
By peachesparkerr

3.7K 146 48

I watched them stand up there smiling. Their eyes only focused on each other. A part of me died when they kis... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8 Part 1
Chapter 8 Part 2
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Alternate Epilogue

Chapter Thirteen

110 6 0
By peachesparkerr

It had been about two weeks since I broke up with Dalton. I was heartbroken. I've been crying for days just at the thought of him. The moment we broke up replayed in my head. The moment when he was sitting outside my front door wanting to be let in and I was on the other side with my hand on the doorknob , letting the tears fall from my eyes. As that moment replayed in my head, it made me cry even more. Then I ran out of tears. So I just lay in my bed burried in my blankets watching sad movies. My friend Alex eventually came over.

"Get up. We're going out" She said pulling at my arm

Alex has been my friend since I was dating Cole. She's dating Gabe from IM5. 

"Leave me here to die." I said into my pillow.

"Look, I didn't know Dalton that well while he was in the band but if he hurt you so much to make you be like this for two weeks then you should be getting out there trying to feel better.

I turned back on my back and starred at the ceiling.

"I shouldn't be moping over him but I am. I was in love with him for three years and this is what I get from it." I let some tears fall out of my eyes as i blinked.

"Please don't cry anymore. I hate seeing you like this. I haven't seen you like this in three years."

I haven't cried like this since Cole broke my heart. It killed everyone around me to see me like this.

"I don't know what else to do."

"Let's clean you up a bit. We can brush your hair. Maybe put a little makeup. Put some fresh clothes on and come with me to the IM5 concert. The House on Cliff will be there. We can sit front row. "


"You don't even have to talk to Cole. You and Dana are friends and Gabe too. You can talk to them not Cole. Please. "

"FIne. But I'm wearing what I want to wear. I don't care who's there. I'm wearing what i want to wear."

"As you wish."


After I got dressed we headed out to the concert. I ended up wearing a pink polka dot shirt with white high tops and a  blue tank top. And of course my flower crown.

The concert was great. The House on Cliff were great and are actually really cool guys. I like one of the guys playing guitar I think his name is Charles Coleman. He's really cute and he seemed to think the same of me so we exchanged numbers. I was hanging out with him along with the rest of his band. Alex was hanging out with Gabe and Dana and Cole. Cole had noticed me during the show. They were singing Touchdown Dance and mid solo Cole noticed me standing within the crowd as if I were just another fan singing and dancing along. A lot of the fans recognized me and I took pictures with them. Some of them hugged me telling me that they heard about me and Dalton and that they were sorry. It made me smile that they still cared about the girl that Cole broke up with a year into the band.

I was just about to leave. I was hugging the guys of The House on Cliff goodbye. Hanging out with the same guys for four hours and becoming best friends with them really says something about eh world we live in. I had just hugged Gabe and Dana goodbye. Dana, a few years younger than me, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder to prevent me from going. He was sixteen yet way stronger than any guy I've met in the past year. Gabe gave me a death hug and told me it'd be okay. He didn't like Dalton that much anymore but he still loved me like his sister. Then I said goodbye to Alex. She wanted to make sure I was okay before Ieft so I told her I'd be fine and left.

As I walked to my car Cole followed me. I didn't want to talk to him. Yes I know it had been three years since we broke up but he never said sorry. He broke my heart and never apologized. And that was the end. I didn't talk to him at all after that. He kept trying to catch up to me

"Charlie please wait. "

"I have nothing to say to you Cole. " I said walking faster. He caught up to me and turned me around and held my arms. He looked into my eyes. I saw hurt in his and he saw pain in mine.

"I know you hate me. And I know you have much better things to do than talk to the guy that broke your heart those years ago. But I needed to see you again. I never forgave myself for hurting you. I never should have. Cassidy and I, there was nothing real about that. I loved her but I could have never loved her the way I love you. She cheated on me to the point where I felt no love for her. I know you never forgave me. I never said sorry for hurting you. And it may be a few years late but I'm saying it now. I'm sorry. I knew that Dalton would take care of you from the moment I found out Cassidy cheated on me. But I didn't know that he'd hurt you like this. He's going to go back to Madison no matter how much she hurt him. But he did love you. And I'm sorry things are how they are. You probably don't know what to say. I don't blame you. What do you say to the guy who broke your heart three years ago when he tells you he still loves you? "

"Cole I-"

"I don't expect you to feel the same way. I don't expect you to feel anything but hate. I can't just come into your life. But I had to see you again. I had to tell you."

"Cole could you let me talk please?"

"Oh. Okay go ahead."

"When we broke up I was confused.I didn't know what I did wrong. I thought there was something wrong with me. What else was I supposed to think? I questioned why you would ever want to cheat on me. I thought I was a waste of time. I thought I was never going to get over the fact that for two years I loved you. We dated when we were so young. We called it love and it was. Or so I thought it was. But to everyone else they thought, how could you have a relationship like that at fourteen? That's when Tyler got sick. And that's when I stopped crying over you. I had to be strong for him. And when he died I didn't cry right then and there. It took me a few months after, and then everything hit me. I suddenly started crying. Everything hit me. My brother had died. You had just broken up with me. My parent's divorce. Having to move in with an uncle I barely knew. I didn't get an explanation. I didn't get a goodbye. All I saw was my boyfriend kissing another girl. Do you understand how much you hurt me?"

"I know. And I'm truly and deeply sorry."

"Are you sorry that it happened or sorry that I caught you?"


"Exactly. Did you care at all about me? It wasn't over for me" I was going to start crying but he wiped those tears and held my hands in his. There were some fans that hadn't left yet watching us. But tit seemed like they had enough manners not to come up to us.

"Don't cry please. Of course I cared about you. I still care. I screwed everything up. But you have to know that I do love you and I truly, deeply am sorry. " He held my face in his hands. I put my hands on his to move them. But he looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I saw sorrow in his and he saw hurt in mine. Then he kissed me. I didn't know why, but I kissed him back. For a moment I felt safe again. But then I knew that things were going to change after that. And I didn't know if they would change for the better or for the worse.

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