Checkered Royals [Ciel Phanto...

By sleepy_pandas

239K 8.2K 10.4K

•{this is a pretty slow paced story- I personally don't like quick paced ones ^^' and before we start, this i... More

Chapter 1: A Day Like Any Other
Chapter 2: Letters From Her Majesty
Chapter 3: Declarations and Discussions
Chapter 4: Burning Emblems
Chapter 5: Purple Diamonds
Chapter 6: Lady Midford and Lady L/N
Chapter 7: Sulphuric Curses
Chapter 8: To Finish an Awkward Day
Chapter 9: To The Ball
Chapter 10: Unrequited
Chapter 11: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12: Under Bandages
Chapter 13: A Demon Butler and A Demon Master
Chapter 14: Lost Connections
Chapter 15: Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter 17: She Knows
Chapter 18: Too Easily Forgiven
Chapter 19: Do You?
Chapter 20: Leaving For Now
Chapter 21 Part 1:A Kept Promise
Chapter 21 Part 2: A Little Bruised
Chapter 22: All for her
Chapter 23: Confession
Chapter 24: Advice
Chapter 25: Date Number 1
Chapter 26: I'll Protect You
its the author after years of no updates :)
Chapter 27: Reflection

Chapter 16: Devil's Summoning Spirit

6K 227 197
By sleepy_pandas

I read a few of the past chapters over again and they realllly need editing >_>


3rd Person

The carriage came to a halt as it approached Alfred's store. Y/N and Ciel simultaneously looked out of the window at the shop, seemingly gloomier than it usually was, the jewels weren't sparkling as much as they did before. Sebastian opened the carriage door for the young nobles, and took Y/N's hand as she stepped out, her eyes on the store. 

"Something's wrong," she mumbled, "it doesn't seem right."

Sebastian looked at Y/N and raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched the girl analyse the situation. Ciel glared at Sebastian and followed Y/N from behind and stood bedside her as they observed the store. The street itself was also rather empty, a rare sight for this street of London. Definitely strange. 

"Shall we go in Y/N?" Ciel asked side glancing at his companion.

Y/N nodded and lead the way, opening the door, the bell above it ringing.

"Arthur? Alfred?"

"Miss Y/N!" Alfred came out from behind the counter his face cringing in what seemed to be pain, "ugh, Arthur, he's trapped, he's trapped in Death's Jewel!"

As Alfred approached her, Y/N could see the red blood dripping from his leg to the wooden floor.

"Death's Jewel..." Ciel muttered, dazed.

"Alfred! Goodness, what happened!?" Y/N inquired seriously, grabbing a chair for her employee to sit down on, "your leg, it's bleeding!"

"I know, I know, I'll fix it up later, I just managed to escape from it now, but Arthur, I have no idea where in the Jewel he is!"

"Where is it?"

"In the top left drawer behind the counter," Alfred replied, fishing a key out of his pocket passing it to Y/N, "hurry!"

"Okay," Y/N rushed to the drawers and fit the key into the lock, opening it, "Sebastian, please help Alfred stop the bleeding!"

"Of course milady," Sebastian said, "Mr Jones, if you'd come with me please." 

Sebastian and Alfred walked into the back room, leaving Ciel and Y/N together.

"Y/N, the Death Jewel, doesn't it hold a 'Devil's Summoning Spirit' or something like that?" Ciel asked, facing Y/N, "I don't understand how your butler would be trapped in it now though."

"I don't understand either," Y/N sighed, taking out the box and opening it, "the Jewel was designed to never let anything in, or out without Alfred opening it, and I know he wouldn't open it on purpose..."

"Maybe, just designed to never let anything in... And the spirit out?"

"Perhaps." Y/N replied staring at the jewel's deep colour, sighing.



"You're not thinking abou-"

"Of course I am Ciel."

"But you can't, what if something happens to you?"

"It's for Arthur, whatever happens, I'll take it on."

"I won't let you."

"And why not?"

Ciel looked at Y/N surprised.

"...Because getting you lost too wouldn't be ideal would it?"

"I guess. But what other choice do I have?"

"Sending someone else instead?"

"Of course I wouldn't want to do that, he's my butler, and I carry the burden of being his mistress."

"The burden? What is this nonsense you are speaking of? He's your butler, if anything, you are a burden to him-"

Y/N glared at Ciel as he said the last words.

"That may be how you think Phantomhive, but it certainly isn't how I think. I love Arthur dearly, now if you don't mind, kindly stay out of my business."

Ciel silenced at Y/N's retaliation. 

He knew Arthur meant a lot to Y/N, but she had finally stated that she loved him. He didn't know what way to take that. Was it just a family kind of love? Or the other kind... 

Y/N was annoyed at him right now, he could clearly see it. She was frustrated at him, and seemingly everything, and he didn't want to fuel it even more, however much he didn't want for Y/N to go.

Alfred returned with newly bandaged legs, although his trousers were still soaked in blood, followed by Sebastian.

"Milady," Alfred mumbled, "I know what you're thinking, and I'm willing to open the Jewel for you if you wish."

"Thank you Alfred, that's exactly what I want right now."

Alfred picked the jewel up and held it high, he began to chant a few words as the object started to glow an bright purple. Suddenly a vertical beam of light appeared before him, which slowly widened as Alfred continued to chant.

"Lady Y/N, it is ready," Alfred informed, still holding the object high, "though I must warn you, the opening will close in about 30 minutes, I'll defend it from any escapees as much as I can though-"

"I shall too," Sebastian added, "I must admit Alfred, for a demon, your wounds don't heal very fast."

"It's the downside of my abilities," Alfred quietly mumbled, "anyway, Lady Y/N do be careful."

"Of course I will Alfred," Y/N replied, taking off a few layers of her dress skirt for easier movement, even with the three other males present, "I'll be back with Arthur."

"I certainly hope so," Alfred muttered, shaking his head, "I should've protected him.."

"It's okay Alfred, I'll go get him. Don't beat yourself up."

Y/N stepped forth towards the jewel, looking back at Alfred, Sebastian and Ciel.

Ciel's eye quickly made contact with hers before he abruptly looked away. 

Y/N suddenly felt a little guilty about getting annoyed at Ciel earlier but pushed it to the back of her mind as she stepped into the opening which Alfred had made.

"I'll see to it that Arthur returns." She whispered as she passed the bright light of the opening.


Ciel's POV 

What did I... Ciel Phantomhive you are a cowardly fool.

You let her go just like that- without a word. Do you know what you've done? 

Do you?

You've let her wander into what could be a deadly and dangerous end. 

Ciel! Wake up you idiot, wake up! 

Ciel looked at the opening once again. Sebastian was intensely gazing at it, just where Y/N was last.


"Yes milord?" he replied, but without looking away from the ominous opening.

"I'm going in as well."

"But master-"

"I said I'm going in."

Sebastian silenced as he side glanced at me with his beady red eyes, "As you wish."

Alfred had his eyes closed as he focused on keeping the Jewel in place, but I could see that he was listening along to my decision. I looked at him momentarily before stepping through the passageway.

My body tensed, a strange chill-like feeling quickly passed my body as I just about made it to the other side. I stumbled as the opening seemed to push me forward, but I regained my balance quickly. I looked around to fun myself in the middle of a clearing- the grass surrounding me was outgrown and seemed to be a dark purple colour. An every fog stretched out into the distance all around, nothing could be clearly seen. Y/N was no where to be seen, not to mention Arthur either. 

I trudged forward in a random direction, no idea as to where exactly I was going. Everything looked the same. I considered it lucky that the portal was in the center of this clearing, otherwise I would've easily gotten myself lost within the maze of trees. 

"Y/N!?" I called.

No reply.

I shouted her name once again, but louder.


Still no reply. I continued to venture my way deeper into the forest in a straight line, just in case I needed to get back to the opening.

As I searched for any signs of the girl and her butler, I suddenly felt something wrap itself around my waist, rather tightly. My heart raced as I spun around to find myself facing... Y/N?

"Ciel! Oh Ciel, my dear Ciel...." She said as she continued to embrace me and nuzzle her face into my chest, "I was getting scared, oh so scared..."

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her too, a little confused. I didn't know how to react. This was so strange... The way Y/N was acting before going through the opening was nothing like this... Then again, she could be unpredictable at times.


"Yes Ciel? What is it my dear?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now that you're here..." She looked up at me her eyes suddenly so innocent looking, "Ciel..."

I tightened my lips together. Every time she said my name, it send a shiver up my spine and it felt wrong. But... Wasn't this attention what I wanted from her? I carefully pushed her off of me and detached myself from her grasp.

"Have you seen Arthur, Y/N?" I asked her, but as soon as I did, her eyes dimmed.

"Arthur is dead." She replied rather bluntly, no emotion in her voice, "he's as dead as the door."

A small smile flickered on her face as she snorted quietly, "not like it matters anyway... I have you, and you're all I need Ciel Phantomhive~ let's stop talking about that lowly butler, and start talking about us."

"W-what?" I took a step back from this 'Y/N', "Y/N what's wrong with you?"

She was definitely different, she couldn't just be so straightforward and emotionless about the death of her beloved Arthur! To make matters worse, she smiled about it... Panic slowly began to fill my head. And what did she mean by 'us'? Why was she suddenly so open?

"What do you mean, 'what's wrong with me'? Didn't I say I'm fine now that you're here? Hmm?" She stepped forward placing her hand on my chest, I began to walk backwards, "my love, I believe it's time we confessed our ever growing love, don't you?"

"Love?!" I kept going until my back hit the trunk of a wide tree, "Y/N, what are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend you don't know anything Ciel, I've seen the way you've been around me, I can read your mind~ now tell me you love me." her finger traced the rim of my jawline as she brought her face closer to my own, her voice becoming more demanding.

"I'm engaged-"

"To that joke of a Lady? Pfft Elizabeth is like a child, she won't be ready for any serious relationship like I am. She'll be dead soon anyway."

My eyes widened at her words which struck me like a dagger to the heart. What is she going to do with Elizabeth? I gulped.

"Mm," she trapped me between her arms up against the tree trunk as she dug her nose into the crook of my neck, "ah~ I love the smell of your demon blood."

"What- how did you know?" I said, shocked. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to hurt her- and she seemed to have me stunned in one place, I couldn't explain the feeling, but I physically could not move.

"I have my ways, Phantomhive," she pressed her lips on my cheek which set my face alight with a fiery blush.

"Silly Ciel, you still haven't confessed~ if you won't go first, I will! Ciel Phantomhive, I've loved you ever since I first set eyes on you all those years ago, even though it was a small crush," she cackled quietly before resuming,"but this minor crush has grown into a strong, romantic feeling, of want, for you. I want you Ciel Phantomhive. Now."

That's when she latched her lips to my own, and I knew for sure that something was wrong.

Something was terribly wrong. 

I tried, with all my strength to move, but I couldnt. This was not the Y/N I knew, no way. My arms were suddenly pulled to whoever this was' waist by a strong force, she was still kissing me. But then I realised that she didn't look like Y/N anymore... She was someone completely different. Her eyes were a bright, dangerous orange, and her hair was the darkest shade of black.

She finally pulled away allowing me to speak.

"Wh-who are you?"

"Your new lover Ciel..." She smiled as she flashed her razor sharp teeth.


"Hush now my dear, otherwise I'll silence you forever." She held her fingers over my mouth and I knew I couldn't speak anymore, "there, now you won't be able to call anyone hehe~"

My blood went cold at the cruel girl's words.

She kissed me again. This girl... She disgusted me.


Both the girl and I looked to our side to see Y/N.

She was standing there, her sabre's tip on the ground, her arm limply holding on to its handle. Her once beautiful cream white and (F/C) dress stood out in the dark surrounding but was wrecked with tears and dirt. Her skin was covered in cuts and bruises. Her face held such sorrow and pain-

"Ciel what are you doing with it?" She asked, her voice low and husky as she stared at me with disappointment in her eyes. She then looked over at the girl who held me captive, a mixture of anger and fear in her voice, " Saarath...y-you..."

"Oh deary, aren't you tired? Aren't you tired from all the fighting yet? I took pity on you, I let you live, I let you escape. And you still come crawling back?" The orange-eyed girl's smile quickly turned to one full of fury and malice, "do you want to die? You filthy piece of scum... Look at you, all wrecked up like that. Saarath doesn't like fighters. They're just a pain in the neck. And you little girl, are a pain in the neck. You think my darling Ciel likes pains in the neck? I don't think so."

I looked at Y/N apologetically but she didn't turn towards me once. Then I realised my arms were still wrapped around 'Saarath''s waist. I suddenly found that I could move away, just as she let go of me to approach Y/N.

 But I was still mute.

"Where's Arthur?!" Y/N demanded, furious, "where did you put him?!"

"Arthur? Oh he's dead my dear, as I said to Ciel here, dead as a door. You're just a burden to him anyway. I bet he's glad that he doesn't need to take care of you."

I looked down, ashamed, as Saarath mentioned what I had said earlier to Y/N. Y/N twitched in annoyance.

"You lying back-stabbing snake! I know he's alive."

"Oh really, and what proof-"

"My contract seal still remains on my body, Arthur is alive and I know it," Y/N threateningly stepped forward, lifting her sword off of the ground.

"Now... Tell me. Tell me where Arthur is!!"

Sorry for not updating in ages... I've been ultra busy!! I'll be editing the story to far later.

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