
By AnimeloverXOtaku

171K 5.1K 1.5K

1st place in Animewattyawards 2015. More

Yuri Kuranozuka.
Chapter One. The Host Club.
Chapter Two. Do you hate us? What happened?
authors note:
Chapter 5. What the... brotherly type?
breaking away part one.
breaking away part 2
authors note.
The Twins Fight! Part One!
The Twins Fight! Part Two!
Grade school host is the naughty type.
Jungle Pool SOS!
The Sun, the sea and The Host Club!
Beware the physical exam!
authors note.
A challenge from Lobelia's girls academy.
authors note.
A day in the life of the fujioka family.
Big Brother Is A Prince.
Honey's Three Bitter Days.
OHSHC wattys
Haruhi In Wonderland.
Chapter 25- Covering the famous Host Club.
OHSHC watty awards voting.
Strange or in love?
Off to Karuizawa
The final change?
The Host Clubs beauty.
Relationships and supermarkets!
Chika's down with Honey declaration!

chapter 3 - Dancing with the hosts. Welcome Yuri.

10.5K 361 93
By AnimeloverXOtaku

Haruhi's POV.

'He's the real reason... that me and Takashi aren't Yuri's friends anymore...' I suddenly jolted out of bed. I keep remembering what Honey-senpai said to me and the hosts yesterday. I don't like seeing people at odds with eachother like that. Yuri seems to be so full of hatred, as if he's completely uninterested in anything. Sure we aren't the best of friends, but I still don't like seeing that kind of thing happen. Maybe he'll tell me what happened with Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai, if not I can always  ask Honey-senpai what happened.

"Haruhi! Breakfast is ready!" Shouted my dad, I decided to dismiss my thoughts and quickly got dressed to have breakfast.

"Hey dad." I said, distracted.

"Good morning my darling! Hm? Is something on your mind?" He turned to look at me and smiled at me.

"No not really."

"I don't believe you. Wait! Is it someone! No! It's too early for boys! Who is he? Where is he? I'll kill him!!!" My dad was standing on the table in a triumphant pose.

"It's nothing like that dad, now get off the table and eat." I said sounding more like the parent than he was.

"Ok." The rest of breakfast went by quickly, my dad kept telling me about an annoying customer at work, all I did was nod whilst he spoke. Not too long after that I got up and ready to leave. I'll definitely talk to Yuri later.

Yuri's POV.

It was already time for breakfast, I quickly went to the dining room trying not to keep my father waiting.

"Miss. Yuri good morning to you." Said Madison.

"Oh. Good morning Madison, how is your brother doing?" I tried to make small talk so that I could finally stop thinking about yesterday.

"Well... he's doing much better thanks to the money you helped me raise last week, thank you again I don't think I could ever repay you." She smiled tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"It was nothing... I'm glad that his operation went well. Oh and don't worry about thanking me it was my pleasure, you have put up with me for so long it was the least I could do." I gave her one of my fake smiles, at first she sighed but then joined me in smiling as I walked towards the dining room.

"Yuri." Said a deep voice.

"Good morning Father."

"Although I'm still not entirely pleased knowing that you have befriended that... Host Club, but the fact that the Haninozuka and Morinozuka boys are there could give us some interesting opportunities, so make sure to keep an eye on them. No matter what." He glared at me angrilly. It was like he was blaming me for what happened, even though he was the one that charged in there screaming about nothing. He always did this.

"I will try my best... sir." At that I left the house and walked my usual twenty minutes.

--------------------------------------------------time skip---------------------------------------------------------------

Haruhi's POV.

The morning flew by, and in no time it was lunch.

"A dance?" I said.

"Oh yes Haruhi, the Host Club dance is the time where all the beautiful princesses that visit the club, get to dance and spend non scheduled time with their hosts, sharing a romantic dance with their favourite one. It truely is a beautiful image." Tamaki-senpai has been droning on like this for the past ten minutes, I haven't even had the chance to talk to Yuri yet.

"I don't have to attend do I? It has nothing to do with my quota right?" I asked. I should've known that it was a stupid thing to say.

"Why of course you have to go! Your a member of the Host Club, which means... you must master the art of dancing the waltz by the end of the week, otherwise I'll tell the whole school that your a girl. 


"I'll be glad to teach you Haruhi, it will be daddy's pleasure." Said Tamaki as my previous customer tapped me on the shoulder. Kanako Kasugazaki, the girl with the 'host hopping disease.'

"No need Tamaki." He shrunk away to his corner since she WAS his customer, but today became mine.

"I can teach Haruhi myself, every girl would love to help her favourite host." Kanako smiled and tilted her head to the side pleadingly.

"Um, ok thank you. I appreciate it." I then returned her smile.

----------------------------------------------------time skip---------------------------------------------------------------

"I'm exhausted." I said as I flopped onto the couch, it's been a week since I joined the host club and it still tires me out. I still need to speak to Yuri aswell.


"Welcome." The door once again opened as the others greeted a guest.

"I'm sorry, but bussiness hours are over." Said Kyoya-senpai.

"I'm not one of your customers, the teacher told me to bring these up to you both, she said that they were the new magazine picture books you ordered." Said a familiar voice, I turned around to see that it was Yuri I'd heard.

"Ah yes. Please just put them on the table." Said Kyoya-senpai once again, except this time he seemed a bit colder. I turned to my left to see that Tamaki-senpai, Hikaru and Kaoru were all hiding behind the couch beside me.

"He's not that scary guys, why are yu hiding?" I asked simply.

"What do you mean he's terrifying" Said Hikaru.

"Yeah why would we want to be over there with him if over here we are perfectly safe?" Said Kaoru.

"Remember Haruhi, although I admit he seems ok, he's really the devil. I mean LOOK!" I turned around to see that Yuri was carrying six boxes of those thick magazine books.

"Wow." The three boys glared at me and then back to Yuri.

"Can you stop staring at me please? It's becoming irritating." Said Yuri with his normal blank faced expression.

"GOMENSAI!" Shouted the three boys from behind the couch.

"Whatever. This is the lot, she said that next weeks ones would turn up on Monday." Said Yuri.

"Alright thank you, we appreciate the help." Said Kyoya slightly nicer.

"No problem, it wasn't a big deal I was bored anyway." As Yuri started to open the door I lost my patience.

"Yuri!" I yelled. Shocked he slowly turned to my direction, but quickly reverted back to his emotionless state.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Um... can I talk to you outside please?" I can't believe that I did that. Well... no going back now.

"Sure. Quickly though I haven't got all day." He said firmly.

Yuri's POV.

We walked out of the room and Haruhi began to speak.

"Um... first off I wanted to say thanks for not telling anyone that I'm a girl." she said, kind of nervous, which was completely uncharacteristic of her.

"It's cool, I'm sure you have a good reason for it." I just looked at her blankly. I couldn't take it.

"So um, about yesterday. Why don't you and Honey-senpai's family get along?" She said it so bluntly that it kind of took me by suprise.

"Oh you mean the rivalry. Well there isn't much to it. Me and Honey-senpai have known eachother since we were kids, raised to fight eachother whenever we met, being friends was a temporary thing and we both knew it. Our dojo's are really competitive and as the next heir's we in turn are competitive. Besides the Haninozuka family especially Honey-senpai betrayed us, I can't forive people like that. Especially since he lied about it to my face. Mori-senpai has also lied to me in the past. Being their 'friend' is no longer in my agenda. Is that all?" I said remembering those days.

"Uh, yeah that's it. I just thought that maybe your parents didn't want you both to be friends." Said Haruhi. She looked really disappointed. I just patted her on the head and gave her my fake smile.

"Sure our parents were against it too, we didn't care and because of that we both fell behind in our training. Since they lied to me though it just became easier to forget them and move on." I said as if I really cared, but of course I didn't.

"You know it's ok to show your emotions. Faking a smile doesn't always fix things. Holding it in all the time can't be good for you, it will just hold you back even more. Let's be friends ok? Remember in front of me you don't need to hide those emotions from me." As she said those words I removed my hand from her head. How did she manage to see right through me?

"Friends huh? Sounds kinda funny. But I don't know where you got the idea that I was hiding anything, but sure friends... sounds like fun." After that we exchanged phone numbers and went our seperate ways.

After that I heard the Host Club yelling about a dance and how Haruhi was too young to date a guy like me. Idiots.

---------------------------------------------time skip----------------------------------------------------------------

After about a week me and Haruhi had managed to become  quite good friends, I probably know more about her than she does about me. But it's still nice to have lunch with someone and call them your friend.



"Hello?" I answered hesitantly, she called me everyday to chat to see how I was doing so that she could talk to someone other than the hosts she would even rant about them sometimes, but this time was different.

"HELP! Yuri these damned twins-" Before she could finish the line was cut off. I tried to call back quickly, but when I did...

"Hello?" Said a pair of annoyingly familiar voices, the Hitachin twins.

"Hikaru. Kaoru, where's Haruhi?" I asked.

"Oh she's fine, don't worry. She's just being difficult." I heard screaming in the background.

"YURI! COME HELP ME! I'M AT SCHOOL! THEY'RE HOLDING ME AGAINST MY WILL!" All I'd heard after that was Tamaki telling her to be quiet and relax.

"Ok." I then hung up.

--------------------------------------- at school.----------------------------------------------------------------

I walked to where the Host Club dance was being held and opened the giant... pink? doors.

"Yuri alert!" Yelled Hikaru.

"Duck and cover! The best friend is here!" Bellowed Kaoru.

"I'm not in the mood, where's Haruhi?" I said plainly. They merely pointed into a small room with a curtain covering it.


"Oh hey Yuri, so you did come, better late than never I guess, can you get me out of this?" I looked her up and down and noticed that she was wearing a pink knee length dress, with thin straps and a flower on it. She wore a long brown wig and white heels.

"Why?" I asked, this situation kind of confused me.

"Because BAKA! They're making me dress like a girl."

"Hey! Don't put me in the same baka group as that idiot blonde boy. And besides what's wrong you ARE a girl?" I couldn't help but laugh, since I knew that she hated these kinds of outfits.

"You know that I don't like these kinds of outfits Yuri." She began to look flustered.

It took a while but the Host Club finally explained that the reason they were doing it was to try and get a girl call Kanako and some boy together by using Haruhi as a type of 'bait'.


"You see?"

"Yeah. Haruhi would it kill you to help them, I mean you do have a debt with the club, and it is for the relationship of two young teens." I giggled at my own remark.

"That's not what you usualy say. Normally you would say 'no way' or something, your only doing this because it's not you in my situation." She said. I walked right up to her and smiled putting my hand on her head smirking evilly.

"Yes I would. But what your forgetting is that if you honestly didn't have any intention of helping tonight. You wouldn't have even walked into this hall,  whether there was a debt or not, isn't that right Haruhi?" I said it just loud enough for her to hear. I leant away from her ear and removed my hand from her head.

"Haruhi. Are you ready?" Tamaki walked in blushing beetroot red at Haruhi's new appearance.

"Boss, she's refusing to go." Said the twins.

"Not anymore, Yuri what you said was right. I'll do it." She said smiling at me then to the others. And after complaining about the dress and shoes, she left.

"What did you tell her?" Asked Hikaru.

"Yeah?" Said Kaoru.

"Nothing much." I replied. The twins did nothing but smile afterwards. Haruhi had asked me to stay until it was over, so I thought I would be nice and stay, but it didn't take long for something to go wrong.

"Yuri." Said Kyoya and Tamaki simultaniously.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We need you to distract the guests, our plan is heading south and we need to go help, but there is no one left to help tend to the guests." Said Kyoya.

"Call it a sorry for hitting me before." Said Tamaki with a grin whilst pushing me into the changing room, I couldn't argue with him so I did what he asked of me. How to distract the girls...

"Yu-chan!" Shouted a simialr childish voice. Honey-senpai.


"Play the violin. I know you don't like us, but since you aren't very good with people, play your violin and then dance a little till we get back Kay!" He then left on Mori's shoulders.

"Violin..." I muttered, once again dark memories filled my mind "Mother..."

I quikly recovered and went outside to the sound of screaming fangirls. 'Just put on a smile Yuri.'

"Hello ladies. The Host Club had to step out for a moment, but hopefully if you'll have me, I can entertain you until they return." I said this with a tilted smile. The girls came  running left, right and center.

"I will now play a song for you lovely girls." I smiled and played my violin delicately. (the song is sakura kiss-strings version. You can watch it on youtube.) All the girls swooned and dragged me off of the stage and forced me to dance with them.

"Hello ladies, it is now time to announce the winner of the Ouran Host Club dance competition." Said Tamaki. We all looked outside, as I walked towards the other hosts finally pushing past the girls, I saw it. Haruhi was kissing a girl. On the lips!? This is definately a intresting night.

----------------------------------------time skip----------------------------------------------------

"Thanks for yesterday Yuri." Haruhi said, realising I was tired, the girls surrounded me even more now. Then training when I got home was fierce.

"It's ok, training yesterday was just a lot to handle after that." I said once again with a blank expression.

"Oh, ok. Well we should get to class, those girls over there are staring at you." I laughed at what she said.

"They're not looking at me. They're looking at you. After your little kissing session yesterday with Kanako those girls can't take their eyes off of you, they wanted to be in her place. HAHAHA!"

"Whatever Yuri." Haruhi just walked away in a huff. This friends thing could be fun."

-----------------------------------------------time skip-----------------------------------------------------

"Haruhi you broke it." Said Kaoru.

"That's an extra eight million yen added to your debt Haruhi." Said Kyoya.

"Wow Haruhi you really are useless." I said walking into the room with more magazines. "Hey Kyoya senpai the new issues came early, the teacher found me and asked me to bring these up again. I'll place them on the table."

"Ah thank you Yuri. Actually please come over here for a moment." He replied.

"Uh kay..." I walked slowly towards him, he had an evil looking glint on his glasses as he pushed them ono his nose.

"Well yesterday you were so popular that a lot of girls requested you today, so we were wondering if you could join the Host Club. This could boost the number of customers by at least 50%." Said Kyoya his smirk painted across his face.

"Wow. Yuri was really that popular?" Said Haruhi, picking up the broken glass of another vase.

"No thanks."

"What!? Why?" Said Tamaki, going on and on bout how it should be my honour to join.

"Well, there isn't anything for me here. It doesn't help me in anyway, and I don't have a reason to flirt with girls. I'm here to study and succeed my Father in the future. Not to waste my time." I said blunty, apparentely too bluntly because Tamaki had shrunk down after his speech and ran over to Kyoya.

"Mommy, Yuri is being mean about the club! Do something." He cried anime tears.

"Well he does have a point, it makes sense that he would want something to come out of this instead of doing it out of the kindness of his heart. But then again, maybe there is something that you could get out of this." His glasses shone with anticipation. " I will let you help to pay off Haruhi's debts of the two vases she just broke. And the snacks here will be free." I looked at him with an evil yet understanding smirk.

"Hm... You have an intereseting theory of me wanting to help Haruhi, but how do you know that I won't decline. Is that why you went through my old files and saw my preference for sweets?" I turned his laptop around to reveal my old middle school profile. I was a male back the too. "You assumed that if you could convince me this way. Am I right?"

"Yes. Quite insightful, your an academic prodigy for a reason. But you said old profile right?"

"Yes I did. That's because most of the things on there are no longer true. For example, I'm not a fan of sweets, I've out grown them. One thing you did ge right though is that I don't mind helping Haruhi with her debt. However one condition."

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"The previous offers that you gave me must still stand, and I am not compelled to respect this so called 'King' of yours the way all of you do."

"Hm. Very well there will be no need to respect Tamaki, but you must refer to me, Honey and Mori as your senpai's." He spoke with an evil glare, Tamaki once again running to his corner.

"Ok. Deal, I'll be a host." And that is how my eternal nightmare began.

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