Blame it on love

By sundaysmoon

36.7K 423 53

Their love wasn't supposed to happen. But you can't blame the feeling, it just happens and not always at the... More

T E A S E R .
P1. "Oh no"
P2. "Ring"
P3. "I can't"
P4. "internet"
P5. "Visit"
P6. "Number"
P7. "Bathroom"
P8. "YouTube"
P9. "Talk"
P10. "Just sex"
P11. "Accident"
P12. "New team"
P13. "2019"
P14. "Perth"
P15, not now
P16, fight
P17, Porsche Banks Racing
P18, first race
P18, Melbourne
P19, trash
P20, gone
P21, lock down
P22, thoughts
P24, old friend

P23, turn

367 8 0
By sundaysmoon

      Change of plans. Came to the realization that today could be your last day, or that with a simple disease you could be out of running forever.

And if you have the opportunity to changes things up, do it. Do the things you've always wanted to do, the dreams you had. Before you know it, you change could be gone. And you're too old.

That's why Daley left, on tour. The money she made with selling her apartment, she bought a van and traveled. Explored the world with Sydney, in a way she never thought she would ever do, but here she is.

Learning about herself, having figured out who she is. Left the past in the past and living in the now. Met amazing new people and let go of people that gave her bad energy.

New year new me, that's what 2021 has been for her. She has become that girl. Proud of herself for doing all of it solo, well with Sydney by her side then, together they are a team.

Today she's back, the loud noises that she missed. Ten times louder in real life then on tv, because whenever she could she would watch. Of course.

She hasn't been completely off grid, still lots of contact, working for PBR now and then. Again this year having designed the new look of the car. Already busy with next years look, with the new regulations, the futuristic look. So many opportunities.

      Wanted to avoid it, but there was no change. Despite the busyness, everywhere, the change of passing each other is unavoidable.

Watching his smile fade a little, knowing she's the one to blame. Feeling sorry, for what she's done to him. Guilty. She missed his smile, the smile only Daniel has. The smile that makes you smile, no matter how you feel. Because it is contagious.

Unable to look at him too long, he probably doesn't wanna speak to me ever again. Quickly keeping on walking.

He's looking good in papaya, blending in well with the orange crowd. Not denying that that feeling she used to feel back then, is still happening, deep down, it's there. Or maybe it is the nerves.

Daniel did not expect to see her here, today, out of the blue or should he say orange. He had to look twice, but she's unmissable. Still beautiful. But it hurts, he was broken for a little while. He wasn't able to express himself the way he wanted to to her, he chickened out and then lost to time. As she had already left. There was minimal contact when she was on her trip. They went their separate ways, both moved on, sort of. Stalked each other on Instagram, a couple messages now and then, but that was it.

Daley passes the McLaren motorhome and continues to the one of Porsche Banks Racing. It's been a walk all the way from the station, as you're unable to come to the circuit by car. Well she could've come by car, if she informed on time. Not minding the walk, it's fun to see what the fans see, walk among them. It's good to be back.

     They both come to a stop, hoping for it, as they want to talk to each other. But neither knows where to start. It's like they forgot how to talk to each other. Just standing, waiting for the other to start.


Daniel is getting ready for qualifying, all suited up. He doesn't have too long.

'Can you talk? Later today?' Glad she's the one who asked. Her clam hands in the back pockets of her jeans.

'Yeah, I'll text you the address of my hotel?'
'Yeah, ok.'

Glad its gonna be tonight, so she's able to mentally prepare herself for the conversation. Thinking of all the things she wants to say. Apologize. That's for sure. Not sure he'll ever forgive her, but hopes he will.

'Happy birthday by the way.'
'Thank you.'

It was yesterday, but he remembered. 26, I am getting old. A smile on her lips. A minimal nod before she turns away.

Daniel watches her a little longer. He's glad to see her again, liking it maybe a little too much.

      Entering the hotel. It's not the same as the one PBR are staying in, but it's not too far from each other, only a couple minutes walk. The amount of steps she took today, definitely hitting way above the 10k goal. 

Taking the elevator up to the third floor. Knocking on room 313, it's a nice number. Not much later the door opens, by a smiling Daniel. Causing Daley to smile as well, greeting each other before letting her in. There is no hug, it's like they've become strangers.

Daniel checks her out, her outfit different than earlier today. A long white oversized shirt, black leggings and white Nikes. Her choice or fashion hasn't changed.
Starting the conversation with small talk.

      'I have a girlfriend.' He admits, he needed to tell her. Creating a distance, not wanting to cross a line. Doing something he'll regret, something they often did. He would want to, still, but now he is the one he can't. Instead of Daley.

'Really? That's nice.' And disappointing. But good for him, he moved on. Like he should. Al though she wouldn't have minded if their old habit would've returned. Ending up together, in the comfort of the bed. But that is a no.

'Yeah.' Happy with the relationship he is in, but can't help but still crushing on the woman. Maybe it's something that's engraved, like his tattoos. Something he's unable to get rid of.

'I want to apologize for leaving the way I do. I just had to go, I felt lost. And I know I.. probably, maybe have hurt you by doing so. And I am sorry.' Not wanting to fill in how he felt because she doesn't know. 'But I am glad you found someone.' Not knowing who she is, slightly jealous of her, but hopes she makes him happy. Because he deserves that.

'She's committed.' Speaking before he thinks, he never meant to say that. Because he knows it's wrong.

'That's unfair.' Hurt by that comment. It's not for no reason she didn't wanted a relationship with him, yet. She wanted it, eventually, but she couldn't at that moment. Barely knowing who she was outside of that relationship, not knowing who she would be if she jumped straight into a relationship with Daniel.

'I know I shouldn't have said that. Sorry.' Feeling bad. Wanting to hug her, but he doesn't. She probably hates me. Wanting to kick himself. How could I? 'I'm sorry Daley.' Slightly panicking as she doesn't speak, avoiding eye contact, looking hurt.

'It's ok. I guess I deserve it.' Lifting her shoulders.

'No you don't. You don't. It wasn't something I meant to say.' If he could turn back the time he would. She doesn't deserve to be hurt even more.

'I was hurt when you left, I really liked you and I wanted to tell you that. But I never got the change.' Because of his own fault as he never could gather the courage.

'I was gonna wait for you, no matter how long it took for you to be ready to be in a relationship. But then you left. And I didn't know how long you would be gone, so I told myself moved on.' And that's what he did.

She never expected it, or maybe she did. But she didn't knew he liked her like that. That he would've waited, if she only returned sooner. But she didn't. She stayed away, thinking about him. Liked, the past, it's not like that anymore. He is out of reach.

'Like you should've.' Nodding. 'To be honest, I liked you too. But I was lost and confused. I don't regret my decision, although I maybe could've said a better goodbye.'

She liked me to? Annoyed at himself for not telling her sooner, maybe there would've been a change. Knowing it's his own stupid fault. He was too much of a pussy.

'Ah, nah. Why needs goodbyes?'

He missed her laugh, her adorable giggle.

'I've met up with Marcus after I left.' Admitting. Slipping out of her mouth, but she wants to share it. It helped her to close that book.

'You did what? Are you crazy?' Shocked. He was not expecting that. Hoping everything went alright, that she didn't got hurt. Why didn't Tobias tell me.

'I don't need a lecture, not anymore, I've received that from dad. But it did helped me, I've got my closure with him. He is forgotten, hidden away deep down.'

'You're crazy.'
'I know.'

It went better than expected, so she is glad she did if. At first a little scared of the man, but found her confidence along the way. And figured he hadn't changed unlike he said. But he was shocked when he had almost beaten her to death that he wouldn't dare to touch her again.

'We're you planning on getting back with him?'

Quickly shaking her head. 'No. Of course not. I just wanted to talk with him, without people taking that change from me or judging me for doing it. Like I said, it gave me closure. I didn't wanted to be scared of a him and I wasn't, and I am proud of that.'

'Ok. Still a bit crazy.' Smiling. But if it helped her, good for her. It wasn't nothing what happened to her. And facing the man who did that to you, that's kinda bad ass.

Getting of from the fauteuil. It's getting late. Daniel needs to be fit for tomorrow, have his beauty sleep and should not be distracted, she knows that.
'I should go, thank you.'

'Yeah, of course. Thank you.'

Still very much enjoying her company. It felt like she'd never left. They're back to the way things were. Holding the door open for her.

Placing her lips against his cheeks. The skin she missed touching, the smell of him. It was a memory, but it's all reality again.

'You go rock that race tomorrow.'

'I'll try my best.'
Not expecting too much of it. He qualified alright, but the car has been better this year.

'Goodnight, text me when you're in bed safely.'

'I will.' Unable to hold back her smile when she's in the elevator. Stupid. Shaking her head.

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