reunion || heeseung

By yerinnnna

75.2K 1.8K 863

y/n have no choice to live with heeseung, the two hasn't met each after years and now would need to get along... More



1.8K 55 38
By yerinnnna


“Flight attendants, prepare for landing please.”

yeojin rose up from her seat. she! walked out and went to collect her luggage.

"mom? I reached the airport!" she called her.

"oh dear I can't move away at the moment... I'll ask Nishimura-kun to pick you up! I'll send you a picture of him later sorry dear" she hangs up.

"yup busy as always" she clicked on the new message her mom sent.

"oh? he look quite young to me" she thought as she went to a bench near by to wait.

a few minutes later a boy came rushing as he looks as his phone as if he's looking for someone.

"oh? he looks like nishimura-san..."

"yeojin! right?" the japanese male came to her.

"yes, you are nishimura..."

"riki! or just call me niki! I'm actually younger than you so..."

"ahh ill call you riki kun then" she smiled. the both were communicating in japanese too.

"you can also just call me by my name I don't mind! and I'll call you yeojin-san then"

"just call me by my name too!"

"noona!" "you know korean?" they switched the language

"I take Korean classes! and your japanese is really good too " he smiles.

"oh thankyou! my parents forced me to learn them when I was younger.." she smiled bitterly.

"I would like to improve my japanese, would like to talk in japanese to me?" she asks.

"sure!" he answered.

the both chatted happily heading to her parents house despite that it was their first meeting. they have alot in common as they gets along well too.


"does anyone knows where the hell is yeojin?!" heeseung said furiously.

the eight, but now seven sat together due to heeseung calling them for a sudden meeting, as he slams his drink on the table.

the girl casually sips their drinks in sync, all avoiding gazes.

"I don't really know, what happened?" jake asks.

"she went missing."

"missing?!" sunghoon and jake exclaimed but the girls seems calmer than they should be.

"you girls know something right?" he glared at them.

"why are you glaring at us? it's like we know where she is... hahaha......" jiwoo sips her drinks awkwardly.

heeseung slams his hand on the table. "just, tell me where is she" he tried his best to stay calm.

"baby do you know what happened" sunghoon whispers to chaeyoung earning a smack softly on his head, shaking her head telling him to not ask more about yeojin as sunghoon obeys.

"please tell me, I did something really wrong and I wanted to apologize..." heeseung said looking down.

"yeah, don't y'all ship them too?" Jake asks.

"we don't ship yeojin with people that yells at her..." jayun scoffs.

"arghhhhh just please help me I'll do anything y'all want!" heeseung said looking frustrated with his hand ruffling his hair.

"he's my friend, him?" sunghoon plead chaeyoung.

"uhhhhh..." she look over to the rest. seeun did 'a little bit' with her fingers, signaling that they should help him just a bit.

"she went to Japan" chaeyoung said with heeseungs wide eyes.

"she what??! for how long?" he asks with a shaking voice.

"forever" jayun coldly said as seeun nudged her a little. heeseung was stunned as he immediately grabbed his things.

"I had to excuse myself, I have something important to do" he lefts and walks away hurriedly.

"why did you say forever?" jiwoo looked at jayun.

"to make him panick of course " she stretches her arms in relax smiling.

"woah that scares me..." Jake held his heart as sunghoon release a sigh too. "don't tell him" chaeyoung glares at them making them glup.

'i should never make her angry' sunghoon thought as the both quickly nodded their head.

"but sunghoon has a competition coming up right? and its in Japan!" jiwoo said.

"yeah! why not we all go together?" jake smiled.

"ehhh I'm not paying" sunghoon said.

"yeah yeah we know we can buy it ourselves" jake rolls his eyes.

"so everyone's going to sunghoons competition?" jayun asks. "yeah" everyone nods except one.

"wahh everyone is going to see me perfome, it's making me nervous" sunghoon jokes.

"I... may not be able to follow you guys, but its fine! you guys could text me about how yall are doing there" jiwoo smiled bitterly.

"why? I can pay them for you!" seeun offered but jiwoo just shakes her head.

"nono it's fine, I don't want to rely on someone that much.." "ahh is that so.., we'll really miss you jiwoo" the girls all sulked.

"jiwoo ill pay for yours, money isn't a problem to me," jake said as jiwoo was about to open her mouth but he stopped her.

"but!! I have an offer." he said.

"what offer? I can do anything! giv you cake or breads or be your maid I'm fine with any-"

"woah woah no" jake hurriedly stopped her before she went too far.

"ill keep that offer first, so after this trip whenever I want to use that offer you should obey" he stares at her.

"yes!! thankyou so so so much jakey omg I love you so so much and you're such a life savior I literally own you so so so much that I would give my life out to you and......" jiwoo continue speaking holding jakes hand as he just continue staring at her admiringly not saying a word listening to her.

"new ship?" chaeyoung whispers

"I guess so, their energy matches" seeun said followed by jayun.

"I agree, one hyper one calm. that's a best match"

"from what I've seen jake for the past few years he looks serious this time.." sunghoon, the only guy joining the girls talk whispers to them too.

"yeah and he's a player, tch if he didn't change I'll grab jiwoo far away from his stinky ass" jayun said.

"first of all, I heard you. second, I'm not a player anymore and I don't have a stinky ass, I washes them everyday!" jake scolded her.

"hahaha funny" the two bickers again.


"oh dear you've arrived!" yeojins mother ran to her as soon as she stepped in the house.

"mama! your house is quite fancy!" she smiled hugging her.

"ah my monster came." "dad!" she ran to hug him too.

"oh and this is riki, he may be young but I knows alot about bussniess! he has a small job in our company" they smiles.

"the both of you may would work together in the future!" "but dad I don't want to-"

"now, riki show her her room please" he cuts her off smiling at riki as he nods.

"wahhh it's pretty, right where do you live?" yeojin asks him.

"here...?" "hUH"

"keep your voice down honey, and riki is currently living with us because he have to" yeojins mom suddenly came in.

"what do you mean?"

"we saw him on the streets actually, he was crying and he didn't have a home. he doesn't even know who his parents are and he doesn't rerember a thing except his name..."

yeojin looks at riki in confusion while he just nods his head awkwardly. "ask riki to explain if you're interested, unpack your things before you comedown to eat dinner!" she said and went back down.

riki turned to yeojin. her eyes were now full of sparkles, that he could tell she is a curious kid. "let's sit down and chat" he said as the both sat down on the floor leaning against her bed legs.

"like how Ms. Jo said, I woke up to a place I clearly don't rerember why I'm here and I don't even know who my parents is. my I saw a big bump on my head so I probably accidentally hitted my head somewhere which caused memory loss." he scratches his nape.

"did you tell the police?"

"we did, but no clues. theyve put my pictures around the town and still no one came to find me."

"oh, I'm sorry about that" she patted his shoulders. "it's fine, I'm sure it's probably like I'm the chosen one and those y/n in fanfics" yeojin laughs at his statement.

"so, you work at my family's company? aren't you too young?"

"of course I have to do something to repay their kindness to them. and it's just a small job too!"

"ah I see," she got up about to unpack her luggage.

"I-ill help you!" riki rushed to her. 'such a cute dongsaengie' she chuckled.

the both finished with unpacking as they went down for dinner.

"is been long since we three sat together to eat, now even including riki!" yeojins dad said smilling.

"noona, eat a drumstick. it's really delicious!" riki said giving her one. "thank-you, you too have one!" she took another one with her chopstick giving him. "thank-you"

"see I told you not to worry, yeojin gets along with anyone" her mom smiled at riki.

"right, riki why not you show yeojin around Japan?" her dad suggested. "sure!" he smiles.

"yeojin, do you have a boyfriend?" her mom asks as she chokes. "slow down slow down" riki passes her a cup of water.

"no" "no way, I thought you and heeseung-" "mom!"

"alright alright, you two are so slow" she laughs. "but do you have anyone you like?" she asks again.

yeojin phone suddenly rang as she looks at it.

'the man beside my room incoming voice call......'

"who's that calling at such hour?" riki asks as the three or them stared at her in confusion.

"some scam" she closed her phone and continued their meal.


"DID SHE HUNG UP ON-" he palms his head sighing.

heeseung sat on the couch in the middle of his living room. it felt empty, "one big house, but there's only me." he sighed again.

"I can't sleep..." "I wonder what she's doing now..., how could she be so cruel to leave me alone?!"

he thought for a while and started searching on Google. "how do you apologize to your girlfriend..." he said and typed.

he looks at them seriously, "first, throw a glass on the floor and see how she reacts. if she didn't react at all then you're in big trouble, she's really mad at you. now get down in your knees..."

"on the broken glass and apologize- what the hell??" he scrolls for another tips.

"how is it that nine out of ten tips here are teaching the ways to get down on your knees? it's like teaching you 99 ways to get down on your knees" he rolls his eyes.

he suddenly gets up sitting straight from laying noticing one without getting down on his knees. "don't say anything, hold her in your arms...and kiss her..." he stopped.

flashback memories of them kissing came into his mind. he blushes as he touches his lips. "who knows someone would kiss you and suddenly fall asleep..." he mumured referring to that night. he had no choice but to place her nicely in bed for her to continue her beauty sleep.

he looked at his phone again,"this one feels like a good idea. unfortunately we aren't in the same place right now..." he scratches his head laying back down as he continue scrolling.

"don't use any tricks just give her a heartfelt and sincere apology," he sat up straight again. "I am sorry?"


yeojin woke up as she and riki get dressed to go travelling around Japan. "yeojin come one we're going to miss the train!" "coming!"

the both went up the train as they say down on their seats. yeojin opens her phone and looked at the pile or messages that heeseung sent. so wanted to reply but I'm still angry at him...he even didn't say sorry yet!' she sulks.

"is there anything bothering you?" riki asks as she shakes her head. "no it's fine..."

"you kind of look like someone I like..." he said as yeojins ears perks up.

she crossed her legs and fixed her body position, "I'm ready to hear your story spill em"

"well...but it's.. a boy" he softened his voice at the last words. "yeah so? i don't mind my cousin is gay too!"

riki's face brightened up as he got excited moving closer to her. "so you know about how my memory loss, so I met him online and he actually believed my story! he's the second person to believe me. we texted everyday and he's really handsome..."

"omg riki you're so whipped for him" she said as he continues telling her about his crush.

"ok so spill his Instagram account" "noo I'm gate keeping him to myself" he pouts.

"ugh you're just making me curious about your wonderful, kind, pretty, cute, peach, fox looking crush right now" the both bickered until they reached their station.

"yeojin look here!" riki used his camera to take many pictures of her. "can I trust your skills?" she asks.

"of course! I'm good in taking photos. it's my hobby." he showed her the photos in his camera. yeojin was left with an amazed look, eyes widen and mouth hanging low. "you're so good?! better than I expected!"

the both continued their journey as they wondered around visiting many interesting places with riki as her tour guide.

the both went in a ramen shop as they sat down. exhausted from all the walking.

"yeojin the ramen here are really tasty you should really try it! yeojin?"

riki taped her shoulder. she was spacing out opening and offing her phone.

"oh yea?" he sighed.

"are you waiting for someone's message?" riki asks.

"uhmmm no I was wondering if I should post those pictures."

"oh yeah you should. I'll post some of my favourite pictures of you on my account too." he smiled.

"don't you post yourself?" she looks at him in curiosity.

"I prefer posting things that I love, especially photos taken by me" "ahh I see"

"did you gave me credits" "yeah yeah go check them by yourself."

"woah, definitely snapped by me" he smiles proudly.

"omg I literally looked cute" she pouts.

"I'm starting to think that if I'm high or you're just like my crush." "or either way we might be related" she smirked.

"nope no way" riki covers his phone and continues texting someone suspiciously. "ayyy no need to be scared, I know it's your crush"

"shhhhh" riki shushed her in embarrassment.


"she updated Instagram but not replying me?!" heeseung was about to throw his phone when he saw the tag.

"rikinsmr? never heard" he taps in his profile and saw pictures of yeojin.

"tch my jacket are comfier" a sudden thought of something. "her boyfriend? no way..." he shakes his head and went back to his room, plopping himself on bed.

his phone suddenly rang, "who"

"jake! anyways its about to snow!"

he got up and went to the window. "is it?" "yes and I gotta go" jake hung up.

"wierdo" he thought for awhile as he ended up dialing yeojin again.

"noona your phone is ringing" riki said as the both were already home, now in yeojins room.

"oh excuse me for a while" she took the phone and went to somewhere near the window.

"yeojin!" the voice across the phone said as soon as she accepts the call.

"heeseung... what do you want?"

"how are you doing..?"

"you knew already do you"

"... yeah, how's Japan?"

"pretty, I enjoy being here." heeseung felt his heart clenching.

"yeojin I'm sorry" "what?"

"for shouting at you, I regretted it"

"it's fine, I understand everyone have something they don't want others to see. it was my fault for touching without permission too"

"about that day-"

"noona noona come here!" riki voice echoed across the room. "ah wait a sec" she replied.

"you're with...?"

"my friend. oh its snowing!" heeseung immediately look at his window.

"same here" he smiles.

"about your messages-"

"you must be busy right, it's fine you can reply when you're free"

"thankyou" she smiles.

"so we're good now?"

"mmm yeah"

"noona help what do I reply!" riki shouted again.

"hee I need to go, I'll text you!"

"sure! bye-" he heard her hanging up the phone as he sighs.

'should I go to japan'


"what is it?" yeojin went to riki as he shows her his phone.

"look what I sent"

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight? for what?"

"seriously?? the both of you are so dumb" he rolls his eyes.

"you literally named him as 'first property' ? that's kind of cringy"

"then what do you name your crush"

"the man beside my- wait what??"

"ooooh yeojin noona have a crush~" he starts teasing her.

"I do not!" "you do!" "do not!"


"wah the weather is chilly" yeojin exclaimed.

"it is! you wanna go get something to eat?" riki asks as yeojin nods. "yes I'm hungry"

the both walked into a mini market as they bought a couple of food there.

"let's sit there and eat!" she pointed at the bench near by. "sure"

"you're posting your story again?" "I don't really do that, but when I travel I posts a lot" she says snapping the picture of her food.

"delicious as expected" riki said munching them. "it is!" her eyes sparkles.

a couple minutes passed by from their chatting and eating.

"I'm done!" yeojin siped the last sip.

"I'm going to toilet, it's quite far so you could just wait here." he said standing up.

"oh sure! don't fall in the toilet bow or something, goodluck"

"jeez, it's just pooping" he said as he left, leaving her alone.

"the scenery here sure is calming" she starts her emotional mood.

it was soon cut off by two men sitting next to her. "pretty lady, are you alone?" one asks.

"no I'm with my friend..." "then wheres your 'friend'"

"he went to the toilet" "do you have a boyfriend?" the one came closer to her making her backing away.

"i- I do!" she blurts.

"oh? who's that" he puts a hand on her chin making her clearly uncomfortable.

'seriously why me' she shuts her eyes close not looking at the two musty man.

"私です(it's me)" a man came.

he pushes the guy with his hand on yeojins chin away glaring at the both of them. suddenly he saw the other man's name tag he have hanging around his neck.

"xxx is it? I see you're from the Lees company. just right, it's my family's company. one call and the both of you are fired." he said as he took out his phone.

"w-wait wait wait! I'm so sorry, we're so sorry we were out of our mind." they quickly apologized to yeojin and that guy then ran away.

yeojin was staring at the man right in front her, wondering if she was dreaming.

"heeseung...?" she stares at him. "hey... nice to meet you?" he scratches his nape.

"what are you doing here? and how did you find me?"

"oh I uh wanted to visit Japan too" he lied. "oh and also," he shows her a photo from her story.

"I saw this picture and thought it was probably from a mini market so I came here, turns out you're really here." he smiled.

"oh, here sit down!" she taps the seat beside her as he sat down beside her.

"you know japanese?"

"not really... I learned it on the way here in order to survive. but I learned some from watching anime"

"mmm I can see that"

"not having you in the house is kind of empty" he laughs.

"only now you know how to cherish me" yeojin pouts. "ahh I'm sorry," he pats her head.

'he's finally patting my head back...' she thought and smiled.

"did you just arrived here?" she points at the luggages beside him. "yeah, I haven't find a hotel to stay yet"

"really? you should just stay with us" a deep male voice said out of nowhere.

"riki?! you scared me!" she hits him.

"hello I'm Lee heeseung" he bows.

riki looked at yeojin smirking. that fat ass of him saw heeseung pictures after stealing yeojins phone yesterday.

"so your name is heeseung..., I'm nishimura riki. just call me niki or riki, I can speak korean too" he smiled.

"cmon look at your luggages here, let's go home and put those things" riki pulls their hand and go.

"it's fine I can-"

"it's not fine, you're living with us" he cuts heeseung words off.

"riki you punk!" she slaps his arm as soon as they reaches their house.

the three went in, meeting Mrs Jo on the couch.

"why? is it boring- OMG HEESEUNG!" she stood up and ran to him.

"yeojin I thought you said you're not bringing him," "ah no I came here by myself" heeseung replies her.

"ahhh..., I see the two of you are fighting. I'm glad that you're here anyways!"

"ahem..." yeojin coughed and points to the luggage.

"oh right, you can just sleep with yeojin"

"WHAT" the three of them shouted.

"oww my ears, well we don't have an extra room. plus it's just staying in the same room, like the two of you did when you guys are little-"

"mom he could stay at rikis bedroom!" yeojin said as her mom eyed riki.

the two made a telepathy as he started, "my room is too small. plus it's really dirty I don't clean them. your room has a queen sized bed and is bigger. your room would do" riki said.

"oh dear we have no choice then, I need to go tell my husband that we need more food materials, we have a new member coming in!" she ran away.

"i-" "noona my stomach is hurting again I got to go..." he walks away too leaving yeojin and heeseung blindfolded.

"let's, just unpack your things first." she leads him to her room.

"it's very clean here, and your plushies." he smiled.

"I can't sleep without them!"

yeojin starts helping heeseung unpack his things in her room even though she just went in yesterday too.

"we're done!" heeseung happily stood up.

"heeseung did you-" she walks to him, without noticing a piece of cloth on the floor.

she slipped and landed on him. with both of their faces near to each other, they felt each others heartbeat.

'his heart is beating fast, does he likes me?'

'her heart is beating fast, does she likes me'


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