"I Will Never Ever.... Stop L...

By thomassangster01

17.3K 269 20

Although Allísa grew up in a Hobbit home but she wasn't a hobbit, in fact she was an elf. A royal elf for tha... More



342 6 0
By thomassangster01




"Curse that halfling!", Dwalin states in anger. "Now he's lost?", Dwalin questioned furiously. "I thought he was with Dori", Dwalin exclaimed as Dori's eye grew wide in fear, not quite sure how to address this current situation.

"Don't blame me!", Dori screamed in earnest. No one, including my eyes, has ever seen him so, well, angry. I partly blame myself for not keeping an eye on him and being so fascinated with Goblins, at least trying to run away from horrendous torture to take care of others.

"Did anyone see where he had gone?", I asked desperately, watching the Dwarfs in front of me exchange glances. My tense start raced wildly through my veins and down to my fingertips.

"I think saw him slip away when they first collared us,", One of the Dwarfs opened his mouth, lighting a small spark of hope deep within my soul. I knew my uncle, I knew who he was, and I knew that there was grace, mercy, and courage in his heart. I knew without a doubt that one day he would leave me.

"And what happened, exactly?", Gandalf questioned, but only silence remained whilst a few uneasy glances were exchange in the process. "Tell me", Gandalf exclaimed furiously.

"I'll tell you what happened,", Thorin grumbled lowly. "Master baggin saw his chance and took it," Thorin spoke, his gaze remaining upon the dwarves as I kept my head low. "Has though of nothing but his soft bed", he hissed angrily. "His warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door,", he stated with a cold blunt stare as I stood in anger, my hands balled up into fists by my sides. "We will not be seeing our hobbit again. He's nothing but a rotten hobbit pub"

"Stop", I mumble, struggle to contain my anger, close my eyes, and try to control the fierce heaviness in my heart as I clench my fists. My knuckles turning white.

"A backstabbing cheat,", He looked at the Dwarf and Gandalf. I took a deep breath, and the smoke of hatred began to rise. I felt the enmity seeping into my soul, and there were only shadows of darkness reviving.

"Stop", I bowed my head, furrowed my eyebrows, and muttered again. My hands start to tremble. Evil and false words poured into my mind, and my condition was almost ready to believe Thorin's lies.

"He's a liar", the Dwarf King paused, "A coward", Thorin scowled, looking to his men as they exchanged troubled glances; not believe the words that were coming from their king mouth, "Nothing but a worthless spirit", Thorin's words rumbled like thunder, the intense agitation within my heart beginning to get the best of me and I had it.

"I said stop, don't you dare say another word about my uncle", I barked and raised my voice, and as everyone turned to me saddly, his eyebrows suddenly furrowed, and his expression rotted more than ever.

"What?", Thorin looked at me and asked mockingly. As he clenched her fists, anger boiled in his chest. He stood firm and brushed aside such terrible lies and false claims.

"I said shut your mouth", I declared, I am not afraid to own my figure. His heart was pure coal, nothing but darkness descending from his soul. "I would suggest you choose your next words very wisely"

"Please", Thorin mumbled lowly, not taking me seriously; almost as if I was nothing but something to find humorous. "It's the truth", he stated bluntly, my eyes narrowing in anger.

"You know nothing about him", I glared viciously, my fists were clenched so hard that my pulse was dying, and my blood was boiling with rage.

"Oh, I think you're terribly wrong," he nodded to himself. "Tell me Allísa," he paused as he began to stride over to where I stood, not breaking the eye contact whatsoever, "Because this, I believe, is rather strange", his voice became dragged and rumbled deeply. "Any righteous man would never abandon his own kin, " he stated looking to me mischievously. "Even if it meant saving his own flash and blood, "Thorin looked to the dwarves before turning his full attention toward me. "To think he would've taken you with him," Thorin spat.

"Considering you're his only blood relative" he exhaled softly. "Guess you're not worth his time. Turns out your like the rest of us", he raised his head in accomplishment; his brow lifted. "Dead weight" he spat bluntly in all seriousness. "Filthy scum" he exhaled deeply. "A useless elf-ling" Thorin looked to me with nothing more that utmost hatred. "Nothing more than a-"

"Enough of this!", Gandalf shouted in anger as he lifted his hand along with his words of power, catching Thorin and I off guard. Thorin stepped back from my figure. I couldn't comprehend the pain, the hurt, and the aching chills without my soul.

Was I truly nothing more than a mistake? Was I truly and honestly nothing more than a dreadful useless dead weight burden?

I personally started to believe Thorin's words. My thoughts stopped abruptly, and I let the verbal pain seep in. I couldn't understand why his heart was so cold to me. To be honest, I've never done anything to hurt someone like Thorin Oakenshield.

"Doesn't matter", Thorin hissed, shrugging his shoulders as if he said meant nothing more than words. "Your burglar won't be coming back," he shifted his weight feeling as if he had succeeded his deadline. "Like I said," he paused not breaking eye contact. "He's long gone."

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