Bonten's Princess | Tokyo Rev...

By SpiralDaydream

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Just a story about a little girl and all her uncles... who all happen to be Bonten executives. One-shots and... More

Chapter 1 | Our Child
Chapter 2 | Mikey
Chapter 3 | Always Rindou
Chapter 5 | Koko
Chapter 6 | Stonks
Chapter 7 | Sanzu's Secret Candy
Chapter 8 | Kakucho
Chapter 9 | Material Girrlllll
Chapter 10 | School?
Chapter 11 | WOWwweeeee
Chapter 12 | Snooping
Chapter 12 | The Strip Club Part 1
Chapter 13 | The Strip Club Part 2
Chapter 14 | The Aftermath

Chapter 4 | Sanzu

8.8K 302 207
By SpiralDaydream

"So you want me to look after your kid."


"For an entire week?"


Mikey rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "Why me?"

"Well..." Ran looked at Rindou who looked back at him.

Looking back at Mikey the both of them spoke in monotone unison: "Because this is the safest place in Japan."

Mikey cringed at the perfectly harmonized speech.

"Fine, fine..."

"Thanks Boss!" Rindou said and skipped out of Mikey's penthouse.

"Would you like anything from Italy?" Ran asked while placing (y/n) in Mikey's arms.

Mikey felt (y/n)'s intense gaze burning into his chin. "No."

"Right. Be a good girl for daddy." Ran stroked (y/n)'s head one more time.

Mikey braced for the little girl to cry after her father. Instead, she plopped her head onto Mikey's chest and snuggled her face into his shirt. She looked towards Ran and spoke quietly, "Bye-bye dada."

Ran smiled at her and walked out of the room.

"Sup Mikey," she said. Mikey almost chuckled. She was a month until three years old

Like before, a sleep-deprived Mikey waltzed towards the sofa. He fell fast asleep with (y/n)'s comfortable weight on top of his chest.




(y/n) could walk quite quickly for a child her age. It was when she noticed a pink-haired man rush into the penthouse holding a folder and glancing at his watch at 10 pm.

"Sanzu!" (y/n) exclaimed. She was solving a 300 piece puzzle skillfully on the Bonten boss's carpet. Mikey was still fast asleep on the couch.

Sanzu noticed her. He grabbed a blanket from the living room cabinet and placed it over Mikey's limp body.

"Seems like boss get some rest when you're around," he whispered. He patted her on the head once before he turned around, dragging a suitcase behind him.

Locking Mikey's penthouse behind him, he walked down the hallway at a brisk pace. He entered the elevator. The doors began to close before they cranked wide open once more. Sanzu, puzzled, punched the 'close' button fiercely.

The elevator opened once more on the B1 floor. Sanzu dragged his suitcase out of the elevator and stopped when his phone rang. Sanzu pointed directly behind him at his suitcase and then guided his finger towards his car.

"Put it in my car," he ordered. A tall man in a black suit rushed behind him as Sanzu walked in the opposite direction to pick up the phone.

It hadn't been long before he opened the driver's seat of his matte black Lamborghini Aventador and took off.

It had been approximately 20 minutes, Sanzu was sipping his coffee to prepare himself for the rest of the drive from the center of Tokyo to Yohokama.

"Sanzu, where we going?"

It was a sudden flowery voice that sparked in the backseat of the car. Sanzu whipped his head around yelling, "HOLY SHIT!" Out of pure terror, he spun the driving wheel sideways in a rigid movement.

The car swiveled around with enough force that it almost crashed into the nearby truck. Sanzu was able to save that from happening, but he spun the wheel in the opposite direction at such force that the car spun and eventually collided with the guardrail at the side of the freeway.

The airbag Sanzu erupted in front of his face and in front of (y/n). After the impact subsided, Sanzu finally let out a small breath. He was alive! It was then that he heard the cute noise of a small child's laugh.

(y/n) snuggled her face into the airbag and giggled continuously.

"Car crashh~~~" she cooed and glanced up at Sanzu who finally recognized who she was.

"What the fuck are you doing here." Sanzu gritted his teeth and sneered at (y/n).

(y/n) shivered. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Sanzuuuu," she exclaimed, "don't be mad..."

"Of course, I'm fucking mad!! I crashed my car because of you, you dumb lil' bitch!" he spat.

(y/n) pouted, her mood changing. She refused to let the tears fall. "(y/n) is not a bitch and it's not (y/n)'s fault!" She crossed her arms and pouted even more.

Sanzu glared at her. Unbuckling his seatbelt, he opened the door to examine the damage to the vehicle. He gazed absently at the massive dent of twisted metal that remained of his once elegant sports car. Irritated he made a quick phone call and sent his location to his subordinate.

Sanzu stormed back towards (y/n) in the backseat, opening the door. "What the fuck are you doing here." He repeated himself.

"(y/n) just followed you," she shrugged.

"And why did you do that?" Sanzu put his hands on his hips.

"Why not?" (y/n) cocked her head sideways, "Mikey was asleep and (y/n) was bored and hungry."

Sanzu clutched his face.


"Shut up, you're driving me crazy."

(y/n) glared at him. "(y/n) just wanted to be with Sanzu!"

"You don't just FOLLOW me."

"Why not? Dada and Rin take me to work!"

"I'm not your Dad and that idiot."

"Rin is not an idiot."

"Yes he is. You take after him."

"(y/n) is not an ididot!"

Sanzu crouched down and unbuckled her seatbelt. "Yes YES, you are."

She squirmed in his arms, clearly offended. Sanzu held (y/n) in the crook of his arm. She dangled there loosely. "Ah!" she yelped.

It was dark with only the blinking lights of the surrounding buildings to illuminate the freeway.

Sanzu and (y/n) were in a safe area. Cars zoomed past them.

"What do we do Sanzu?"

"I have a meeting that I'm late to because of you."

"But Sanzu I'm hungry."

"Well too bad."

"It's not too bad! (y/n) is starving."

"When was the last time you ate."

"I ate Mikey's taiyaki."

"That's enough."


"Don't be stupid you little brat. I'm not buying you dinner."

"Dada was right. You're EVIL!"

Sanzu's anger exploded.

"Oh yeah? Lemme leave you on this freeway then."

"Fine! Be that way. Dada and Rin will kill you."

Sanzu scoffed. "As if." Then he smiled at (y/n) devilishly and said, "I'm their boss."

"What really?" (y/n) stared at him dumbfounded.

"Yeah," Sanzu was smug.

"If you are then you should be able to buy me food."

Sanzu rolled his eyes and hoisted her up to his eye level.


(y/n) gave her best puppy dog eyes. "Please?"


"Sanzu, (y/n) will tell Mikey that you abducted me."

"WHAT you followed me." "H-how do you even know what aBduCteD means?!"

"(y/n) is smart." (y/n) flipped her hair over her shoulder smugly.

"If you don't listen, (y/n) will tell Mikey and Mikey will punish Sanzu because Mikey always listens to (y/n)." Then (y/n) kicked Sanzu's stomach.

Sanzu knew he had no chance against the little demon.

"Fine... fine."

"Yayy!!! (Y/n) wants ice cream."

"You said dinner."

"(y/n)'s dinner will be ice cream."

Sanzu sighed.

(y/n) then wrapped her arms around Sanzu's neck and whispered into his ear. "(y/n) likes Sanzu~ It would be sad if Mikey gets angry at Sanzu."

Sanzu shook (y/n) violently, "Don't you dare. I'll get you ice cream so shut up."

Sanzu and (y/n)'s bickering continued for a while before a police car showed up. A young policeman stepped out after parking it in front of Sanzu's crashed car.

"Are you two alright? Is your daughter hurt!!" he exclaimed.

(y/n) let out a screeching laugh and Sanzu rolled his eyes for the hundredth time.

"I'm good," Sanzu said lazily, "cars busted."

"It's the poliiice~" (y/n) whispered into Sanzu's ear. "What are we gonna do? Sanzu you're a bad guy."

"Shut up," he whispered back.

"Sir why didn't you call the police immediately?"

"Why?" Sanzu cocked his sideways, "I already called a tow truck and I'm fine."

The policeman gulped once when looking at the expensive car and asked, "Did anyone hit you?"

"Nah, my daughter played a stupid prank on me and I lost balance."

"I did NOT and I am NOT your daughter!" (y/n) squirmed in Sanzu's arms.

"You stupid little-" he smacked her in the head. "Ow!!"

"Sir, you have some explaining to do."

The policeman had left all of his weapons in the police car. Sanzu who noticed this checked for his gun in his back pocket.

"What is your relationship with that little girl," the officer asked with a stern tone.

"He's not my--" (y/n) spoke up but her voice was muffled by Sanzu placing his hand over half of her face.

"Please, she's just in her rebellious phase. You know two-year-olds," Sanzu smiled politely at the officer.

"What is your relationship with that little girl. Why did you lie." the officer repeated himself.

"Officer you shouldn't be so nosy." He glanced at his watch.

"It is my every right to protect that girl. What is your relationship with her."

Sanzu glanced at the black cars approaching them behind the police officer.

"I'm her boyfriend," he cackled. (y/n) said something muffled into his hand.

"Sir- this is not a joke. I'm going to ask you to put your hands up."

"Whaat? C'mon its almost 11 don't do this to me man," Sanzu exclaimed.

"Sanzu-san!!" Sanzu saw his subordinates exit their vehicles with armed guns.

"Don't kill him," Sanzu yawned.

The policeman whipped his head around only to be shot to the ground with a taser gun.

"Wipe his memories," Sanzu said before entering the spare vehicle.

He placed (y/n) on his lap.

"Sanzu you're my boyfriend?" (y/n) asked mischievously.

"Pfft no."

"You can be my boyfriend."

"Ew no thanks, you're two. I only date mature women." Sanzu laughed.

"Then will you become (y/n)'s boyfriend when (y/n) becomes mature?"

"Dunno, doubt you'll even turn out pretty."

"That's mean! Dada says (y/n) will become beautiful just like my mama."

Sanzu froze. "Do you remember your mom?"

(y/n) looked down, "Dada shows me pictures of her. Do you know my mama?"

"You kidding? Everyone knows your mom. (mother name) was everyone's favorite."

(y/n) smiled. "Then (y/n) will be the same!"

"As if~" Sanzu squished (y/n)'s nose. (y/n) giggled and put her little hands on Sanzu's abdomen.

"Sir, we will reach the Yokohama port at 11:40 pm."

"Stop by at a Baskin Robins."

"But sir we are already delayed..."

"They can wait."

"Our clients are very meticulous..."

"Do I have to repeat myself? Just make a phone call."

"Yes sir."

(y/n) looked up at Sanzu with shining eyes. "You're lucky little princess," he spoke in a low voice to which (y/n) hugged him with a genuine smile on her face.

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