De mhyz-serena

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~Sequel to Let Me Be Yours~ Let's join Amira and Ali in their journey of adventure, forgiveness, finding love... Mai multe

B. Y. ... BYE 👋


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De mhyz-serena

So umm...

Just forget it.

* * *

When Amira snuck out of bed that dawn, or when she spent the whole night between her husband's arms, or when they played games and made jokes through the last evening, or when Ali was so edgy about his parents going out undercover, she'd never presumed, not for the shortest moment or in her wildest imaginations that she'd wake up to what she woke up to that morning.

She went down to the kitchenette to boil a pot of water which she'd use to bathe when she heard indistinct voices and bustling at that early hour of the morning.

She wondered who or what it could be and hurried up, got a hijab and went back down. As she opened the door, she saw a baffled Yusuf approaching their flat.

Her heart skipped a beat. "What's the matter?" She asked knowing there's certainly one.

He sniveled, his eyes red. "Where's Ya Ali?"

"He's still in bed he didn't sleep early. What's wrong?"

The tears in his eyes dropped and Amira was already at the verge of tears herself.

"Yusuf tell me what's wrong please." Her voice rasped.

"They... they had an accident."

Amira felt dead for a moment. Accident? Who? But then she knew there's only a certain 'them' he could be referring to. "Wait hold on, who... you don't mean..."

He scrubbed his face, sniveled. "That they're being transferred to Royal Hospital now. They said none is dead already but they're in terrible condition."

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." She kept exclaiming.

"We need to get going, wake him up."

Amira couldn't make a move for some time. "I don't know how he's gonna react, he was so worried about this whole trip."

"He has to know, we can't even hide it from him."

"What?" Ali asked and they both faced him.

He stood in the middle of the sitting room, his expression anxious and confused. He looked more worried seeing how worried they looked.

"What's going on? What's all that noise about?"

Amira and Yusuf shared a look like asking who'd be the one to break the news to him. Yusuf was right, there's no way they could hide it, not from Ali and not even for that moment.

She bit on her lip, sighed softly. "Can you get ready? We'd be going out right now."

"Where? And why?"

"You'll know when we reach."

"You know I don't have that type of patience." His tone tightened.

They were mute again and Yusuf decided to break the egg cos they're wasting time, he needed to see his parents.

"They had an accident."

The room went pin-dropped silent as they awaited a reaction from Ali who just stood there for forever trying to understand what he just heard.

"You," He stammered. "You don't mean who I'm thinking you mean right?"

"We need to get there fast I have to see how they're fairing." Yusuf's voice trembled.

Ali grabbed his hair, turned on his heels suddenly looking deranged and then checked briefly for something. "Car keys, where are the car keys?!"

"I got mine here, let's go."

And they all bolted out towards Yusuf's flat. They reached the hospital in about twenty minutes and just minutes later than the ambulances that brought the patients.

They were urged to wait outside the emergency unit until the doctors assessed the casualties and Ali was almost breaking down.

Amira couldn't think of a nice way to comfort him cos she herself needed a lot of that at the moment. Is my dream gonna come true? No no, in shaa Allah they'd all be fine.

Farida and Jalaal came dashing in about ten minutes later.

"What's happening? Where are they?" She asked nobody in particular, her baby hoisted in her arms.

Nobody could answer her as they're all waiting for answers themselves.

"Can somebody tell me what's going on?!" She cried and her husband gave her a side hug.

"Calm down Habibty. Let's just wait."

More minutes later and a group of four doctors came out and they all rushed towards them, Ali kept a distance cos he didn't trust himself to not pounce on someone if they dare to give him bad news.

The elderly one amongst them cleared his throat and Ali felt like smashing him for the silence.

"Uh, reports said they had the accident since yesterday night." The doctor started and they all exclaimed. "They're taken to a district trauma centre in the location and received emergency attention and from the tests carried out and the results we've had so far... uh the wife she's in a more stable condition even though she suffered a few injuries, broken bones and internal bleeding."

"And you're saying she's more stable?" Yusuf sought horridly.

"Well even though the old woman seems more okay physically, she had a head injury and coupled with her increased blood pressure, it caused quite a lot of complications due to her age. She received emergency surgery but her level of response is quite discouraging, all we can do now is wait and see how she recovers."

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." They all chorused and the doctor waited for them to calm down before talking about the Lamido.

"And my father?" Ali asked in a low voice, awaiting the worse that'd hit him.

They all faced the doctor again and he sighed.

"He's been transferred to the ICU, he's in a coma."

Ali's world literally stopped at that moment and he shut his eyes as his breath became heavy.

Amira came closer to him and held his hand, gave him a soothing hug which he really appreciated. He slowly regained his bearing and asked the doctor who's still standing there answering Farida's questions.

"Can I see them?" Asked he.

"The Lamido and his mother are in the ICU so I won't advice more than two people going in plus you'd need to be sterile if you must. But his wife was moved to a private ward and I'll still advise you maintain calmness and good hygiene while with her."

"Of course."

The doctor asked one of the younger doctors to take them to their parents and Amira held Ali's hands which were clammy and shaky all through. They were taken to Goggo first and seeing her through the glass window lying so fragile on that bed with a bandaged head and a lot of IV syringes in her made him wish he's the one there and not her.

Everyone was crying but he didn't want to be weak, not when everyone was. He's the elder brother so he had to act like he was even though deep down, he knew he wouldn't last, he'd definitely not last.

The Lamido looked much worse than Goggo, he was intubated and had a cast around his neck, there were bruises all over his visible skin and not to mention the fluids that were dripping into him. The ECG monitor kept beeping signaling his heart was still trying to keep him alive.

Ali couldn't blink his eyes cos doing that meant releasing the pool in them, he kept pressing the tears down thank goodness he's used to that.

He excused himself to meet the doctor about the bills when they're about to go see Hajiya Halimah and went to the nearest men's room, reduced the heaviness in his heart in form of silent hot strokes.

He should never have let them go out like that, why did he let them go out like that?!

This is all my fault!

* * *

Amira searched for Ali everywhere she could and asked anyone about him. She confirmed from the doctor that he'd already settled the bills and has probably left.

She called him on Jalaal's phone but he wasn't answering and she couldn't guess where he could possibly be.

Jalaal offered to take her home when she decided to check him there first and as they reached, they saw the security man opening the gate and there was Ali.

She climbed down Jalaal's car and hurried towards him, knocked on the window then opened the door almost immediately.

"Jeez you made me worried sick."

He didn't look at her, neither did he make any move. He just kept his eyes on the wheel.

"Ash are you alright?"

He's still quiet and she faced Jalaal who came down as well, approached them.

"Ali you good?"

Ali shut his eyes, took a deep breath. "Get your car out of the way."

"Wh-where are you going to?" Amira asked.

"I don't know but I'm going alone. Get your car out of the way Jalaal."

"Then I'm coming with you." She made for the passenger's and Ali kickstarted the car, reversed in full speed making him climb over the barriers, jammed a couple lampposts before colliding with the fountain.

Amira ran towards the car as so did everyone that's there. Ali pushed the door wider and fell on his knees, clutching his stomach.

Amira fell before him immediately and raised his head up but he pushed her away.

"Stay away from me." He grumbled, doubled over and rest his forehead on the pavers.

His wife let him be for the moment and his breath gradually became laborious. He wiped his nose but the bleeding won't stop and as Amira noticed that, she got the tissue that's in the vehicle and sat him up, wiped his nose with it then slowly clamped the bridge of his nose and urged him to breathe through his mouth.

He did for a few times and coughed up only for her to notice blood stains on his palm.

She froze up for a beat then stared at him flabbergasted. "What did you do?" Her voice was stamped with horror.

He stared into her eyes with red, tired and sunken eyes.

"Ali what did..." She leaned closer to him but couldn't trace a distinctive smell apart from his woody perfume. "What did you do?!" She cried, her eyes watering up instantly.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Don't lie to me!"

"I just had my pills, they're not even working." He tried to get up but couldn't muster the energy to do so.

"You... how much did you have?"

"Stop being such a pest!" He lashed out at her as he climbed back into the car, still scrubbing the blood off his face.

"Jalaal please we need to get him to the hospital."

Jalaal nodded, asked one of the 'spectators' for help.

Ali warned them not to come closer to him.

"Why do you keep doing this Ali?! We already have three in the hospital do you want to include yourself?! Why do you act so selfish and irresponsible at times?!" She lashed out on him too.

Ali said nothing and leaned to close the door only to collapse to the ground convulsing and barely conscious.

Jalaal wasted no time in lifting him up and with assistance, managed to take him to his car.

* * *

It's just a matter of time before the whole of Yola and beyond went into chaos. There's various rumours that the king was dead, stories that had no relation to what actually happened were burning all over like wild fire.

Some said all three were dead, some said both the Lamido and Sarauniya, others said they're all in vegetative state and would never wake up. Some said the Lamido wasn't 'fit' to drive, some said the car was too complicated for him, others said the accident was 'supernatural' and all other black stuff.

And there was the rumour about Ali as well. He's gone 'mad', he tried to kill himself because of what happened to his parents, those eying the throne are after his life, he also had an accident on his way to the hospital... it's just too much.

Everything was happening too fast. Jalaal took much of the responsibility on himself since Yusuf hasn't been able to get a grip on himself and Farida has literally been in tears since the news and Ali... Ali was terrible.

Amira disposed the wipes she used to 'clean' him up then sat back on the bed, held his warm hand.

Her heart ached to see him like that and with how her stomach churned from anxiety, she began thinking that Khalil was kind of right when he said she wouldn't be able to handle Ali's health condition.

"He probably has kidney failure, and a heart condition, I'm not quite certain but maybe liver disease as well. We'll have to run proper tests after he's recovered to find out more." She remembered the doctor's prognosis and cringed from fear.

Tears stung the back of her eyes and her throat tightened so much she just had to let it out. She leaned unto him and cried so hard her head ached.

Ya Rahman save them, please save them all. Grant them shifa and may Ali live a longer and healthier life please, please... She sniffled and laid looking sideways, placed a palm on his chest.

She could clearly hear his heart beating, beating so calmly. How then would they say he has a heart condition? Will he make it alive? Would he live to see the future she saw for them?

"What's making you cry?" A weak croaky voice asked and she sat up immediately, stared at him for a brief while before giving him a long kiss.

"Argh look at you." He wheezed a chuckle. "Stop crying will you?"

She laid on his chest again her cries becoming harder. "I love you."

"Shh." He managed to stroke her head even with his weak muscles. "Don't be like this."

She sat up and stared straight into his eyes. "Are you dying Ash?"

"Why'd you say that?"

"Will you tell me the truth?" She demanded.

He's quiet for a short time. "What did you hear Princess?"

"A lot of heartbreaking stuff Ash. I can't live without you Ash, I can't_"

"Shh, don't say that. I'm not oxygen, neither am I water_"

"Stop trying to change the topic."

He took a deep breath, gave her hand a weak squeeze. "We're all dying Princess."

"Not how you are!"

"I will be okay, trust me."

"I can't trust you."

"I'll really be alright,"

"Stop saying that!"

"I will be okay Princess, we'll all be okay."

"How?!" She cried.

He cupped her cheek, stroking her skin. "Princess, nobody can skip their appointed time."

"That doesn't mean you contribute to its occurrence."

He sighed. "Let's not have this conversation."

"Please Ash, please agree to take treatment, surgery, anything please."

"I can't."

"You can, there has to be an option, you have to!"

"I can't,'

"Ali please-"

"It's too late." He muttered and she went quiet.

There's some silence before she shook her head. "No, it's never too late. I can talk to someone we can find a way-"

"I don't want to."

She gaped at him for a while, her tears still flowing.

"Princess," He tried sitting up which he did with much stress and she didn't lend him a hand. "I love you."

"No you don't." She shook her head, sniffling.

"You know I do."

"Then do it for me." She begged desperately.

"I would have Princess, I would have if it's worth it I swear."

"Saving your life is worth more than anything Ash."

"Princess I'm good, I'm still here that's all that matters."

"What if you aren't tomorrow? What'd I do?!"

"I will bi iznillah and even if I'm not, you'll figure it out, you'll be perfect."

"You really don't know what you mean to me right?"

"I do," He cupped her face, rest his forehead on hers. "You care for me a lot and it's not good that way."

"Do you really wanna kill yourself?"

"I caused this on myself Amira,"

"Then seek treatment!" She yelled out, crying.

He sat mute for a while, staring at her as she sobbed. "I'm sorry."

"Ali please," She begged, holding his hands.

"I'm sorry."

She stood up, held her head as she paced back and forth for a brief minute. She stopped, faced him with angry, despondent and pleading eyes.

He glanced at her, then back at the bed. "I'm so sorry Princess,"

She made for the door instantly, trying to control her tears and bumped into someone just as she's stepping out.

Yusuf gave her a careful look, then glanced at his brother. "Is everything okay Mila?"

She nodded, sidestepped him but he held her arm and she placed her palm on her lips to contain her cries.

"What's up with you?"

She shook her head, sobbing, and he stepped in front of her.

"You sure you're good?"

She gave in to the tears and rested her head on his arm for support as she cried which he let her, looked at his brother again who looked away when their eyes met.

She cried for some time without him interrupting her and she pulled away when she'd reduced the heaviness. "I'm so sorry." She sniffled, wiping her face with her hijab.

"It's okay." He paused before asking. "You really sure you're good?"

"None of us really is right?"

He raised a brow as she made a point there and didn't stop her when she left. He went into the room, closed the door. "What're you receiving treatment for?"

Ali scoffed to himself. "Were you eavesdropping?"

"She voiced it quite audibly. Are you ill?"

"It's not important right now."

"I believe it is."

"Yusuf for fuck's sake, don't be a pain in the neck."

Yusuf decided to let the matter slide for the moment. "A lot of people are asking about you."

"Tell them I'm dead."

"Subhanallah don't talk like that."

"Then deal with what's important Yusuf. At least I'm speaking to you now ain't I?"

The little brother decided he's in a bad mood so left him to relax.

Ali plopped on the bed, stared at the ceiling. How does he prove to Amira that having a transplant was almost useless? How can he explain to her that there's no need of receiving treatment at all?

* * *

"Honey slow down."

The Lamido stayed focused on the road and his wife looked at him.

"Slow down Honey it's risky." She added but he still didn't slow down and only miraculously made a turn without a collision.

"Buckle up Darling." He said, his voice trembling. "Goggo do same."

"Is there a problem?" They both asked.

"Just put on your seat belts now."

They did so, fear building up in them instantly. The Lamido kept trying his possible best to stop the car but it's not working, both women grew from scared to terrified.

"Honey what's going on?" The Sarauniya sought, her voice fearful.

The Lamido couldn't speak, thinking of a way to save them or at least even a minor collision but the worse happened as a bus also in speed jammed with theirs at a turn making the car change course only to meet with a lorry which sent them tumbling down the hill. They kept chanting adhkars and Goggo was the first to lose consciousness. The Lamido hugged his wife to shield her and all she remembered was another collision with a tree after which was darkness.

She gasped, her eyes flying open and her body warming up instantly.

Farida jumped besides her immediately. "Mum, mum are you okay?"

The mother couldn't respond as her heart was beating frantically making the monitor beep loudly.

"Wh-what's happening?! Mum are you_" She decided against that and hurried out, grabbed the first man she saw with a labcoat and dragged him inside deep in tears to even explain what's going on.

The young man patiently checked the patient's vitals then used the emergency device to give her details and current condition.

Farida never knew there's something like that, she doubted if she'd have even used it if she knew.

He then walked to the tray trolley and wore gloves, drew some substance into a syringe and injected her with it.

Her heartbeat leveled gradually and a doctor dashed in just as he was adjusting her drips.

He gave the doctor the current status and he gave him a careful look, read the name on his nametag. "You're a consultant?"

The earlier doctor shook his head. "Houseman Sir."

"Oh you're still a student. You did a nice job but next time, don't be so quick to introduce anything into the patient without knowing about their condition, you did the right thing but try not to work on impulse okay?"

"Yes Sir."

"Alright thank you."

"Thank you Sir, Ma'am." He bowed a little before stepping out.

The doctor now made his own assessments then decided to remove the oxygen mask, instructed her to take in a deep breath before doing so. He asked her a few questions which she replied weakly to and then he gave her a briefing on her condition and what'd likely be done for her speedy recovery.

"Where's my husband?" She sought.

"He's doing good, and I'm sure he'd love that you're doing same. But I'm sorry we can't transport either of you now so focus on getting better enough first okay?"

"And Goggo?"

"The grandma is fine as well, now relax and don't stress yourself." He asked Farida out for a word.

"It's a good thing she's awake, now she needs all the support she can get and don't try to excite her for now, let her believe they're all good."

"Okay Doctor, thank you."

He gave her a brief smile before going his way and she went back to her mother. Tears of joy adorned her face and she hurried to hug her when she motioned for her to come closer.

"I was worried sick."

"Don't crush me." Hajiya Halimah smiled weakly. "Where's everyone?"

She pulled out of the hug and wiped her face. "Yusuf and Jalaal have been busy attending to visitors, they must be praying now. Amira just left to go change Farha's diapers. Ya Lubaba and the other women are on their way, the men said their flights were scheduled for this evening."

"And Ali?"


The door turned open and they faced it as Amira made her entrance. "Subhanallah she's awake." She exclaimed and furthered towards Hajiya Halimah. "How are you feeling?"

"Alhamdulillah." She smiled. "Has your father been up for long?"

Both ladies faced each other and Farida shook her head. "No, not yet. But the doctors assured us that he would soon, he's on tranquilizers so," She trailed off.

Hajiya Halimah nodded, her smile vanished. "And Goggo?"

"They're still monitoring her after her surgery, but her condition is improving alhamdulillah."

"What of Ali?"

Now she had no answer and she faced Amira who thought it'd be better she answers that question.

"Uh he's kept himself busy since the incident, I'll go inform him you're awake." And she made for the door, Farha bundled in her arms.

She didn't know how to approach him, truth is she's been putting a distance between them since yesterday so he'd realize she wasn't happy with him, mad at him actually for being such a stubborn person.

But at least having one person up and out of danger might improve his mood.

She opened the door to his room upon reaching and was welcomed by... nobody. Her heart skipped a beat, sending chill waves running down her spine.

After checking the bathroom, she bolted out, looked around but he's still nowhere. Shit why is Ali doing this?! She hurried out and towards the ICU, perhaps he went to see his father or grandma but was left with no hope after seeing he's not with either of them. As she's searching her brain for what to do next, she sighted Yusuf and Jalaal approaching from the end of the hall and she hurried towards them.

"Have you seen Ali?" She panted as soon as she's close enough.

"No, what's wrong?" They both asked.

"I can't find him."


"What do you mean you can't find him?"

"I can't find him!" She repeated, her voice rasping. "He's not with the Lamido or in his room."

"You've checked Goggo's? Or Aunt's?" Jalaal sought.

"He's not with neither. Aunt's awake and she asked about him so I went to check on him but..." She trailed off as talking was making the tears likelier to fall.

"She's awake?" They both asked and she nodded.

"What should we do now?" Yusuf raked his hair as he thought.

"Help me with your car key, I'll go find him."

"I'll go with you."

Jalaal switched his gaze between them.

"You should take Farha and go meet them, we'll be back soon." Amira answered his questioning look.

He quietly accepted the baby and Yusuf and Amira headed out.

Yusuf called home and asked about him but the securities were certain he didn't come home. He headed to the palace but upon reaching there, he found out that he wasn't there either.

He tried his line at least a million times but it's switched off.

"Where do we go now?" He asked as he met her by the car.

"I don't_" She stopped abruptly. "Wait, do you know where Mustafa had that fire accident? As in the location?"

Yusuf frowned in thought. "No, it's been long since I've been there, since after the incident and I was young so... what's the problem?"

"We should check there, perhaps he'd be there. Nobody knows the place?"

"The only person I can think of is Dad and..." He trailed off and she nodded, thinking of anything that'd remind her of the place.

"I think it's in... Shileng?" She forgot the pronunciation but was sure it's something like that.

"Shelleng." Yusuf corrected and she snapped her fingers.


"It's a whole local government, how will we start... wait," He said as he remembered something. "There's a dam around that place?"


"Kiri dam let's go." And he hopped in, started the car and they bolted out.

They used Google maps to reach the dam in over half an hour and Amira tried to use her sixth sense to figure out which road they'd followed. It took over fifteen more minutes for them to get to the unconstructed road and it wasn't so hard to get to the gate cos she remembered they just went straight afterwards.

They reached the cabin but it's locked and she bit on her lip, thought of where she could possibly find him now that he wasn't there.

"Where else?" Yusuf questioned and she slouched her shoulders.

"I honestly have no idea."

He took his phone from his pocket and made a call to Jalaal, asked if Ali was there but he replied in the negative as he'd checked his room twice after they left.

"I guess we should just go back, I can't think of anywhere else." He said after relating to her what they discussed.

She acceded and as they made for the car, she stopped as a light bulb went off in her head and he did same.


She took up her pace, hurried towards the stream hoping not to miss the way and he hurried after her.

She stopped to catch her breath as she reached, peered at him in a sweater as he stared straight at the running water.

She turned back to Yusuf who's standing behind her and he urged her to go with a bob of his head. Doing exactly that, she slowly headed towards him and he only faced the intruder when she's right beside him.

She sat on the bench, held his hand stealthily and leaned closer to him for a hug.

He didn't react for some time and only kept staring at the flowing stream.

"How did you know I was here?" He croaked a whisper, pulling away from her.

"Instinct. It wasn't easy finding the place though."

He moved his eyes to where Yusuf stood and the latter decided to give them privacy.

"You've not completed your treatment." She mentioned and he stared back at the stream for what seemed like forever without giving her a reply.

"What'd it be like if I die?" He sought an eternity later and she furrowed her brows. "How long will it take for people to forget me? I don't have a lot of lovers so, who'd miss me? Who'd mourn me? Who'd pray for me and shed tears for me? And if I killed myself, will those who care for me hate me for doing so? Will I finally be at peace? How many people will be affected and hurt by my absence?" There's brief silence. "Will you ever forgive me and move on?"

Her eyes were already in his when he faced her.

"These questions have been soaring in my head since yesterday. They've occupied every part of it and I feel bad, very bad that I'm not worrying about my parents that are in the hospital battling between life and death instead... instead I'm thinking of a way to take my own life." His voice cracked and she bundled him up in a hug again.

"It's okay to feel bad Ash, but you'll get through this, it's just a test and you shall pass it. I'm here for you."

He shook his head. "I don't think so Amira."

It stung her heart to hear him call her by her name, it suddenly felt strange hearing that and not 'Princess'.

"I feel myself fading away, I feel your Ash going away Amira. You managed to bring back the Haidar in me but he's going away again and the Ali you got married to, the Ali most people know is slowly taking over me again. I'm becoming cold, aggressive, heartless,... suicidal, narcissistic... I feel like hurting people, everyone makes me angry, breathing makes me angry." He faced her with red teary eyes.

"Ash," She cupped his jaw and a tear slipped out of the well in his eyes.

"It scares me Amira, it freaks me out what I might do if that happens. Everything's happening so fast and I can't get a grip of myself. I fear what'd happen to me if I go back to whom I used to be. Thing is this monster I'm becoming is worse than who I used to be. What'd I do to you? What'd happen to us? I fear that I might lose you, hurt you. I fear I'd be the cause of destruction in my family. I fear a lot of things Amira, I'm scared, I'm terrified." He broke down in tears and she hugged him again, kissed his jaw.

"We'll get through this together Ash. You shouldn't lose hope so soon." She let him get the heaviness out for some time.

"Who died in your dream?" He pulled away to look at her. "You said you lost someone."

Amira had honestly forgotten about that dream and now that he reminded her, she couldn't ignore the gut-wrenching fear that crept from within her core to every spice of her. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

"Answer me Amira."

His voice zapped her out of her trance and she shook her head. "I honestly don't know, it's just a dream I've totally forgotten about it."

Ali slipped his hands out of hers and stared at the stream again.

"Ash you shouldn't worry about it. They'll all be fine, Aunt is already awake."

He faced her with a slightly surprised expression and she bobbed her head.

"She actually asked for you and that's why we've been looking for you. It's a good sign Ash, and in shaa Allah they'd all recover from this." She stared at his hands which were resting on his thigh and she held him. "We should go Ash. I'm sure she's still waiting."

He tarried for a brief while before standing up and they had a quiet ride back to the hospital.

* * *

"I don't understand how you're so calm Halimah." Aunt Zulaikha lamented after noticing Hajiya Halimah's mood for the past twenty minutes.

She faced her sister-in-law with a confused look. "I don't quite understand."

"See how normal you've been acting, all smiles whereas-"

"Aunt." Farida tried shushing her but as usual, she only gave her a warning look and continued.

"Do you perhaps know we should all be in trepidation now that everything's going haywire? But look at you with that act, are you so happy that you're the only one awake and out of danger?"

"Only..." She faced her daughter, Asmaa'u and Aunt Zulaikha for some explanation. "What do you mean I'm the only one? The doctor said_"

"Said what? My brother's in a coma with very little chance of survival how could that possibly sound pacifying?"

Hajiya Halimah's countenance immediately turned to a terrified one as she faced her daughter who couldn't look her in the eye for some explanation.

"F-Farida what... how..." She stammered unable to form a correct sentence.

There's a soft knock on the door and Yusuf uttered a salaam as he stepped in, followed by Amira. The former furthered towards his mother and the latter peeped out and urged Ali to come in which he did after much deliberation.

Hajiya Halimah couldn't respond to her son's questions and just had to ask the question in her head. "How's your father's condition?"

Yusuf glanced at Farida first. "Uh, he's okay, we were assured that he'd be awake soon_"

"He'd be what?" Aunt Zulaikha scoffed. "Tell her the truth Yusuf, she's your mother and his wife, she can handle it."

Yusuf sifted his fingers through his hair, unable to look his mother in the eye.

"Your father's in a coma?" Her voice trembled, tears clouding her vision.

Nobody could say anything and Ali decided to leave as the atmosphere wasn't comfortable for him.

"Ali." She called just as he placed his hand on the doorknob and he stopped. "Come Ali."

He clenched his jaw, still wanting to get his legs out of there but this thing in him wouldn't let him. He sighed, giving in to his inner self and slipped his fingers off the knob.

"Come on." She urged again, wiping her cheek with the back of her palm.

He dragged his feet to the bed and she pat beside her for him to seat which he did.

She held his hands in hers, looking straight into his eyes. "Are you okay?"

He moved his gaze to hers, not knowing how or if to answer that question. Is he okay? Hell no he wasn't.

"It wasn't his fault Ali," Her voice trembled as tears trickled down her cheek.

"It's okay Aunt." He managed mumbling.

"I swear it wasn't his fault and it wasn't yours either." She said knowing fully well he must've started blaming himself again.

Ali looked away from her, huffing.

"We were just about to take Goggo to Mama Inna's house when the brakes failed,"

"What?" Almost everyone there asked but Ali was only quick to shoot her a questioning look.

"The car was speeding and he couldn't stop it, he asked us to put on the belt and he kept trying but it wasn't working. He tried his best Ali, I swear he did."

There was silence in the room for a short while before Ali shook his head after thinking it through. "The brakes can't fail."

"But they did." She sobbed.

"There must have been another problem but the brakes can't just fail. That car came all the way from Abuja and I had it taken to the mechanic that very day, it's not possible."

"We went to places with the car as well and it was good until then, if it's because he couldn't drive we'd have had the accident before we even reached Jimeta."

Ali stood up from the bed. "Have some rest Aunt."


"Shh." He bent down and reclined the bed. "Please have some rest, don't think too much about it."

She said nothing and he faced the people in the room, his aunt and her daughter particularly. "Can y'all let her sleep for now?"

"Are you sending us out?" His aunt demanded.

"Aunt," Farida began before he said anything knowing it wouldn't be nice. "The doctor actually suggested she should have lots of rest and not be 'excited'. The news you broke is really disheartening don't you think?"

Aunt Zulaikha hissed and went out, same did her daughter.

Ali faced his brother. "Where's the car?"

Yusuf took a short while to digest the question and understand which 'car' he meant.


"It's towed, I guess it should be at the mechanic's."

"What mechanic?"


"Give me your car key."

"Where are_"

"Give me the damn key." His tone tightened.

Yusuf gave him the key without any more ado and he made for the door.

"I'm coming with_"

"I go alone." He cut his wife off and stepped out.

* * *

She walked stealthily into the room, a tray with her containing a plate of fruit and bottle of water. It's dark but she could make out his figure sitting by the other side of the bed staring at the wall.

She furthered in, dropped the tray on the bed then turned on her phone's flashlight to seek the switch and turned on the lights.

She then went to him, sat but kept a safe distance between them. Yes she's beginning to fear him again, and it honestly shouldn't be that way.

"I brought you some fruits."

He was quiet, just quiet.

"Something wrong?" She sought after some time and he still said nothing. "Ash," She inched closer to him.

"If somebody is to be blamed for this, who should it be?"

"Nobody should be blamed Ash."

"What if someone should be?"

She's quiet for a moment. "What's wrong Ash? Did the brakes really fail?"

He sucked in a deep breath, released it. "All my life I've had cars, different cars, but brakes don't just fail Princess. It's not possible. Yes the car wasn't brand new but dammit it's as good as new, it's maintained perfectly and serviced after being bought. It's serviced again in Abuja before being brought here and here again! At least if it had brake issues it couldn't possibly drive the distance between Abuja and here right? The driver must've detected a fault."

Amira thought over it for some time. "Do you mean that someone must've_"

"Don't, don't say that please don't say that."

"Ash it's okay." She hugged him as he tried to swallow his tears. "Everything's gonna be okay."

"I hope so, I really pray so. They should all be okay for the love of God."

"They will be Ash, bi iznillah they will be. Just hold on and don't lose hope."

"I'm trying Princess, but I'm weak, situations like this crumble me and I feel so bad that I should be the one comforting y'all but instead you're the ones doing so. I'm a useless brother, son and husband."

"Don't say that." She shifted closer and cupped his face. "We're all going through the same thing Ash, all the smiles are just fake and it's okay if you can't fake it. It's very okay."

He chuckled amidst tears. "How do you manage to see the good in everything?"

"It depends on how you look Ash, and who you look at. And I only see the man I love anytime I look at you. I could never ask for more Ash."

He joined their foreheads, crying. "I love you Amira."

"I love you too Ali."

"Promise you'll stay by me, all the time."

"And promise me you'll be strong for us, we need you."

He rest his head on her shoulder, held her hand. "I'll try."

* * *

Goggo was awake.

That's all everyone talked about.

Amira was grateful Ali was really trying to be strong, even before the news about his grandmother. He'd woken up the next morning and they prayed naafil and subh together, had a short recitation and asked Allah for all they wanted. She prepared breakfast for him and he dropped her off at the hospital and left after saying hi to his stepmum.

Yusuf had also mentioned that he received most of the Lamido's visitors since no outsider was allowed to see him and had also agreed to go for an interview with a radio station since Yusuf and Jalaal both refused to.

It's when he's away for that that his grandma regained consciousness and even though she's still in a fragile state, it's a good thing and everyone was elated.

Only two people were allowed to see her at a time and even Hajiya Halimah couldn't not see her so she was taken on a wheelchair.

Ali had just ended the interview and was about to go back to the hospital when one of the palace workers who came with him told him the news, all the more reason to head straight back to the hospital.

He'd been with his grandma throughout that day and only left to go pray.

When the adhaan for maghrib was called, he sighed. "I'll go to pray Mama, Amira will come be with you."

"Okay." She replied weakly and he left.

He met his wife with the other ladies in Hajiya Halimah's room and he asked her out.

"Can you stay with Mama till I'm back from the mosque?"

"Oh okay, I was about to go home and make something for you."

"Don't worry about me, I'm good."

"You sure? I could just ask Abee to whip something up for you."

"Okay do that. But go be with her soon."

She nodded and he left.

She went back in and excused herself after asking Abeedah to get him something to eat.

She met Goggo lying still, eyes on the wall as she entered and the latter gave her a smile as their eyes met.

"Amira," She called.

"Yes Goggo, how're you feeling?" Amira made herself comfortable on the plastic chair beside the bed.

"I'd be honest with you, I don't think I'm okay."

Amira's smile slowly diminished.

"I feel so weak, like I'm barely trying to stay alive, like my breaths are numbered. In case something happens," She faced her. "I want you to promise me, promise me you'll stay by Bebe, he'd need you."

Amira gagged on words before getting it straight. "You'll be okay Goggo. I mean you're already awake so,"

Goggo chuckled. "I'm telling you this cos I believe right now, you have a stronger mind and are more emotionally steady than Bebe, I don't think I'll get up from this bed."


"I might not die now, but I surely will, someday. Anytime I do, I want you to be his support. He may look like a man of steel but he's made of cotton, I know him, the smallest perturbation will make him frenzied, especially when it has to do with people he cares about."

Amira couldn't find her voice again.

"I wished I'd live long enough to see your children, but maybe I won't. He promised he'd name your kids beautifully, make sure he does."

Amira's eyes stung with tears and she sniffled, forcing back the tears.

Goggo held her hand reassuringly. "I'm not the All-knowing so I don't know how long I have left. It might just be minutes, hours, days or even months. But maybe we won't be given a chance to say a goodbye when it comes so I'm telling you this now. You're the closest person to Bebe, you should be his wife, his friend, sister, mother, you should be everyone to him. Bebe loves you, a lot. People might change but just remember, anytime the going gets bad that, he once loved you, more than anything. And I hope you both live in unconditional love until death separates you to be reunited forever. He's my little boy so please take care of him, I'm certain he'd take good care of you as well."

"You'll be okay Goggo, in shaa Allah you will be."

"I'd love to see your kids as well, I wonder who they'd look like."

"They'd be beautiful." Amira smiled through tears.

"They would be my dear, they would be."

* * *

Late update? Yup, I've been quite busy these few days, sincere apologies 🙏

So lots of things to take in right?

The Lamido's in a coma... Ali's health... The fate of their marriage - and lives in general... Will Goggo really be the one to go?... The brake failure... And more, actually.

Well let's hear your thoughts in the comments, I know y'all are good at guessing things right 😉

So, we're already halfway through Ramadan, it's still not late to make or break a habit. May Allah help us through. Amin.

See you fine peeps next week,
Xoxo ❤️

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