Survivor(Last of us x Male Re...

By LoneWriting2021

8.2K 170 96

In a world ravaged by a devastating pandemic, 16-year-old Y/N has learned to rely only on himself, convinced... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

356 6 2
By LoneWriting2021

Y/N desperately crawled out the freezing cold water feeling all the pain in his arm he leaned against a rock shivering and coughing from the water Ellie and Joel were nowhere to be seen at the moment "Ellie, Joel!" Y/N screamed trying find them but that wasn't the most smartest idea two infected jumped out from the brushes bent on attacking Y/N when a shot hit them both with Henry standing there letting out a sigh of relief Sam hid behind him.

Y/N was angry to see them again after the fact they left him to die Y/N pulled out his revolver when he noticed it was jammed by weeds "Look we screwed up by leaving you guys behind but at the moment we decided to come back" Henry said with his left hand raised "Help me find the other and maybe you'll be okay in my book" Y/N snarled back at them "Fair" Sam said.

Y/N walked forward cleaning the wound on his arm before bandaging it up again with Henry taking note of how quiet Y/N was "Your friends will be okay" Henry was trying to reassure Y/N everything was okay and giving how he felt about Henry there wasn't a lot of love or trust "You better hope they're alright because if not i will hold you responsible since if you didn't abandon us we wouldn't have got stuck at the bridge with that tank" Y/N said being cruel he sped up walking so he didn't have to keep talking to them.

(Y/N Pov)

"Ellie, Joel" i shouted seeing them lying by a river bank Henry tended to Joel giving him a few shake before he looked at me and gave me a head nod i rubbed my hands over Ellie's face until i decided to do CPR not realising i was technically kissing her when Ellie let out a chain of gasps quickly catching her breath.

"Calm down I'm here it's me Y/N" I said to Ellie rubbing my hand down her back "Y/N, I'm happy to see you i was so scared" she hugged me back before she looked at me "Did you kiss me?".

"I had to do CPR so technically it wasn't a real kiss" I would have said anything in the moment to change the subject "Better than kissing a worm" i chuckled making her smile i helped her up to her feet Ellie sat down next to me while we waited for Joel to wake up "So, did you guys like kissing?" Sam said with a grin on his face both me and Ellie faces went red from embarrassment "Sam stay with me let them rest" Henry interrupted thank god he did because it couldn't have gotten anymore awkward.

"It's beautiful when your not swimming around it" Ellie remarked with her head on my shoulder "Anytime I'm near a river first thing i always do is skip stones" thinking back to all those times at the cabin it was peaceful quiet and isolated from anybody else I still hung on to the keys which allow me access to the cabin "You want to do that right now" Ellie suggested to me since i think she knew what i was thinking "I would love to" i sat up walking over to the river to scan for any worthy stones.

"You ever done this before" i asked her skipping my first stone in flawless action i got to see Ellie's shocked expression it was cute "Once or twice" she threw the stone getting two skips off the water "Alright, come here I'm about to teach you a life skills here" i held out my hand for her to take Ellie accepted my hand letting me position her stance with the right placement of her arm "Now when you swing this arm imagine how far you want the stone to go" in a swift motion Ellie skipped the stone in perfect action after she jumped up and down from excitement It was broken up by Sam "Guys he's awake" He shouted.

"See, what'd i tell you" Henry seemed proud of himself Joel stood up with a look i recognised all too well "Henry is big trouble" I whispered to Ellie just when Joel pushed Henry to the floor and pulled out his gun "Knew you were going to do that" i said sternly shooting a glare at Joel to leave him alone Henry frantically mumbled his words trying to think of something to say.

Henry: Look I'm sorry we left you but you guys had a better chance of surviving and you did, But there was no way i was going to put him in danger[Henry Points to Sam]

Joel: Next time you pull a stunt like that i won't hold back

Y/N: Here i thought we were going to see someone die

Ellie: Your an idiot[Smacks Y/N upside the head]

Y/N: Yeah i deserve that one

Henry: The radio tower is on the other side of this cliff place will be full of supplies

Joel: Lead the way

i stayed back with Joel "You know if i could shoot right now he'd be dead already" i patted him on the back following ahead for the moment.


A Sniper nearly took my head off taking cover behind a car "i hate sniper" i said reloading my shotgun my arm healed up enough that i can shoot my guns Joel needed someone to distract the sniper "How much time you need" i asked preparing what i had planned Ellie told Joel to be careful as he took to go fight the sniper.

I broke out of cover dodging sniper shots hoping over a car hood firing off shotgun rounds in direction of the sniper "missed me now you gotta kiss me" i shouted making sure to keep the sniper distracted he kept missing every shot he took towards me.

It was working until people started coming up behind us "Let Joel deal with the sniper, We need to protect ourselves" Henry shouted shooting at the looters we began fighting off the hunters that was when the sniper began shooting at the hunters meaning Joel had got to him.

Just when we thought it was under control the tank reappeared and started shooting at us "Here we go again" we all ducked down behind a different car more hunters came up since the tank was keeping us busy.

Ellie passed me a bottle with a cloth in it "I tried my best to make one" She said leaning back against the car "I hope this work" i thought lighting the bottle to throw at the tank causing a hunter to appear out of it trying to kill the fire when Joel picked him off with the tank crashing and burning "You beautiful idiot" i kissed Ellie on the cheek letting out a sigh of relief.

"Shit, that was intense" Ellie said looking bright red i had forgot for the moment i had kissed her on the cheek making me blush a little bit out of nowhere infected ran at us i quickly acted shoot one of them before it had the chance to tackle Sam but Henry and me were tackled by two of them i used my shotgun to keep the infected from biting me.

Ellie stabbed the one on top of me lifting me up to my feet as Joel took care of the one on Henry with Sam hugging his big brother "If another thing attacks me I'll throw a fit" Henry said brushing off dirt "More infected are coming" Joel said joining back up with us so we quickly moved on into a house and barricaded the door behind us.

"Anybody hurt" Joel asked us looking out the backdoor window  "We're good" "Alright i suggest we get out of dodge now" we walked out the house through the backdoor i decided to clean my wound since it was itching at me again after using my shotgun i decided i would bandage it back up when i got to a safe place.

I finally got to relax at this house we knew was safe to spend the night i could hear Joel and Henry getting along "About time" i thought speaking of Henry he looked over my wound and gave me the all clear that i could shoot and do much more again it would just sting but that would wear after sometime.

Ellie entered the room i was in holding a can of food "Hey" I said to her sitting up she sat next door to me passing the can "i thought you would like something to eat" Ellie smiled at me making me feel very warm inside once i took my first bite i looked at her "Are these beans" i had the look of joy on my face "Joel said you love beans so it made perfect sense" she responded giggling at my facial expression.

i nudged her arm "Stop laughing at me" i couldn't help but laugh with her "Hey, You're laughing too" i kept on eating my can of beans when Ellie tapped me on the shoulder "What?" i asked her "Do you have a girlfriend" I saw she was holding up a picture of me and Chloe from ages ago.

"Believe it or not that is my ex... her name is Chloe" i responded taking the photo from her "I haven't looked at this picture in a while" i chuckled until i saw Ellie's expression she looked a little jealous i decided to have fun with that "Jealous are we?" i grinned at her.

"Shut up" Ellie jabbed me in the shoulder "i was right" i patted her on the back wiping a tear from my eyes "Why did you guys break up for?" Ellie decided to ask me i honestly think she was just wanting to know more about me as a person "Fine i will tell you"

(More Of Y/N's past)

Chloe has asked me to meet her at this cliff we would meet each other at when we needed a break from the camp my dad seriously knew how to stress out someone.

Chloe stood over the railing at the edge of the cliff which was unusual since we only ever stayed by the railing "Chole what are you doing?" i asked hoping over the railing to get closer to her "Stay away" She shouted at me "I can't do it anymore" Chloe was acting careless while standing at the edge.

"What's wrong" i asked her getting closer to her "I said stay away!" she hurdled a rock at me nearly making me fall off the cliff i luckily i kept my balance "Chloe listen to me you don't need to do this, you can talk to me about this" i tried calming her down so she wouldn't jump. "I don't want to be together with you anymore, I'm sorry i've had enough" Chloe was crying now expecting me to react violently to her statement. 

Y/N: Look Chloe i understand because things between have been too much lately for either one of us, But right now i don't care about that all i care about is making sure you don't jump or fall

Chloe: You've changed Y/N i don't know what you'll do

Y/N: Do you think i haven't noticed 

Chloe: What?

Y/N: I have started to let go of my feelings things like being considerate and caring just don't seem to be there for me anymore

Chloe: So, who knows what you will do

Y/N: Chloe i agree to the break up because it's better if you find someone who is right for you and that person is not me so please step away from the edge and come back to camp with me 

Chloe stepped forward intending to grab my hand when the ground under her broke away so i sprung into action catching her by the hand not allowing her to fall to her death "Don't worry i got you" i said pulling her up embracing her in a hug "We will get through this, I'm still a friend to you".

(Flashback Over)

"We became best friends after that and just went on with our lives" i said to Ellie finishing my can of beans "Not to change the subject but back at Henry's hideout" Ellie said rubbing her neck getting ready to ask me something "Yeah what about it?" i had no idea where she was going with this.

"We're you going to kiss me?" Ellie's face went bright pink after asking me that to which i can't say i wasn't blushing either "Yes i was" i buried my face with my hands after saying that i couldn't have felt anymore embarrassed.

Ellie: Why didn't you?

Y/N: Didn't feel perfect and when we do kiss i want it to be perfect

Ellie: How about now?

Y/N: wait really?

Ellie: This is about as perfect as you can get

Y/N: I guess so

Ellie: Ready?

Y/N: Ready

I began to lean in to kiss her when Sam opened the door looking at us in shock "Uh, Joel wanted me to get Ellie for something" Sam looked awkward i mean who wouldn't interrupting two people about to kiss "I will be through in a second" Ellie responded getting to follow Sam when i grabbed her hand looking her in the eye.

"One day we're going to kiss and it will be perfect" I let go of her hand sitting back as Ellie quickly left the room flustered as i looked at the picture of me and Chloe thinking back to all the good times "I need to move on, Can't keep thinking of the past" i thought drifting off to sleep.

"One thing was clear to is that I like..... Ellie" 

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