My Love: Angel and Devil (bxb)

By MAH200118

22.4K 480 4

Danny has a perfect life with great family and friends. Whereas James, who is soon to be alpha and waiting fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 14

597 11 0
By MAH200118


There were two days left for my next match and danny has his second competition tomorrow. If he wins that then he will directly go to finals with other 4 schools. Everything was going fine ,we both would meet in empty places and spend time together but none of our friends knew about us.


The day when I had my first competition, i didn't tell anyone about the incident that happened in changing room. The school's bad boy Liam came to changing room when I was keeping my clothes inside locker and was bare chest.
"Ooohhh, what a fine piece" Liam said and i turned around.
"Excuse me!" I said while getting annoyed.
"Danny I didn't knew you had such a sexy ass, man".
"Liam don't piss me off. Just get out."
"Why are you waiting for someone?"he asked while coming towards me. Then immediately he put both his hands on locker caging in between.
" Liam, just get the fuck off me".
"No baby, i will devour you and eat like a monster" he said in my ears in a sensual way. But my mind was stuck on the way how James will react to this. Till now I have understood how possessive werewolves are about their mate and my one is an alpha, it will totally a blood bath.
" Baby, what are you thinking?" Liam asked and try to put his hands on my cheek. But I pushed him.
" Liam I am giving you this time last warning get the fuck out if my life." I said and he just smirk and left.

I know Liam from childhood we were never friends because he was always arrogant, dominating and in bad influences. But from past few months he started annoying me by trying to flirt with me and getting on my nerves. He was known as the bad boy in our school and you can say popular also but second because in top in terms of popularity was my babe (James). Liam always commented on me sometimes in a rude way or in sexual way but yesterday he crossed all his limits by physically touching me.
"Hey, hey dude what happened?"Michael asked.
"Nothing, just tired" i said. I have not told anyone about these things not even my friends because I was able to handle it but now I don't think so i will be...
"Danny, you know you can talk to me about anything anytime, right?" Michael said and I knew whenever I need to have heartfelt conversation whom to go (Michael).
"Ya sure, come let's go" i smiled and we went for lunch.

Today is my second competition and i was excited about it. I wanted to make everyone happy and proud. In afternoon, I reached school and got ready, soon after everyone started coming and all my friends were with my family and James was sitting on the same spot like last time. He smiled and gave me a flying kiss. Afterwards, I took my stance and jumped after whistle, when I came outside everyone was already cheering and happy. I already knew I won and again on top but also directly to finals.  I ran towards my family and friends when my mom immediately hugged me
"I am so proud of you my baby".
"Let's have a party tonight" my friends started dancing and hooting. "But dad I still have finals to win".
"It is not necessary to party on finals only, we can have it right now also. My son was on top in both the rounds so party will happen" dad announced and we all immediately left for house. Meantime i messaged james...

Me: hey babe
Love (James): hiii,😘 where are you?
Me: sorry we can't meet today. Dad kept a small party for my win.
Love: 😞😞
Me: don't be sad we will definitely meet tomorrow and i will do compensate😉 you for today.
Love: woah, then i will not leave that opportunity. Bye, enjoy have fun and good night
Me: bye, good nite😊

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