Perseus- The Lost God

By PradeepX21

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An alternate universe, where Percy is the firstborn of Kronos and Rhea. He leaves Olympus after finding out h... More

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By PradeepX21

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Perseus, the God of Fate, Time, Tide, Wolves, Loyalty, and Destruction was the Firstborn of Kronos and Rhea. Born centuries before Hestia, he lived in his father's stomach alone. He never wanted to see any of his siblings down there. Just because he got dealt a bad hand, doesn't mean they had to too. Yet he knew more would follow.

Soon enough Five more of his siblings followed. They lived in the stomach of the Titan Lord's stomach until Zeus freed them. All 7 siblings were reunited. One thing all the elder gods agreed on was that Kronos' rule had run its course.

They defeated the Titan Lord after many long years. Finally, having been freed from the tyrant's rule. Six of the elder gods unanimously decided that Perseus should be the king, only to be rejected by the Lord of Fate. Perseus thought it should be their savior, who got such a high honor. Zeus became the King of Gods.

That's just how he was. Loved by his siblings, he was the father they all deserved. Even the most heartless beings loved him. He was the only Person except Rhea who could make Zeus listen to reason. His kindness outweighed even that of Hestia. His rage, on the other hand, was something that even Kronos, the cruelest of Titan's, couldn't match.

Third Person Pov

Perseus loved everyone, but none more so than Artemis. His brother Zeus forced him to marry his daughter Artemis a century ago. Perseus didn't want that, even though he already was in love with her. He didn't want her to be forced into a marriage with him. Still, he loved her with all his heart. He didn't touch her even after a century of being married to her. He respected her wishes. He saw how alone Artemis was, so he created the hunt for her, as a wedding gift.

Artemis loathed her husband. If she had a say in the matter, the moment she was forced into marriage with him, she would've put an arrow in the bastard's heart. She was a man-hating goddess, forced into marriage with a man. She saw how much in love with her Perseus was. 'Pathetic' she thought. The only thing she appreciated about him was her wedding gift.

Artemis loved her hunt, an all girl group of man haters. Commanded only by her, no males were allowed anywhere near them.

Artemis allowed the first male hunter to ever join her ranks. Orion, his skills in hunting were only matched by the Goddess of the Hunt. Perseus always warned her that the son of Poseidon, was not someone she should associate with. She ignored him like always.

What others didn't know was Orion was more than a hunter for her. Orion was her lover.

Artemis Pov

I entered my camp, and saw Orion, immediately, heat rushed to my face. His skills in hunting, and with a bow was what attracted me to him. He was always respectful of my hunters, treating them with the same respect he showed to me. I don't know what Perseus deal with him was. He never trusted Orion.

I knew what it was; Jealousy. How much more pathetic could my husband get. Whenever I saw him, anger would boil up inside me.

"Lady Artemis, do you wish to join me on a hunt?" Orion's polite voice called out from among my hunters.

I nodded at him, and prepared for the hunt. As soon as we were out of earshot of my hunters, Orion grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I giggled at him, something I never thought I would ever do. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. I hadn't given him my maidenhood yet, but I was thinking of breaking it. We were lost in the passion of each other's lips that I didn't know how much time had passed.

Until a voice caused us to break apart. "Artemis?" Perseus voice called from behind me.

I turned to look at him. Hurt, Pain, Anger and betrayal were clear on his face. He composed himself and flashed out without saying another word. I should've felt guilt, but I didn't.

I looked at Orion, who was smiling, "Maybe he will finally leave you alone now."

I smiled back at him. "I wish that he finally leaves me alone too," I said, pulling him in for a kiss.

Thunder rumbled above signaling a Council meeting. I knew it was Perseus who called it, and that maybe my secret would come out.

Third Person Pov

The Olympians arrived at the throne room, at Perseus' signal. He didn't call many council meetings, but whenever he did it was important. They waited for Artemis to arrive, to start the meeting.

When Artemis flashed in, she took a look around her fellow Olympians. She looked at Perseus; he was staring at the doors of the throne room. Not even acknowledging her. That hurt her a little, but she shrugged it off.

"Why have you called this meeting brother?" Zeus, the King of God, asked, respect and love in his voice. Perseus maybe the only one who had Zeus' undying respect and loyalty.

"Children," he called for his siblings attention. He never called them siblings; always referred to them as children. The elder gods loved it, whenever their big brother would call them as such.

All the Gods/Goddesses smiled except Artemis.

He was there for Apollo and Artemis when they first arrived at Olympus from Delos. He took care of Athena, when she was banished from Atlantis after the accidental death of Pallas. He looked after Ares, Hermes, Dionysus like they were his own. He cared for Hephaestus when his own mother rejected him.

He meant more to them than anyone knew.

"We have been alive for nearly 6 millennia. I have cared and loved you my siblings with all my heart for those years. Have I not?" Perseus asked, to the confusion of others. His face was impassive, not showing any emotion.

Hestia sat by her hearth, already knowing what was going on. She tried to keep her tears at bay, to not let her big brother see her in hurt. It would truly break Perseus, if he saw tears in her eyes.

"Where are you going with this Uncle?" Apollo asked, he loved his uncle. Perseus always treated him with respect. He knew of the struggles Apollo goes through. He was the god of prophecy, always plagued with visions of the future. Right now, he got the feeling he wasn't going to like where this is going. He looked at his sister and saw that she was averting their gaze.

Perseus looked at him with sad eyes; he should've known Apollo would figure it out earlier than anyone. "All this time I have been alive, I have never asked something from any of you. If I were to ask something, will you grant it?"

Everyone straightened up at his question. Zeus more so than anyone, if his brother asked him; he would step down from being King of Gods in a heartbeat. Poseidon would raise the Oceans against anyone for his brother. Zeus and the rest of Gods nodded at him.

Perseus turned to look at Hera, "My sweet Hera, I ask you to break the bonds of marriage between Artemis and I. I beg of You." Tears fell from his eyes.

The council gasped at that; even Artemis. Of all the years they had been alive, no one had ever seen tears in Perseus' eyes.

"Why brother you love her?" Zeus asked. Sadness in his eyes was visible, seeing his brother in tears.

"Not anymore," Perseus replied, and just like that the whole council fell into mayhem. Yell of outrage going around. Artemis tried to not be hurt, but failed. For as long as she knew Perseus loved her, cared for her, and hearing him say that he didn't anymore hurt her more than anything.

"What happened Artemis?" Zeus asked his daughter, the usual pride or love in his eyes that he always had for his daughter gone. Artemis turned away, not being able to look her father in the eyes.

"Speak now huntress, or I shall tear you apart. Limb to Limb." Poseidon stood up enraged, his trident gripped in his hand, ready to blast his niece out of existence. Artemis still didn't answer.

"She cheated on him." It was Aphrodite, who answered; she was silent up until this moment. She knew how much Perseus loved Artemis. Being the Goddess of Love, she could see that his love for Artemis was unending, but now there was no trace of love left in him for her. The God of Loyalty could forgive anything, but betrayal by the one he loved. It was not something he could ever forgive. She also knew that Artemis, too, held love for her husband, but was too prideful to accept it. After today she might not ever be able to get him back.

"What?" Apollo asked, looking at Aphrodite for an explanation.

"Percy found her kissing Orion, the son of Poseidon." Aphrodite explained herself, much to the shock of Council.

"Well isn't it Ironic? Artemis is always cursing Aphrodite for cheating on her husband, While the huntress was doing the same." Dionysus spoke in a disgusted tone. Artemis flinched at the truth of the Wine god's words, but said nothing.

Hera nodded somberly and spoke, "I Hera, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of marriage. Break the sacred bond of Husband and Wife, between Perseus the God of Fate; and Artemis the Goddess of hunt."

Just like that, the bond was broken. The ring on Artemis' and Perseus' hands dissolved to nothingness. Perseus took a deep breath and slumped on his throne, relaxed, like a weight was taken out of his shoulders.

Artemis looked at her finger, where their marriage ring always resided; upon seeing nothing, she felt hollow. Her real feelings of Perseus catching up to her, she pushed back the tears threatening her eyes.

"Leave my siblings and me alone everyone." Perseus demanded to them. They complied with his wishes.

Artemis flashed out, only catching what Perseus had said to Apollo. "Look after her," He said to her brother, that was all she heard.

"Summon Hades," Perseus said, looking at Zeus.

Zeus summoned Hades, and explained everything that had transpired earlier to him. In the end, Hades looked enraged enough to raise the dead against Artemis. The children of Kronos turned to look at their big brother, to see what he says next.

"I'm leaving," was all Perseus said.

"WHAT," screamed the six elder gods.

"I'm leaving, maybe I will spend some time with mother, or accept Lady Chaos' invitation to join her in her planet. You know the old woman always wanted me to join her." Perseus replied to the shock of his siblings.

The room darkened at Chaos, being called an old woman. Perseus rolled his eyes at the creator's antics.

"When will you be back?" Hestia asked, tears in her eyes. She was close to sobbing at hearing of her brother's leave.

Perseus stepped towards her and cupped her cheek. Wiping the tears off her face with his thumb. "I can't answer that my dear. I hope we will see each other soon."

He turned to the rest of his siblings, "Fear not children, it is not the last time you will see me. I will always look after you, even if I'm not here. I will always be your brother. Whenever you really need me, pray to me, and I promise I will answer."

The six elder gods nodded at him; they each gave him a hug and cried. Soon after, Perseus vanished into thin air.

Artemis Pov

I arrived at my hunter's camp to look for Orion. I was feeling hurt for some reason; maybe being with Orion could help. As I was looking for him, something hit the back of my head and I felt myself losing Consciousness.

When I awoke, the sight before me was horrible. Orion was naked forcing himself on one of my hunters. It was Lydia, one of my fiercest huntress. I tried moving to help her, but found I couldn't. I was chained to a tree with celestial bronze chain and gagged with something. I cried and cried but the monster didn't stop.

When he was finished he killed her. He looked towards me and his face contorted into a venomous smirk. "You don't know how long I have controlled myself Artemis. I would've had what I wanted sooner, if not for your guardian husband. He was always looking after you, but now after he saw you betray him. He won't be looking after you now."

I cried and cried for him to stop, as he stepped closer to me. He took the gag out of my mouth, "Why are you doing this Orion? I thought you loved me." I pleaded with him.

He just laughed at me, "You really are foolish Artemis. You think anyone except that fool Perseus would ever love you?"

I tried not to show how hurt I was by his words.

"As for why I am doing this. I always wanted to feel how tight a eternal maiden feels, and by the gods she was really tight. However, I believe you would be tighter." He said, stepping closer to me and tearing my blouse off. I was naked from the top now. I cried and prayed for Perseus to help me. I prayed to Apollo for help. Orion tried to remove the clothes covering the bottom half of my body.

I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable, when someone kicked Orion away from me. I thought it was Perseus, but when I opened my eyes it was Apollo. He took the chains off me. As soon as the chains were off I summoned clothes on my body, and my divine bow.

I turned towards Orion and fired an arrow through his heart. Effectively killing him

I ran to Apollo and hugged him crying. "Where is Perseus? Why didn't he answered my prayers?"

"He left Artemis." Apollo said, I broke the hug and looked him in the eyes.

"What?" I asked my voice small, hoping that what I heard wasn't true.

"He left Artemis, said he was too hurt to be around. When he will be back he didn't say, only his brother and sisters know where he is, and they swore to not reveal." My brother informed me, and I felt to my knees. The only person who ever truly loved me was gone. It was too late for me to realize that I loved him back too. Now he was gone for who knows how long.

I was too hurt to do anything. I kept sobbing, and balling my eyes out.

Third Person Pov - Year 2022

Poseidon and Zeus were at each other's throats. War was threatening among the brothers. Sides were being chosen.

Zeus' thunderbolt, his weapon of power, had been stolen. He blamed Poseidon for the theft, and announced that if his bolt wasn't returned to him before the summer solstice. He would declare war against Poseidon.

Poseidon on the other hand, refused to do anything with the theft. He too, announced for War if he didn't get a formal apology from Zeus.

Hera, Hestia, and Demeter tried to reason with the two brothers to see sense, but they refused to budge.

Things were turning bad real soon, if it continued it would be the end of Gods.

Hestia watched with sad eyes as Zeus and Poseidon fought. The rest of the council tried to stay out of it.

Hestia looked at the hearth and prayed, "We need you brother. Please come home."

As soon as she prayed to her brother, there was a flash of light in the middle of the throne room.

"Children, how many times have I said? That I don't like it, when you fight amongst yourself." The voice that all the elder gods missed said.

Their brother had arrived. Perseus was home.

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