Shantae and the last Genie

بواسطة VileTheMandalorian

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It was a beautiful afternoon when Shantae and Sky were flying over the scorching desert, they had just return... المزيد

The boy in the desert.
Home sweet home.
Attack on Scuttle Town
The awakening
Saving a life
Journey to the desert
The Tan Line Temple
The Ceremony
The Dangerous Twins
Mechanical Battle
The Truth - Part 1
The Truth - Part 2
Maybe a new home?
Elementary Magic and Problems of a Zombie Girl
Conversations with a zombie

The secret room

286 6 4
بواسطة VileTheMandalorian

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

It was now the third day of the adventurers quartet's journey to stop Ammo Baron from finding a treasure and using it to get new weapons and attack Scuttle Town. And here they were, looking for treasure in a dungeon.

Tyson did his best to guide them through the maze of corridors that made up the dungeon, with Shantae, Sky, and Rottytops right behind him. What made the boy difficult was the fact that the map only showed the path and not the entire dungeon.

Still, everyone seemed to be full of energy and enthusiasm. But after what Shantae had said when the group had managed to escape the temple guards, there was a strange tension between her and Tyson, as if there were things to be said, and the thought of Shantae being Tyson's Master's daughter didn't leave his head. boy.

Tyson had to accept, he was starting to develop a crush on Shantae. But after all, wouldn't he have a crush on her? She's beautiful and he can't deny that. But there was so much more to her, and that was what attracted Tyson.

She was always excited to go on new adventures and try new things, and she always valued her relationship with everyone around her. She was confident, but she was also so shy, though Tyson learned that she could be shy with him, which made her that much cuter.

Also, Tyson never thought that after everything he's been through that he might one day start falling in love with someone. He always had the thought that he would be a lone wolf and that he would never find someone like Shantae.

And yet here she was, walking right beside him. He looks at her. She was looking at the floor, hands behind her back. She seemed to be in her own thoughts just as he was. What could she be thinking? But the thought that haunted Tyson the most was that if Shantae really was his Master's daughter, then he was afraid he would upset his Master by liking her daughter.

Tyson then looked back to see Rottytops looking around excitedly, pausing for a few moments to look at something out of place, before catching up again. Looking at Sky, Tyson noticed that she was looking at him with a wary, suspicious look, as if she was about to throttle him if he tried something wrong. Tyson just gave a weary sigh at it as he continued to walk.

With Rotty getting easily distracted, and Sky having to get her attention, Tyson thought maybe this was a chance to say something to Shantae. Taking a deep breath, calming the butterflies that had begun to form in his stomach, Tyson spoke.

Tyson: I-

Before the boy could even say anything, several figures jumped out of a crack in the ceiling and moved towards the group. When Tyson realized this he quickly pulled the hilt of the sword and activated the weapon causing the green blade to come to life. He then in a series of quick slashes attacked the figures who fell to the ground.

The girls were surprised by that before Tyson spoke up playfully.

Tyson: What would you do without me?

He then turned away from them before walking again, but...

Sky: Hey, displayed.

Tyson then looked at her confused.

Tyson: Or what?

Rottytops: There's something on your back.

Tyson then raised an eyebrow at that before looking at his back and seeing what looked like a giant beetle or crab.

A chill ran through Tyson's body as he saw the beast growl at his back. Tyson's eyes shrunk until they were dots and he swallowed hard before the red bug snarled at him.

Tyson then jumped up before trying to rip the insect off his back using his hands.

Tyson: Take it off! Get it out of here! Take it off!

Tyson tried to catch the bug but couldn't and his failed attempts only served to make the bug tighten its grip by gripping Tyson's back tightly.

Tyson: Get that thing off of me!!!

Shantae: Wait, Tyson!

Shantae spoke as she and Rottytops started to help try to pull the bug out while Sky tried to hold back his laughter. Shantae noticed her laughing and spoke angrily.

Shantae: Sky! Stop laughing and come help!

Sky then joined the other two girls and started trying to pull the bug out.

Eventually, his hold on Tyson's back gave way, and the three girls threw him straight to the ground. Tyson turned and looked at the creature. Tyson realized it was some sort of large beetle monster. The beetle hissed angrily and attacked the foursome, though it couldn't go that fast with its small legs.

Shantae: Fireball!

Shantae spoke, reaching out and pointing two fingers at the beetle. Suddenly, a fireball formed at her fingertips, shooting straight at the beetle monster and burning it. The creature growled angrily, flipping onto its back before lying still, defeated by fire magic.

Tyson would have questioned Shantae's ability to use a spell and fire, but he soon remembered she could use magic. He then approaches the beetle with an angry face.

Tyson: Well done, ugly.

Sky then took the opportunity to provoke him.

Sky: Scared of a beetle? *laughter*

Tyson then makes a bored face.

Tyson: I'm not afraid, I just hate it when things get stuck on me.

Rottytops: What is this, some kind of insect monster?

Rotty asked, kneeling beside Tyson to look at the now-dead beetle monster. Shantae looked at the defeated monster and shrugged.

Shantae: Who knows? I've never seen one... but it was surprisingly weak.

Tyson then stood up being joined by Rottytops before speaking.

Tyson: Well, whatever it was, it's dead now, which is all that matters.

Rotty then decided to add something while laughing.

Rottytops: No, what matters is that you're afraid of bugs.

Tyson just rolled his eyes in response before speaking playfully.

Tyson: Yeah, right. Next time a Scorpgal jumps on you, I'll remember that.

Shantae: Personally, I think it's good to be prepared... Although, I'm still surprised you're afraid of bugs.

At this point Tyson was already starting to blush from the teasing, he then speaks while turning red.

Tyson: That's enough! I'm not afraid of anything! The important thing is that we are all safe and sound despite the dangers we face! That's it!

Rotty then speaks provocatively.

Rottytops: You mean the dangers of having to marry Shantae?

Both Tyson and Shantae blushed furiously.

Tyson: W-want to stop teasing me? I came here to stop the Ammo Baron from getting resources so he can attack Scuttle Town and hurt more humans and that's it!

Shantae looked down sadly before continuing down the straight path. Tyson raised an eyebrow at this in confusion.

Tyson: (Thoughts) Was that something I said?

Rotty looked at Tyson and shrugged while Sky didn't say anything. Tyson considered talking to Shantae, but hesitated for a moment not knowing exactly what to say. Rotty gave him a look, as if to say, " Go ahead, talk to her " and she nodded in Shantae's direction.

Tyson heaved a weary sigh before taking the zombie girl's advice and caught up with Shantae. She didn't look too upset, but she didn't look happy either, or at least as happy as she should have been. Tyson was confused, isn't exploring dungeons one of her favorite activities after all?

He then asks sincerely, trying to better understand her expression.

Tyson: Are you okay Shantae?

Shantae just looked at him before asking bluntly.

Shantae: Tyson, what's the real reason you came with me on this adventure?

Tyson took a brief moment to process the sudden question. He came because his duty was once to protect humans, but if he said that Sky would definitely come back to bombard him with his interrogation and that was making Tyson nervous, after all he didn't want to have to remember everything he had. passed in the past as it was too painful for him. Tyson tried not to get nervous, but it was in vain.

Tyson: W-why did I come with you?

he repeated, probably making the question a lot more embarrassing than it was.

Tyson: Well, on the one hand I came because I want to stop Ammo Baron so he doesn't hurt other people.

Shantae was kind of sad to hear that, but then Tyson continued.

Tyson: I'm not done yet. On the other hand, I came because I couldn't let you go alone, you saved me in the desert and I guess I have to return the favor... plus I was worried you'd get hurt.

Hearing that he was worried about her, Shantae gave a soft sigh, before giving me a smile.

Shantae: I'm relieved, thank you. I think I was just worried about-

She looked ahead, before seeing a small but ornate door. On either side of the door was an entrance to two other corridors.

Shantae: What is this...?

The four gathered around the door. Tyson glanced at my map, then returned his gaze to the door.

Tyson: If we go the right way, he should lead us to the treasure. Let's see what it will do.

Tyson approached the door and carefully touched the handle, as if his touch would permanently stain the golden glow. Grabbing the knob, he turned it and opened the door. And what the group found was shocking.

An underground garden. Tyson's jaw dropped at the sight of the place, he'd have to remember to congratulate the gardener of that place, because it was absolutely beautiful. Almost sacred. He reminded Tyson of what his homeland was like.

A sizable waterfall ran through a large crack in the ceiling, which left it unclear where the source of the water came from.

Tyson: (Thoughts) We're still in the desert... right?

The waterfall created a beautiful, clean stream of water that ran throughout the garden, but what caught the eye was the thriving green grass with patches of flowers of all kinds scattered around. The floor was exquisitely designed with natural earth and carved stone, making curved designs in the floor itself. There were torches placed around the stone paths, illuminating the entire garden.

In the center of the garden was a circular, flat altar that rose just inches from the ground. It looked like it was for some kind of performance. Or rituals. In that case, Tyson just hoped he wasn't as matchmaking as the temple people were.

The last thing Tyson noticed, which honestly should have been the first, was the huge stone door in front of the entrance. From the old look, Tyson could tell it hadn't been opened in a long time. And it appeared to be sealed, never to be opened again. Tyson soon noticed the seal that was right at the bottom center of the door, with the head of a golden dragon jutting out towards the altar. The dragon's mouth was wide open.

Tyson then spoke playfully as he continued to be stunned by the scenery.

Tyson: Huh. Are you girls having the same crazy dream as me?

Shantae: It's so cute!

Shantae said happily, running out into the garden, being followed by Rottytops and Sky as Wrench flew around the place.

The zombie girl then spoke as if it were some kind of garden critique.

Rottytops: I don't know... could have a little more dead grass here and there...

Sky: Do you always have to be a killjoy?

Rottytops then returned the question in the same tone.

Rottytops: And you always have to be a pain in the ass?

Tyson closed his mouth and walked around the place, looking at the green grass. He knelt down and gently ran his hand over the thin blades. They were smooth and soft. The boy soon realized that he wasn't the only one to notice this, because Shantae had already laid down on the grass while Rotty and Sky had already fallen on the grass, rolling over as they argued and a cloud of dust formed around them.

Shantae let out a pleasant sigh as she spoke happily.

Shantae: This is amazing~! After being chased and walking for so many hours, this is relaxing...

Rotty smiled and spread his arms across the grass.

Rottytops: I'm not even tired and I feel so much better already! This is so relaxing!

Sky: On that we agree.

Tyson smiled a little. Although he wasn't ready to throw himself on the grass, despite how tempting it was, he still thought everyone could use some time to relax. Rising and walking across the altar, Tyson approached the large stone door. Running his hand over the intricate design carved into it. His fingers rubbed the dust off the stone ridges.

Tyson watched the door carefully, he soon realized that it had been sealed with magic and only a specific spell could open it. Shantae approached the door standing next to the boy and watching as he did.

Shantae: It doesn't look like it's going to open anytime soon...

Tyson: And it won't. This door is sealed...

Shantae: Then I can take her down with my elephant dance.

Tyson: You won't make it. The door is sealed with magic, only a spell can open it.

Tyson then looks at the dragon's mouth and he notices some burn marks on it.

Tyson: Based on those burns, I'd say it would take a fire spell to open it.

Sky and Rotty soon approached the door to look too. Sky watching suspiciously at the way Tyson seemed to know about magic.

Sky: Can't Shantae use those fireballs to open it?

Tyson: It wouldn't help, only a specific fire spell can open it...

Rottytops: That looks bad.

Tyson: And there's more, from what I can see, it would take a lot of magic power to open it. Otherwise, only two people combining their magic power can open it.

Rottytops: That's not good.

Shantae seeing that her powers would be practically useless, looked down with a sad look. Tyson, seeing this, put his hand on her shoulder and spoke with a gentle smile.

Tyson: Don't worry, we'll figure it out. Perhaps there is something in the dungeon that will help us in the case.

Shantae smiled at Tyson enthusiastically. Tyson could tell she'd dealt with this sort of thing before and knew what they had to do. Tyson could see that she looked like she wanted him to try to find out. He then puts his hand on his chin thoughtfully.

Tyson: Hm...there were two hallway entrances on either side of the entrance to this room... Maybe in one of them there's something that will help us open that door.

She smiled at Tyson.

Shantae: Sounds like a great idea! But right now, I'm a little tired... can we take a break?

Before Tyson could respond, Rottytops intruded on the conversation.

Rottytops: Why not sleep at night? It's getting close to sunset.

Tyson: Wait a minute, what? How do you know it's already sunset? How long have we been down here?

Rotty rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as if that was obvious.

Rottytops: Many, many hours, that's for sure. Also, I'm a zombie . It's like, my job to know when it's night.

Tyson: Oh, I forgot about that. Well, as long as no bugs crawl in our hair, we'll be fine sleeping on the grass.

He said with a smile, hoping the girls would freak out about it.

Rottytops: Insects don't hurt anyone! At least they won't hurt me!

Rotty said with a smile, ruffling his hair a little.

Shantae: And if there's a bug in my hair, I'll take it out.

Sky: *mocking* You're the only one here who's afraid of them.

Tyson stamped his foot at that.

Tyson: I already told you I'm not afraid!

He then blinked before speaking.

Tyson: Wait, so I'm the only one who needs to worry about this?

Rotty just smiled and walked over to him, ruffling his hair.

Rottytops: Yeah! Aside from Sky, you're the only full human here, but it can't be that bad!

What she said made Tyson realize that girls thought he was a human too. He might look human, but let's just say he had pointy ears for a reason. Among him, Rotty and Sky Tyson was the least helpless of the three, but with Shantae it was another story. Tyson recognized that she was far more powerful than he was, but that was only because he had his powers sealed away by the iron bracelet on his arm.

Tyson then got a smile on his face.

Tyson: I never said I was a human.

Sky: What? Are you not human? What are you then?!

Tyson just chuckled at Sky's interrogation as a bead of sweat formed on his head.

Tyson: Who knows? Hehehe.

Sky's train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a loud banging sound. Looking at the entrance the other three saw that Shantae had transformed into an elephant. She had knocked on a stone block to barricade the door, so nothing could get in. With a puff of smoke, she was back to her human form. She walked back to the rest of the group.

Shantae then yawned, before simply lying down on the grass already starting to doze off.

Shantae: Less talk, more sleep...

Rotty smiled before lying down too. But she looked a little too excited for someone getting ready for bed.

Rottytops: See you in the morning! I will definitely wake you up!

Tyson: All right... good night ladies.

Tyson said, putting his backpack on the ground and lying down on the soft grass being surprised at how comfortable it was. Shantae then muttered in her sleep.

Shantae: Mm... good night Tyson.

Tyson stretched his body, looking up at the dark ceiling. Sighing softly, he thought to himself about the possibility that Shantae was the person he had been looking for for so long.

Tyson: (Thoughts) What if Shantae is my Master's daughter? Could it be that after so long searching I finally found her...?

Closing his eyes, Tyson shifted a little, tried to get some sleep, hoping he wouldn't have nightmares about what had happened in the past.

But despite how comfortable the grass was, Tyson couldn't help but stay awake.

Little did she know that Sky, who had already laid down, was looking at him with a suspicious look.

Sky: (Thoughts) He doesn't want to talk about who he is, he doesn't want to talk about that mission he was trying to accomplish in the desert and on top of that he says he's not human? Hmm, this guy is hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is! I bet he's just been waiting for the perfect time to pounce, betray us and still take advantage of me, Rottytops and Shantae. But I'm going to prove to Shantae that this Tyson is no good and that he's just trying to take advantage of her and do nasty things to her. I will prove that he is bad and a pervert like all men! Whatever it takes!

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