Salty Song Fics


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Lots of salt. Adriensalt. Lilasalt. Alyasalt. Chloesugar. Ninosugar. Daminette. Marijon. Peternette. Etc. By... Еще

City of Angels
Stand by You
Fight Song
3 Months
Cinderella is Dead
Numb little bug
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Part 2 of SPIDER WEB
Not a Chapter


2.4K 46 138

This chapter is dedicated to QueenKitten001 for motivating me to write this! And to ayshashahana123 for helping me decide the fate of Tim and Jon- and our love for MacGyver... Anyway! Enjoy!

"I do" I looked loving my into my soon-to-be husband's green eyes.

"And do you, Adrien Agreste, take MDC, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

This was a marriage of convenience, but I couldn't help but feeling excited. Gabriel wanted MDC to work with the GABRIEL brand, and since Marinette already liked Adrien, it seemed possible.

"I-I don't." Gasps echoed throughout the place. Tears were brimming the rims of my eyes. "I'm sorry Marinette, but I don't love you."

With those words, I ran out. I knew the paparazzi were in the front entrance, so I called Jean and he picked me up at the back Chloe followed suit. When we got in the limo, I took my mask off. We sat in silence, apart from my sobbing of course. Chloe put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I attempt to smile.

"Hey. Mari. It's gonna be okay. If he doesn't see how amazing you are, he doesn't deserve you nor your tears." I weakly looked up at her.

"Thanks Chloe."

"Jean, drop us off at the airport."

"Where are we going?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Anywhere away from Agreste." I would've thought that I'd cry when I heard his name, but surprisingly, my face held a vicious smirk.

"Agreste won't know what hit him." Chloe had the same plan apparently because we flew straight to her family's villa in the Bahamas.

"Hey Chloe!" I said yawning. Tiredly, I came into to kitchen. We got here yesterday night, so now the jet lag is kicking in.

"Hi Mari!" She said excitedly. A handful of people said we have a lot in common, being a morning person in not one of them. "We don't have much food here so we need to go to the grocery store after breakfast."

"No! What if people recognize me?" I said whilst grabbing my tablet. I quickly put in my password and went to the news app. I clicked on the top trending video of this week and shoved it in her face.

"Hey everyone and welcome back to Face to Face with your host: Nadja Chamack! Today, we have Adrien Agreste to give his statement on why he said no to MDC on their wedding earlier today." She turned to Adrien.

"Well, MDC and I have always had our similarities. We were always so in love. But yesterday, I guess I saw something that I didn't like." He wrinkled his face.

"If I may ask, what was it you didn't like?" Adrien froze for a moment.

"Oh I uh- it was a while ago... I don't remember the little things?" Nadja raised an eyebrow.

"Oh so, this morning was a while ago? And denying THE figure of fashion of today is just a little thing?"

"Oh-I um..."

"Well it seems we have our answer-"

"Ok- fine. It was herself." Canned gasps played. "MDC didn't look.. well...MDC-ish."

"Oh! How so?"

"Well. Her dress was only one layered, she looked too... too simple." Nadja gasped.  "I like women who show everyone their power like Lila. Lila's like the embodiment of my type. She shows everyone her fame and frame."

"So you're saying you denied MDC because you cheated on her with Lila?"

"Well... I mean-MDC's dress didn't have lace or anything! It just had rose patterned onto it, it's out of date." Adrien claimed trying to sound like he knew anything about fashion. Nadja looked confused.

"Doesn't GABRIEL's upcoming line have patterned roses onto every fabric design? The line is supposed to be posted mere days after the wedding. Does that mean the GABRIEL brand is outdated?"

"Oh-I uh... didn't know...?"

"You didn't say it isn't." Nadja pointed out.

"Cut the camera. I want to redo the shot." Adrien ordered.

"You're on live, sir" someone behind the camera, assuming one of the camera men, said.

"Turn it off. Now." Adrien barked.

"I can't, sir." The voice said again.

"Do you know who I am. I said turn it off!" He walked over to the camera and slapped it towards the ground.

Halfway through the video, Chloe joined me. By the end, we were both laughing our butts off.

"Okay Chloe, let's go to the store." Right before we got in the car, I heard my phone beep followed by many more:

MDC, my sincere apologies for yesterday. I acted on impulse. I would like a do-over say, tomorrow?

Hey, I'm still here.

Who leaves THE Adrien Agreste on delivered!

No wonder why I said no, you can't even respond.

I'll keep spamming you until you reply!

I laughed.

"That reminds me Chlo, I need a new phone."

"Sure Mari!" When we arrived at the market, I would've thought that people would be looking at us because of yesterday. But really, people were looking at us because of our car and fashion choices. We parked on the corner near the market. The market was full with colorful tents and tarps each with signs saying what they were selling.

"Ooh! Chlo! Look! Mangoes!!" I enthusiastically pointed to a booth with a few people surrounding it.

"Right next to it is a jewelry stand, we're going there after." She decided. I pulled her over to the fresh fruit.

"4 please!" I smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry, but I don't think you realized I'm selling them by box." She said while pointing to the sign.

"Oh I know!" She looked shocked at first but then stacked 4 boxes of mangoes. While I handed her the money, she said,

"You know, you look familiar..."  My eyes widened.

"Oh I uh, just got here yesterday."

"Okay, have a great day!" She smiled while Chloe pulled be over to the jewelry stand, mimicking what I did. This went on about an hour or so. After that, the market started closing for the day. We got threads, fabrics, jewelry, clothes, fruits, assorted vegetables, etc. Once we put everything in the car, I put in the nearest phone store in our GPS. After a few minutes, we arrived.

"Hey Mari? We passed a super cute shop on our way here. Do you mind if I take a peek?" She pleaded.

"No, go ahead. I'll text you when I'm done."

"Thanks Mari!" She jumped and went back in the car. I waved at her while she pulled out and started towards the shop. I  walked into the store with a huge smile. I looked through each model phone carefully narrowing the choice down to a suitable phone. A saleswoman came over to me looking so obviously fake.

"Hi! Can I help you?" She fake smiled. I ignored it and continued my thoughts.

"No thanks, I'm just trying to pick out a phone." I carefully picked up the model that intrigued me the most.

"Do you have this model in a darker color, the pink is a little bright for my taste?" I asked.

"I'll check." The saleswoman disappeared into a room behind the counter. While I was waiting for her return, I picked out a phone case that fit my critique. Finally, she came back out from the back room. "Ok, we don't have this model in black, but we have it in white? If you really wanted a black one oh-so badly, you should've come here earlier. Not our fault you're incompetent." She flipped her hair. "If you care so much about color, we carry another model in black. It's a new phone though so I'm not sure if you can afford it with your price range." She said snobbishly.

"Okay, I'll take the newer phone please." I said while handing her the exact amount of cash including tax. She looked shocked and envious, but she proceeded to go the cash register in the back of the sleek store to ring my items. I ended up getting a screen protector and a black silicone case with a light teal leopard pattern I thought was bold and would pop out from all of the pink I had. Honestly it was like I was addicted to pink or something! "Thanks." I said emotionlessly.

"Of course ma'am!" She sucked up. "And if I can ever do anything for you, here's my number and my resume." She handed me two pieces of paper. I secretly rolled my eyes but took them anyway.

I dialed Chloe's number on my new phone and waited for her to pick up. After two rings she picked up.

"Hello!" I disguised my voice a few pitches higher.

"Who is this? I swear if you're the lady from the awful salon I tried-" Chloe was cut of from my giggling, "Marinette!" Chloe practically screamed I got the phone.

"I said 'Hello' not to kill my ears!" I reprimanded.

"Serves you right for not telling me you were you." Chloe sassed.

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"Wait, does that mean you're done." Chloe caught on.

"Yeah I just finished, where are you?" I asked, confused as to why she wasn't here.

"Oh! I'm sorry Mari! I didn't realize how far the shop was, plus I may or may not have gotten lost." Chloe said sheepishly, "I'm going to take a little while before I get back. Find a cafe and order without me, I'll be there soon."

"Okay! See you there!" I hung up.

Taking her advice, I walked down the street until I found a small cafe. I recycled the two useless pieces of paper before ordering, sat down in the corner, and pulled out my phone. I set it up manually so Adrien wouldn't find my number. After what seemed like forever, I finally had all of my contacts in. I was now bored, so I checked the news for anything else on our engagement. One thing I found surprising was that GABRIEL was going down in net worth. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It really did go down! I wanted so desperately to jump up and down but I was at a cafe. Quickly and excitedly, I got on my phone.

Marinette: Hey Chlo! Did you see? The GABRIEL brand is going down! Ha! Pathetic.

Finally the bell on the door to the coffee shop rang. I glanced up and saw Chloe. We spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon talking about anything and everything. Eventually we went home and watched a murder mystery like the fanatics we were.

I was on my phone during an a commercial break when I received a notification. At first I thought it was Adrien, but he didn't know my new number nor where I was. I tapped on the notification from my phone.

Unknown: Tt. Why would you be happy about a company's net worth going down. Do you not know how the GABRIEL brand affects the fashion economy?

This was not Chloe.

Damian's POV:

I was at the manor when my phone buzzed from an unknown number.

"Kent, why'd you give out my number to another fan girl. You know how much they annoy me."

"Uh Damian? I didn't give out anything. Ooh what does it say!" He grabbed my phone and clicked my latest notification. He looked confused.

"Give that back Kent." I snatched my phone from his hands and looked at the message:

Unknown: Hey Chlo! Did you see? The GABRIEL brand is going down! Ha! Pathetic.

"Why do they have against the GABRIEL brand?" Kent questions. "But yeah, I heard they were going down because of Adrien Agreste's response to why he said no to MDC at the altar." Kent gossiped. I rolled my eyes, of course he'd know all about this. "What? Aren't you gonna respond?"

"Tt" I grabbed my phone and responded.

Damian: Tt. Why would you be happy about a company's net worth going down. Do you not know how the GABRIEL brand affects the fashion economy?

I wasn't expecting him to reply, so I was surprised when he responded,

Unknown: Who's asking????

I rolled my eyes on how cliche this was.

Damian: Tt. What do you want me to say? I'm a girl your age and want a boyfriend? I don't think so.

Marinette's pov:

This isn't Chloe's number so how come I thought it was? I clicked on Chloe's contact information. Everything looked fine. Just as I was about to click the 'done' button, my eyes were drawn to the phone number. I messed up one of the numbers on the area code. Great. I have no idea who I'm talking to nor where they're from.

Marinette: Who's asking????

I replied, stepping into the guest room. I sighed and flipped onto the bed. "What have I gotten myself into this time?" I mumbled to myself.

My phone vibrated and I snatched my phone from the side table. I brought the phone close to my face and peered at the newest message in the dim lighting.

Unknown: Tt. What do you want me to say? I'm a girl your age and want a boyfriend? I don't think so.

I made a face. He or She or They just assumed I wasn't a straight girl, okay.

Marinette: Who said I wasn't a girl? I'm offended mister.

A few seconds later, the bubbles came up, meaning he was typing.

Unknown: Who said I was a mister?

He responded. I rolled my eyes at the screen.

Marinette: You basically did, just now. Plus girls are smarter than to assume one's gender or sexuality.🙄🤚

Unknown: Tt. Who are you?

Marinette: Who are you???

Unknown: I asked first.

Marinette: I actually did before you. Use your brain if you even have one.

This guy's bickering was becoming annoying. He has no idea who he's taking to, for all he knows I could be his grandma or something.

Unknown: Tt. I do have a brain. I wouldn't be alive if I did not. For it is one of the essential organs in your body.

I rolled my eyes. He obviously had no sense of humor.

Marinette: You have no sense of humor or knowledge of how to be social.

Unknown: I used sarcasm earlier if you already forgot with that small brain of yours.

That was blunt. I laughed at the irony. I guess I did forget that.

Marinette: Lol

I replied.

Unknown: Acronyms are for people who do not have the competence to type out the whole words. I can already assume what type of person you are.

Marinette: Rude. I can see what kind of person you are as well. You first.

Marinette: With age.

Damian's POV:

Unknown: Rude. I can see what kind of person you are as well. You first.

Unknown: With age.

I rolled my eyes the audacity. I can read her just by her texting style. I scoffed and typed up an answer that satisfied me. I may have over exaggerated a bit but that was to annoy her.

Damian: Tt. You're teenager. You're scatter-brained based off your use of acronyms. Went to preschool because you know what a brain is.  Didn't pass some grades or dropped out based off of some of your broken grammar also because you don't know good insults. Your number suggests you live in the states. You are unsure of what you want to do with your life based on the tremendous amount question marks you used for one message. Possibly a minimum wage job at the moment. Other than that you will never be successful.

I finished, satisfied with my work. I expected her to run and cry. Never to bother me again. I was surprised when my phone received a notification not a minute later. She sent one word. One word I hated. One word that made me hate her audacity but also at once respect it.

Unknown: Wrong.

Marinette's POV:

Unknown: Tt. You're teenager. You're scatter-brained based off your use of acronyms. Went to preschool because you know what a brain is.  Did not pass some grades based off of some of your broken grammar also because you don't know good insults. You're number suggests you live in the states. You are unsure of what you want to do with your life based on the tremendous amount question marks you used for one message. Possibly a minimum wage job at the moment. Other than that you will never be successful.

That was harsh. I smirked thinking of what he got wrong.

Marinette: Wrong

I replied. I waited for him to reply wanting to see his reaction.

"Marinette! You're still awake!" Chloe barged in.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You should be asleep right now! No one your age should stay up this late!" Chloe demanded.

"Chloe. I'm over 20 years old. And we're the same age." I deadpanned.

"Touché" Chloe said, closing the door behind her.

I went back to my phone to see more than one message.

Unknown: What did I get wrong then?

Unknown: Miscommunication is a sign of weakness.

Unknown: I bet I did get it right then. You just ran away from the truth.

I rolled my eyes. The audacity.

Marinette: I'm back. 🙄🙄🤚

Marinette: You got a lot wrong actually.

Unknown:What then?

He replied almost instantly.

Marinette: Well for one I'm not a teenager. I'm 21 with a job that does not make minimum wage. I used acronyms because I'm supposed to be asleep-hence why I left just now. I did go to preschool but I have never been held back a grade. I have semi-broken grammar because English isn't my first language, French is and no one speaks English often in France. I don't like using insults in text messages because I don't like being rude unless they are too. I don't live in the states, but I am planning on moving somewhere in the north there. Again, I have a job and I may not be Bruce Wayne but I'm not poor.

Unknown: Fine, you go then.

I could tell he was smirking in that message.

Marinette: Okay.

Marinette: You are a grandpa based on how formally you text🙄. But then again your insults are better than the average grandpa so maybe you're just a stuck up person in their early 20s. You live in the states because you know the area code there. You are not poor because you can afford an phone because the messages are blue. I'm guessing you're in the south because it's not night there like us 😭. Or you're a night robin.

Marinette: You're welcome

Unknown: Tt. It's night owl.

Marinette: Am I correct?

Unknown: Mostly. I am in my early 20s. I live in the northern states, though. But I do not text like a grandpa!

Marinette: But ya do. Sorry about the owl-robin thing I hope that wasn't offending ✨✨✨

Unknown: It is not.

Marinette: You don't use contractions.

Unknown: Whatever. You said it is night for you. Good night.

Marinette: Only if you use an emoji.

Unknown: Absolutely not.

Marinette: Yes.

Unknown: No.

Marinette: Please 🥺🥺???

Unknown: No.

Marinette: 😭

Unknown: Fine.

Unknown: Good night. 😴

Unknown: There you happy?

Marinette: Very.

Marinette: Good night!

I turned off my phone and crawled under the covers of my queen sized bed. I turned off the antique lamp on my bedside table and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to my phone buzzing at a little past midnight. I groggily picked up my phone from the charging pad and looked at the notifications. Some were news feeds on Damian Wayne. The others were from the not-Chloe from yesterday.

Unknown: Hello?

Unknown: Please be here.

Unknown: Wake up!

Marinette: Yeah?

Unknown: You're here! I need a favor.

Marinette: What is it?

Unknown: I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend over text.

Marinette: ????

Unknown: Look, you're a girl contact on my phone and the press is bugging me because they now think I have a girlfriend because some harlot latched on to me. I've already denied it but they don't believe me! Just send some texts that some people in love would send or something. Please! I really need this.

Marinette: Fine, only because you used contractions.

Unknown: Thank you!

Unknown: Wait, I need your name. So it's not just some random number.

Marinette: Marinette.

Marinette: Wait, what should I call you?

Unknown: Demon.

Demon: Thank you! I need you to send them right now.

Marinette: Got it!

Marinette: Hey! ❤️ How are you? I have wonderful news! I get to see you and your family this month! We're going to the northern states for a business meeting with some potential sponsors!

Demon: Date at the same place I asked you to be my girlfriend?

Marinette: Yes! I missed our non-virtual dates! I can't wait! 🫶

Demon: Who's sponsoring you?

Marinette: Well, I have a potential sponsor in Gotham? And another in New York, but the one in New York is probably going to invest in us. So really it's just Gotham.

Demon: That's amazing, Mari! I'll meet you in Gotham for our date then!

Marinette: I have to go, love. Chloe's calling me. Love  you! Bye! ❤️😘

Demon: Bye! Love you too!

I walked towards the living room and turned on the TV. I already knew I couldn't fall asleep. I scrolled through the news channels. The first one was on MDC's wedding, the second one was Adrien's interview, the third one was on Damian Wayne and Amanda Cercatore d'oro. Whoever they were.

"Marinette?" A small voice asked behind me.

"Yes, Tikki?" I asked.

"What are you doing? It's so early!" I sighed.

"I've been wakin' up with demons in my brain." I confessed. I was referring to my phone, but Tikki didn't know that.

"Jet lag? Okay. But why are you in front of the TV then? You should be trying to adjust to the time change."

"I drown 'em out with TV, but the stories are the same." I started, but Tikki cut me off.

"Who? The class. Oh, you mean the Agrestes. Don't worry about it." Tikki reassured. But I wasn't thinking about them. I was thinking about Demon.

"Oh, maybe I can't sleep at night because I am afraid." Okay, now Tikki was completely lost.

"Huh? Of what?" She squealed out.

"Of somethin' I can't change." I confessed. I honestly didn't know what I was afraid of. But my best guess at the time, was that I was afraid of falling in love again.

"You're up early. What happened?" Chloe looked at me suspiciously. "Why are you blushing. Please don't tell me it's because of Adrien." Chloe facepalmed. I made a sour face at his name.

"Ew no."

"Then what is it?" Chloe said confused.

"No one..?" I claimed but it turned out more as a question.

"I didn't say it was a person, did I? And why do you look so sleep deprived?" Chloe asked.

"Ugh fine. It was a wrong number."

"What?" Chloe asked, genuinely confused and maybe even slightly concerned.

"Yesterday, I texted you that the net worth of GABRIEL was going down because of Adrien's poor behavior. Keep in mind this was on my new phone after I finished putting everyone important's numbers in. Anyway, on the area code I typed in a wrong number, instead of the 9 I put in a 0. So the number changed to someone in the northern states' number. So yeah, he was wondering why I was happy the GABRIEL company was going down and that just erupted into bickering and a favor. End of story." Chloe eyed me suspiciously.

"So why were you blushing?" This felt like an interrogation. I choked out an answer which just so happened to may everything worse.

"I uh- showered in extra hot water this morning so my face is really red." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Your hair isn't wet and you're in your pajamas." Chloe rolled her eyes. "The truth now please." She sassed.

"I-Just...-here just look for yourself." I handed her my unlocked phone. She scrolled to the very top and after a few minutes passed the phone back. She looked smugly at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that THE Damian Wayne now owes you a favor." Chloe said like it was nothing.

"Who?" I asked. The last name sounded familiar but I couldn't place where I've heard it from.

"Are you serious." Chloe deadpanned. "You don't know who Damian Wayne is?" Chloe hopped off the table to get her iPad. Chloe scrolled to the 2nd top story for this week.

'Damian Wayne's Secret Girlfriend'

"Hello everyone! Today we are here to clear up a rumor." The reporter turned to Damian.

"Mr. Wayne. There have been some rumors surrounding you and Amanda Cercatore d'oro." Damian rolled his eyes.

"I do not like Amanda Cercatore d'oro. Not even a little bit." Damian said bluntly but sternly.

"We have her here today, Amanda please join me and Mr. Wayne on stage." Who we assumed was Amanda, strutted on stage. She looked like a walking piece of plastic. Amanda obviously had an eye lift, definitely more than four brine implants on both areas, a nose job, a tummy tuck, and what seemed like a million jobs done on her face. She had bleached, brittle, split-ends. And her clothes looked like she found a shirt and skirt from her 4th grade and decided to wear it today. They looked 5 sizes too small. I internally cringed at the sight of her.

"Damian! What do you mean?" Amanda cried.

"Mr. Wayne. Amanda and you have obviously been dating for a few days, we have pictures here proving Aman's claim." Amanda smirked as someone from the run crew. A few pictures of Amanda latching onto Damian were shown. Damian, however, just scoffed in response.

"These photographs were out of context, and if you could not tell, Amanda Cercatore d'oro was the one that initiated all of the evidence shown here and each time she did I always shoved her off. I've even threatened to sue her for harassment," Amanda turned a satisfying white, "which she will now be receiving." Amanda looked at him wide-eyed.

"But Darling! Why would you sue me! We're dating!" Amanda made a grab for Damian's arm.

"Tt. We are not dating. Get off me." Damian shoved her off. Amanda looked like she was about to faint from blood loss. Being sued by a Wayne would not only cost their family a fortune but would also humiliate their family name. This time, Amanda held onto Damian's left arm in a death grip, her two inch long nails piercing his jacket.

"Damian of course I'm you're girlfriend." Amanda pressed. Damian looked just about done. He shoved Amanda off, once again, and caused her to go tumbling to the floor. She made one last attempt of grabbing onto Damian's ankle in a desperate manner.

"I know perfectly well who my girlfriend is and she's definitely not you." Damian said, shoving Amanda off once more and 'accidentally' kicking her in the face. Everyone in the room gasped-including his brothers. Amanda's face turned sour.

"So you do have a girlfriend?" The reporter asked.

"Tt." Damian replied stubbornly.

"What's her name?" The reporter asked.

"I am not revealing her name at this moment." Damian said annoyed.

"Could we see her?" Damian rolled his eyes again.


"Then for all we know Amanda is that secret girlfriend of yours." Amanda preened when the cameras zoomed up.

"Tt. She is most definitely not. In fact, I will see if my girlfriend could send me a text message which proves Cercatore d'oro is not my girlfriend. Because Cercatore d'oro could not be texting me at that moment, nor do I actually have her number." The reporter smiled at the thought of getting the next big scoop, after the MDC wedding, of course.

"Texts from Damian Wayne's girlfriend everyone! Right after this commercial break!" The reporter finished.

Damian's POV:

"Texts from Damian Wayne's girlfriend everyone! Right after this commercial break!" The annoying reporter finished. I rolled my eyes as the outro music played. I walked away from Amanda, grateful to be away from the toxic stench of her concentrated perfume.

"Little D/Baby Bird/Demon Spawn! When did you get a girlfriend!" Jason, Tim, and Dick exclaimed unanimously.

"Tt." I walked away and went on my phone, praying the unknown number was awake. I really needed someone out of the family to do this for me.

Damian: Hello?

Damian: Please be here.

Damian: Wake up!

Unknown: Yeah?

She responded! I might be saved.

Damian: You're here! I need a huge favor.

Unknown: What is it?

Damian: I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend over text.

Unknown: ????

How am I supposed to convince someone I barely know to pretend to be my girlfriend. She would never agree to it.

Damian: Look, you're a girl contact on my phone and the press is bugging me because they now think I have a girlfriend because some harlot latched on to me. I've already denied it but they don't believe me! Just send texts that some people in love would send or something. Please! I really need this.

Unknown: Fine, only because you used contractions.

Damian: Thank you!

Damian: Wait, I need your name. So it's not just some random number.

Unknown: Marinette.

Marinette? That name sounded familiar. I didn't have time to think about it. I clicked on the contact for the unknown number and changed the contact name to ✨Marinette💕.

Marinette: What should I call you?

I paused, if she knew I was Damian Wayne she might be after me for my status and she was one of my only frien- acquaintances.

Damian: Demon

Damian: Thank you! I need you to send them right now.

Marinette: Got it!

I walked back over the the stage. The commercial break was just ending.

"Welcome back! Today we are going to uncover who Damian Wayne's girlfriend is. Before you say it, no it's not Amanda." Amanda scoffed and stormed away. "Damian Wayne has agreed for his girlfriend to text him and show us the texts. Could you pass us your phone Mr. Wayne?"

"Tt." I scoffed. I turned the screen to the reporter, who read the messages aloud.

"Hey! How are you? I have wonderful news! I get to see you and your family this month! We're going to the northern states for a business meeting with some potential sponsors!" The reporter exclaimed. "How cute!" I brought my phone back and typed back to Marinette. After that I showed the reporter my phone. "Date at the same place I asked you to be my girlfriend?" The reporter read, "who knew the Damian Wayne was such a romantic." Canned 'awws' played to my dismay. "Yes! I missed our non-virtual dates! I can't wait! Aw she sounds adorable!" I texted her back. "Who's sponsoring you?" The reporter read aloud. "She seems to be economical." The reporter commented. "Well, I have a potential sponsor in Gotham? And another in New York, but the one in New York is probably going to invest in us. So really it's just Gotham." The reporter looked confused. "She's coming here? Will we get to meet her, your fans want to see her."

"Tt. I'm not going to let random people judge her without knowing her personally, so no." I turned back to text Marinette.

"That's amazing, Mari! I'll meet you in Gotham for our date then!" The reporter read the message over and over. "Hm. Maybe there's more to Damian Wayne than we thought." The mindless reporter thought aloud. "I have to go love. Chloe's calling me. Love you! Bye! Heart emoji and kissing emoji. She sounds wonderful! Who's Chloe?"

"I'm not answering anything personal about her. If you ever get to meet her, then you can if she agrees."

"Bye! Love you too!" The reporter said with awe. "How adorable! She seems the exact opposite of you! This is going to be huge amongst your fans!"

"Tt. Yeah, whatever." I tutted.

Marinette's POV:

"No way." I paused. "It's just a coincidence." I stated. Chloe raised an eyebrow.

"Are you serious? You know what. I'm not doing this today." Chloe got up and walked straight out the door. I sighed. This was just a coincidence, right?

Marinette: Hey!

Demon: Hello. How can I assist you?

Marinette: Sooooooo my friend showed me the latest news feed and she said I'm texting Damian Wayne right now. Are you Damian Wayne?

Demon: I don't know you, so why should you know who I am?

Marinette: Okay, fine. I'm Marinette Bourgeois. Adopted daughter of Mayor Bourgeois of Paris, France. My best friend/sister is Chloe Bourgeois. I am 20 years old and I'm a fashion designer. Your turn.

Demon: I am Damian Wayne, please don't keep my name in your contact because my brothers are stupid. I am Bruce Wayne's only blood son. Everything else you probably know because reporters are annoying.

Marinette: Wowwww you make it sound like your life sucks. And no, I don't really know you. This is the first time I've heard of your name. Plus, I'd rather get to know you from you than from reporters.

Demon: And why would I keep talking to you?

Wow. Rude.

Marinette: First of all, rude. Second of all because you owe me a favor. And third of all, because reporters will be hounding you for more information on your 'girlfriend'.

Demon: Tt. Fine. But if anyone- I mean anyone asks, you have to keep pretending to be my girlfriend. I'm not about to be exposed because of you.

Marinette: Fine.

Demon: Are you actually coming to Gotham?

Marinette: Yes, I am. What's it to you?

Demon: Tt. I am from Gotham, remember? And since the reporters will be 'hounding' me, we will have to meet up.

Marinette: Mhm... I'm sure we do... 😏

Demon: Yes, we do. Don't make me change my mind.

"Marinette!!!!" Chloe called.

Marinette: Okay. Bye. Chloe's calling.

Demon: Goodbye.

I looked up from my phone.

"Yes, Chloe?"

"Where do you want to eat for lunch? I don't feel like cooking." She said.

"Uh-" I got cut off from a crash through the window. Out of the dust came, in all his glory, Superboy. "I hope you're planning to play for that window." I said examining my nails.

"Oh I uh- no thanks?" He said. We glared at him. "Whoops." He smiled sheepishly.

"Unless you're about to pay for that window, we'd like you to leave before we make you." I said kindly.

"Uhh... you're scary. So..." he stretched out the 'o'. "How much did that window cost?" We smirked.

"Well, seeing as it's a one pane, ten foot, bay window, and it's around $1,800 for the window and at most $6,500 for installation since the window is hanging over a cliff above the ocean." I said bluntly.

"Uhh... I'll send the bill to Damian." He muttered.

"So your Jon Kent?" Chloe asked.

"What?" He sputtered.

"I mean, I'm guessing your talking about Damian Wayne, and his best friend is Jon Kent, so... are you Jon Kent?" Chloe explained. 'Jon' sputtered a weak excuse, but he eventually realized we weren't buying it.

"Yeah. I'm Jon, nice to meet you!" He said happily.

"Hi! I'm Marinette, and this is Chloe." I greeted.

"Ohh so you are Damian's girlfriend, right?" Jon pointed at me.

"You know it's rude to point." I deadpanned. I remembered what Damian said about having to pretend to be his girlfriend. "And yes, I am." I claimed leaving both Jon and Chloe's mouths hanging open.

"What?" Chloe whispered. "And you didn't tell me!" She screamed so fast I almost got whiplash.

"You are?!" Jon shouted. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yes." I said sheepishly. How much I wished to strangle Demon for getting me into this mess right now. "Does Damian know you're Superboy?" I said changing the subject.

"Yes, but we're not leaving the topic. I still can't believe it!" He exclaimed.

"Does that mean Damian is a superhero too? Now that I think about it, his whole family could be the bat-family. Same number of people, right?" I suggested to Chloe. Jon froze.

"Yes it is. And I'm going to guess Damian is Robin." Chloe added. "Are we right?" She asked Jon.


"You know what. You're a horrible liar, so I'm just going to assume we're correct." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. I can't lie anyway."

"Unlike some people." I mutter which he heard. "Anyway, why are you here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to meet Damian's girlfriend. He's never talked about you, and I'm his only friend so, yeah."

We sat and talked for a few hours, we ended up ordering sushi for all three of us. Jon, Chloe and I got a lot closer to each other. We learned about his home life, his hero life, and his school life, all of which were never boring.

"I have to go now." We all frowned. "It was nice meeting y'all!"

"Same." Chloe and I said at the same time.

"Hey, Jon?" Chloe asked before he could step out the broken window. He turned to face Chloe.

"Yes, Chlo?" He responded. Chloe blushed and looked down at her feet.

"Could I get your number?" She muttered. Jon froze but then plastered on a wide fake smile.

"Sure!" He pulled out his phone and typed in Chloe's number. "I hope to see you both again!" He said cheerfully. "Bye!" He waved.

"Bye!" I waved back. Chloe was too shocked to even move.

As soon as Jon was out of view, I turned to Chloe. Let's just say she got teased for the rest of the day and most of the next morning. It was mutual teasing, because I got teased into tomorrow by Chloe as well. We were planning to leave in three days to go to New York. During this time, Demon and I because better friends we even have some respect for each other now.

Marinette: Hello, Demon!

Demon: Hello, Mari.

Marinette: We're leaving for New York today!

Demon: Cool, why'd you text me?

Marinette: 🙄🙄😭 Because I thought you'd care. 🥺🥺😩

Demon: Tt. Remind me to never introduce you to Grayson.

Marinette: Okay! I'll remind you to introduce me to Grayson.

Demon: Tt.

Demon: When's your flight?

Marinette: uhhhh now?

Demon: Well. Go get on your plane before it leaves!

Marinette: Fine, fine. Whatever you say, Demon.

Demon: Have an enjoyable flight.

Marinette: Thank you! You're actually learning manners.

Demon: Sure, now go.

Marinette: Okay! Bye! I'll text you when we land and I'm bored.

Demon: Goodbye.

"You texting your boyfriend again." Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, you would be too if you didn't have such high standards." Chloe blushed.

"Would not." Chloe argued.

"You would, though!" Chloe was about to snap back when the main speaker came on.

"Flight 918 to New York City! Last call for flight 918 to New York City."

"Would ya look at that, that's our flight. Let's go!" I pulled Chloe and ran to our gate.

Our flight wasn't bad. We were in business class, because MDC wasn't really big enough where we could be in first, even though Chloe said we were. We got lunch on the plane which Chloe refused to eat until I showed her it came with ice cream. Then she ate that. I didn't really touch my lunch either. Just the bread, butter, and ice cream. When we landed, Chloe and I went straight to the nearest fancy restaurant. We stood out like a sore thumb there. Everyone was wearing their fancy dresses and hats and whatever rich people wear. While we were in a white T-shirt, black, skinny ripped jeans and a flannel shirt. The waitress at front did a double take when we walked in. Nevertheless, she brought us to the back part of the restaurant, probably so we don't upset the customers, and gave us a not-as-fancy three person table, which Chloe complained about. We were both really hungry so we didn't mind much. The waitress probably thought she was doing good for the restaurant, that is, until Audrey Bourgeois showed up and they lead her to the not-fancy table we were at. Then the waitress offered us a private booth at a window seat. We ordered and Audrey started talking about herself.

"-you should've seen it. It was the most wonderful dress I've ever seen- apart from the ones I've designed of course. Mine will always out do GABRIEL. Speaking of which, I am so sorry to hear Agreste Jr. denied you for a lying tramp. But, I know you'll do better than him. Rumor has it Damian Wayne has a girlfriend. Oh imagine being the girlfriend to someone that rich. My, that money could put a hole through my career. You wouldn't happen to know them right? You were at the Bahamas weren't you? People think Damian Wayne's girlfriend lives there." She looked at us expectantly. I cleared my throat.

"Actually, Miss Bou- Mom, I am Damian Wayne's girlfriend." I said slowly.

A waitress dropped a few empty wine glasses when she walked past us no doubt listening to our conversation. Everyone else at the restaurant turned to look at me. I thought Mom was going to scream in rage, throw a tantrum, or something, but she quietly stood up, paid the bill, called her driver, and we left.

"Word will get out," she said when we were in the limo. "Everyone will know by tomorrow, but they won't know your name. Just your face and what you were wearing." She said calmly. "Oh and," she took in a deep breath. "Why in the world would you not tell your own mother you were dating THE Damian Wayne! This is absolutely huge! Damian Wayne actually found a girl! That's impossible! He's such a b- mean and rude person.. But he found a girlfriend! MDC at that. I am so proud of you for moving on after Adrien!" She screamed proudly. I smiled.

"I'm not sure how it happened, but yeah, I moved on from Adrien." I hugged her. "I have my designs for upcoming dresses for my next line, and we still need to discuss if you'd invest in m-"

"Are you kidding, Mari! You are the most talented designer I know. And Chloe, you are the best daughter I could ever ask for! Both of you are going to do amazing things in the future and I want to be apart of that. I'll set up a meeting with the board of directors tomorrow and demand we invest in you. I already know they'll agree. All you have to do is be yourself, and you got us on board." She finished. Chloe and I were almost in tears.

"Thank you." I said.

"Both of you are so special, your father and I are so proud of you no matter what you do." She smiled fondly at us.

The next day, Chloe and I were both nervous for the board meeting. Everything could either go amazingly or burn up in flames.

"Mari! Don't be nervous! Remember Mama said that I was special, daddy would agree but he's in Paris right now." She said. We walked past many beautiful designs displayed throughout the hall.

"So why's it feel like everybody's shinier than me?" I looked up at Chloe.

"Mari, you don't actually believe that do you? You are the most talented person I know, and I know a lot of talented people, do you really think your designs are worse than these! Any of your designs are worthy of Mama! Even the ugliest one you know of." She said giving us flashbacks of the vomit green sweater and brown jeggings. "Okay, maybe not that one. But you get the point!" She reassured.

"Thank you, Chloe." I said before we walked into the meeting room. I took a deep breath.

"Hello! I'm MDC owner and founder of MDC designs! This is my manager, model, and best friend, and sister Chloe! We are both so excited to be here today! Before we get into everything, I wanted to show you some of my latest designs for my next line!" I gave each of the three directors a piece of paper. "And Chloe will be modeling them." The first design that came down was a cream, silk miniskirt with a small slit on the right leg, and a black, silk cowl neck camisole. Chloe came out in all her fashion and modeled the outfit. Chloe went behind a board and came out in another design it was an asymmetrical, blood red dress going to about mid-thigh and had a small cut out through the long sleeve. The last was a spring green poncho-like shirt with white flare pants.

(Sorry, I didn't have enough time to actually make it look pretty. The next one will be better, promise )

The board meeting went pretty well If I do say so myself. They liked our designs and brand. The only thing is, they want our brand to be bought by Style Queen. Chloe and I had a long talk about it, but we decided not to sell our company. Which unfortunately almost lost two members. We brought them back to our side, though, when we reminded them that GABRIEL also wanted to buy us but decided to go cheaper and create an arranged marriage instead. Of course they remembered that, and decided to just wing it and feature MDC and Chloe on the cover of Audrey's next magazine of the month for the next few months, and they scheduled photo shoots following the next day. Chloe and I squealed and hugged each other after the meeting ended.

"We're both modeling!" Chloe exclaimed.

"On the cover!" I finished.

"I can't believe it!" We both screamed.

"Congratulations, girls!" Audrey said. "I'll see you tomorrow at the shoot! I'll text you the address and time." Audrey said, flipped her hair and left.

"Jean's waiting out front." Chloe said.

I followed her down the stairs to the lobby.

We got back to our hotel and decided to celebrate by going out tonight. I wore the red dress Chloe showcased the members today, and Chloe wore the green and white pantsuit, we went to the swankiest restaurant in NYC. Jean picked us up and dropped us off in our fanciest stretch limo, so we arrived to the restaurant exactly on time. There were many famous people there each of them sporting a quite fashionable outfit. Chloe and I, by far, looked the best. The lady there led us to our table. We were enjoying our delicious but incredibly small portioned nine course meal when someone just had to ruin it.

"Marinette!" Someone behind me screamed. I gently picked up my napkin, wiped the corners of my mouth, and placed the napkin back onto my lap.

"Yes?" I said not looking behind me.

"What are you doing here." the figure said 'you' with absolute distaste.

"Enjoying my meal, like you all should be doing." I spoke calmly. "I mean where did you expect me to go? McDonalds?" I said still not looking at the figures behind me. All the rich people laughed at my rich people humor. Typical. "No thanks. I'll leave that to you." Everyone laughed once again.

"Why you!" The person was about to lunge at me when a waitress came up to them.

"Miss, this is reservation only. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"What! We have a reservation. My friend's boyfriend reserved this table for us, but my friend's bully," they gestured at me. "stole our table!" I finally turned around in my seat only to face the angry glares of Alya and the class and the tear streaked face of Lila. Once again, the waitress came close to Alya. Maybe a little too close because when Alya turned around her hand smacked the face of the poor waitress knocking her to the ground. Suddenly the manager came out and boy did he look mad.

"What is the meaning of this!" He screamed in rage.

"She started it." Alya said pointing directly at me.

All of the people who watched the ordeal laughed.

"I'm just defending my best friend!" she glared at me. "She's Damian Wayne's girlfriend." she said smugly. I finally got a closer look at Lila. She was wearing a T-shirt, black ripped jeans and a flannel shirt. Wow how original.

"What is your name." He gestured to Alya.

"Alya Césaire." She stated smugly.

"Well, this table is reserved for and by Chloe Bourgeois. They have been here for the past hour or so, so even if you did have this table, it would've been given away to anyone since you are over fifteen minutes late. We'd very much appreciate it if you and your lying friend and your class left immediately." He finished.

"I-" Alya sputtered trying to find something to say. Nino tugged on his girlfriend's arm.

"Als, people are staring," he said "and laughing." he whispered. "Let's just go."

"No! This is our table. America is a free country! And I demand that we get this table!"

I snorted. She turned to me. "And there's nothing you can do about it! We are on a class trip for three whole days here." she said smugly. "And you weren't invited, remember. So don't think you can just show up after us and-"

"We we're actually here before you." Chloe said examining her nails.

"So! We are going to have the best time of our lives! So you can either get up and give us this table! Or! Or..." she trailed off.

"We'll tell your parents that you told me their food is disgusting and you hate them." Lila threatened. "B-Because that's what y-you told me when y-you threatened me in the b-bathroom." Lila cried as tears poured down her face.

"Okay. Good for you. Does it look like I care?" I got up angrily. "Because you know." My eyes darkened "You know. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. And once this facade is gone," My eyes darkened even more.  "you know, everything will come crashing down on your head- eventually killing you." I finished sweetly. "So. Stay. Away. From. Us." I said inching closer and closer with every word until I was mere inches from Lila's ugly face. The class backed up in fear, Lila the most, except for Alya. "Stubborn, Alya. You still don't know when to stop." I gave a short laugh. "Well, if you must know. You're running your future into the ground. If no one else will make your dreams die." I paused letting the threat sink in. "I will." I said sweetly. I giggled and everyone else laughed, a few even applauded.

A bouncer escorted the humiliated class off the premises.

"I am so sorry." The manager started. "I have no idea how they got past the bouncer. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" He said politely. Chloe perked up.

"Any chance we can have our meal for free?" We all laughed.

"No." He stated.

Throughout the rest of the night, various people came up to congratulate us or greet us- Heck one person even offered us a small role in their next movie!

"It's just a small role, it'll only take a few hours to film if you aren't busy." He pushed. Wow this casting agent was pushy. I sighed in defeat.

"Chloe?" She nodded. I turned back towards him. "Okay. We'll do it, but we're pretty busy people especially for tomorrow. We have a photoshoot then for our company." I explained.

"Great! It'll take place in Gotham. A few contacts have agreed to let us use their place." We nodded. He gave us his contact information, and we gave him ours. "You know, you both look really familiar." He said before turning to leave. I froze.

"We're Audrey Bourgeois' daughters." Chloe explained.

"Ah! That's it. Have a good evening." He said and left.

We paid for our meal after profusely apologizing to everyone for Alya's disturbance. Jean drove us home and I flopped onto my bed.

Marinette: Demon! Guess what?

Demon: What happened this time.

Marinette: 🙄🙄🙄

Marinette: I thought you might actually be happy for me for once, but I guess not.

Demin: Fine, what is it?

Marinette: So one of my bullies made a huge scene today. Honestly they're toxic.

Marinette: And after they were kicked out, someone offered us a small role! Like in an actual movie!

Demon: Really? Congratulations.

Marinette: Thank you! It actually takes place in Gotham, so I'm spending EVEN MORE time there with you, my oh-so-wonderful-boyfriend.

Demon: Great. Just great. More opportunity for the media to be annoying.

Marinette: Aww! You actually care about me!

Demon: Actually I care about my public image.

Marinette: Ouch that hurts, Demon!

Demon: Tt. You should get some sleep. It's late. Since I care about you so much, my oh-so-wonderful-girlfriend.

Marinette: Lol. Goodnight, Dami.

Demon: Don't call me that.

Demon: Goodnight.

I switched off my phone, turned off the lights, and climbed under the covers.

"Marinette!" I woke up. "The photoshoot is today!" Chloe yelled.

"Oh yeah!" I got up and ran through the hotel room looking at every piece of clothing I have.

I eventually decided to wear a black leather jacket, a white cotton sundress, and a pair of black and white leather boots. Chloe wore a dusty purple, upper thigh length skirt, a pale blue blouse with balloon sleeves, a pair of pale blue wedges, and a dusty purple headband.

"Ah you're here!" The photographer looked at us. "Both of you look amazing. The clothes work in your favor for sure! You are a great designer! Anyway," He waved his hand away from him "My friend here" he motioned to a girl around our age. "Will be doing your makeup. Be ready in half an hour."

"Hi I'm Jezelle! I'm your makeup artist for today! And may I say you both look absolutely stunning!" she praised leading us to the trailer. "Our sponsor is somewhere here. I honestly don't know where he went, but I bet my money on a coffee shop." She laughed. "Anyway, let's get started!" she said enthusiastically. I went first and sat down on the chair. While Jezelle was working, another girl came in and started doing my hair. I was done in fifteen minutes.

"Wow! Jezelle and Margaux! This looks amazing! Thank you!" I praised. Both girls blushed.

"Thank you!/Thanks, MDC!" They both said and smiled.

"Your turn, Chloe!" I gestures towards the chair.

I went outside for a nice walk before the photo shoot. I was around the set when I ran into a wall.

"Oof." I said and rubbed my head.

"Sorry about that." The wall said. Wait a second, walls don't talk, right?

"Your a talking wall?" I mumbled. I could feel the wall's curious gaze. I finally looked up from the ground. Standing over me was a tall guy probably a few years older han me. I got up and dusted myself off.

"Tim Drake." He offered his hand. I shook it, not saying my name. "Sorry but this is a private photo shoot, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He said politely.

"I-" I started.

"No buts." He stated more firmly.

"Sir, I-"

"If you aren't going to leave, I'm going to have to throw you out myself." He looked close to furious.

"Mr. Drake, I'm act-"

"You're actually supposed to be here, I know, I've heard it all before. Just not in New York." He said.

"Mari! Get your butt over here!" Chloe scolded. "He said half an hour."

"Excuse me, Miss. Who are you?"

"Chloe Bourgeois, remember, Tim?" she rolled her eyes.

"Oh right, you." He rolled his eyes with a hint of blush on both of their faces. I coughed loudly.

"You said we were late?" I deadpanned to Chloe.

"Nah, we're not that late." She responded not breaking eye contact with Tim.

"Get a room, please." I rolled my eyes. They both jumped back and had a faint blush on their faces and upper neck.

"Who are you again?" Tim asked me.

"I'm MDC." I replied. Tim's eyes widened.

"You're MDC!?" He screamed. "I am so sorry! I thought you were a fangirl!" He took in a deep breath "YOU'RE MDC!" He shouted once again.

"She's also D-" I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Not a word. Or else I'll mention that time before Lila." I threatened lightly. Chloe's eyes widened when I mentioned that scenario. I was talking about when she got Adrien to sign her giant poster and told everyone they were in love. Heck, she even framed that poster. I silently laughed at our teenage years.

"There you two are. The set's all ready, so we need you." The photographer came out from behind the set.

"Okay! We're coming." I smiled and grabbed Chloe's arm.

"Wait, Chloe. I have a meeting later, so I won't be able to see you after the photo shoot." he explained. He fiddled with his tie and nervously smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to catch up later?" Chloe smiled broadly.

"Sure! Here's my number."  She handed him a pale yellow sticky note with her number in black ink. It also had a small drawing of a bee in the top right corner.

"You really like bees, huh?" He teasingly judged. Chloe smiled too sweetly.

"Just take the note."

"Bye!" He waved. "Have fun on your photo shoot!"

"Thanks! Bye!" Before he left, however, he went up to Chloe and kissed her cheek.

I pulled a blushing Chloe over to the set.

"Ah you're here. Good." He positioned us in the latest poses. I had one hand on my hip, my head turned to the side, and hair covering my face so it wasn't so obvious Marinette Bourgeois was MDC. Chloe was sitting on the fountain with her legs crossed and looking at the sky. Her hair was also partially in her face, but not that much so you could still tell it was Chloe, just not Chloe Bourgeois.

"Perfect! Now look mysterious. Our audience loves a good mystery. Now look emo but still somewhat happy. Perfect! Now-"

"Marinette! What are you doing here." I sighed.

"What now, Alya." I said in disgust. I removed my long waist length hair from my face allowing them to see the designer clothing I was in. Their face of shock was totally worth them interrupting us.

"Why are you here? Are you following us? Did I do something to upset you again? Oh no! I'm so sorry if I did! I didn't mean to-" Lila broke out into sobs.

"What do you mean 'Are we following you?' We've been here for the past hour. Same as the restaurant. Seems like you've been following us." I narrowed my eyes. "Plus, this is a professional photo shoot, you can't be here. It's a restricted area." I rolled my eyes.

"If it's a restricted area, why are you here." Alya sneered.

"Because we're modeling for the magazine." I rolled my eyes at Lila's look of jealousy. I plastered a fake smile on my face "Hey quick question." Everyone's eyes turned towards me. "So like, did you get more stupid from the last time we met or is this like another one of your social experiments where you just act like your stupider than a toddler eating a Barbie doll?" I asked innocently.

"I-uh-You-Ugh!" Alya screamed.

"Excuse me, do you have authorization to be in this area? This is a private photo shoot for the Style Queen Magazine." Tim saw their blank faces.

"They don't! They came here to distract us!" I shouted with my hands cupping my mouth. That drew everyone's attention to them. Everybody on site started glaring daggers at the class for distracting them from their busy schedule. The class shrunk behind Alya and Lila. Their faces were pale.

"B-But Lila has authorization. She's MDC's best friend. He even had a crush on her before Lila met Damian Wayne." Everyone on set and off set stared at her as if she's stupid.

"See. We are allowed to be here and speak our opinion!" Alya screamed smugly spitting on the face of Tim. She mistook the deadpan stares as stares of awe. Lila just glared smugly at me.

"Yeah! I'm dating Damian Wayne. I'm also friends with MDC and Chloe." She bragged smugly. I broke out laughing.

"Believe me, Miss. I've met Damian Wayne and MDC. Mr. Wayne has never met you and personally MDC and Chloe do not like you. I'll need to escort you off of the set as you are disrupting our workers." Tim stated and guided the class out of the park.

"You're failing miserably Marinette! You should give up modeling forever! You're useless and can't do anything right!" Alya yelled before Tim physically pushed her onto the concrete in front of the park. Fortunately for Alya, the car on the road just missed her head. So close!

"I'm tryin', but it's like I'm lyin' through my crooked teeth." I whispered to myself.

"Come on, Mari. You don't actually believe that, right? You know you're more than that. You're a better person than she will ever be! You're not useless. You're not failing- in fact Mama would probably hire you as a model even if you never met her." Chloe placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't ever listen to her. You're better than everyone in that class combined." I smiled at her.

"Thanks Chloe." I said truly grateful.

We went back to posing. I tried making everything seem like how it was before Alya and Lila showed up, but I guess I seemed a little dull.

"MDC. I know there was a distraction, but can you please look more lively?  We just need a few more poses just in case Audrey didn't like the first one. So why aren't you shining?" He asked purely out of curiosity.

"'Cause shiny isn't me." I answered honestly. He nodded understandingly.

"Okay. I get that. I'm sure Audrey will like the first pictures anyway." He waved his hand in front of him. "You girls are good for the day! I'll see you next month!" He waved goodbye.

Marinette: Hey Demon!

Demon: Yes? What do you want.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Did I do something to upset him again? I looked back down at my phone.

Demon: Sorry, I've had a rough day at school. I didn't mean to take it out on you.

He texted me almost instantly, so I guess he really was sorry.

Marinette: It's okay. What happened at school?

Demon: Just some assignments, annoying fan girls, and my friend.

I assumed he meant Jon. I internally laughed realizing I didn't tell Demon I met Jon and I know both of their identities.

Marinette: Cool!

Demon: How was your day, Mari?

Marinette: It was great! I had a photo shoot with our new sponsor! And had a run in with that sponsor's sponsor. It was awkward because Chloe knew him or whatever.

Demon: Lol. Chloe Bourgeoise knows everyone if they have money.

Marinette: Ay! Watch it, Bud. That's my best friend your talking about.

Demon: Is it untrue?

Marinette: She knew me before I had a business.

Demon: Wow I'm so surprised.

Marinette: She's my best friend and my sister. And as her best friend please don't talk about her like that. And as her sister, come fight me, no weapons, midnight.

Demon: Fineee.

Marinette: Lol

Demon: Lol

Demon: Gn. It's night for you.

Marinette: Oh yeah. Gn! But we're going out for dinner so I'm not sleeping yet 😉

Marinette: You used acronyms... and more than one "e"........

Demon: Tt. Whatever. Have a nice night.

Marinette: Ty!

I put my phone away and went down for dinner. I met Chloe at the lobby and we walked towards a nearby restaurant. The waitress gave us a booth near the front.

"So, Chlo. How does it feel that today is our last day here?" I asked her.

"Already? Wow that went by so fast." She said.  I nodded and continued to look through the menu.

"So! Who are you gonna choose?" I asked randomly.

"Huh? What do you mean, Mari?"

"I mean are you going to go for Tim or Jon?" I smirked. Chloe's face turned a surprising shade of pink before turning back to her usual poker face.

"Why does it matter, Mari. They both don't like me anyway." Chloe sighed.

"Are you kidding me. Jon took your number and Tim asked you out not to mention he also kissed you." I deadpanned.

"Yeah, I guess. But Jon's dating someone. I don't really know who, the media just said it's a guy and he's from out of the country." Chloe sighed. Chloe's phone buzzed. She looked up at me in an annoyed expression.

"It's Adrien." She said. "He wants to call right now."

"Well don't pick it up! Please! Chlo-"

"Too late!" Chloe said and accepted the incoming call.

"What do you want, Adrien." She asked coldly.

"Is Marinette there?" He said. I hand signaled a huge NO.

"No, she's not here." I sighed in relief.

"Oh. Well, if you see her, can you tell her I never sent those messages to her, father did. He only did that is because, well, I'm gay and he doesn't like that." We both gasped. "And in that interview, it wasn't me. I mean it was me-it wasn't actually live, and everything I said was a script since I said no to Marinette. Truth is, I only said no to Marinette was because I was dating Jon Kent." We both gasped again. "So, if you see her please tell her I'm sorry. I really want her forgiveness more than anything."

"Why tell us now?" Chloe said suspiciously. "How do we know your father didn't put up up to this." Adrien sighed on the other end of the phone.

"Father and Nathalie have been arrested. It's on public news if you want to make sure I'm not lying." I grabbed my phone and pulled up a random news company and nodded to Chloe.

"It's true." I mouthed.

"Okay. I'll tell her you're sorry." Adrien sighed a huge sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Chlo. I have to go now. Bye, Chloe! Bye, Mari. I know you've been there the whole time." I cleared my throat in embarrassment.

"Bye, Adrien." We both laughed out butts off. "See you later, I'll add your contact back into my phone."

"Really? Thanks, Mari!"

"Of course, Adrien! We have a lot to catch up on- including who I'm now dating." I said mysteriously.

"You're dating someone!? Congratulations! I really have to go now. Bye!"

"Bye!" We both said again. Chloe clicked the end of the received. But before she could speak, she got cut off by yet another buzz on both of our phones.

"Damian Wayne's girlfriend revealed?" Chloe said aloud. She raised an eyebrow in my direction.

"I didn't say anything, though?" I clicked on the news story.

"Lila Rossi claims to be Damian Wayne's girlfriend. She said in an interview with Alya Cesairé "We have been sweethearts for 5 years now. He even asked for my ring size a few months ago, so we might be more one day! He is a literal sweetheart. We're on a class trip so I will be in Gotham for a few days! I'm fine being interviewed then!" So if you happen to see Lila Rossi on the streets, you can ask her your burning questions about Damian Wayne." I read aloud.

"Wow. Lila really went low." She laughed. "I mean. Today she claimed to be you, our best friends, and your crush. All in one day." I laughed.

"She wishes." I rolled my eyes. My phone buzzed in my hand. "Please excuse me, Chloe." I pressed accept on the incoming call and made sure the call wasn't on speaker phone.

"Hey, Demon!"

"Hi, Mari. You saw the news article, too, right?" I scoffed.

"I saw more than that. I saw Lila Rossi's oh-so-beautiful face today." He chuckled. "She interrupted my photo shoot today with her little posse." He chuckled once again.

"Yeah, so I wanted to ask for another favor. It's a little bigger than the last one. Just a little bit..." I could feel his awkward smile through the phone.

"Sure! What is it?"

"Could you announce, as MDC, your dating me? Please. I hate people who pretend to be my girlfriend." He stated.

"Isn't that what I'm doing?" I teased. We both laughed.

"I was the one who asked you, though. Plus your much nicer than those attention seekers." I blushed. "Is that a yes?" He asked

"Sure. Plus, Lila implied MDC was a boy and that they were childhood friends. I doubt she'll be able to lie her way out of that."

"Really? You'd do that for me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Of course! We are dating after all." I teased. I giggled and he let out a hearty laugh.

"Whoops! I have to go, Demon! Our food's here."

"Okay, Mari! Have a great night!"

"Thank you! Have a great rest of your day!"


"Bye!" I clicked the decline button. Chloe looked at me expectantly.

"Well, what did Damian say?" She asked.

"He wants me to reveal MDC is dating Damian Wayne." I said slowly. Chloe's mouth dropped.


"To expose Lila, she said she was dating Damian Wayne and she was best friends with MDC. So she couldn't lie her way out of it unless she tells the truth."

"Ohh! Okay, that makes sense." Chloe said.

"Is mom okay with that, though?" I asked.

"I'm sure she'd say it's fine. Just in case, though, maybe you should call her." Chloe suggested. I nodded and picked up my phone again.

"Oh, you can go ahead and eat. I don't want to keep you waiting, Chloe." Chloe smiled and started to eat. I dialed Mom's number and waited anxiously for her to pick up.

"Yes, Mari?"

"Hi, Mom!"

"Hello, Sweetie! Is something wrong?" She asked with worry clear in her voice. I smiled knowing she cared a lot about me.

"Well. Damian just called me, and he wants me to reveal I'm his girlfriend." I tapped my fingers against the table in anxiety while the line went silent. "Mom? Are you still there?" I asked.

"I am, don't worry, Honey. I'm just asking secretary to pull up a line with Damian Wayne." She said innocently.

"Mom. Don't." I pleaded.

"Why?" She asked even more innocently.

"First of all, he's my boyfriend. Second of all, he's richer than you and has more power. Third of all, I don't want you to 'have a hole in your career'. And lastly, I love him." I didn't mean to say the last reason, but it just rolled off of my tongue.

"Fine." Mom conceded. "Only for you." she said warmly.

"So you're okay with it?" I asked still tapping my fingers in the table.

"If you're okay with the attention. Not to mention the paparazzi following you around everywhere." She voiced her concern. I mentally facepalmed.

"Right, about that. I won't be?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"What do you mean?"

"I may or may not've forgotten to mention earlier that we'd reveal our relationship as MDC and Damian Wayne." I could feel Mom narrow her eyes even more.

"What?" Her tone went even colder.

"Mom. It's okay. I don't plan on revealing myself yet, anyway." I reasoned. I heard a loud exhale from the other side of my phone.

"Fine. You can. But please don't make a huge deal about it. You don't want negative press." She warned.

"Okay, I'll let Chloe run through my post before I publicly post my relationship status." Mom snorted.

"Chloe? My daughter? You know she'll make it overly dramatic." She teased. We both laughed.

"Fine, I'll run it through Damian." I smiled.

"Okay, just be careful, okay? Gotham's a dangerous place." I smiled brighter.

"We will. Bye! Love you!"

"Love you Mom!" Chloe leaned across the table and screamed into the phone.

"Bye, Chloe! Bye, Mari! Love you both! Kisses!" Mom said and left.

We enjoyed the rest of our dinner, and went back to the hotel. When we got there, I FaceTimed Demon.

"Hi, Demon!" I waved.

"Mari? I thought you'd be asleep by now." He said concerned.

"Nah! It's only 10! Anyway, Chloe's here." Chloe waved at the screen.

"Hi demon spawn." She said. Demon tutted and greeted her like a grandpa.

"Don't go back into grandpa mode now." I rolled my eyes.

"I am not like a grandpa." He defended.

"But ya are." Chloe cut in.

"Anyway." I continued before either could start insulting each other. "When should we announce it, and how? Our mom wants it to be simple so we don't get much negative press." I smiled at Demon.

"Sure, we can do it that way!" He replied.

"Okay! We can announce it tomorrow since we're coming to Gotham tomorrow, anyway?" I suggested.

"Oh yeah! We should probably start packing." Chloe suggested.

"Eh! Let's procrastinate on that a bit." I waved off. I heard Chloe laugh behind me.

"So tomorrow noon? We arrive at Gotham at around 12pm, I'll text you when we get there then and we can post it together?" Demon nodded.

"Okay. What should our message say?" I had no idea. I yawned and my eyes started to close but I refused to drift off into sleep.

"Mari, it's late. You should go to sleep. We can figure this out when you're on the plane." He said kindly.

"Okay. Bye Demon! Love you!" I said unconsciously. Demon blushed a bright red.

"Bye, Mari! Love you too! I'll see you tomorrow!" He waved goodbye.

"Aw you're both so perfect together!" Chloe squealed.

"Yeah, yeah." I said and got ready for bed.

I closed my eyes after I finished getting ready. I was just about to fall asleep when I suddenly shot up.

"I did not just say I loved Demon right in front of him, did I?! Tikki?!" I yelled. Tikki giggled, and her face formed a smile.

"Yes you did, Mari. But he also said he loved you back." She hyped.

"Probably because he wanted Chloe to believe it." I mumbled to myself as Tikki went back to sleep.

"Ugh, I got troubles on my mind

I would fix them, but I got no time

I got troubles

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh." I muttered and fell fast asleep.

"Wake up, Mari!" Chloe yelled in my ear.

"I'm up, I'm up." I jumped up and started to fall back asleep anyway.

"Come on, our flight is in a few hours and we still have to pack!" She yelled again.

My eyes widened in realization. I started running around my room packing everything I saw. After half an hour we were both packed and ready to go to Gotham! Audrey's driver picked us up and brought us to the airport. We thanked him and went to grab our tickets. We checked in our bags not long after. We had around an hour to spare, so we went to the lounge.

"So how does this look?" Chloe looked over my draft.

"It looks good! Maybe just change 'Hi' to 'Hey everyone' so your addressing everyone." I typed in her suggestion. "And 'So' to 'I just wanted to say before too many rumors fly'" I looked at her.

"Yeah that's much better! Thank you Chloe!" I thanked. After a few more minutes of help, I sent my finished draft to Demon. I wasn't expecting him to reply since it was still early there, but he did in a matter of seconds.

Demon: It's perfect, Mari!

Demon: Oh and by the way, I'm picking you up at the airport.

Marinette: Wait, what? We were just going to get a taxi! It's fine. You don't have to!

Demon: What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't pick you up when you came to visit me! And plus, it's a school holiday since it's the end of the semester the teachers plan for the next semester. It's fine! Really.

Marinette: Fine. But Chloe will be asking questions and threatening you, so be ready to face them.

Demon: Aw you actually care about me.

Marinette: Touché and why wouldn't care about my boyfriend?

Demon: Fine. Lol. Your flight is about to be called, you may want to start heading over there.

Marinette: Okay! Byeeee!!!!

Demon: Byeee. Have a great flight!

Marinette: Ty!

"They're about to call us, Chlo." Chloe nodded and grabbed her stuff. We walked around the airport until we found our gate.

'Flight 189 to Gotham, New Jersey! Boarding starts now!'

"Hello! Just put your tickets here and stand in front of the scanner here." The attendant smiled.

I followed her directions and walked onto the plane Chloe following behind me. I walked into business class and was about to ask Chloe which seats she booked when I realized she wasn't behind me. I retraced my steps and saw her in first class putting her luggage away.

"Chloe." I glared at her.

"Yes, Mari?" She said innocently.

"Why did you book first class tickets." I accused.

"Well, you said we aren't a big enough brand to be flying first class, so I was going to buy business class." She paused and her innocent expression turned into a smirk. "Then I remembered who we are and booked first class." she flipped her hair.

"Chlo, you didn't need to-"

"I was going to rent a private jet." She warned. "And I just might next time." I sighed.

"Fine. Thank you. I did not like the food even in business class." I confessed. We laughed and put our luggage in the overhead bins. The plane took off half an hour later.

Marinette: Hey, Demon! We're on the plane now!

Demon: Good, otherwise I got everyone out of the house for nothing. Lol.

Marinette: Lol.

Marinette: I have a question.

Demon: Mhm?

Marinette: I don't remember telling you I was MDC. How did you know?


Marinette: Lol

Demon: I googled you?

Marinette: We both know you didn't do just that. Lol.

Demon: Lol. Okay. So your other potential sponsor is Bruce Wayne, right? So when I heard your name it sounded familiar. So I hacked dad's computer and found your information including that you're MDC. Not to sound creepy or anything... and well put the pieces together.

Marinette: Ah! So your smartttt and you use your brainnnn. Lol.

Demon: Yes, lol.

Demon: How far away are you?

"Flight attendants please take your seats, and passengers please store your tray tables and buckle your seat belts. We are proceeding to land.

Marinette: We're about to land.

Demon: Good! I just got here.

Marinette: Okay, I gtg now. Bye!

Demon: Okay! Bye!

I switched off my phone and put it in my purse.  Once the plane landed, we got our bags from the overhead bins and got off of the plane.

"Okay. The PA system said our carousel number is 9. So, let's go there!" Chloe said.

"Okay! Lead the way!" I followed Chloe as she read various signs and made our way through the maze. We grabbed our bags from the carousel and walked outside.

Demon: I'm out front. People are crossing me, so make sure you don't show your face to anyone.

Marinette: Got it!

"He's out front. Make sure you hide your face." I repeated to Chloe. She nodded and pulled her hood over her head. I did the same. We walked out to see a huddle of teenage girls in short, tight clothing, men and women taking pictures and screaming, and one guy leaning on his stretch limousine. He rolled his eyes at everything around him when his eyes rested on mine. I waved at him and smiled. He nodded and opened the door for the limo. Everyone was still screaming at him not noticing Chloe and I slip in front of them.

"Who are they, Mr. Wayne!" One reporter said.

"Are they the guests your father is supposed to have a meeting with?"

"If so, why are you picking them up?"

"Is that Lila Rossi and Alya Cesaire!" Another spoke up. I turned around and glared at that reporter 'accidentally' pushing my shoulder into his face.

"Whoops! Sorry." I said in a fake voice.

One by one everyone there started screaming at us, pointing, one even tried to pull our hoods down. Once we were inside the car, the driver started backing away from the curb.

"Hey, Demon!"

"Hello, Mari! This is our butler Alfred Pennyworth."

"Demon spawn. Alfred." Chloe greeted.

"Where are you two staying?"

"The hotel by Gotham City Park. It's it's across from the fountain." Chloe directed.

"So, should we post the post now?" I asked, sliding into the seat next to Demon so I could see his screen. We both blushed at the close proximity.

"Yes!" Chloe exclaimed. "How did you even come up with that so quickly Mari? It would've taken me hours!"

"Wow Chloe Bourgeois actually complemented someone who wasn't herself. I'm surprised." Damian muttered sarcastically. I hit the back of his head.

"That's still my best friend and sister your talking about." I warned. Chloe and I laughed.

"How did you think of it so quickly, Mari?" Demon asked me. I smiled.

"I'm not sure actually. It's like I rip my heart out of my chest and put it on a page." We all laughed- even Alfred.

"So we should post it now?" I asked after we all stood silent.

"I guess we should." Demon smiled. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I got my phone out and went directly to my main social media page.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yup. 3." Demon said.

"2." I giggled.

"1." Demon smirked.

"Now!" We both said and clicked the 'post' button. Now anyone who was following Damian would see:


Hello, everyone. I know everyone has had many questions regarding a Lila Rossi. The truth is I am not dating her, nor have I ever met her. I am in fact dating MDC the fashion designer. Don't bother me with personal questions about her, because I will not answer anything. If you'd like an interview please schedule one accordingly.

Anyone following MDC would see the following:


Hey everyone!!!! Before too many rumors fly, I just wanted to say I'm dating Damian Wayne! Please don't lie about dating my boyfriend! Please don't come at me or him, he may seem cold or rude, but I know him as a sweet, humorous, animal-loving guy. I love him with all my heart. And no, this will not interrupt or influence any commissions or lines coming out soon! Also, I did NOT know him before the wedding, it is purely coincidental we met a couple days after. Thank you everyone for believing in me! Chloe and I love you all! Have a great rest of your day! ✨✨✨❤️

"Miss Bourgeoises we have arrived." Alfred said.

"Thank you!" I said as he opened our door for me.

"I'll text you later, Mari. Bye!" We both waved to each other

"He seems nice." Chloe commented. "To you anyway." she rolled her eyes.

"Oh please. Now you know how awkward it was when you and Tim met each other. Or when you and Jon kept talking to each other about who knows what while I was just sitting there staring at the broken window." I deadpanned.

"Fine." We both laughed. "We should check in before it gets too late." Chloe suggested. I followed her into the hotel. Chloe glanced around the modern lobby and flipped her hair.

"Hello, I'm Lilian. Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk said lazily. Her phone was clearly hidden behind a potted plant and she wasn't even remotely pretending it wasn't there.

"We have a room under Chloe Bourgeois." Chloe said.

"Yeah, okay." She rolled her eyes and looked at her computer. "Here are your keycards. Your room number is 9018." Her phone dinged from behind the plant. She eagerly snatched it.

"Is everything okay?" I asked politely.

"No, the wifi is just really slow in the lobby." She whined. "Lucky, Libby. She gets to work consierge closer to the wifi. Ugh." She rolled her eyes.

"No. Way." She said in disbelief then she let out a loud but muffled squeal. "MDC and Damian Wayne are dating!" She screamed. Chloe and I exchanged looks and started to silently giggle.

"Really? I can't believe it?" I faked.

"I know right!" She showed us both MDC's profile and Damian Wayne's profile. "Part of me is sooo happy!! I mean that is news, drama, and rumor starters right there!" She singsonged. "But the other part of me is jealous of MDC. I mean she's rich already and she's dating the son of a billionaire!! Wow I wish I was her. And I'm just here making minimum wage at a hotel." Chloe and I just stood there awkwardly. "Oh my gosh! Imagine if I was MDC. No one knows who she is, right? So for all my classmates know, I could be her!" Lilian schemed.

"But lying is wrong? Plus, the friends you may have in that class may not be on good terms anymore after they find out you were lying?" I pointed out.

"Ugh! Whatever! I will be the craze of school! Everyone will worship and adore me! Even Tim!" Chloe's ears perked up.

"Do you mean Tim Drake?" She asked.

"Yeah. What's it to you?" She said in jealousy.

"Oh, nothing. He's just one of my friends." She waved off with a little bit of blush on her face.

"Yeah whatever. I don't really care. Now please. You're bothering me." She spat.

"They're going on a date later, so I think your plan of getting Tim to worship you is going out the window." I defended while Chloe blushed an even deeper shade of red.

"Ugh! Fine! Why must people always get everything I deserve!" She flipped her ponytails and left to go into the back room.

"So, we're reporting her, right?" I asked.

"Yup." Chloe responded. We both laughed at her.

A half an hour later, everything was fine. Lilian might get fired, we unpacked everything, and we were going to order in dinner when Chloe screamed.

"Mari! You have 2.8 million views on your post already!"

"Oh, really?" I checked my phone. "Cool!"

"Hey, Mari? Are you okay? If I had over a million views on something I would've been bouncing on the walls." I giggled.

"I-I don't know, Chloe. Everything I do it just. It feels stupid, it feels small, like it's all in vain

Used to think that I was different, but I'm just the same." I confessed.

"Marinette. Listen to yourself! What do you mean!? Everything you're doing is always beneficial to someone else! You aren't doing much for you, and-" She paused. "I don't really know. Whenever you do something for yourself it never really works out, or we don't do it for long. B-But when you do something for us, you're determined to make it last long enough so we don't just feel happy- but stay happy. So, why don't you just do that for yourself?" Chloe smiled.

"I-I don't know. I just don't feel like I've done enough. There's always something wrong with what I do." I responded truthfully.

"Mari," she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Is this because of Lila?" I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah. I don't know, I guess when she came I became less important to myself. And Tom and Sabine always told me to put everyone else first and never give myself any time to do anything because I'd never be worth any more than a servant." Chloe's expression darkened.

"What." Her breath quivered in pure anger.

"Please don't do anything you'll regret." I pleaded to Chloe.

"Oh, I'm not going to regret anything." She schemed.

"Fine just don't do anything without me, I want to do something too!" I smiled. "Oh and, Lila and the class are coming to New York."

"When." Chloe narrowed her eyes and her expression became dark.

"I'm not sure. They never invited us anyway. I think it's tomorrow since Lila said she was going to pack her orange dress or something."

"Oh my gosh imagine how ugly that dress will be on her." We both laughed.

"If I'm being honest, she'd look better in a deep purple or olive color. Maybe a tan or beige color. If she could ever look good in something. I don't know, but anyway, they're coming."

"Even if they do come, Lila will be exposed by then, right?" Chloe asked.

"Right." I confirmed. But deep down I wasn't so sure. I mean, if Lila got this far into getting her hooks into the class, no doubt she'll find some way to get herself out of this.

Alya's POV:

"Girl you're here!" I waved at my best friend.

"Yes, I am." She said sassily. Everyone laughed. We were having a sleepover for our last day in New York City! We all haven't been able to talk much since we were so busy. Especially Lila, since she has so many celebrities who need her help, and since she's Damian Wayne's girlfriend.

"So we can play a game or watch a movie?" Nino suggested. I glared at him, I'm not completely sure why, but it felt good- to have that much power over an individual where they cower back in fear when you do something. One day Lila will introduce me to so many celebrities when they aren't so busy and I can have that effect on them. I'll find out their secrets and they'll have no choice but to obey me- and only me.

"Why not let Lila pick. I mean, she's Damian Wayne's girl-" I got cut on by two dings. "Ok! Who didn't silence their phone!" I said angrily. Before anyone could say anything else, many more dings and buzzes came- including mine.

"OMG! This is amazing!" Someone screeched in a nerdy voice.

"I can't believe it!" Another screamed in a tomboyish voice.

"There's no way!" Another yelled in a timid voice.

"Kitties unite!? What is going on!" Another squealed.

"Who would've guessed." Some person mumbled.

"What? What is going on?!" I got up angrily.

"Check your phone." Rose said. I grabbed my phone and sat down next to Lila so she could see, since Jagged Stone's cat scratched the model the CEO of phones gave her that wasn't even out yet.

"No. Way." I read it again. And again. Until it finally sunk in. "MDC is dating Damian Wayne!?" I paused. "Wait, Lila," I placed a hand on her shoulder and everyone else looked directly at Lila. "Weren't you dating Damian Wayne, and MDC had a crush on you? MDC is a girl, so how is that possible?" I asked.

"Okay fine!" She put her hands out in front of her. "I lied okay?" Everyone paused for a second to let that sink in.

"You lied? But what about meeting Dwayne Johnson!?"

"Getting Prince Ali to buy me as many cats as I want!?"

"Micheal Phelps to train me?!"

Before anyone could say anymore, Lila got up and put her hand in front of her again.

"Wait stop!" She said sweetly, "I meant I lied about MDC having a crush on me. Everything else was true! I just lied about MDC because Chloe didn't want me to reveal myself to everyone!" Everyone stood blankly still not understanding. I thought she secretly looked annoyed but she'd never do that! She's the most patient person I've ever met. "Because I am MDC!" The room erupted into cheers and hollers.

"Can I record this?" I asked, getting out my phone.

"I'm so sorry Als, but no one knows I'm MDC, and it has to stay that way. You can ask me whatever though, as long as no one else will find out." I nodded.

"Ok. How did you become MDC?"

"Well, years ago, Jagged Stone came up to me and asked me to make him something to wear for his concert since I was modeling some designs I created. From then on, everyone just started asking me things, and I created my brand!"

"Ok! What's the hardest part about being MDC?"

"Well, I think fans are the hardest part. I mean, I love them all, and I wouldn't be where I am today without them. But sometimes it just gets to be too much! They want one thing while I created another causing me to redo everything I just did!"

"Ok! Last question. What does MDC stand for?" Lila froze. Probably because it was a secret.

"I usually keep that a secret, but since your my best friend I'll tell you." She paused for suspense but It was kind of a long pause.

"Uh- It stands for Moral Decision Couples." She replied.


"Uh- Well it is my personal belief that moral decisions tear people apart, like if two spouses don't believe in the same morals. So in a Moral Decision Couples situation, it means that two people understand each other's morals- therefore making it like soulmates! Like Damian and I." I smiled.

"Thanks, Lila!" I said and switched off the recorder I had secretly playing while I was asking her questions. A few minutes later everything was set and I uploaded it on the Ladyblog. By the end of today, I'll be famous.

Marinette's POV:

The rest of my night was fine. We ordered in sushi from SushiDushi since Chloe refused to get pizza. I texted Demon and we planned to meet up at the park today, while Chloe goes on her non-date with Tim. I wore a red shirt with a few cut outs on the sleeves, light washed skinny jeans, and black leather boots. Chloe was wearing a yellow sundress, her normal sunglasses, and black leather boots as well.

"They're here!" I told Chloe, looking up from my phone.

"Coming!" Chloe said. She tripped over her boots and hopped on one leg while she hurriedly put on her other boot. "Let's go!" She exclaimed. She pulled me towards the elevator. The guys were waiting for us at the lobby. I glanced towards the reception desk to see Lilian not there. Instead, was an auburn haired girl with a name tag saying "Hi! I'm Libby!"

"Hello, Chloe!" He greeted.

"Hey, Mari!" Demon greeted.

"Hi!" We both waved.

"Ah, hello again." Tim shook my hand. Demon looked at us.

"He was the sponsor at the photo shoot that Chloe was mooning over." I explained causing Demon to laugh and Chloe and Tim to blush.

"And you're the girl/guy that Damian/Marinette has been mooning over." Tim and Chloe retorted at the same time.

"Anyway, let's go." I suggested. We all walked out to the front of the hotel. Chloe and Tim went one way, while Demon and I went the other.

"So! What's it like having three siblings?" I asked Demon.

"Annoying. They have no sense of privacy and if they want you to do something, they'll annoy you until you finally comply."

"Aw! Sound like you love them!" I teased.

"They're not the one I love." He teased back making me blush.

"Hey!" I hit him on the back of his head. "That's not nice!" I pouted.

"What?" He asked innocently. "It's not nice to love my girlfriend?"

"Yeah. It is, if this wasn't a sham." I rolled my eyes.

"Mari, I don't want it to be so obvious between us that we aren't actually dating. I would actually like to get to know you more."

"Okay, I'd like that." I nodded. I grabbed his arm and made it seem like we've done this before. He blushed for a second before smiled back at me. "Where to, Demon?"

"We can go to the mall, a movie theatre, or some other place?" He suggested. "You choose."

"How about we watch a movie, then later we can head to the mall? If that's alright with you?"

"That's absolutely fine with me, Mari." He said and directed us towards the best theatre in his opinion.

"Hello, Edward." Demon greeted.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne!" He smiled. I covered my face with my hood again.

"This is my girlfriend. I trust you won't notify anyone. We would like to get tickets for a movie."

"Of course, Mr. Wayne. Which movie would that be for?" Demon looked at me.

"Which movie do you want to see?" He asked politely.

"Ehhh, I don't know. Which do you recommend, Mr. Edward?" I asked.

"Please, call me Edward, MDC. And I have three favorites in theatre right now. Are you looking for Romance, Action/Superhero, or Horror. They're all top selling movies." He responded.

"What do you want to watch, Demon?"

"I've seen the horror already, I don't think you'd like it that much- jump scare wise I mean."

"Okay, so Romance or Superhero?" I asked.

"I like Marvel, it's pretty good it also incorporates some romance in it, I guess. So we could do that?" He suggested.

"Sure! I like Marvel, too. They make great superhero movies!"

"Okay! We'll watch the new Thor Love & Thunder." He stated.

"You'll both like that." He smiled. "I'm assuming you want the same arrangement as last time?" He asked Demon.

"Yes." Demon answered for us.

"Okay, you're in theatre number 5. Have a great time!" He excused himself and turned towards the next customer.

"Wait, we didn't say what seats we wanted?" I asked Demon.

"You'll see when we get there." He smirked.

"What did you do?" I asked suspiciously.

"You'll see!" He smiled. I rolled my eyes and pulled him over to the snack section. We bought many, many snacks and walked towards theatre 5.

"Hey, Demon?" I asked. "Why isn't anyone here?"

"Really? I didn't notice." He said innocently.

"What did you do?" I accused again.

"I may or may not have booked the entire theatre for us?" He smiled nervously.

"And why did you do that?"

"Uh- I. So no one would bother us, and no one would figure our your MD-" Before he could finish I hugged him.

"Thanks, that's really sweet!" I smiled. A warm blush overcame both of our faces. "But next time, I'm paying." I finished darkly.

"Whatever you say, Mari." He rolled his playfully eyes.

The rest of our time there was full of 'shut up!'s, 'aww that's so cute!'s, 'hey! Stop stealing my popcorn!'s, 'don't even try the casual stretch-grab-my-shoulder thing's, and 'what did I just say!'s.

"Did you like it?" Demon asked politely after two and a half hours.

"Yeah! It was a great movie! Man, I wish life was actually that romantic." I romanticized. Demon laughed.

"If it was, the world would've ended by now." He joked. "It's kind of late, do you still want to go to the mall? Plus, the mall will have people everywhere, so you may get exposed or harassed." He pointed out.

"Okay, we can just go back to the hotel, then." I said sadly.

"Not yet," He said, I perked up. "The paparazzi still haven't had a picture of us together, so we should go somewhere fancy for dinner." He said.

"Is this an excuse to keep me around longer." I teased.

"Is it working?" He said hopefully.

"Kinda, yeah." I took his arm once again and we made our way to what Demon said was his favorite restaurant. I had my hood up when we walked through the restaurant doors. Gasps and murmurs were heard all throughout the room.

"Damian Wayne?"

"Who's that on his arm?"

"MDC of course! Remember they're dating."

"Wasn't MDC married to that Adrien kid?"

"Nah! He cheated on her with another model." I glared at that voice.

"He did not cheat." I retorted.

"OMG! Damian Wayne is right there! Lilian, look!" I paused when I heard the name Lilian.

"Wait, Lili, I thought you were MDC? Why is Damian hanging out with someone else?" I smirked knowing how this'll end.

"I-I am! She's pretending to be me!" Lilian said.

"I am not pretending, nor do Damian or I know you. Please refrain from telling lies about my person, because you can just as easily be sued." I stated firmly. Lilian's 'friends' looked at her in disgust before she ran out the door crying.

"OMG, hey girl!" One of her friends came up to me. "We knew she wasn't actually MDC!" Another one of her friends started twirling her hair and batter her eyes in front of Demon.

"Yeah! We were just playing around. You know," she was about to place a hand on my shoulder.

"Touch me and you'll regret it." I said. Her hand froze midair.

"B-But MDC! We know each other from school, remember?" Another girl said.

"Oh my gosh, how many liars do I have to deal with today. Add Lila and everything'll be even better." I said sarcastically. The bell to the door rang behind me and I heard a familiar voice. My eye twitched, not like that they could see it with my hood on.

"Yeah! Damian is so sweet! I even made him a custom MDC suit. He wears it to everything. I am sooo lucky to have a boyfriend like that." Lila said not bothering to turn around. "I also made my dress. It's gorgeous, right?" I almost barfed at her eyesore of a dress. It looked like a dress you'd get in a happy meal at McDonalds. Actually, that's insulting to McDonalds. More like a garbage bin, because there's no way any designer I know, good or bad, would design something that ugly. Demon coughed behind me to get the class' attention.

"I do not know you, nor are you my girlfriend." Demon tutted. Lila froze, she turned her head only to see me and Damian glaring at her.

"W-What? I'm MDC. Sweetie, we've been dating for three years!" Lila cried. I snorted.

"I thought you said you were dating for five years?" I pointed out.

"You're insane!" Alya pointed at me. "You took MDC's boyfriend! I don't know anyone who could stoop so low." She glared.

"Maybe I'm insane." I mocked. "If you're implying I was cheating on Adrien with Damian at the time of the wedding, I will be suing you." I stated coldly.

"W-What?" Lila stuttered out.

"You heard me didn't you? And aren't you the Lila Rossi Adrien Agreste was supposedly cheating on me with?" I asked. Everyone in the room started glaring at the Italian girl.

"I-I mean for the past week. B-Because I met you when you found me crying because Adrien was cheating on me." Lila started to shed tears and cling to Demon's arm only to be pushed off abruptly.

"With yourself? And Adrien did not cheat with the likes of you, it was actually one of my friends he did cheat on me with." I semi giggled playfully. I looked back at Alya's annoyed face and rolled my eyes. I turned back to Lila. "I'm confused, Mrs. Lahiffe-"

"It's Ms. Rossi, faker! She's not married and that's not her last name." Alya defended.

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought you were the Lila Rossi who got married to Julio Lahiffe when you were 18? My bad." I faked.

"Wait, YOU'RE my stepmother?" Nino asked Lila. "The one that dad was always going 'out to meet' only to book a room in a cheap hotel and not come home until the next day!?" The glass gave Lila a disgusted look.

"W-What?! No! I would never do that to one of my friends!" Lila started backing up into the wall.

"But then again, Mrs. Lahiffe, you were cheating on your husband with, supposedly, Adrien Agreste and now, as you claim, Damian Wayne? And you still haven't explained how Adrien Agreste was cheating on you with-... you?" I asked. Suddenly, everyone in the class starting to realize Lila was a liar. It was like their world came crashing down. Lila fell to the floor.

"OMG! What happened! Where am I?" Lila said innocently.

"Are you kidding me. Stand up." I barked. "You are a liar. And all of you," I pointed to the class. "Bullied Marinette to the point where she moved to another continent to get away from you."

"How do you know Marinette?" Alya asked. I rolled my eyes. I sent a glance to Demon in which he nodded. I took off my hood in one swift motion.

"You all, are dumb believers who couldn't believe their childhood friend over an ugly wannabe."

"Hey!" Lila defended.

"Shut up!" Lila cowered in fear. "My name is Marinette Bourgeois." I said shocking many people causing them to gasp, screech, or clap. "I am done with you all trying to make me feel like I am worthless because guess what? I. Am. Everything. You. Are. Not." I spelled out. "Did you understand that, or should I spell it out some more?" I rolled my eyes.

"Marinette!" Alya finally screamed. "Oh my gosh girl! I knew it was you the whole time, don't worry! This was all just a cover so I could expose Lila. Anyway, let's get ice cream, maybe you can invite us to your mansion or when you visit the Daily Planet. It'll be fun like old times! Let's go! Maybe you could even get us tickets to stay here instead of going back to Paris! It'll be a blast! You can even give me interviews! I'll be famous with you! Hey, can you introduce me to some of your rich friends, too? Oh and, could I have a few hundred thousand? I'll pay you back, pinky swear!"

"Are you kidding me right now? You only want to be my friend because I'm rich. So once again. Stay. Away. From. Me!" I pushed her to the ground and walked out leaving a scared little class and a tiny little liar.

"Where have you been!?" Chloe screamed after I closed the door of our hotel. "Mom's yelling at me, and I have absolutely no idea what she's talking about!"

Sure enough when I looked past her, I saw a boiling mad Audrey Bourgeois tapping her foot on the floor in all her glory.

"Marinette!" She stormed up to me. "I thought we discussed we'd reveal later!"

"I know, but I just got so caught up in everything! The class was there as well as Lilian and a few more of her lying friends! Lila was pretending to be me! Ugh! I don't know why I did that!" I ranted.

"Well seeing as I can't ground you since you need to work and date or whatever, I guess I have nothing against you." She sighed.

"Sike!" Chloe screamed. All of a sudden, Mom started throwing a huge tantrum. I was already anticipating the floor to break underneath us, but I guess we were lucky enough not to die today. Great.

"-were you even thinking!?" She outraged. She finally calmed down and slinked onto the sofa.

"Mom, it's okay. I'm 20 now! Plus, the media already knows I'm loyal and not an attention seeking brat. Don't worry. Demon even agreed to it!" I reassured.

"As long as you're happy, Marinette." She sighed. "But you will need to schedule a press conference. Preferably with him there." I nodded.

"Hey Demon!" I said on speaker phone.

"Hey, Mari!"

"So, my family wants me to schedule a press conference with you there. Do you know any good reporters?" I asked.

"I do, but they're in Metropolis. I don't know any here. How about we just pick the company with the best reviews then? I'm sure we don't want to be too personal about it." Demon suggested.

"Okay, Chloe which one has the best reviews?"

"It's called the Daily Heritage. It's 4.7 star reviews from its clients. 'Wow, loved it.', 'Made me feel like I was actually famous.', and 'Not too personal.'" She informed.

"How does that sound, Demon?"

"Great. I just scheduled an appointment with them."

"Wow, that was fast!" I praised. He chuckled.

"They said tomorrow from 1pm to 2pm is good with them? Well more like, they cleared out everything so they could get a huge scoop." He joked, and I giggled.

"Okay, I'll see you then, Demon!"

"Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too, bye!" Over the past few days, saying 'I love you' between us has gotten a lot more smooth and convincing. Heck, Chloe hasn't even found out we weren't dating, yet! And she's Chloe!

"Spa night?" She asked.

"Yes!" I answered. We spent the rest of the evening doing who-knows-what with Chloe's lotions and potions. The next morning we both looked better than we ever did before!

"You looks amazing, Chlo!" I exclaimed. She was wearing a white crop top, a black and yellow waterproof jacket, and black and yellow waterproof sweatpants in all her Chloe Bourgeois style.

"You too, Mari!" I was wearing a Rolling Stones oversized shirt, black ripped jean shorts, circle framed sunglasses, and a black Thrasher hoodie.

"Eh, I keep hatin' what I see lookin' back at me

Try to keep up with the world, I just can't compete

Wondеr if the words I say amount to anything, oh." I joked lightly, Chloe giggled.

"Mari, you look gorgeous. Don't doubt yourself nor your talent, because you're going to take the world by storm. No mater what anyone says." She smiled sincerely.

"Fine, Chloe." I teased. "I'll let you do my makeup. Don't think I don't know what your trying to do."

"Yay!" She jumped and ran over to her wall of makeup. Half an hour later, I had a neutral-toned face of makeup.

"Chloe, this is making my skin itch, I don't like it." I complained. We were currently driving over to the Daily Heritage.

"Well, suck it up buttercup, because I did it. So that means it stays." Chloe flipped her hair. I rolled my eyes while Chloe parallel parked in front of the building.

"Hey, Demon!" I waved, he smiled and returned my wave.

"Hi, Mari! You ready?"

"Yup!" I said and took his arm. We walked inside the modern lobby. It was huge with many hanging light fixtures and various windows everywhere you look.

"Hi! We're here to see Julie." I said excitedly to the intern working the desk.

"Yup! I believe she is down the hall second door to the left. If not, come back here and I'll call her." He answered without looking up.

"Okay! Thanks!" I responded. We followed his directions to an open room with TVs and cameras everywhere. They were all pointed at a couple of couches facing each other in front of a huge TV screen with the words 'Daily Heritage' and their logo.

"Hi! You must be Marinette! It's an honor to meet you! I'm Julie. She shook my hand excitedly before I could even offer it.

"Thanks! So when should we start?" I asked. She looked at her wrist watch.

"Right now!" She smiled. "Connor, Lucy! Get the camera men, we're about to start!" Julie yelled.

"Got it boss!" Two people yelled back.

"So, you can put your stuff on that table," she pointed to a small table out of sight from the camera. "And come sit down when you're ready." She said and walked off to meet with Lucy. A few minutes later we were facing each other once more on set.

"Going live in 3, 2, 1." The camera man signaled that we were now live.

"Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another interview! I'm sure all of you have heard of Damian Wayne dating MDC." She smiled and faced another camera. "Well, they are both here today, because MDC revealed herself at the restaurant 소울메이트! So MDC," she turned towards me. "What is your real name?"

"My full name is now Marinette Bourgeois." I answered.

"Now? Did you change your name?" The reporter asked.

"Well, at the restaurant, my old class came up to me. In that class was a liar, but you know her as Lila Rossi, anyway, she claimed she was MDC and I stole her boyfriend, Damian Wayne."

"Like how she stole your ex-fiancé Adrien Agreste."

"Yes. Well, not really. That interview was all scripted, but I'll let Adrien tell you more about that." I waved my hand off to signify Adrien would be interviewed much later. "But anyway, I used to live in Paris. Lila Rossi and Alya Cesaire were the main people who would bully me, the others were more accusatory. But yeah, Lila and Alya went up to my parents, Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng, and told them I was bullying Lila, skipping class, doing drugs, or whatever." I gave a short laugh. "The next day they kicked me out." I said bluntly. "My best friend, Chloe Bourgeois, became my sister when her parents adopted me. Chloe's actually over there, right now." The camera's zoomed in on Chloe, she just blushed and waved shyly at the world. "So yeah! I changed my name from Marinette Dupain-Cheng, to Marinette Bourgeois! Hence why I was called MDC. I just haven't really been able to change it, since my schedule is pretty busy but believe me, I don't want anything that'll tie me back to them."

"Ah, okay." She paused. "How did you and Damian meet?" She asked, I blushed.

"Oh well, I bought a new phone since Adrien supposedly kept harassing me with text messages, once again he'll tell you more about that later," I laughed. "So yeah, I accidentally typed in the wrong number and it turned out to be Damian, we kept on talking and here we are!" I semi-lied. Julia laughed.

"Well, on the topic of Adrien Agreste, what do you tell people when they asked you about him? If this question is too much, we can skip it." She offered.

"No, that's okay, Julia! Uh, I guess I keep telling peoplе I'm okay." I answered. I took a deep breath and fanned away my bad memories. "I keep telling people I'm okay." I repeated softly.

"That makes sense, I understand that." She shook her head. "What about if they keep pushing? Like they want his number or pictures of him or whatever."

"A fangirl?" I asked, she nodded. I snorted, "Look 'em in the eye while I pray for rain.

There's fires in my brain." Julia laughed.

"Of course. Honestly, no one wants to hear about their ex." Julia said. "How long have you two been dating?"

"A little before the first interview where a lot of people thought I was dating Amanda Cercatore d'oro." Demon answered.

"Ah, okay. That makes sense. Now, Marinette. I have a question for you. I know many people probably don't ask you this as much as they should but I just want you to know your fans and I care about you." She smiled and took in a deep breath. "How are you?" She asked sincerely.

"I got troubles on my mind,

I would fix them, but I got no time.

I got troubles on my mind,

I would fix them, but I got no time."

"Of course. You're obviously very busy. I don't want to keep you waiting, so last question. For Damian."

"Yes?" He perked up.

"Do you love Marinette?" She asked. Demon looked me straight in the eye.

"Of course I love her." He said with absolute sincerity. He inched closer to my face kissing my lips softly. Okay, this guy is either an A-list actor or he actually means it. Plus he just kissed me. Wait, he just kissed me! I remember I wanted to jump up and down since I had started to grow feelings for him, but of course we were on camera and people think we're dating so it might not've even meant much to him. It still meant almost the whole world for me, though.

"That's it for today! Thanks for tuning in today for your Daily Heritage! See you all, next time. Bye!" Demon and I waved towards the camera Julia was talking to. "Cut!" She said.

"That was amazing! I'm sorry if those questions were too personal. I don't want you to feel unwelcome." Julia apologized.

"They weren't, don't worry. And thank you so much for not going too deep." Julia smiled.

"It was a pleasure working with you, Marinette."

"You too, Julia! I hope I see you again one day." I praised, Julia winked knowingly.

"Don't worry, Marinette, I'm sure you will." She smiled and got called by another worker. Chloe walked ahead of us leaving Demon and I to walk together in awkward silence.

"Did you really mean it?" I asked him. I expected a harsh rejection. A quick 'Haha! No! You wish.' But instead I got something different. Something I definitely wasn't used to.

"Do you really think I can fake love someone for that long, Marinette?" He said lovingly.

"Yes..?" I responded really confused on what he was actually saying.

"Marinette, I love you. And I'm not saying that for the cameras or clout. I'm saying it as Damian to Marinette." He smiled softly.

"But? I got troubles. I mean, I just got out of being engaged, I'm not prettiest or smartest. Why me?"

"Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh" Chloe oohed like a middle schooler.

"Shut up, Chloe." I stated.

"Marinette, the question isn't 'Why you?' It's more like 'Why not you?'. Mari, you're funny, pretty, and kind. And plus, why would you like me back? I got troubles."

"Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh." Chloe oohed again.

"Shut up, Chloe." Damian stated this time.

"See, I told ya both of you are perfect for each other." Chloe said and skipped ahead before we could reprimand her.

"Damian, I love you. I don't care about your last name, your attitude towards others, or the fact that you're Robin. I love you for you." Demon's eyes widened and I wondered if I crossed the line.

"Thank you, Marinette." He said smiling. We started walking hand in hand back towards the car.

"So, how did you know I was Robin?" He asked, I snorted.

"Jon kinda spilled it as Superboy."

"Tt. That imbecile. I'm going to ki-"

"No you're not. Because I'm not going to be calling or seeing you when you go to jail."

"Tt. Fine, only for you though." He said and kissed my forehead.

Sabine's POV:

Finally! My shift is done! Ugh! I hate working the counter. Honestly, why did I get married to a baker, again? I should've gone for the principal. He may be old enough to be my father, but at least I wouldn't have to work for him. At least not the type of work where my nails get ruined. I rolled my eyes as Tom came back.

"Tom! Where were you!" I accused.

"I uh- was with Lila. She needed my help for one of her projects since she sprained her wrist."

"Liar!" I screamed. "Lila was with me this whole time! She's on a call with Prince Ali in, Marinette's," I said 'Marinette' with the disgust she deserves. "Old room. Since he couldn't call her during her trip in Gotham! She hasn't left since."

"Fine! I was with her mom."

"What." I said my tone became icy.

"What! Her mom's Italian! I'm Italian! She's an ambassador not a stay at home worker! Plus she's gorgeous! Have you seen her! She's almost as good as her daughter." I glared at him. Yes, I have seen her. In fact, I saw her and Tom on the love lock bridge one day arm in arm. I gritted my teeth at the memory.

"So you leave me working the register while you are free to go 'hang out' with Lila's mother!" I yelled using air quotes.

"Oh please! Like you don't do the same with Lila's principle!" I gasped in offense.

"You did not just accuse me of cheating on you with some older man. Y-You accuse me of infidelity when I have been nothing but loyal to you?!" Of course I did, but what Tom doesn't know won't hurt him.

"Like you didn't!" Tom rolled his eyes.

"Tom, Sabine? Is something wrong? Prince Ali just asked me to marry him, again. Oh no! Did I upset you? I'm so sorry." Lila said as she started crying.

"Honey! You could never upset us! We love you like we're your parents." I glared at Tom. "Well, at least I do. Tom here will probably become your new stepdad." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"And Sabine will become your principle's new bride." He said sassily.

"Marinette says your food is disgusting and she hates you." Lila cried. "Oh no!" She covered her mouth with her hands. "I-I didn't mean t-to say that! Now she'll just b-beat me up later." She sobbed.

"Marinette said what!" My mind ignored whatever else Lila said. "We pay good money to make that food. She will like it. It is not disgusting, or else it wouldn't have many customers! But then again we've been losing customers ever since we kicked her out." I gasped. "Do you think Marinette has something to do with that!" Tom and Lila looked shocked.

"She d-did! I heard her spreading rumors your sink is filled with maggots and your macrons have b-beetles in it." Tom and I gasped again.

"Oh she is so done for! When I see that little girl on the streets she is not making it out alive!" Tom threatened.

"Let's go looking for her right now. Lila said she saw her in front of the food bank, but no one would give her anything because they hate her." Lila nodded verifying my story.

"I have to get working on my next commission. It's for my boyfriend Damian Wayne. I told him he didn't have to pay, but he did anyway." Lila said and went back up to Marinette's old room.

"I'll get my Bo staff, Tom, get your gun. We're teaching this insolent little child once and for all." We walked up the stairs and grabbed our choice of weapons. "Turn off the TV will you, Tom!" I ordered.

"Sabine!" He tapped my shoulders.


"Sabine!" He tapped my shoulder harder.

"What? What is it, Tom! What could you possibly need n-"

"Look!" He pointed to the TV.

On TV was Marinette.

"Marinette's MDC?" I asked slowly. Just like that, I felt all my anger towards Marinette slip away only to be replaced my guilt. By the end of the interview I collapsed onto the floor sobbing and wailing.

"I-If she just came back, we could get some money! Then we'll never have to work again!" Tom suggested. "Then you can go do whatever with the principle and I can do whatever I want with the Rossi's."

"Tom, that's the best idea I've ever heard you suggest." I smirked at the thought. We're getting money from that brat one way or another.

"Deal. Let's call her together." After three rings she picked up.

"Hello! MDC's phone, this is Marinette speaking how can I help you?"

"Marinette!" We both screamed into the phone.

"Tom? Sabine?" She asked in either surprise or disgust. I couldn't tell, but she better be grateful.

"Yes, it's us! Please come back! We need you! The bakery has failed since you left! We need some help. Just a million to keep us both going!" I pleaded.

"Each." Tom added.

"Let me get this straight." She responded. She must be going over our request so she knows how much to give us! She's good for something, at least. "You're calling me because you found out Lila's a liar and I'm rich, so you're asking me for a million dollars." She said in disbelief. "Each." She added dryly.

"Yes! Please!" I shouted greedily.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"What!" Tom said in rage.

"I said no, get that into your thick heads!"

"Marinette! Watch your tone young lady! You will give us the money or else." I threatened.

"No. Goodbye." She said.

"Wait, Marinette! What about my baby!" I screamed.

"What!?" Both Tom and Marinette yelled.

"I need money for my child. I'm broke!" I lied.

"How many months in are you?" Marinette asked I think in concern. I thought about it for a moment. If I say I was close to having a child, she'd give us the money faster!

"Three months in!" I responded feigning the desperation in my voice. Marinette scoffed which then turned into a laugh.

"Nice try. Damian just checked your doctors appointment from three days ago, there's no evidence, liar. Goodbye." Marinette said and clicked the decline button.

"Lila did this." I stated coldly after a few moments of disbelief, rage, and blood thirstiness as silent tears fell down my tear-stained face.

"She separated us from our daughter!" Tom agreed. "She is the one to blame!"

"She's in Marinette's room. Get her!" I screamed and grabbed a kitchen knife this time.

And that was the torture and death of Lila Rossi.

The End~


Troubles by: Yesh, Molly Kate Kestner, & Helena Mayer

(20031 are you proud, Prawn?)

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