Someone Worth Staying For (Ho...

By LostOncer

69.3K 2K 195

Malivore was out of Landon and Landon was back to normal, and not stuck in the darkness. The question was, is... More

Writer's Announcement
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
The End

Chapter 28

1.8K 52 2
By LostOncer

Josie's P.O.V.
    It's been about a week since Hope turned on her humanity. Dad and the others had gone home, because he couldn't leave the other kids gone for too long. Mom, Lizzie, Hope, and I stayed in New Orleans, so I could learn control before going home. I didn't want to end up hurting one of my friends because I didn't have control. Hope has been, well.. she's been doing alright. She's still getting used to the idea that Landon is gone and it was her who killed him. I've tried my best to make her feel better and it works somewhat but I know she's still hurting. And I think she's still hurting over the whole no humanity thing. She did hurt a lot of people. Even if they were okay, she did still hurt them. I heard her wake up screaming one night so I've been staying in her room at night. Yes it is because I want to be there for her to make her feel better from her nightmares, but at the same time, I get to sleep with my cute tribrid in my arms. We haven't gone on an actual date yet, or said that we were official, but it feels like we are actually together. I know dad still has to get used to it but whether he does or not, I'm not leaving Hope. I love her.

    It was another day of training and Hope was here to help and be supportive but after a while she needed a moment alone. I think she still blames herself for my death and I hate it. When we finished training, I head up to find Hope. I walk into her room, which has recently been my room as well, so I didn't have to knock this time. "Hope?" I said and she turned around to look at me. She was sitting at her easel painting a picture. It wasn't completed but I could tell who it was. Landon. Was I jealous that she was painting him and not me? Of course I was but at the same time I knew he was her best friend and boyfriend for a while. No matter how jealous I get, I know she loves me. "It's coming out nicely." I said softly and walked over to her. "Y-you're not jealous that I'm painting Landon?" She asked. Can she read my mind? "What, no? Of course not." I lied. "You are." She said and gave me a look. How does she see right through me? "Okay maybe I am a little jealous but I understand. He was your best friend and boyfriend." She gave me another look. I guess when I said boyfriend, I probably sounded even more jealous than before. "Hey don't give me that look. You get all angry tribrid whenever Finch is mentioned." I said and saw how her eyes instantly flashed yellow, meaning that I made her jealous and angry. She turned around to try and hide how jealous and angry she was and I just wrapped my arms around her from behind. I rest my chin on her shoulder and give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry babe." Yeah we've been doing that a lot now recently too. "I know how much you miss him." "It's just not the same without him. I thought if I had this painting, it would be easier but it's not." I know how she is with losing people. First her mom, then her dad and uncle, and now Landon. This must be so hard for her. "It'll be okay. I'm here to help in anyway I can." I feel her hands over mine and her head resting against mine. "Thanks Jo. You always know how to make me feel better." I smiled softly and sighed happily. This girl makes me so happy and I want her to know that she does. I think it's about time. "Hey, how about me and you get out of here for the night?" I asked, hoping she would agree to it. "We can get away from everything for a while." "Is this a date?" I hear her ask and I chuckled softly. "Our first one, yes." I say and pulled away to look at her. She turns to look at me. "I would love to have a date with you." She said and I smiled happily. "Good. I'll go get ready in Lizzie's room and you get ready in here." She smiles at me and turned back around, to start packing up her paints. I lean down by her and whisper in her ear. "Wear something sexy. Although you could wear anything and still be sexy." I run out with my vampire speed before she could say anything. "Josie!" I hear her yelling, making me chuckle softly.

    I walk into Lizzie's room and see her sitting on the bed. "Why do you look so happy?" She asks and I rolled my eyes at her question but couldn't hide my smile. "Hope and I are going on our first date." I said and she got up as fast as she possibly could. "Finally! Now let's see what you should wear." She said and started looking through my clothes. I rolled my eyes, knowing she would've done something like this. "I can find my own outfit Liz." I said and she just shot me a glare. "Alright fine, you can help, but only because I know you won't take no for an answer." I said and rolled my eyes again. She kept looking through the clothes, trying to find me something to wear for mine and Hope's date.

Hope's P.O.V.
    When I hear Josie say that I should wear something sexy and the fact that I already am sexy, I feel my face burning red. Before I could turn to say something, she's already gone. "Josie!" I yelled and I could hear her chuckling down the hall. I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly to myself, still blushing from her words. I can't believe she thinks I'm sexy. I'm sure she'll look sexy herself tonight, which she always looks sexy. Damn it. How does she have such a compelling effect on me?

    I finish packing up my paints and look at the canvas. "I'm so sorry Landon. I wish I could've saved you." I sighed softly. Even if I could have saved him, he would still be hurting because I would choose Josie over him. I may love Landon and I always will but I think Josie is the one for me. I get up and walk over to my closet to start searching through my outfits. I would normally wear some kind of jeans or shorts, with a top and a jacket but it's my first date with Josie so I need to wear something a bit nicer. I scan through my clothes and see a small black dress that I probably haven't worn in years or even at all. I pull it out and hold it against myself and look into the mirror. "Oh that is perfect!" I hear and instantly turn my head to see Lizzie. I must've been too distracted to even hear her coming in. "Aren't you supposed to be helping Josie? I mean that's what I assumed you would've been doing." "Oh I am. I just needed to make sure you weren't wearing one of your usual outfits. Which are pretty much the same thing over and over again." I roll my eyes at Lizzie criticizing my wardrobe. "I do not wear the same thing over and over again." "Hope, you're outfits are all similar. Like how many pairs of jeans or jackets do you have in your closet, here or back in Mystic Falls?" Maybe she's right but I wear what I want and I'm not going to let her tell me how to dress. "Just get out so I can get ready." I said and started pushing her out the door. "Alright, alright fine. Just know if you break her heart, I will kick your ass." "Good luck with that." I said with a smug grin on my face. "But in all honesty, you know I would never do that." I said, my smug grin turning into a serious face. "I know. I just had to make sure you knew what would happen if you ever did." I roll my eyes and smiled at her. "Get out." I said and she threw her hands up as if she was surrendering and left my room. I closed the door behind her and went to go get ready.

    After taking a shower and curling my hair, I put on my dress and then looked at myself in the mirror. Something is missing. I go to my closet and grab one of my little black leather jackets and put it on. I check it in the mirror and nod my head. Yeah that's better. I hear the door open and turn to see my aunt Rebekah and Freya. "You look beautiful sweetie." Freya said as they both walked over to me. "She's right." "Let me guess, Lizzie told you both about the date?" I asked, knowing that I hadn't said anything to them. "Yeah she told us." I rolled my eyes. "She never knows when to stop talking." I said making them both chuckle. "So do you think Josie will like it?" I asked and they both looked me over. "Oh definitely." Aunt Rebekah said. "But I'm sure Josie would've liked you in one of your normal outfits too so you don't have to worry honey." "Why am I so nervous?" I admitted. "I've been alone with Josie many times so why is this different?" They chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "It's your first date with her. You don't want to mess anything up, right?" "Yeah I guess you're right." I sighed softly. "It'll be fine Hope. You've got this. Just be yourself. You know she loves that." Aunt Freya said, making me blush a bit. "Alright, alright. I'll be myself." I said and rolled my eyes at them. "Thanks both of you." "We're your aunties, we're always here for you." Aunt Rebekah said and they both gave me a squeeze. "Hey Hope, are you rea-" I hear Josie's voice stop. My aunts pull away so Josie could get a better look at me. "Jo?" I ask as she just stands there looking at me. "Jo?"

Josie's P.O.V.
    After Lizzie finally finished, getting me ready, I looked in my mirror and see that I was wearing a cute little yellow dress with my hair and makeup done. I was suddenly so nervous. "Do you think she'll like it?" I asked Lizzie and I see her roll her eyes. "Yeah of course she will. Don't be so nervous Jo." She said. "Nervous? I'm not nervous." I said and scoffed but in reality I was super nervous. "Yeah okay Jo. Just relax. Have fun with Hope. Just not too much fun." She said and made a disgusted face. "Lizzie!" I said, feeling my face get warm. "Okay, okay, just if you do, I don't want to hear about it." I feel my face get even warmer. "Lizzie!" She just laughed at my blushing face. "Just calm down. I wouldn't be your sister if I didn't terrorize you a little." I guess she does have a point. "Wow you look beautiful sweetheart." I hear mom's voice and turned to look at her. I smile softly at her. "Thanks mom. I just hope tonight goes well. This is our first date and I don't want it to be ruined. This has to be the one night that we have that goes perfectly without anyone showing up to try and cause chaos or hurt me or Hope." Mom walked closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek with her thumb rubbing it, in a way to try and soothe my nerves. "I'm sure it'll be amazing for the both of you." She said with a warming smile. "Mom's right. Now go get your girl and get out of here." I nodded my head and started to head towards the door. "Josie, wait!" Mom said and I stopped to turn back towards her. "I just want you to know that I am so proud of you. Not just for your new abilities that you've been trying to get used to, but also for following your heart and choosing the person you love. I can tell you love her more than anything. Never let that go. Never let her go." I smiled at her and nodded. "Thanks mom. I could never let Hope or our love go." I said and then turned to walk out of the room and headed down the hallway towards Hope's room to see if she was ready. When I made it to her room, I see the door is open and walked in. "Hey Hope, are you rea-" I stopped speaking. I see her and her aunts in a hug but that's not what I was really looking at. She looks beautiful. Her aunts pulled away and I can now see her in full. Her hair perfectly bouncing off her shoulders with loose curls. She was wearing a short little black dress that was cute but at the same time very sexy. "Josie!" I hear and shake my head. "Sorry?" I said and see Rebekah standing in front of me, trying to break me out of my trance. "Are you okay Jo?" I hear Hope ask and I looked back at her. "Uh yeah. You look beautiful Hope." "Breathtaking you might say?" Freya asked with a smug little grin, making me blush. "Aunt Freya, really?" Hope said and Freya chuckled. "What, I'm not the one who went into a trance the moment I saw you." I blushed when I heard what Freya said. "Alright, we're leaving now!" Hope said and I feel her grab my hand and pull me out the door and down the stairs. "Have fun you two lovebirds!" Rebekah yelled as we were leaving. I couldn't stop myself from checking Hope out as she lead me out the front door. She looks amazing. Once we were away from the house, Hope stops moving and looks at me. "So what do you want to do on this little date?" She had her beautiful smile on her face. I love seeing her smile. I love being the reason for her smile. "By the way, you look amazing Jo. Absolutely, beautifully, breathtaking." I smiled happily at her, blushing slightly. "Oh shut up." I said and we both chuckled. "How about dinner? I'm sure you know of a good place." I said, looking at her. "I do know a place actually." She said and started leading me through the crowd of people in town. I just can't take my eyes off of her. She was stunning and I couldn't believe I finally get to be with her. After all this time, we finally figured out how we felt about eachother and now we can try dating. I sure hope it goes well for us because I don't think I could ever see myself with anyone else. I guess this is why my other relationships never lasted, I always wanted to be with Hope, I just never admitted that to myself.

    When we get to where Hope was taking us, she leads us inside and asks for a table for two. It was this little restaurant that looked beautiful. We waited for a bit before someone lead us to a table. I pulled Hope's chair out for her and let her sit down. "Why thank you Jo. Who knew you could be such a gentleman." She said. I rolled my eyes, knowing she was teasing me by calling me a gentleman. "Excuse me? It's gentleperson or gentlewoman." I said as we both chuckled. I sit down across from her and picked up the menu to look through it. I glanced up from the menu to look at Hope, as she's reading the options. "I'm not on the menu love." She said and I instantly blushed and covered my face with the menu. She knew I was staring at her. "Oh shut up." "I mean I don't blame you. This menu doesn't seem to have what I want either." I moved the menu, still blushing bright red, and saw her looking at me with a little smirk on her face. I hid my face again and playfully kicked her leg under the table. "Don't do something like that! We're in public." I said, and she just chuckled. "Alright fine, I'll stop but just know that doesn't make what I said untrue." She said and I rolled my eyes, kicking her playfully again. "Just order something." I move the menu to look at her to see her smiling. Damn she is just so beautiful. Her smile is so contagious. It always makes me smile.

Hope's P.O.V.
    After we ate our food, we decided to split the bill because we both wanted to pay and neither one of us would let the other. Once we paid, we left the restaurant, her hand in mine. I could definitely get used to holding her hand like this. I mean we've held hands before but it was usually for a spell or just because one of us was worried about the other one. This hand holding is different. It's more intimate, because it's not for some reason, it was just because we wanted to. "So you thought of dinner, now I have an idea." I said and looked at her smiling. "Oh yeah what is it?" She asked and I didn't answer. I pulled her through the crowded town of New Orleans towards the Bayou. "Not even a hint?" I chuckled softly and shook my head. "Nope, no hint." Once we got to where I was taking her, I hesitantly let go of her hand to walk over to a guy near the water. I knew Josie would be able to hear me talking to him, so I had to keep it short. "How much sir?" I asked him and he gave me a price. I smiled and gladly handed him the money. "Thank you." I said before walking back over to Josie. I grab her hand and pulled her towards the water. "Hope, what did you pay that man for?" She asked and I turned to smile at her. "You'll see." Once we got over there, I helped her into a boat that the man was sitting in already. After Josie got seated, I stepped in and sat down next to her. The man started to row the boat down the Bayou. During the day it is beautiful but at night it's even better because of the stars shining above. But the boat also had lights strung up so we could still see around us a good bit. Plus we were both vampires now so we both had the sight to see better, so that helped some too. Usually these boats will take up to four people but I paid a little extra for just the two of us. "Hope this is beautiful. I can't believe you grew up out here." I smiled and looked at her. "Yeah I know. Definitely better than Mystic Falls. Minus the crowd." She chuckled softly. I feel her lean her head against my shoulder, making me smile happily. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer, as I rested my head against hers. "This is a perfect first date." I said and I hear Josie sigh. It wasn't a sad or stressed sigh, but a happy sigh. "Yeah it is. Except for two things are missing." She said and pulled away so she could look at me. She looks a little nervous. "First thing is this." She said and took a deep breath before continuing. "I know this is technically our first date and everything but we've been through so much together Hope. We've liked eachother for God knows how long and we finally admitted it to ourselves and eachother. I understand if this is going too fast but almost losing you to Malivore and then to the whole humanity switch thing, I want to do this sooner than any other relationship I've been in." "Jo, what are you saying?" I asked and she smiled softly at me. "Hope Mikaelson, will you be my girlfriend?" My heart stopped. My jaw dropped. My eyes grew wider. "Oh my God! Is this too soon?! Hope are you okay? Your eyes!" My eyes must've been glowing yellow by her reaction. But it wasn't out of anger, jealousy, or sadness. It was a happy glow because I never thought I could be any happier than I am right now. "I'm perfectly fine. Of course I'll be your girlfriend Jo." I see her worry turn to happiness, as she smiled big at me. "Wait, really?" "Yes. I was going to ask you but you beat me to it." "Then why did your eyes glow?" She asked, making me chuckle softly. "Jo, my wolf side doesn't only show when I'm angry or anything like that. My wolf side has a mind of it own sometimes when it comes to my emotions and this time it was happiness. You make me happy babe." I then remembered exactly what she said. "Oh yeah, what was the other thing that was missing?" She didn't say anything. I just instantly feel her lips crash onto mine. I smiled and kissed her back softly. After a moment, she pulled away and smiled at me. "Now it is perfect. And you make me happy too Hope." I lean in and kiss her softly again. After we pull away, we sit there and enjoy the boat ride down the Bayou, with our arms around eachother.

    It was getting late so we headed back to the house. I know there would've been one more thing to make this date absolutely perfect but I didn't want to rush things, so I had to control my urges. Once we made it home, I stopped her from going inside for the moment. "Tonight was perfect. I definitely needed tonight so thank you Jo." She smiled at me and held my hands. "I would do anything to help you. And I thought having our first date here would be better than in Mystic Falls." I chuckled softly. "Yeah it definitely was better than there." I don't want this night to end but it will have to soon. "How about we go to my room and watch a movie? To you know prolong it?" I asked and she nodded her head and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Sounds perfect." She said and lead me inside. Once in my room, I let her borrow some of my clothes to be more comfortable in so she wouldn't have to go to her room with Lizzie and instantly get asked questions, because I'm sure if she did go, she wouldn't be coming back to me. I let her change in the bathroom and when she came out, I just looked at her. She makes anything look good, even my own pajamas. "Definitely looks better on you than me." She rolled her eyes at me. "Lies. My body doesn't fill these in as much as yours does.. I uhm.. I mean uh.." I smiled seeing her blush. "You like my body huh?" "Shut up and go change!" I walked past her towards the bathroom but stopped by her for a moment. I lean in closer and whisper in her ear. "Don't worry. I love your body too Jo." I walked off into the bathroom before she could say anything. It took about a minute before I hear her yelling my name, which only made me chuckle. Once I was done, I walked out to see her sitting on my bed and scrolling through to find us a movie. She looked up to look at me and I see her checking me out just as I did with her earlier. "Yeah my body could never compete." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. Your body is amazing." She rolled her eyes back at me and then patted the bed beside her. I vamp speed over to her and bounce on the bed. "Alright, let's just pick a movie before this leads to something else." I said and she chuckled. I could tell she wanted it as much as me but I knew she probably wanted to wait as well. We both have been through so much recently and even though we were already dating and calling eachother girlfriends and cute nicknames, sex would probably be going a bit too fast. We wanted to savor it for a bit so when it does happen, it would be perfect. I mean I know it would be perfect with her any time but I knew we both wanted to wait until a bit before letting it happen. Not only that but being in a house with a bunch of vampires, one being her mom, would be extremely weird. She put on the movie and we snuggled close together. This time I was in her arms and it felt amazing.

No One's P.O.V.
    As they watched the movie, they talked and was just enjoying their time together. Eventually they both ended up falling asleep in each other's arms, feeling warm and safe with each other. Something was finally going right in their lives, for the both of them and it was all because of each other.

Author; Hey guys! This is the second to last chapter! I have one chapter left that I plan on writing. But don't worry, I will be making a new story right after I finish this one. I am honestly so excited to start the new story that I'm going to try and get the last chapter of this one out later today. I hope you guys all enjoy this chapter! I don't think I'll be having them go that far in this story, as I'm not sure if I'd be the best at writing that sort of thing but if you guys really want it then I will try my best to write it in the new story. Again thank you all for those reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the last one coming up.

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