Tethered By Lust

By harlowxxwrites

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It's not worth it anymore. The fighting, the hurt, the beatings. It was never going to be worth it. But for l... More

Tethered By Lust
TBL sneak peaks
Don't forget me
Life can give you lemons
Wine County
I own you
When the devil was alive
A high like no other
Finders Keepers
Apology Not Accepted
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Revenge isn't always in the plans
What an unexpected plot twist you are, angel.
Loving a demon was her second mistake
What are you most afraid of?
A moment of Happiness
Evil perpetuates
The cabin
Don't study me, you won't graduate
Rule 1: Don't rely on love
Kills and Kisses
Turn the pain into power
Right time
I am good but not an angel

Every flower must grow through the mud to blossom as do we

274 6 0
By harlowxxwrites


7 years ago

Her touch made me feel alive.

What the hell did Corel want. Ugh.

I jogged down the stairs because he sounded worried on the phone.

As I made my way to the bottom step I halted. I spotted our rivals. Shit. I shouldn't have brought her here.

Corel and Ivan looked at me for direction but there were 3 of us and a school of them.


We left them in pretty bad shape last time. They aren't good news and they don't care what mess they leave. Because daddy's money solves all of their problems. They are above the law with influence and money. They have connections and so do we. However, we aren't above the fucking law. But whatever we say means nothing compared to whatever they say. It overrules everything. They get away with groping girls, drugging them and we taught them a lesson once. Now they were here for payback. I couldn't do this not now. We knew who hosted the party, however, we weren't best buds. This whole house was full of people outside town, and it wasn't our turf.

"Hey, Marcus." Aaron the leader of the pack said.

"You're looking better than the last time I saw you." I retorted. He could barely walk when we left him. Rumours were going round he had broken an arm, but it was just speculation.

Ivan and Corel flanked me. One at either side. I glanced briefly at the stairs not drawing much attention but just hoping Del wouldn't come down.

We know how to fight but Jackie Chan would be at a loss at this one.

I knew how this would play out after a few words were thrown back and forth at each other and I knew time wasn't in our favour.

Anger coursed me. He had just ruined a moment with me and Del.

I clenched my jaw and gripped my fists sweat coating my back. I aimed for his jaw not wasting a second and slammed my shot. He tumbled back into his friends arms, and I looked over at Corel to grab Del who had picked up where I was and with who. Ivan was quickly retrained by 2 guys holding his arms behind his back. A few others ran up the stairs after Corel and I was in a standoff with fucking Aaron.

In the corner of my view, I saw Del acting as a bystander on the top step while Corel stood by trying to take the few guys coming at him one after another. She was smart. Element of surprise is all we have in store. Corel took a few hits and then she jabbed the blonde in the neck. He stumbled and then fell on the steps. Okay, they knew she was with us now. Fuck.

Aaron's eyes were distracted by Del, so I ran into him. Taking him out with every ounce of strength I had. We both tumbled to the ground. I fell on top of him, and he was quick to react and punched me on the cheek. Little shit that stung good. My head spun but I got to my feet and tried to hold my stance again.

"Get them both." His head tilted to Corel and Del and his guys piled up the stairs.

"Run!" I shouted to them. They could maybe take 1 or 2 but 4 was pushing it.

I would kill them. If they hurt, her. We needed to leave now.

Aaron just laughed and before I could even understand what was so amusing, I got smacked over the back of my head and lost my footing sending me into a spiral of darkness.


My head was aching, and blood dripped down my forehead. My vision started to come back into focus again and I saw Corel and Ivan and Del sitting on sunbeds. Was I dreaming? What the fuck. I was situated at the top of the pool end, and I tried to hold my head still to concentrate, but my hands were tied with rope. They came prepared. Bastards. Ivan on the long side of the pool nearest me with Corel then Del all with their hands bound on sunbeds. Aaron's laughter drilled through me, and he was sitting on the edge of a sunbed across from me at the other side of the pool drinking beer and his buddies loitered around him.

"Here's whats going to happen. We are going to do to you what you did to us." Aaron's voice drummed through me. He was never original. If you wanted to get vengeance at least invent a bit of fun.

Del's face was dropped her eyes diverted down and her hair fell in front of her covering her face. She only had a white vest top and her wet jeans still on. She must be freezing. Shit. I would kill Aaron for fucking messing with her.

"Where did you find this one, huh?" He stood beside her brushing her hair behind her ears and she flinched and scowled at his touch.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I demanded.

"You don't seem to be the one in command. I will touch who I God damn want to." He whispered into her ear but loud enough for us wanting me to hear.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Reggie the guy Del was with in the pool at the side of the house. Hidden in certain lights by the darkness but visible from where I was. He scanned the show in front of him. He was our only hope now.

I wanted to show Del there was more to life tonight and this was happening. Fury burned my body, and I couldn't focus as blood continued to still spill down my face.

One of Aaron's mates ran up by his side and minutes later a rumour spread like wildfire that the police had turned up or were on their way. I just laughed as Reggie gestured a thumbs up and it clicked, he had saved our asses.

"We aren't finished. This was a warning, and we will be back for the girl. You just sit up in your castle until we come and save you." He then placed a kiss on Del's forehead, but she spat on him and told him to 'Fuck off!' Rage filled me and I wanted to rip his head right off.

Everyone scattered from the party, and I managed to undo the rope and was about to make my way over to Del but Reggie was already assisting her. I helped Ivan and then Corel.

As I got closer to Del, I noticed her lip was bleeding but I didn't want to coddle her. I knew she didn't like a fuss and unfortunately, she was all too used to this.

We made our way around the house and to my car. Ivan limped and Corey had a bruise forming around his jaw. Corel had been hit badly.

"Let's go and get them." Corel cooed.

"We need to wait. There are more of them, and we are injured." I patted his neck, but he nudged me off angrily.

I knew he wanted payback as did I. But it wasn't the time. Del shouldn't be with us for that.

Reggie spoke to Del as she got into the car, and she gave him a tight hug. Jealousy covered me.

Cordelia sat in the back silent and I didn't know what to say. This was fucking awful. It had all gone to shit.

I wanted her fucking stepdad, her shitty English teacher to be disintegrated and forgotten and now Aaron had fucked with her. How much can someone take? She has had to deal with all of this at such a young age and none of it is final - maybe accept Harrison - it's all on fire and I need to finalise each evil.

I wanted her to see that life had opportunities. To see she had hope. And I had made everything 100 times worse.


7 years ago

My hood was drawn, and my nails dug into my hands. I tasted the coppery flavour of my blood, and my face was tender to the touch.

Despite the usual person being traumatised and scared after that. I felt alive. That kind of felt pretty amazing. It felt like I woke up from a 3-year coma and was ready to take on the world. Of course, the punches I took weren't liberating and the blood tickled my skin, however, I enjoyed the chase. I enjoyed the fuel I felt course through my body and it felt like I was floating. The throws I took knocked some sense into me because now I realised the hits weren't the bad part. The losing was.

The only thing eating away at my brain was the thought that they would come back and find me. But I would be prepared next time if it came to that. My body felt sore, but I hadn't eaten much today and that was my most important issue at rise right now. "Can we stop and get food?" I broke the thick silence, and my voice came out quieter than I wanted it to. "Please." I murmured.

"We can go back to mine, and well order food as soon as we get in." Marcus chimed in.

"I could do with food." Ivan added.

"You already ate 2 dinners already." Corel followed. I laughed.

"When I fight, I use more energy." Ivan threw back.

"We will eat like Kings tonight." Ivan stated and then Corel followed. "And Queens." A smile aligned my lips. I felt included. A little more appreciated for once in my life instead of being a burden.

Corel could be nice? God. I thought I would never see the day.

"Cordelia, what food are you feeling like?" Corel asked.

"Hmm. Burgers, fries and raspberry ripple ice cream with a flake and sprinkles on top." My voice growing with enthusiasm.

The car broke into chuckles, and I laughed too. Again.


Marcus ordered food and we all sat at his kitchen table. Noel was nowhere in sight and when I ran upstairs, he wasn't in his room either. That was weird. I dug in taking my chicken burger, lettuce pouring out the sides and ranch dressing covering it. My stomach rumbled at the smell, and it made me delirious. I took a massive bite missing half my mouth but still relishing in the blast of flavours. I then took a sip of coke. My lip stung but it quickly passed. Ivan filled his plate to the roof and still took food from the middle eating it while preserving his plate for when it suited him. Corel ate a standard portion not ramming it down his throat like his fellow buddy here and Marcus just sat with a glass of water placed in front of him hardly touching the food.

"I'm so sorry, Del. I didn't know they would be there, or I would've never brought you." Sympathy covered Marcus's voice. Ivan stopped chewing and Corel shut his mouth.

"I actually had a splendid time. I would do it all over again if I could but if I could replay the event in my head and then go back, I would dodge a few less punches." I took a sip. Ivan butted in. "I like this one." I didn't know they were capable of kindness. My God. What is going on these days? My stepdad was acting off and now this. I ate my ice cream and then placed my plates in the dishwasher.

Corel and Ivan took the spare bedroom downstairs, and I made my way up to Noel's room.

"You can use my bath if you want?" Marcus sneaked up behind me. I could do with a bath after the chaos of tonight. "That would be great." I pulled a smile.

His bathroom was dark grey and black. He had a massive, big walk-in shower with a stone bath in the centre of the room. It was stunning. How had no one shown me this before? Noel's bathroom would be gathering dust if I knew about this sooner. I ran the bath and added some applewood bubble bath. Marcus knocked on the door as I sat on the edge of the bath still fully clothed waiting for the bath to fill. Here are some towels. He placed them down on the counter.

"Cordelia. I am so so....." I cut him off and placed my lips against his gently and lightly. Just a brush against his. His hot breath covered my face. I then held onto his shoulders and pushed myself away. "Don't be."

He stilled and then proceeded.

"I need you.... I want you to know I want you not out of convenience but because I love you. I wish I realised sooner what was going on behind those mysterious brown eyes. I will wait for you Cordelia until you're of age and ready." He brushed my hair behind my ear and caressed my jaw with his thumb.

My head sang with his words. No one except Noel had loved me and the words felt so surreal. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He confirmed everything I ever dreamt of. But I couldn't comprehend why he would love an old piece of trash like me. He could get any girl he wanted, and he wanted me. My mouth went drier than the Sahara Desert and my eyes battled the tears building an army behind them.

I'm sure most people would say the world would be less complicated without me and I've been trying to hide from people for years behind hoodies, walls, individuals and now he was here, and he wanted me. My heart ached. Someone finally liked who I was and what I was despite my mishaps and flaws.

But still trauma and trust don't come hand in hand. I'll never forget how worthless I felt. How futile my existence upon this planet was. How I was so small and yet such a load. How I walked into a room not saying a word but left with 3 new bruises due to my lack of rudeness and disrespect. Every single day I told myself it would get easier. But the hole within me grew and grew and that little light that remained become invisible. I knew my stepdad was a horrible man but with every remark and every punch, you begin to question your own reliability. Maybe he was right. Maybe I am a piece of shit. Maybe I am a waste of space. Why do I even breathe the same air as such a man with such aspirations and ambitions and then there's me? But Noel held my chin up for so long and now I had found someone who loved me for who I was and not the façade I rein acted depending upon the situation or day or my mood swings. Instead of pretending to everyone my life was better than the scope of anyones imagination. He saw right through me and saw me as Cordelia and that's all I have ever wanted. To be seen. To be heard. To be loved.

Love Harlow Xoxo

Thank you for reading!!!

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