Shadow Of Revan (Jedi Outcast...

By BillMclaughlinJr

605 26 11

As Mordecai Arkous continues to build a life for himself in Atmos, a mysterious figure arrives in Atmos and b... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV

Chapter III

43 1 0
By BillMclaughlinJr

On Terra Gale, Mordecai Arkous continued training under Jolee Bindo. After one day of training, Jolee goes over Mordecai's progress.

Jolee: Not bad, Mordecai.

Mordecai: Thank you, Master Bin....I mean Jolee.

Jolee: But you still have a ways to go.

As Jolee says this, the Condor was seen flying above Terra Gale. The Condor lands near Jolee's home. As the Condor landed, the Storm Hawks exited the ship.

Aerrow: Hope we're not interrupting anything.

Mordecai: Actually we were just finishing. Is something wrong?

Aerrow: No. We just finished a mission and Piper wanted to stop by.

Mordecai: How are you feeling, Piper?

Piper: Good. I'm still trying to work out my powers....

Jolee: The Force isn't some power source, young lady. The Force is what binds all living things in the Galaxy. People like yourself are more attuned to the Force than others.

Piper: Are you....a Jedi?

Jolee: I WAS a Jedi. Now I'm just an old Guardian who just so happened to have been a Jedi.

As Jolee said this, he walked up to Piper and took a look at her. After a moment, he turns to Mordecai.

Jolee: This girl is strong in the Force. Is this the girl you were telling me about?

Mordecai: Yes, Jolee. From what she told me, she was unaware of her affinity to the Force until her battle with one of the Imperial Inquisitors. 

Upon hearing this, it was clear to Jolee that Piper was strong in the Force. He became curious as to how Piper's Force sensitivity remained dormant until that particular moment. 

Jolee: Well this is certainly interesting. 

As Jolee said this, a group of unidentified Skimmers were seen flying towards the Windmill. Immediately, Mordecai and Jolee felt a great disturbance in the Force. Without hesitation, Mordecai and the Storm Hawks rushed over to the Windmill with Jolee joining them. Much to their shock, they saw Repton and his brothers confronting Dove and the Rebel Ducks.

Repton: I will not ask again, girl! Where is he?! Where is the Jedi?!

Dove: You have some nerve coming here about you tried to steal our Cheese Stone and tried to frame the Storm Hawks! 

Repton: I do not have time to argue with an impotent farm girl playing at being a Sky Knight! Where is the Jedi?! 

It was at this moment that Mordecai and the Storm Hawks arrived. Upon seeing Repton, they all readied their weapons. Repton's brothers turned their attention to the group. 

Leugey: Hey! It's the Jedi!

Hoerk: And the Storm Hawks?! What're they doing here?!

Spitz: I've been waiting for some payback for them humiliating us!

Repton: ENOUGH! Lower your weapons, you fools! 

Leugey, Hoerk and Spitz followed their big brother's orders and lowered their weapons. Repton then glared towards Mordecai as he walks towards him. The young Jedi kept his Lightsaber ready as the Raptor king approached him.

Repton: Jedi. I wish to speak with you.

Mordecai: Why are you here, Repton? 

Repton: I need your help. My kingdom was stolen from me. 

Finn: You mean someone kicked your scaly butt out of your Terra? Sounds like we need to give this guy a round of applause!

Repton: You don't understand, boy. This was no Raptor who did this. It was an outsider. An outsider who manipulated a cult of fools against me. Now they've all but taken control of Terra Bogaton! 

Aerrow: Why should we help you? You're one of Master Cyclonis's allies! Helping you means helping her!

Repton: My alliance with Master Cyclonis is my business! As a King, I have every right to make an alliance with whoever I wish! But I did not come here to speak of political alliances. I came here to speak with you specifically, Jedi. 

Mordecai: Why? 

Repton: Because this outsider wielded a weapon such as yours. A crimson blade.

Upon hearing this, Mordecai was shocked. Without hesitation, Mordecai activates his Lightsaber. Repton doesn't blink an eye upon seeing the blue blade of Mordecai's Lightsaber. 

Mordecai: You saw this? 

Repton: Yes. He wielded a crimson blade. He shot lightning from his finger tips and lifted me into the air without touching me. 

Upon hearing this, Mordecai and the others initially believed it to be a possible Inquisitor. But only Jerec was capable of using Force Lightning and he was dead. Repton then showed a drawing of the outsider's mask. 

Junko: Creepy.....

Finn: No kidding.....

Repton: That outsider claimed to by the Herald of the Sky Hunter. My ancestor King Ragnar was defeated by the Herald centuries ago. A cult dedicated to the Herald was formed. This outsider claimed to be the Herald and used this to overthrow me. 

At this point, Jolee stepped in. He took the parchment and looked upon is closely. There was something about the picture that seemed familiar to Jolee. He says nothing as he puts the parchment in his pocket. 

Jolee: We're going to Terra Bogaton.

Finn: Are you kidding, jeeves? Why would we help Repton?! 

Jolee: Because there's something off about this....outsider. 

Mordecai: You think there's something bigger at play?

Jolee: I don't know for sure, but my instincts tell me that if we ignore this, something bad is going to happen. Now come along! 

With that, Mordecai along with the Storm Hawks reluctantly decided to help Repton fight the outsider who had taken control over Terra Bogaton. Dove and T7 would come with them while Colin and the Rebel Ducks stayed behind to watch over Terra Gale. As the Condor took off, everyone prepared themselves to help Repton reclaim his throne. But what they didn't know was that the man who claimed to be Revan would be waiting.   

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