11
Chapter 47 Training and a Confession Borderlands Part 12

Chapter 19 Defending a City RWBY Part 5

2K 30 15
By Shadowking2030


After Ruby and I Dashed out of the dorm we arrive in Vale to see mechanical robots attacking the citizens with what looks to be one purple robot leading them

The purple robot

Y/N:Ruby can you try to get as many citizens as you can to safety I'll see if I can't stall the leader and if you see the others tell them to help with rescuing the citizens


Ruby runs to help the citizens while I walk towards the robot

The robot notices me and faces in my direction

Purple robot:So your here at last Y/N Pendagon L/N I presume?

Y/N:So you know me huh then if we are telling names mind telling yours then Mr robot?

Storm Eagle:I prefer reploid but whatever you humans can think of works too I suppose in any case my name is Storm Eagle

Y/N:So if I was to guess right your based on the eagle while also having the power to cause strong storms from the blaster on I'm gonna say right arm?

Storm Eagle:it's more of the left arm but a very good guess none the less

Y/N:Right so what do you say we skip the rest of our chit chat and get right down to the fight?

Storm Eagle says nothing which he sends a strong tornado my way

Replace the two other robots with you and that's what happened

Blocking the attack I hold my ground only to see storm Eagle gone

Y/N:Where did...

Suddenly I pick up on a screeching sound coming from behind

Quickly moving I dodge an attack by storm Eagle

Storm Eagle:So you dodged my swoop attack not bad

I go silent before speeding towards Storm Eagle only for an after image to pass right through him

Storm Eagle:What?!

I reappear behind storm Eagle which I Slash at one of his wings causing severe damage to it

Storm Eagle then turns to me in anger

Storm Eagle:How?!

I look at Storm Eagle with a eyebrow raised

Storm Eagle:How Are you able to damage a reploid such as me with your sword?! And to make it worse your only a human!

Y/N:While I may look like human on the outside I am anything but human on the inside

Storm Eagle:What?!

Meanwhile with Ruby 3rd POV

Ruby is seen helping as many Citizens as she can while Y/N deals with the leader

Yang:Sis! We are here!!

Ruby sees Yang and her friends along with Y/Ns girlfriends

Ruby:You guys made it!

Akeno:Where is Y/N Ruby?

Ruby:He is dealing with the leader of the Attack but he told me to tell you all when you got here that you all need to help with rescuing the citizens


The group all turn to see a explosion going off further within the city

Ruby:Listen we gotta save the citizens while Y/N is fighting!

Sona:She's right every second we spend standing more and more citizens are getting Injured or even worse killed

Coco:Right well you heard the two! Get moving you guys or do you wanna let innocent civilians be killed?!

Everyone then splits up to save as many as civilians as they can

Back with Y/N (His POV)

Storm Eagle and I have been trading blow after blow of attacks which to the "reploid" amazes him at the strength I possess

Soon we are standing a few feet apart from each other

Storm Eagle:I must admit that your quite skilled but I'm afraid that's all you'll ever achieve against the likes of me

Y/N:Oh and Care to explain why that is?

Storm Eagle says nothing which he then snaps his mechanical fingers at which a giant robot appears behind him

The giant robot

Y/N:Well this is new...

I fire a ki Blast at the robot which after the smoke clears appears to done nothing to it

Y/N:So the use of Ki won't affect it huh...maybe some magic will work?

I cast a thunder spell since most machines are affected by electricity

The spell just picture it hitting the giant robot

The spell does nothing as well

Y/N:Ok care to explain why your giant friend there is not taking any damage from two types of attacks that would normally damage a standard robot or "reploid"?

Storm Eagle:I would tell you but I'm afraid you won't here it anyway....Attack!

The giant sends a punch my way which I quickly bring out mimic and Yamato which I then cross them to form a X and block the punch

Soon I begin to struggle to push the punch back

Y/N:Your Friend is strong I will admit but it must have a weakness somewhere!

As I'm struggling a giant portal appears behind me which another robot appears

What appeared from the portal

The other robot sends a punch towards the giant reploid sending it back a few feet

Storm Eagle:how did you get that robot?!

Y/N:How should I know?

Soon my girlfriends and the rest show up

Serafall:Darling are you alright?

Y/N:Sera I'm fine just got a giant robot to deal with

Ravel:What about this one with you?

We look towards the one near us which Soon a letter floats down to me which I then read

"The Robot is a Mecha called Kurogane it is a robot that will bond with the first one it sees if it is you then you can call it at anytime and to have it activate you must place the soul of someone that has a strong sense of justice to protect others meaning if you have a friend with those attributes then you must I repeat must place their soul in the tube of Kurogane"

I finish reading the letter which I gently touch the leg of Kurogane which Kurogane then begins to become one with my shadow

Y/N:Well seems I have access to a robot of my own

Weiss:Yes but what about the other part of the letter

Y/N:Well I'm not placing Jaune's soul in Kurogane because I'm pretty sure Pyrrha would murder me for taking away her boyfriend

Pyrrha and Jaune blush brightly

Soon Ruby says something that shocks us

Ruby:I'll do it

Yang:What?! Sis think about what your saying!!

Irina: Yang's right Ruby what your saying is that you wanna throw your life away for nothing

Ruby:But it won't be for nothing if I can help protect those of the multiverse with you and those who go with Y/N on his journey!

I go silent as Ruby finishes speaking

Y/N:Very Well

Everyone with me:What?!?!

Y/N:Ruby is right her sacrifice won't be for nothing if she can help protect the multiverse within Kurogane also I believe One of you said this but for each second that passes another civilian in this city is injured or killed by storm eagle's troops plus my magical and physical attacks can only do so much against that giant of his

Akeno:How can you be sure your physical attacks won't affect it when I only seen you use a ki blast and thunder magic against the giant robot

Y/N:Ok so maybe I didn't use a physical attack but still if the two mentioned attacks couldn't harm it then what would be the point of using a physical attack?

Ravel:He's got you there Akeno

Suddenly the flash appears before us with Ozma

Y/N:Master Ozma,Master Wally what brings you both here?

Ozma:We noticed your having a bit of trouble with that robot that Storm Eagle has by his side

Wally:we also heard of her *points to ruby* dedication to become part of your robot so we are here to help with that

Ozma:but I will say what's on everyone's mind but are you 100% you want to do this young one you do know that won't be able to see your friends family or loved ones even after Y/N has  finished his journey throughout the multiverse you will be forever trapped within this robot until your soul evaporates from existence

Wally:Also you won't be able to communicate with anyone but Y/N as he will be the only one who will be able to see and talk to you.

Y/N:Like my master's said ruby are you 100% positive you want to do this?

We face ruby who is thinking about what was said

Ruby:Do it

Ozma:Very well please stand before me

Ruby does just that which master Ozma then takes the soul of ruby and places her inside Kurogane which slowly changes into Ruby's colors

A/N: Basically picture the Kurogane picture up above changing from the color in the pic to the colors of Ruby Rose

Y/N:Ruby are you in there

Kurogane turns it's head before the hand gives a thumbs up signaling Ruby is in control of Kurogane

Y/N:Right then let's go! Kurogane attack!

A giant scythe appears in Kurogane's hands which Kurogane then attacks the giant robot on Storm Eagle's side

I on the other hand rush at Storm Eagle only for two others of his kind to appear Infront of him

The two who appeared Infront of Storm Eagle

Storm Eagle:Armadillo Vile what are you doing here? I have everything under control

Vile:So you say Eagle but you gotta remember even though he is human he could very well kill you as he already made a dent in your body

Before anything else is said three more appear but this time the three appear on my side

The three who appeared on your side of the battle

???? 1:So your causing havic still Vile


Y/N:I don't know who you three are but I'm guessing you have some sort of past with the three attacking the city

X:You could say that though I am impressed you was able to handle Storm Eagle for so long

Zero:Enough talk X we gotta stop the three before they harm anyone else in the city!

X:We need to separate the three otherwise they'll continue to harm the civilians

Y/N:Then how about this....Zero your a swordsman right?

Zero nods his head

Y/N:Then you and I will handle the one called Vile meanwhile X I believe that's your name you can handle Storm Eagle which I'm sure you know his attacks

X:I do yes

Y/N:Next....uh what's your name?

Axel:it's Axel

Y/N:Right Axel so seeing as your a ranged fighter I would say armadillo is yours to handle


Y/N:Everyone else of my group keep protecting the citizens we will handle the attackers!


My group splits up to save the civilians meanwhile Zero and I dash at Vile while X charges Storm Eagle and Axel charges Armored Armadillo

Timeskip to the three plus the giant being destroyed by Y/N Kurogane and the three

X:Well those three are out of the picture hopefully for good this time

Zero:Knowing Sigma they will probably be back

Y/N:So what are you three really? I know that you seem to be reploid as Storm Eagle called himself one but I don't have any other info about you three

X:Right well you know our names already but I'll go ahead and say them again I'm X the one in red with a z on his shoulder plate is Zero and the one with a gun in his hand in Axel

Zero:And yes as you said we are reploids

Axel:but we come from a different timeline where many evil reploids like the three you faced are trying to rule the world

Sona:is there a reason as to why they are attacking humans?

X Zero and Axel then explain what happened in their timeline to cause the evil reploids

Serafall:I see so a virus is causing them to go maverick and this sigma is the one calling the shots?

X:Yes but in any case we must go but we will be glad to work by your side for the protection of the multiverse

Axel hands me a button

Axel:That button will call us to your location in the multiverse

I nod which the three then leave as Kurogane goes into my shadow

Suddenly a bullhead appears which Ozpin qrow Glynda and another individual that looks like a male version of yang

Y/N:Ozpin Qrow Glynda what brings you three here and who is he?

Qrow:The guy with us is Tai Xiao Long Ruby and Yang's Dad

Tai:That's right Qrow now where are ruby and yang

Y/N:Yang is right behind me but as for Ruby well....

Glynda:Did something happen with Ms Rose?

Y/N:It's best for you to look at this memory orb

I cast the spell to summon the orb which plays the events of what happened earlier

Ozpin:So Ms Rose sacrificed herself to power up this Kurogane robot which helped you in your fight against the attacker


Tai:So she's gone and the only one who can communicate with her is you?

Y/N:That's correct Mr Long

Tai:is there anyway we can communicate with her too?

Y/N:I believe the only way I can convey her words to you is through words on a paper

Ruby (Ghost):That's what I'm thinking too

Ozpin:in any case let us return to beacon as to rest for a job well done you all did in protecting the citizens of vale

We nod and head back to the academy where my group along with the 11 students all rest in our specific dorms


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